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Phuket jet-ski operator found hanging at his home

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Good news at last. Now if the rest of the other 989 operators left, can join him in an eternal reunion, this will indeed be a joyous day.

What an absolute pr@#k you are, you know nothing about this man who took his own life, I'll be hoping you have a fatal car accident over the weekend and I'll be laughing at the loved ones you've left behind who are distraught.

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Doubt there'll be many bleeding hearts for these types. Even if he was one of the honest ones it'll matter not to any of those extorted by other jet ski crooks Over the years

Have a little respect and stop being an ahole all the time.


Reading the above comments, it's obvious that there are so many sick people in thaivisa. Too much ignorant, morons and rednecks....

People are free to write what they want, ups no they are not I forgot and you are part of why ...

Too bad it wasent JJ that hanged himself - he is a true a-hole but there are so many of them unfortunately helping to destroy the country

Freedom in hands of morons is not welcome. This is death of a human being you don't even know. Why to be so mean and inconsiderate?


Maybe business went dead after jetskis were banned . RIP

and they say his girl friend have left him !!

This is Thai life and love !!

Big money, BIG LOVE !

No money, no honey, no love, bye bye my husband,

I have some other one already in the pipeline !!

said - but thats Thaines


Good news at last. Now if the rest of the other 989 operators left, can join him in an eternal reunion, this will indeed be a joyous day.

So said the low-life...


The turmoil in ones mind that would be sufficient to overcome the natural instinct for self preservation would need to be huge. This poor sole is better away and free now of the heartache and pain he surely endured.



Good news at last. Now if the rest of the other 989 operators left, can join him in an eternal reunion, this will indeed be a joyous day.

What an absolute pr@#k you are, you know nothing about this man who took his own life, I'll be hoping you have a fatal car accident over the weekend and I'll be laughing at the loved ones you've left behind who are distraught.

Are you any better with your comment?


As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off.

Those on a shoestring budget saving months or years for a dream holiday to Los being struck with a 40-50k or so claim by the operators who either had to cut short their holidays or make the embarrassing call back home for urgent need of cash.

People in this line of work committing suicide is often related to foul play. Things like gambling debt, cheating on their partners and getting caught etc.

I can't bring myself to feeling sorry for him.


Reading the above comments, it's obvious that there are so many sick people in thaivisa. Too much ignorant, morons and rednecks....

People are free to write what they want, ups no they are not I forgot and you are part of why ...

Too bad it wasent JJ that hanged himself - he is a true a-hole but there are so many of them unfortunately helping to destroy the country

"People are free to write what they want...."

Including criticism of callous posters. You and all these other fools need to develop a sense of perspective. It's often stated that many jet ski operators, including on Phuket, are fair-minded. Do you know which category - fair or foul - this guy fell into?


No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner.

Does that also apply to Pol Pot, Myra Hindley, Josef Mengeles etc. etc. etc.

I've always found that maxim the height of hypocrisy.....


No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner.

Does that also apply to Pol Pot, Myra Hindley, Josef Mengeles etc. etc. etc.

I've always found that maxim the height of hypocrisy.....

Agree, but for the guys you mention we know what they did

I cannot imagine what he was thinking to take his life in this way. No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner. It didn't take long for the just to blow their trumpets.

I'm sorry but I disagree, if someone is a dirtbag alive why isn't he/she a dirtbag when they die. Why shouldn't you speak ill of the dead? I'm not saying this guy was a dirtbag, just replying to your comment.


I must have missed my turn when they handed out the funny pills this morning.

I can not seem to find anything funny about a man hanging at the end of a rope ... by his own doing.

This is a near perfect "Troll Bait" ..."News" item. It is Thai Visa perfection ... The death and jet ski operator in the same sentence.

As this sad news is thrown in the water, it will finally sink to the level of bottom feeders who will relish each delicious (and moronic) comment.

Have at it boys .. today is your day. A person you do not know, whose life story you are unaware of, has gone out back, climbed on a chair, and hung himself.

I want to be quite honest here ... anyone who can be happy about this is far below this hanging corpse on the "human" scale.

But that is just Expat-ness ... yes? What can we expect? ... they all are callous mean spirited drunks who have no abilty to employ objective reasoning, seem to run in packs, and love to spew the most simple minded and vile gossip. But hey, that is just Expat-ness, they are all such silly children ... all they care about is booze, sex and themselves. They have no real ambition, and will always be ridiculous fools swimming in toilets like Soi Cowboy. Silly stupid farang. With luck, they will hit a rough patch, and in shear desperation, end it all at the end of a rope.

Oh, I am sorry, does it offend you to be put in one big bucket and have someone make generalizations about you? Is it just plain mean and stupid to wish people a horrid death at the end of a rope? Is it incredibly cruel to make fun of a death like that and wish it on Expat-ness People? ... sort of like a guy who wrote three letters of regret about his suicide, and we can guess, at the final moment, with his neck stretched and lungs burning, how he cried out to God to please stop it and give him back his life.

Oh my, I weep fro you Khun King Kong Farang ...that must suck to have a person write incredibly stupid generalizations and in the same breath even mention a horrid death by hanging.

Threads like this are a constant embarrassment and we can only hope Thai People and the Thai Government do not judge all Foreigners by the ridiculous postings we see here daily.

(I await your juvenile "Sticks and stones" replies. many are sterling examples of exactly what i am saying.)


He did it because he split up with his girlfriend.

Just another Thai living in his own Thai soap opera who took it to the level that would naturally follow if it was on the TV.


Doubt there'll be many bleeding hearts for these types. Even if he was one of the honest ones it'll matter not to any of those extorted by other jet ski crooks Over the years

Not sure why his occupation was mentioned.It doesn't seem relevant.


As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off.

Those on a shoestring budget saving months or years for a dream holiday to Los being struck with a 40-50k or so claim by the operators who either had to cut short their holidays or make the embarrassing call back home for urgent need of cash.

People in this line of work committing suicide is often related to foul play. Things like gambling debt, cheating on their partners and getting caught etc.

I can't bring myself to feeling sorry for him.

Why defame the dead? Easy I suppose because they cannot defend themselves. I was trying to think of words to describe this behaviour and these two spring to mind, apathetic and callous. Mean anything? How is it that you are so knowledgeable of his past? Or are you, like many others on here, assuming, applying rumour or the best of then all, resorting to the adage of "Guilt by Association." I'd hate to think what you would write it this was a foreigner.

So do you feel special when denigrating the dead? Someone I'd say you never knew but attempt to justify your maligning of him by, as you put it, "That I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off." Maybe if you did stop to think then you would not write such an insulting post. I would really like to you to provide the evidence to justify your allegations, otherwise just stick to the facts.

What do you know about matters such as these being related to "Foul Play?" None of us have any inside knowledge, and are only relying on what the media presents in their reporting's. In this instance it has been reported that police stated that there was no foul play, assault or robbery but there were three letters, which indicated he was depressed and that he was sorry for leaving everyone he loved in this manner. His depressed stated was also confirmed by neighbours. Police also described the scene and not being there but having attended many similar incidents whilst a police officer, I can tell you that if what they discovered, if as stated, then it is consistent with suicide by hanging.

I know you made no mention of this but if police want to investigate further before ruling on suicide, I can't see any problem in that. This is normal practice in such an incident and maybe police are now being more diligent, only time will tell. I cannot see anything to suggest they have any ulterior motives for doing so, so why is it that, at this time, their findings can't be accepted. We should wait and see if someone or something comes forward to suggest otherwise or is it the norm to denigrate, offer assumptions, theories or any other form of rubbish that will propagate one's misguided beliefs.

So it's sad when someone takes their life but you can't bring yourself to feel sorrow for him. Why the contradictions? Unlike yourself, I feel for someone who takes his own life, as, in most case, they needed help and had no one to turn to. Then there are those family members he left behind, don't you think they may suffer as a consequence. These are the unknown factors but in your haste to decry this person, you have either brushed over them or just plain do not care. Unlike you I can find sorrow and it is for you. I cannot understand how you are able to judge others without just cause. Maybe it's an affliction, and clearly, one you could do without.


I cannot imagine what he was thinking to take his life in this way. No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner. It didn't take long for the just to blow their trumpets.

I'm sorry but I disagree, if someone is a dirtbag alive why isn't he/she a dirtbag when they die. Why shouldn't you speak ill of the dead? I'm not saying this guy was a dirtbag, just replying to your comment.

What are you disagreeing with? I understand you are replying to my post but I don't understand that in one breath you are saying if someone is a dirt bag alive, then they are dirt bag when they die, yet you are not suggesting this guy was a dirt bag. Then what are you saying? If one has to speak ill of the dead then it shows their inability to respect anything, living or otherwise, regardless of their predisposition, and it may well be that they would find it hard to show respect for themselves. And I'm just replying to and questioning you comment.


Never been to Phuket and never sat on a jet-ski, and no intention of doing either.

What I do know is that someone topped themself, girl friend problem, money problem, I don't know that either . What I do know is that a very good friend of mine who was part of a group of 4 of us went through 15 countries in 15 weeks ending in Oz in 1970. For some reason at Easter 1977 he took a rope into Epping Forest and topped his self. No one said a bad word about him . Good job he didn't have a jet-ski.


No one should think ill of the dead, especially in a derogatory manner.

Does that also apply to Pol Pot, Myra Hindley, Josef Mengeles etc. etc. etc.

I've always found that maxim the height of hypocrisy.....

I always find that questions like this are borne out ignorance. Why are you associating a single incident in Thailand to past atrocities committed by dictators, mass murders and the like. I despised what they did in their lifetime but now that many have gone, who cares, but unfortunately they have their place in history but it does not need me to decry them in death, they have already solicited that from others. So why go from the sublime to the ridiculous?


He's answering to your general statement "No one should think ill of the dead". Isn't that obvious?

We can't all be saints like you......

If I wanted a response from you, then I'd ask for it or does he need his hand held? Never a saint but maybe if you showed a little humanity then maybe you would enjoy a better life


As much as it sad when someone takes his life I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off.

Those on a shoestring budget saving months or years for a dream holiday to Los being struck with a 40-50k or so claim by the operators who either had to cut short their holidays or make the embarrassing call back home for urgent need of cash.

People in this line of work committing suicide is often related to foul play. Things like gambling debt, cheating on their partners and getting caught etc.

I can't bring myself to feeling sorry for him.

Why defame the dead? Easy I suppose because they cannot defend themselves. I was trying to think of words to describe this behaviour and these two spring to mind, apathetic and callous. Mean anything? How is it that you are so knowledgeable of his past? Or are you, like many others on here, assuming, applying rumour or the best of then all, resorting to the adage of "Guilt by Association." I'd hate to think what you would write it this was a foreigner.

So do you feel special when denigrating the dead? Someone I'd say you never knew but attempt to justify your maligning of him by, as you put it, "That I can't stop to think how many holiday makers had he ripped off." Maybe if you did stop to think then you would not write such an insulting post. I would really like to you to provide the evidence to justify your allegations, otherwise just stick to the facts.

What do you know about matters such as these being related to "Foul Play?" None of us have any inside knowledge, and are only relying on what the media presents in their reporting's. In this instance it has been reported that police stated that there was no foul play, assault or robbery but there were three letters, which indicated he was depressed and that he was sorry for leaving everyone he loved in this manner. His depressed stated was also confirmed by neighbours. Police also described the scene and not being there but having attended many similar incidents whilst a police officer, I can tell you that if what they discovered, if as stated, then it is consistent with suicide by hanging.

I know you made no mention of this but if police want to investigate further before ruling on suicide, I can't see any problem in that. This is normal practice in such an incident and maybe police are now being more diligent, only time will tell. I cannot see anything to suggest they have any ulterior motives for doing so, so why is it that, at this time, their findings can't be accepted. We should wait and see if someone or something comes forward to suggest otherwise or is it the norm to denigrate, offer assumptions, theories or any other form of rubbish that will propagate one's misguided beliefs.

So it's sad when someone takes their life but you can't bring yourself to feel sorrow for him. Why the contradictions? Unlike yourself, I feel for someone who takes his own life, as, in most case, they needed help and had no one to turn to. Then there are those family members he left behind, don't you think they may suffer as a consequence. These are the unknown factors but in your haste to decry this person, you have either brushed over them or just plain do not care. Unlike you I can find sorrow and it is for you. I cannot understand how you are able to judge others without just cause. Maybe it's an affliction, and clearly, one you could do without.

whats so special about dead people? Just being objective here. Do sins of people become lessened when they die? Oh how dare someone speak of the dead in this way. I suggest you grow up and get a dose of reality injected. If u read my post carefully I did not use specific words relating to this individual. Just an observation on how low life some of these jet ski operators are. When you sleep with the dogs u catch fleas. He caught a deadly one!!! <removed>.


He's answering to your general statement "No one should think ill of the dead". Isn't that obvious?

We can't all be saints like you......

If I wanted a response from you, then I'd ask for it or does he need his hand held? Never a saint but maybe if you showed a little humanity then maybe you would enjoy a better life

Errrr......you do know this is a public forum, right?

I was trying to help you as his meaning went over your head. I also happen to believe an arse in life is an arse in death.

Maybe you should stop being so sanctimonious........

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