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Johnny Depp's dogs face death in Australia


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Oh dear, I did say Hollywood Royalty.

But anyway, a little test.

If the average Australian saw Tony Abbott walking down the street how do you think they'd address him?

If the average American met Obama or Bush (marks 1, 2 and potentially 3) how do you think they'd address them....?

I don't think you can write that on Thai Visa. The profanity rule I think would not allow it.

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Hilarious. I live clowns. They make world an entertaining place.

Johnny Depp is not royalty. He is an actor. Yes, people admire him and he is looked up to because of his movies and his charitable work, but most could give 2 shiiiyttes less and that is a far cry from considering royalty. You poor souls are caught up in the labels and apparent insecurities of somehow being less than . . . Ah, but the world needs clowns too.

Oh dear, I did say Hollywood Royalty.

But anyway, a little test.

If the average Australian saw Tony Abbott walking down the street how do you think they'd address him?

If the average American met Obama or Bush (marks 1, 2 and potentially 3) how do you think they'd address them....?

I dunno or care. Take a poll if you do.

you poor dear...


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Want to compare countries for treatment of pets?

2.7 millionNumber of adoptable cats and dogs euthanised in shelters each year in USA with population of approx 319 million


Total pets euthanised at shelters in Oz approx 40k - Oz population around 23 million


By all means, come here and adopt a few that need good homes or stop acting all high mighty like you give a crap.

We do have a serious over population of dogs and cats. Perhaps this would not be the case if we considered them food and ate them.

Posted for fun & expected an OTT reply - Relax

Sure you did which is why you took time to look it up. At least man up . . . Just more pedestal or soap box but no action mentality from the same people that want to force countries to accept a bunch of broke, uneducated boat people.

Such an angry man.

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By all means, come here and adopt a few that need good homes or stop acting all high mighty like you give a crap.

We do have a serious over population of dogs and cats. Perhaps this would not be the case if we considered them food and ate them.

Posted for fun & expected an OTT reply - Relax

Sure you did which is why you took time to look it up. At least man up . . . Just more pedestal or soap box but no action mentality from the same people that want to force countries to accept a bunch of broke, uneducated boat people.

Such an angry man.

Psychologists now. Better at clown job. More entertaining. What the world needs now . . . Love that song, fill in the rest is appropriate for here.

Edited by F430murci
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Mate, they might be murdering parasites, but at least they are OUR murdering parasites. smile.png

They'd make short work of Depp's little yapppers.

The real Aussie personality comes out.
Nope, Aussies are actually cool people. I spent a lot if time surfing throughout Australia over the last 30 years. Love the place and people. Clowns like Joyce and those defending him are few and far between and certainly not representative of the Australians I admire. All countries have their clowns.

You are a troll who knows absolutely didly shit about Australia, Joyce and his boss are tools but that doesn't make the self centred yanky Depp exempt from australian laws. You are just pissed off because your precious American idol comitted a serious criminal offence and got caught and you think laws of other lands dont apply to Americans, now Bugger Off" back to troll land.

P.S Bugger Off is not an offensive or derogatory term unlike the term used in America "Fanny" which translates to C%nt in Australia so I wont use the term.

Too funny. Its 5:30 so time for one more post before I get up and get ready to take daughters for brunch. One of my daughters just graduated valedictorian of her class. That is what life is about. This is complete brainless activity that is somewhat comical and I could give a crap less about what Johnny Depp, you or Australia. To say I am pissed or angry implies that I at least care. I don't.

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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard should have been charged say legal experts

HOLLYWOOD superstar Johnny Depp should have been charged as soon as authorities discovered he smuggled his pet dogs into Australia, a legal expert has revealed.

And an assistant for Depp and his wife Amber Heard believed to have carried their pet pooches off a private jet concealed in a handbag along with the aircraft operator, could both face fines and criminal charges.

Depps now two infamous Yorkshire terriers, Boo and Pistol, were last night believed to have safely been back on American soil.

The furballs were issued an export licence and departed the Gold Coast on Friday night on their very own private jet, just hours before a 9.40am Saturday deadline for them to be euthanised.

However it is understood the two tiny pooches were due to be rigorously inspected by US customs upon their return with America not classifying Australia as a rabies-free zone.


I hope all those that slammed and criticized Australia's customs laws and procedures will now be slamming the U.S for rigorously inspecting the poor dogs and requiring Depp to have the appropriate paper work. Requiring the same standards as Australia they are acting just like those uncivilised barbaric Aussies who picked on a poor innocent American citizen.

The Americans here who have felt offended had been because despite the myth of their meritocratic society they all love a bit of stature and respect paid to the higher ups.

Then when officials in a country where people still like to call the prime minister by his or her first name tell Hollywood royalty to shove it, they go bonkers in the same way the Brits did when Keating guided the queen with his had near her back.

Truth is, the yanks have become as socially stratisfied as the old country they tore away from.

Hilarious. I live clowns. They make world an entertaining place.

Johnny Depp is not royalty. He is an actor. Yes, people admire him and he is looked up to because of his movies and his charitable work, but most could give 2 shiiiyttes less and that is a far cry from considering royalty. You poor souls are caught up in the labels and apparent insecurities of somehow being less than . . . Ah, but the world needs clowns too.

Oh dear, I did say Hollywood Royalty.

But anyway, a little test.

If the average Australian saw Tony Abbott walking down the street how do you think they'd address him?

If the average American met Obama or Bush (marks 1, 2 and potentially 3) how do you think they'd address them....?

Abbot has been pretty silent on this as far as I have seen and perhaps wisely so after his empty promise to shirt-front Vladimir Putin.

I can say what GW Bush said was the common way over eight years that so many Americans waved their hand at him as he drove by in his motorcade....that practically everyone waved with only one finger.

I dunno whether Prez Obama takes his dog on his trips abroad, but probably not....Australia especially, but I'd be sure the US Marines could get him out of it if he did. biggrin.png Let's see if Johnny Depp gets a US Marine escort out after finishing the latest pirate movie.

The down under thing to include in NZ that Hollywood is a substitute for royalty and a longing for royalty in the American psyche is a wishful myth and expresses a cultural deficit down there that is so very laughable. cheesy.giflaugh.png

Got some real comedians down there. clap2.gif

Edited by Publicus
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Fact is hadn't ever met an Aussie during 50 years in the USA and not until over here where I've met a whole bunch of 'em and worked over time with a great number of 'em.

Used to always consider y'all down there have built a pretty good and impressive place and I still think so. Fact is Aussies know their stuff. Americans besides look at Australia and Australians today and not of the distant past.

Johnny Depp broke your laws there and that's fact but Barnaby Joyce is a politician and an arse if there's a difference anywhere between the two, not just down under.

Meeting so many Aussies here has definitely changed my perception and radically so, at least concerning almost all of those who are here in this place. Made me not want to go there at all cause I'm concerned those there might be the same or too much like them that's here.

Frankly speaking.

So the bloodlust after the terriers and the extreme hostility toward Mr. Depp was no surprise either.

A lotta chip on the shoulder jealousy and unfortunate hostility involved in the attitudes from down there. The one topic that draws immediate and universal sympathy to Americans from others in the West is to say something about Australians vis-a-vis the United States, and that is fact.

This thread is a brief course in how to make an eccentric movie star indulged in terriers and breaking a country's legitimate laws look like a hero. clap2.gif

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Fact is hadn't ever met an Aussie during 50 years in the USA and not until over here where I've met a whole bunch of 'em and worked over time with a great number of 'em.

Used to always consider y'all down there have built a pretty good and impressive place and I still think so. Fact is Aussies know their stuff. Americans besides look at Australia and Australians today and not of the distant past.

Johnny Depp broke your laws there and that's fact but Barnaby Joyce is a politician and an arse if there's a difference anywhere between the two, not just down under.

Meeting so many Aussies here has definitely changed my perception and radically so, at least concerning almost all of those who are here in this place. Made me not want to go there at all cause I'm concerned those there might be the same or too much like them that's here.

Frankly speaking.

So the bloodlust after the terriers and the extreme hostility toward Mr. Depp was no surprise either.

A lotta chip on the shoulder jealousy and unfortunate hostility involved in the attitudes from down there. The one topic that draws immediate and universal sympathy to Americans from others in the West is to say something about Australians vis-a-vis the United States, and that is fact.

This thread is a brief course in how to make an eccentric movie star indulged in terriers and breaking a country's legitimate laws look like a hero. clap2.gif

Now, now - hate the sin and not the sinner.

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Fact is hadn't ever met an Aussie during 50 years in the USA and not until over here where I've met a whole bunch of 'em and worked over time with a great number of 'em.

Used to always consider y'all down there have built a pretty good and impressive place and I still think so. Fact is Aussies know their stuff. Americans besides look at Australia and Australians today and not of the distant past.

Johnny Depp broke your laws there and that's fact but Barnaby Joyce is a politician and an arse if there's a difference anywhere between the two, not just down under.

Meeting so many Aussies here has definitely changed my perception and radically so, at least concerning almost all of those who are here in this place. Made me not want to go there at all cause I'm concerned those there might be the same or too much like them that's here.

Frankly speaking.

So the bloodlust after the terriers and the extreme hostility toward Mr. Depp was no surprise either.

A lotta chip on the shoulder jealousy and unfortunate hostility involved in the attitudes from down there. The one topic that draws immediate and universal sympathy to Americans from others in the West is to say something about Australians vis-a-vis the United States, and that is fact.

This thread is a brief course in how to make an eccentric movie star indulged in terriers and breaking a country's legitimate laws look like a hero. clap2.gif

Now, now - hate the sin and not the sinner.

Been a retired Catholic since my confirmation at age 16 and have seen a succession of popes pass this way but unfortunately only one as a Jesuit. .

I take the secular humanist approach which is to sing kumbaya until the priest arrives. wink.png

I can remember when we secular humanists were about 7% of the US population and now we're almost 25% of it and forever increasing, sort of like how the universe is always expanding. That may be an obscure comparison but so what.

Never owned a dog btw cause don't like animals around the house. I see birds in a cage around here and I wanna let 'em out but that would break their laws and I wouldn't want to do that abroad, for sure......

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I think we need to put the whole thing in perspective. Why don't you start a thread, " Who should bugger off? A. Boo and Pistol or B. Barnaby Joyce."

That way Mr. Joyce could get a realistic idea of how the rest of the world feels about him.

I'm betting only Chooka and one or two others would vote against the cute little doggies.

I'd keep Barnaby. Any politician that tells so called famous people to bugger off has my vote.

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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard should have been charged say legal experts

HOLLYWOOD superstar Johnny Depp should have been charged as soon as authorities discovered he smuggled his pet dogs into Australia, a legal expert has revealed.

And an assistant for Depp and his wife Amber Heard believed to have carried their pet pooches off a private jet concealed in a handbag along with the aircraft operator, could both face fines and criminal charges.

Depps now two infamous Yorkshire terriers, Boo and Pistol, were last night believed to have safely been back on American soil.

The furballs were issued an export licence and departed the Gold Coast on Friday night on their very own private jet, just hours before a 9.40am Saturday deadline for them to be euthanised.

However it is understood the two tiny pooches were due to be rigorously inspected by US customs upon their return with America not classifying Australia as a rabies-free zone.


I hope all those that slammed and criticized Australia's customs laws and procedures will now be slamming the U.S for rigorously inspecting the poor dogs and requiring Depp to have the appropriate paper work. Requiring the same standards as Australia they are acting just like those uncivilised barbaric Aussies who picked on a poor innocent American citizen.

The Americans here who have felt offended had been because despite the myth of their meritocratic society they all love a bit of stature and respect paid to the higher ups.

Then when officials in a country where people still like to call the prime minister by his or her first name tell Hollywood royalty to shove it, they go bonkers in the same way the Brits did when Keating guided the queen with his had near her back.

Truth is, the yanks have become as socially stratisfied as the old country they tore away from.

Hilarious. I live clowns. They make world an entertaining place.

Johnny Depp is not royalty. He is an actor. Yes, people admire him and he is looked up to because of his movies and his charitable work, but most could give 2 shiiiyttes less and that is a far cry from considering royalty. You poor souls are caught up in the labels and apparent insecurities of somehow being less than . . . Ah, but the world needs clowns too.

He has made a few good movies, and his "homosexual" pirate seems to have struck a chord with some, but if he makes any more Lone Ranger attrocities he'll be a laughing stock.

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I think we need to put the whole thing in perspective. Why don't you start a thread, " Who should bugger off? A. Boo and Pistol or B. Barnaby Joyce."

That way Mr. Joyce could get a realistic idea of how the rest of the world feels about him.

I'm betting only Chooka and one or two others would vote against the cute little doggies.

I'd keep Barnaby. Any politician that tells so called famous people to bugger off has my vote.


Buzz poll - dogs live 86% Dogs die 4%

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The commentary from the Sydney Morning Herald shows at the least that not all of the bunch down under lead with their chin.....

But what is it with the Coalition and picking fights?

All governments like a good brawl from time to time (think Wayne Swan v Gina Rinehart, Peter Reith v the wharfies), yet the Abbott crew seem to have a real passion for it.

Can you think of a group - besides superannuants and tradies - that it hasn't tried to go after?

The sick, the young unemployed, uni students, families with kids over six, public servants, ABC and SBS viewers, pensioners and human rights commissioners are just some of the people who have had punches thrown in their direction.

There is also that most villainous of cohorts: women who have just had a baby and dare to access both the government and employer paid parental schemes they are legally entitled to.

And now we can add cute dogs and dashy celebrities to the Coalition's Fight Club list.


We knew Barnaby Joyce was a determined guy when he referred to the perp by his in-trouble name: "John Christopher Depp."


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The commentary from the Sydney Morning Herald shows at the least that not all of the bunch down under lead with their chin.....

But what is it with the Coalition and picking fights?

All governments like a good brawl from time to time (think Wayne Swan v Gina Rinehart, Peter Reith v the wharfies), yet the Abbott crew seem to have a real passion for it.

Can you think of a group - besides superannuants and tradies - that it hasn't tried to go after?

The sick, the young unemployed, uni students, families with kids over six, public servants, ABC and SBS viewers, pensioners and human rights commissioners are just some of the people who have had punches thrown in their direction.

There is also that most villainous of cohorts: women who have just had a baby and dare to access both the government and employer paid parental schemes they are legally entitled to.

And now we can add cute dogs and dashy celebrities to the Coalition's Fight Club list.


We knew Barnaby Joyce was a determined guy when he referred to the perp by his in-trouble name: "John Christopher Depp."


the young unemployed> should get off their lazy butts, put down their machines and get a job. Why should Oz import labour because they don't want to get their hands dirty?

uni students> What, those people studying media and hip hop 5555555555

families with kids over six> who ever said other people should work to support parents with children at school. People shouldn't have kids if they can't support them without sticking out the begging hand.

public servants> Far too many of them, and there are some I'd like to give a good kicking.

ABC> That PC female good/ men bad obsessed channel deserved to lose its taxpayer support.

human rights commissioners> What use are they anyway?

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My favorite part of Publicus' link is this feedback...

This just highlights a mean spirited Government. There are always more than one way of doing things but this Government always goes for the mean and nasty option every time. They like to attack and then belittle. They do not discuss and negotiate, they pound their opponents into submission with volatile language and ramped up fear rhetoric.

Then goes on to say:

It is schoolyard politics at its worst. They must not only win the argument but they must go so hard that they terrify people into never arguing with them again. Or at least that is their plan. In most cases, people see them for the pathetic, petty little weasels that they are hence their negative polls since being elected.

Here is a tip Barnaby. Before opening your mouth, take 3 deep breaths and then do the opposite of what your instincts tell you to do.

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inwardly chuckling about the contexts behind this (seemingly) fiasco...

if you think it's out of this world the hoohaa gone on about 2 pretty puppies - outsiders haven't yet heard the plight of the poor little fruitfly, or the wayward banana

It is all about protection of industries (in this case agriculture, but the results are the same as veterinary).

Dogs'ncats etc - even racehorses owned by the jolly old queenofengland are all subject to the same quarantine laws. Rabies is but the tip of the 'potential' iceberg...

Bananas from Queensland are banned from being brought South anywhere near Coffs Harbour.

Any of your usual household fruits are blockaded from coming down from NSW into within 200 km of Melbourne. There are, although now not so many, Roadblock style checkpointss.

Although, instead of extermination of the offending lifeform - one can stop a kilometre short of the roadblock and eat one's fruit instead of wasting it - sorry cannot eat a dog, as I am not in China bah.gif

Edited by tifino
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Exactly and quite.

The Australian Rabid Dog Minister


So what part of what he said was wrong?

The dogs where brought in illegally possibly threatening the livelihood of people he represents.

He spoke in ways his electorate relates to.


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The very same forum members that scream bloody murder whenever a Thai Hi-So considers him-/herself above the law are up in arms to defend an American actor displaying the same attitude - that the sole purpose of laws is to keep low income earning scum in check.

Is it a mere coincidence that the actor´s last name is actually German and means "twit"?

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How on earth did the dogs get over the border and to a groomer?

They should have been held in AQIS facilities at the airport.

The minister should be looking into THAT!

Private jet,

Celebrities and billionaires think laws don't apply to them. While it shouldn't happen, they often use their clout to bypass controls.

While his mutts are probably clean ,they could have bought rabies (and other nasties)into a country free of the disease,

Australia free of disease. ..get real <deleted>.

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The very same forum members that scream bloody murder whenever a Thai Hi-So considers him-/herself above the law are up in arms to defend an American actor displaying the same attitude - that the sole purpose of laws is to keep low income earning scum in check.

Is it a mere coincidence that the actor´s last name is actually German and means "twit"?

Just had to get that last dig in, huh? Like his last name is meaningful to the discussion. About as meaningful as the fact he's been chosen the sexiest man alive. I'm surprised the minister didn't use that one, too.

Nobody is defending Depp's actions. He screwed up. We are suggesting that maybe there are better solutions than name calling, very personalized disrespect, and threatening to kill his pets.

Because when an elected official comes right out of the blocks like a schoolyard bully, does anyone think that makes Australia (or the world) a better place to live? If his constituency thinks it does, they'll end up with exactly the government they ask for.

The politics of the mean and nasty. I wish it were exclusive to Oz. Sadly, we have it, too. And it seems to get worse every election cycle.

Perhaps that's why we get so many posters on here that find life in Thailand so attractive compared to back home.

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The very same forum members that scream bloody murder whenever a Thai Hi-So considers him-/herself above the law are up in arms to defend an American actor displaying the same attitude - that the sole purpose of laws is to keep low income earning scum in check.

Is it a mere coincidence that the actor´s last name is actually German and means "twit"?

Just had to get that last dig in, huh? Like his last name is meaningful to the discussion. About as meaningful as the fact he's been chosen the sexiest man alive. I'm surprised the minister didn't use that one, too.

Nobody is defending Depp's actions. He screwed up. We are suggesting that maybe there are better solutions than name calling, very personalized disrespect, and threatening to kill his pets.

Because when an elected official comes right out of the blocks like a schoolyard bully, does anyone think that makes Australia (or the world) a better place to live? If his constituency thinks it does, they'll end up with exactly the government they ask for.

The politics of the mean and nasty. I wish it were exclusive to Oz. Sadly, we have it, too. And it seems to get worse every election cycle.

Perhaps that's why we get so many posters on here that find life in Thailand so attractive compared to back home.

he's been chosen the sexiest man alive. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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he's been chosen the sexiest man alive.


The agriculture minister said no one should be able to bypass biosecurity rules, even if they had been voted the world’s sexiest man twice.

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/film/australia-news-blog/2015/may/14/johnny-depps-dogs-must-bugger-off-to-us-or-face-death-after-entering-australia-illegally

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