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Up early working on a new project and was thinking about the "future"...what futuristic gadget would you most like to have right now?: Jetpack (that really works), Hover car or laser gun perhaps?............

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I would absolutely love star trek's transporter or the next generation's hologram rooms.

I think the opposite of a microwave would be cool. Having the ability to instantly freeze foods.

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I would absolutely love star trek's transporter or the next generation's hologram rooms.

I think the opposite of a microwave would be cool. Having the ability to instantly freeze foods.

I've wondered before about a machine that can instantly freeze foods and why it's never been made available? Instant ice cubes in 30 seconds.

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I would absolutely love star trek's transporter or the next generation's hologram rooms.

I think the opposite of a microwave would be cool. Having the ability to instantly freeze foods.

Instant can of cold beer:

Hold a can of beer in a well insulated glove.

Hit it with a blast of propane gas.

Ice cold beer...no sparks please!

I'm sure it would chill about anything.

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Yes willy, that is a well known trick, but it really isn't environmentally friendly or practical for larger scale. It takes a lot more than just a blast. It uses quite a lot of gas.

A breathalizer installed in a cellphone to test yourself before driving also an app that made it impossible to text or call if you are drunk.

So many of my friends have made stupid calls when drunk that either ruined possible relationships or hurt their jobs.

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Yes willy, that is a well known trick, but it really isn't environmentally friendly or practical for larger scale. It takes a lot more than just a blast. It uses quite a lot of gas.

A breathalizer installed in a cellphone to test yourself before driving also an app that made it impossible to text or call if you are drunk.

So many of my friends have made stupid calls when drunk that either ruined possible relationships or hurt their jobs.

The only way an app could know if your drunk is if you told it you were right?

How would that work?

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Instant freezing is available using liquid Nitrogen,just not cheap.

Seriously, how often do you have a warm beer you want to make cold? You can store it cold, and drink it when you want, unlike food that you have to store cold, and heat to eat.

How about an electric blanket that keeps you cool rather than warm?

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The only way an app could know if your drunk is if you told it you were right?

How would that work?"

It is very easy for the cell phone to have a sensor that you breath into. The app itself would lock your phone until you could blow a low enough BAL. They have apps already that lock your phone for a set number of hours, but this would be tied to the sensor.

Personally, I think all cars should have them as well. It would be great to eliminate drunk driving completely.

"Seriously, how often do you have a warm beer you want to make cold?"

Again, I am talking about freezing things not just making them cold. But it is very often that most people have warm liquids that they want cool. If you buy a large box of beverages they are seldom in the cooler when you buy them.

Flash freezing is very common commercially but for home cooks we often have to wait a few hours to chill or freeze things.

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It is very easy for the cell phone to have a sensor that you breath into. The app itself would lock your phone until you could blow a low enough BAL. They have apps already that lock your phone for a set number of hours, but this would be tied to the sensor.

Personally, I think all cars should have them as well. It would be great to eliminate drunk driving completely.

The future is already here for this - Car breathalyzer

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a remote control to mute a yakking female

What about one for people who's lives revolve around drinking beer and stops them going on about it, can I get beer here can I get it there? "You

mean I have got to go several hours without beer"? OH NO!

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Yes willy, that is a well known trick, but it really isn't environmentally friendly or practical for larger scale. It takes a lot more than just a blast. It uses quite a lot of gas.

A breathalizer installed in a cellphone to test yourself before driving also an app that made it impossible to text or call if you are drunk.

So many of my friends have made stupid calls when drunk that either ruined possible relationships or hurt their jobs.


The smartphone or iWatch medical applications. Yes, but more than the alcohol concerns (certainly part of the analysis), our breath could be analysized for blood/suger balance (diabetic), and other health indicators. Think they are working on the analysis already although I don't remember seeing anything ready for market. Hmmm, how about extending again, remember Dr. McCoy having a handheld analysizer? There have been citations of dogs able to denote cancers.....now, how to get a dog's ability into a gadget!

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I think we may have found the 2015 most stupid post winner. It's got to be a firm favourite.

What a ridiculous post !!

What makes it so good ?.., well apart from the severe stupidy of the comment, it has nothing to do with Thailand in the slightest...... and isn't this a Thai Visa website ??

Well done, you may just have got the number one spot and it's only May !

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I think we may have found the 2015 most stupid post winner. It's got to be a firm favourite.

What a ridiculous post !!

What makes it so good ?.., well apart from the severe stupidy of the comment, it has nothing to do with Thailand in the slightest...... and isn't this a Thai Visa website ??

Well done, you may just have got the number one spot and it's only May !

Who are you talking about??

Edited by krisb
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