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Truck driver who killed Chilean cyclist in Korat fined THB7,500


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He confessed... well that makes it all better, doesn't it?

That's the first thing which occurred to me. Did he do a runner, because if he didn't how can he confess to driving the vehicle?. Outrageous.

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I know this truck driver wasn't drunk but killed a foreigner and gets 7500 baht fine and suspended jail whereas (if my memory serves me right recently a foreigner who was over the limit on a scooter after only being here for 4 hours had a RTA killing another scooter rider and that the Thai family of the deceased are demanding $100000 and he cannot even leave the country - I'm not Thai bashing as you put it just seems very one sided - "do as I say not as I do" Amazing LOS

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Very obviously most people here do not understand the difference between a death by negligent behavior and a premeditated murder.

Instead of starting a witch hunt if the parents are rich and a Thailand bashing when the guy is poor, spend some time getting information and facts about criminal law. Honestly these discussions are getting more and more embarrassing

What's embarrassing is your defence.

Indeed, embarrassing, and if you reply to this thread you are Thai bashing. Thai apologists are pathetic.

There are people whose racist and xenophobic characteristics make it impossible to look at issues with any sense of objectivity or clarity.

You call those who employ linear logic and reason "Thai Apologists."

You have the right to your opinions, but not your own dangerous and narcissistic "facts."

This was an accident. Pure and simple.

It was an accident that cost human life. And yes, made worse by the fact that the people killed were really admirable and inspiring.

The reaction to this story has a lynch mob mentality that exposes a very childish side to the "adults" on this forum.

In this case, the dark and sad truth comes to the surface.

And here it is:

Thai Visa is heavily weighted by racist and xenophobic haters who would never be happy anywhere. They left their Farang Homeland, and came to a country of a completely different race, culture and creed.

Then act SURPRISED when it was so different from home. Of course, that solicits the predictable and reasonable "if it sucks so bad, go home..." reply.

People, please ... show some dignity, respect and class. There are no winners in this story ... only "Whiners" Your whole "Thai People think life is cheap" rant is old and tired.

By the way, if you did ever take time to undersatnd the history and religion of the country you are a GUEST in, you might understand why the reaction you see when people are hurt or die .. is so different form the western way. It does not mean that Thais do not FEEL the same way ... it does not mean they do not value life, yours and theirs ... it is what they show in public, and how they show it.

And so here is a headline. All over the world, everyday, there are tragic traffic accidents. When it is determined that it was a "no fault" accident ... the process ends, everyone has a good cry , and life goes on.

I wish the Foreigners here would man up sometime and act like adults, instead of a bunch of Whining Nancy's who can not accept that sometimes in the adult world, bad things happen and it sucks ... get over it.

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Instead of throwing people in jail for years in case something bad happens, there should be a serious enforcement of revoking driving licenses in case of endangering other road users. If people then keep on driving without license, then its time to throw them in jail.

Something bad happen because the driver was careless and in the west that would be vehicle homicide, jail time! You would not feel the same if it happen to you.

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What is the point of having laws? They might as well hang signs in front of all Thai jails stating "NO VACANCY"

or place them on the front of their foreheads removing the "no" part

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I don't think that incarceration is the best teacher. Probably stiffening the requirements to get a driving license and assigning additional driving instruction and community service to negligent drivers would be more effective. Punishment alone isn't effective for many people; however, a professor at my university who hit and a bicyclist while driving drunk lost his job, his driving license and had to pay a large fine. That DID teach him.

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Very obviously most people here do not understand the difference between a death by negligent behavior and a premeditated murder.

Instead of starting a witch hunt if the parents are rich and a Thailand bashing when the guy is poor, spend some time getting information and facts about criminal law. Honestly these discussions are getting more and more embarrassing

What's embarrassing is your defence.

Indeed, embarrassing, and if you reply to this thread you are Thai bashing. Thai apologists are pathetic.

There are people whose racist and xenophobic characteristics make it impossible to look at issues with any sense of objectivity or clarity.

You call those who employ linear logic and reason "Thai Apologists."

You have the right to your opinions, but not your own dangerous and narcissistic "facts."

This was an accident. Pure and simple.

It was an accident that cost human life. And yes, made worse by the fact that the people killed were really admirable and inspiring.

The reaction to this story has a lynch mob mentality that exposes a very childish side to the "adults" on this forum.

In this case, the dark and sad truth comes to the surface.

And here it is:

Thai Visa is heavily weighted by racist and xenophobic haters who would never be happy anywhere. They left their Farang Homeland, and came to a country of a completely different race, culture and creed.

Then act SURPRISED when it was so different from home. Of course, that solicits the predictable and reasonable "if it sucks so bad, go home..." reply.

People, please ... show some dignity, respect and class. There are no winners in this story ... only "Whiners" Your whole "Thai People think life is cheap" rant is old and tired.

By the way, if you did ever take time to undersatnd the history and religion of the country you are a GUEST in, you might understand why the reaction you see when people are hurt or die .. is so different form the western way. It does not mean that Thais do not FEEL the same way ... it does not mean they do not value life, yours and theirs ... it is what they show in public, and how they show it.

And so here is a headline. All over the world, everyday, there are tragic traffic accidents. When it is determined that it was a "no fault" accident ... the process ends, everyone has a good cry , and life goes on.

I wish the Foreigners here would man up sometime and act like adults, instead of a bunch of Whining Nancy's who can not accept that sometimes in the adult world, bad things happen and it sucks ... get over it.

Ill willingly buy you a Thai bicycle for that comment

Edited by kannot
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4 years ago a farang I know accidentally killed a Thai person whilst driving. He was not drunk and the Thai person was at fault. This farang was fined 400,000 baht and blacklisted from Thailand. If you Thai people continue to treat foreigners as dogs in your land I hope they will stop coming. You do not deserve the revenue which tourist bring. How do Thai people wish to be treated when they are overseas?

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No ! not 3rd world !!

This is below 3rd world !

is thius than animal planet ? monkeys and donkeys ??

terrible for the victims family !!

That would for sure not even happen in 3rd world !!

260,- $ - for killing a man on the street !!

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4 years ago a farang I know accidentally killed a Thai person whilst driving. He was not drunk and the Thai person was at fault. This farang was fined 400,000 baht and blacklisted from Thailand. If you Thai people continue to treat foreigners as dogs in your land I hope they will stop coming. You do not deserve the revenue which tourist bring. How do Thai people wish to be treated when they are overseas?

The blacklisted part seems pretty unusual.

Was your acquaintance convicted of any crime in connection with the death?

If not, it's hard to see how or why he would have been blacklisted.

Perhaps there was something more going on with that case?

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I don't know the specifics to this accident so it's hard to make any sound judgement on the level of negligence.

I would not live in a country that threw people in jail for years because of an "accident"... it can happen to me for what ever reason... it hasn't happened to me in 50+ years of driving for a reason. I am cautious and experienced and I use common sense when driving. Many thai people do not have any sense, let alone common when it comes to driving.

I agree with with the first part of the poster above, but the second half of your reply is just wrong... yes the culture and belief make the death different, but explain the disparity between a farang being strung up and a thai person only paying 7500 baht... You can't, don't even try... its injustice and its the way they play here.

The accident is tragic indeed and I feel for their loss and the fine and makes it even harder to stomach...

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hope chile will compensate !!

next 10 thai drivers which have a accident in Chile,

for min. 10 years in Jail !!,

100.000,- $ fine or additional jail !!

and ask UN not only watch this country for human trafficing,

no UN should exclude Thai until they get at laest developed to 3rd country level !!

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I thought that just maybe they would have made an example of him.

I'm blown away by this and I'm sure the family of that poor will sleep better knowing they get 7500 bht or is that fine to go to the police for cleaning up his body? What a horrible country this is now...be ashamed of yourself Thailand.

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Once again the world pays witness to the fact that you can drive recklessly in Thailand, kill a person and walk away basically without penalty. I wonder if the family of the deceased will be asking for compensation.

Cast your minds back recently of the young lad who was allegedly drunk and smashed into another bike with three people on it ... one died. The young lad is being held until the ransom money (aka compensation) is paid up to the victims. Don't see that happening to a Thai, they just walk.

Seriously this country is a complete and utter joke and nothing more than a pimple on the arse of humanity.

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Sure if you compare the penalties with other countries under similar circumstances, this penalty seems to be light.

But, if you consider the actual affects of how this will keep the driver from doing it again. I don't know if many people commenting have read more than the title of the article, but he received a 1 year sentence in prison plus the fine. Surely one year in a Thai prison will be apt punishment for a 64 year old and give him much time to regret his poor driving. But they didn't require anything to make him a better driver, such as a special driving school. And lets not forget that another party is probably just as much at fault as the driver, and that it the truck. So many of these trucks are ill-maintained and probably challenging for even the world's best drivers to drive safely.

What driving school? Another with that "No Fail" policy?

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No wonder this country is in a mess,,,No one to Police the laws and rules and regulations and Court rulings on the law worse than a Kangaroo Court

beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Please Mister PM Don't flog a Death Horse,,,Change the Police and the Judicial Tribunal

So that this Country can Rely on the Justice system and sleep easy at night

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I don't know the specifics to this accident so it's hard to make any sound judgement on the level of negligence.

I would not live in a country that threw people in jail for years because of an "accident"... it can happen to me for what ever reason... it hasn't happened to me in 50+ years of driving for a reason. I am cautious and experienced and I use common sense when driving. Many thai people do not have any sense, let alone common when it comes to driving.

I agree with with the first part of the poster above, but the second half of your reply is just wrong... yes the culture and belief make the death different, but explain the disparity between a farang being strung up and a thai person only paying 7500 baht... You can't, don't even try... its injustice and its the way they play here.

The accident is tragic indeed and I feel for their loss and the fine and makes it even harder to stomach...

I recall the report from when it happened. The Pick up driver "Swerved " across the road and hit the cyclist on the same side of the road.The Pickup was travelling so fast that it rolled , So it was obscenely wreckless

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Kill somebody and get a $200 fine.

You're leaving out the 1 year jail term because that suits you better.

KORAT: -- The truck driver who killed a round-the-world Chilean cyclist on a Korat highway has been sentenced to prison but wont have to actually go to jail as the sentence was suspended.

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4 years ago a farang I know accidentally killed a Thai person whilst driving. He was not drunk and the Thai person was at fault. This farang was fined 400,000 baht and blacklisted from Thailand. If you Thai people continue to treat foreigners as dogs in your land I hope they will stop coming. You do not deserve the revenue which tourist bring. How do Thai people wish to be treated when they are overseas?

This guy is going to jail. Would you preferred it if the foreigner you knew would have been sent to jail?
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