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Astral, you realy are a sick <deleted>. Go to a doctor and have your self castrated before you get caught.

Astral gave just an explication, how the situation really was in Thailand 30 years ago...

In Thailand, the government changed many old regulations during the last 10 years and replaced that all by laws, which are internationally acceptable....

Moral values are quite different in Thailand or Japan, because both countries are committed to Buddhism and do not consider Christianity as their way of life....

Islam also has its differences with Christianity.... The problem is that strong powerful governments like USA try to force other countries to accept Christianity moral values in every form in your daily life. - This is causing a lot of resistance and mistrust among ordinary people, whose religion is different.

My own opinion about all these child-sex-problems is, that an adult should be able to keep up with responsibility - respecting the law and the rule, that ALL CHILDREN must be protected.

I am not into Christianity and I do not accept the American way of life, which consists in God and one wife, and both are telling me as man, what I have to do....And I am not a male feminist for sure.

My own rule, when with girls is 20 +, I always make a copy of her ID card to be absolut sure....

Minor age - no way.....(anyway I like the girls 25-35 years best, and no way for boys or kids ......)

If you are a person, who cannot control yourself, then ask for urgent medical advice....

If you still ignore that law and rules, that children must be protected, and you do not show up with responsible action by yourself, then I see no other way, you should be locked behind bars......

Should you be a foreigner in Thailand, then I hope Thai Police will arrest you and kick you out of the country as quick as possible and forever....



I suspect child sex crimes have been around an awful long time. Certainly since greek times and pretty sure in Asia too. Just because they are not reported or on a goverments past crime figures does not mean they do not exist.

As for offenders in the present age they should be treated at least as strongly as Thailands drug trafficers. Children need to be protected from these sick people.

They know what they are thinking or doing is very wrong and they should get help straight away, it is a choice they have between right or wrong and is in both their power and interest to find help immediately.

They should NOT be given a SECOND chance to offend. Period !

Moral values are quite different in Thailand or Japan, because both countries are committed to Buddhism and do not consider Christianity as their way of life....

Islam also has its differences with Christianity.... The problem is that strong powerful governments like USA try to force other countries to accept Christianity moral values in every form in your daily life. - This is causing a lot of resistance and mistrust among ordinary people, whose religion is different.

I cut the quote short although I do agree to most of what you say.

The problem is lack of tolerance and always a big non-understanding.

The young boys, put into an army uniform, go to a foreign land and try to do what their chieftain from Texas told them to do, bring democracy and freedom.

Plain nonsense, same as the easily available statement that Thailand, as the land of the free, was never occupied. But give credit to Thailand, free and carefree. Right or wrong, they do what they think is right.

Japan? IMHO very efficient. "They are better than us? OK must be democracy. Fine, than we also make democurazy" (sic)

So give me one leader, who does not care for trhe international or american standard but who uses his (her) brains. I know, I ask for too much.



what is this american way of life shit.

if the american way of life is one god one wife then why take copies of id.

i never said its wrong to play away from home, but how can you say that when you you check id to make sure they are old enough.


I say cut his pecker off and take a picture of it for him to look at instead a little girl bathing.

One of the problems in this world is that nobody wants to be responsible for their own actions. If you want to dance you have to pay the band.

If the child molester did this he should pay!


what is this american way of life shit.

if  the american way of life is one god one wife then why take copies of id.

i never said its wrong to play away from home, but how can you say that when you you check id to make sure they are old enough.

I am European, living in Japan, and I do not care about any American moral values...

For me that is very easy, I do not have a problem with that, and about the girls,

it is not because of the age.....

it is because I do want to know, who is together with me for the next 14 days.....

as I am interested in trouble-free vacation....

Girl without ID card - no way

I do not consider any person, who is illegal, minor, katoy, sexy boy, drug addict and so on, to be my vacation partner....

The last girl was 27, legally divorced, Thai national, good in English, good in swimming, had her own bank-account and driving licence....working in Bangkok part-time in a department store and some office work...and was interested in a nice vacation to be away from all that for a short while.....and not interested in long time relationship...just what I was looking for....

There are plenty of such officegirls and salesgirls around in Bangkok....no need even facing a rip-off in a bar......



This guy is sick. He was seriously sniffing around my 5 year old son in Chiang Mai in January, buying us dinner, offering to babysit and even sending presents to Europe for my son. He's admitted to abusing children as young as 1. Lock him up and throw away the key I say.


A mother that met him

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