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what could Thailand improve for the Foreigners living/visiting Thailand ?


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Then Cypress down hill and his budies start to applaud and cheer for Thailand for being so inhuman towards their foreigners..??Why?

Thailand need to take in consideration how well their thais are treated in abroad especially if married with farangs.

I suspect it's because they don't intend to ever get married or have children.

If they can't have it, nor should we ..... sort of thing.

Nothing to do with marriage or children. Thailand doesn't treat farangs inhumanely ( except maybe those in jail ), and if they did there wouldn't be any still living here. If you get married and breed here, then expect them to change the rules ( that you knew about ) to suit you, you are living in Lala Land.

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The government should make it illegal for 55+ year old farangs to marry or breed with women more than15 years their junior.

This would go a long way to improving the perception of foreigners among Thais.

Those who think the Thais aren't utterly nauseated and grossed out by extreme age-gap relationships need to observe their facial expressions a little more closely

I don't believe Thais think or care about it that much.

Most of them seem to really appreciate the whiter skinned children, without any thought for the sperm donor.

You're kidding yourself if you genuinely believe they don't care.

I've seen many a younger woman looking absolutely, totally and utterly ASHAMED of having married and bred with some fat, poe-faced farang in shorts when her peers have ribbed and teased her in public.

Shame on THEM for being money grubbing gold diggers that sold themselves. Why blame the farang for wanting to marry a nice looking woman.

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The government should organize a basic health insurance program that foreigners can buy into that would cover preexisting conditions and require all resident foreigners to buy this basic program. Luxury private plans could be optional.


It would be chronically abused by those who cant afford or simply don't want to cough up coin for private insurance to cover them for existing conditions. Why should the Thai taxpayer cover unhealthy farangs?

The government should make it illegal for 55+ year old farangs to marry or breed with women more than15 years their junior.

This would go a long way to improving the perception of foreigners among Thais.

Those who think the Thais aren't utterly nauseated and grossed out by extreme age-gap relationships need to observe their facial expressions a little more closely

I'd agree it's stupid for a 55+ falang to be fathering children. Who wants to be parenting teenagers when you are 70+? However, bear in mind the pressure to have kids comes from the Thai women - they don't regard themselves as complete without at least one child.

Having said that, a lot of older falangs appreciate having a younger female taking care of them in their dotage - a lot better deal than they will get in their home country.

It's probably the Thai males that are disgusted. My experience is multiple Thai females either wanting to bond with me, or find a falang for them. And I'm 72. As I understand it from these women, Thai males treat them like shit, and falangs are regarded as a much better partner.

Agreed. I guess that the geriatric men are so desperate to marry the girl that they allow themselves to be blackmailed into breeding.

falangs are regarded as a much better partner.

If only because the girl knows that they aren't going to beat the cr** out of them and steal their money to go drinking and whoring.

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Relax Visa Restrictions Rules like the 90 Day Reporting Rule and allow a 2 Year or 5 Year Visa, instead on just 1 Year.

Allow home ownership to Farangs to a maximum of 1 Rai of land. Eliminate the 51% / 49% Thai to Foreign Condo Ownership Rules, so that all the Farangs out their that are cheating the system with Fake Companies can now go legal and sleep better at night. This would also allow a floating Fare Market Value when purchasing or selling a Condo. Make also Conventional Mortgages readily available to to Foreigners.

Eliminate Random Street Passport Checks and do so only if this person is caught working illegally or is caught up in a crime. Overstayers are still bringing money into the country legally and this is not hurting anyone. They will still have to pay the fine when they leave, which could be increased by the cost of the Visa's they should have acquired.

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Relax Visa Restrictions Rules like the 90 Day Reporting Rule and allow a 2 Year or 5 Year Visa, instead on just 1 Year.

Allow home ownership to Farangs to a maximum of 1 Rai of land. Eliminate the 51% / 49% Thai to Foreign Condo Ownership Rules, so that all the Farangs out their that are cheating the system with Fake Companies can now go legal and sleep better at night. This would also allow a floating Fare Market Value when purchasing or selling a Condo. Make also Conventional Mortgages readily available to to Foreigners.

Eliminate Random Street Passport Checks and do so only if this person is caught working illegally or is caught up in a crime. Overstayers are still bringing money into the country legally and this is not hurting anyone. They will still have to pay the fine when they leave, which could be increased by the cost of the Visa's they should have acquired.

Try overstaying in the US or the UK!

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Agree. Guys like wowfactor who chooses to live in Thailand but now feels like an oppressed Rohingya should just scurry on back home. That really is his ONLY option. Because Thailand will never, ever get on its knees to kiss his big pale behind like he demands. Will never happen. Leave Thailand to those of us who can handle it.

I'm not sure I would equate asking a country to grant me basic human rights as 'kissing my big pale behind'

(in this case the right to live and work in the country of my spouse and children).

Mind you, the UK isn't much better (costs loads), but strangely, the rest of Europe no problem (not even a VISA fee).

Geez, man, quit the absurd hyperbole already. Are you saying that you do not have basic human rights in Thailand? The stupidity of that statement boggles the mind. But honestly, if I felt that my human rights were being violated on a daily basis, I'd be on a plane like yesterday. If you feel that way, why in freaks name are you still in Thailand?

It's amazing how many farangs expect Thailand to accomodate them because they CHOSE to marry and reproduce in Thailand, when they KNEW the rules before doing so.

If fitting in and acceptance is a happiness factor for you re-consider being an expat at all. It's not an option that suits every personality type.

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The government should make it illegal for 55+ year old farangs to marry or breed with women more than15 years their junior.

This would go a long way to improving the perception of foreigners among Thais.

Those who think the Thais aren't utterly nauseated and grossed out by extreme age-gap relationships need to observe their facial expressions a little more closely

I don't believe Thais think or care about it that much.

Most of them seem to really appreciate the whiter skinned children, without any thought for the sperm donor.

You're kidding yourself if you genuinely believe they don't care.

I've seen many a younger woman looking absolutely, totally and utterly ASHAMED of having married and bred with some fat, poe-faced farang in shorts when her peers have ribbed and teased her in public.

Shame on THEM for being money grubbing gold diggers that sold themselves. Why blame the farang for wanting to marry a nice looking woman.

Not blaming a farang man for wanting a nice-looking woman. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm just saying that there should a law which says that foreign men over the age of 55 must not be permitted to marry or father children with women younger than 40 years old.

I think there's something similar in Cambodia

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I'm just saying that there should a law which says that foreign men over the age of 55 must not be permitted to marry or father children with women younger than 40 years old.

Not much chance in getting a 40+ woman pregnant ........ 3%, and dropping to 0% at 44.

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Geez, man, quit the absurd hyperbole already. Are you saying that you do not have basic human rights in Thailand? The stupidity of that statement boggles the mind. But honestly, if I felt that my human rights were being violated on a daily basis, I'd be on a plane like yesterday. If you feel that way, why in freaks name are you still in Thailand?

Because I'm sending a teen Thai girl through high school, she's been living with me the last 4 years after her family abandoned her.

She isn't 'officially' part of my immediate family, so isn't covered by the EEC right to live, work and travel in the EEC with me.

Never really staying in Thailand forever, too unstable, too foreigner unfriendly, education system too poor.

Was just going to stay until the teen was in university (2-3 years, wife is also a uni student), then move to an EEC country.

It's not somewhere I would want my son brought up. He deserves his chance in the west.

I'm thinking about relocating to Spain with my Thai wife and Thai/British son.

As we have full rights to live, work and own property there (and I already speak Spanish).

Free EHIC health care too.

But if you think I should just leave now and dump the teen, let me know.

I have been considering doing that, just need a bit of a push.

What on Earth are you talking about? This thread is about farangs in Thailand. Again, are you saying that you don't have basic human rights in Thailand because you're a farang? Nevermind, you don't want to answer. On another topic, you have a teen Thai girl living with you for 4 years?? Man, there is something wrong with this picture.....

What he and all of us objecting too if the fact that the Thai government is treating foreigners so much less then they are treating their own kind.

Example of subjects : land,insurances, visa,crimes,double prices,business regulations,court cases,49/51 rule,general scams.marriages.etc etc.

On all these subjects we are even worse of then Thais are and that is simply not so decent from a middle income country....

if i pull a knife and harass some Thais with it then i will get 2 years in jail here period.If a Thai pulls out a knife and harass a foreigner with it then he gets 2 hours at a police station up on his release he even gets back his knife so he can do it again...(FYI this really happened here)

Also with their unequal laws/system they make it easier for locals to scam us,their laws kind of backing up thais to scam...I would like it to stop.Try win a court case from a local see how it goes..

Governments should not create too many unfair unequal laws it will work out negatively for such a country long term!

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I'm just saying that there should a law which says that foreign men over the age of 55 must not be permitted to marry or father children with women younger than 40 years old.

Not much chance in getting a 40+ woman pregnant ........ 3%, and dropping to 0% at 44.


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If you are 65 plus and only care for Bar girls ,some sunshine and cheap beers then there is not much too complain here in Thailand, but if you like to live here and participate normally in a society by working ,investing your money, doing business, having a home and a wife and kids etc etc then for sure sooner or later u get disappointed with their system and move out elsewhere where laws are more equal for all citizens.

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If you are 65 plus and only care for Bar girls ,some sunshine and cheap beers then there is not much too complain here in Thailand, but if you like to live here and participate normally in a society by working ,investing your money, doing business, having a home and a wife and kids etc etc then for sure sooner or later u get disappointed with their system and move out elsewhere where laws are more equal for all citizens.

You said the magic words in your last sentence..."where laws are more equal for all CITIZENS." In fact, the laws ARE more equal for all Thai "citizens" right now. But foreigners by definition are not citizens. There is no country on this planet that will afford the same rights to foreigners as they do for their own citizens.

I do agree that the system for gaining full citizenship in Thailand should be made more reasonable and transparent. The question is, will most of the foreigners complaining about unfair treatment actually make an attempt to become a Thai citizen? I wonder.

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The government should make it illegal for 55+ year old farangs to marry or breed with women more than15 years their junior.

This would go a long way to improving the perception of foreigners among Thais.

Those who think the Thais aren't utterly nauseated and grossed out by extreme age-gap relationships need to observe their facial expressions a little more closely

I don't believe Thais think or care about it that much.

Most of them seem to really appreciate the whiter skinned children, without any thought for the sperm donor.

You're kidding yourself if you genuinely believe they don't care.

I've seen many a younger woman looking absolutely, totally and utterly ASHAMED of having married and bred with some fat, poe-faced farang in shorts when her peers have ribbed and teased her in public.

Shame on THEM for being money grubbing gold diggers that sold themselves. Why blame the farang for wanting to marry a nice looking woman.

Not blaming a farang man for wanting a nice-looking woman. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm just saying that there should a law which says that foreign men over the age of 55 must not be permitted to marry or father children with women younger than 40 years old.

I think there's something similar in Cambodia

Thank goodness people like you are not in a position to make laws!

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If you are 65 plus and only care for Bar girls ,some sunshine and cheap beers then there is not much too complain here in Thailand, but if you like to live here and participate normally in a society by working ,investing your money, doing business, having a home and a wife and kids etc etc then for sure sooner or later u get disappointed with their system and move out elsewhere where laws are more equal for all citizens.

You said the magic words in your last sentence..."where laws are more equal for all CITIZENS." In fact, the laws ARE more equal for all Thai "citizens" right now. But foreigners by definition are not citizens. There is no country on this planet that will afford the same rights to foreigners as they do for their own citizens.

I do agree that the system for gaining full citizenship in Thailand should be made more reasonable and transparent. The question is, will most of the foreigners complaining about unfair treatment actually make an attempt to become a Thai citizen? I wonder.

A citizen is a person living full time legally in a country that makes him a citizen of that Country...Foreign citizens living in Thailand receive a poorly treatment.

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If you are 65 plus and only care for Bar girls ,some sunshine and cheap beers then there is not much too complain here in Thailand, but if you like to live here and participate normally in a society by working ,investing your money, doing business, having a home and a wife and kids etc etc then for sure sooner or later u get disappointed with their system and move out elsewhere where laws are more equal for all citizens.

You said the magic words in your last sentence..."where laws are more equal for all CITIZENS." In fact, the laws ARE more equal for all Thai "citizens" right now. But foreigners by definition are not citizens. There is no country on this planet that will afford the same rights to foreigners as they do for their own citizens.

I do agree that the system for gaining full citizenship in Thailand should be made more reasonable and transparent. The question is, will most of the foreigners complaining about unfair treatment actually make an attempt to become a Thai citizen? I wonder.

A citizen is a person living full time legally in a country that makes him a citizen of that Country...Foreign citizens living in Thailand receive a poorly treatment.

Sorry, but your personal definition of what constitutes a citizen has no legal standing anywhere. Foreigners in Thailand do not have the same rights as citizens, but are certainly not mistreated. Again, I do believe that foreigners in Thailand are treated better than foreigners in most western countries.

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Geez, man, quit the absurd hyperbole already. Are you saying that you do not have basic human rights in Thailand? The stupidity of that statement boggles the mind. But honestly, if I felt that my human rights were being violated on a daily basis, I'd be on a plane like yesterday. If you feel that way, why in freaks name are you still in Thailand?

Because I'm sending a teen Thai girl through high school, she's been living with me the last 4 years after her family abandoned her.

She isn't 'officially' part of my immediate family, so isn't covered by the EEC right to live, work and travel in the EEC with me.

Never really staying in Thailand forever, too unstable, too foreigner unfriendly, education system too poor.

Was just going to stay until the teen was in university (2-3 years, wife is also a uni student), then move to an EEC country.

It's not somewhere I would want my son brought up. He deserves his chance in the west.

I'm thinking about relocating to Spain with my Thai wife and Thai/British son.

As we have full rights to live, work and own property there (and I already speak Spanish).

Free EHIC health care too.

But if you think I should just leave now and dump the teen, let me know.

I have been considering doing that, just need a bit of a push.

What on Earth are you talking about? This thread is about farangs in Thailand. Again, are you saying that you don't have basic human rights in Thailand because you're a farang? Nevermind, you don't want to answer. On another topic, you have a teen Thai girl living with you for 4 years?? Man, there is something wrong with this picture.....

What he and all of us objecting too if the fact that the Thai government is treating foreigners so much less then they are treating their own kind.

Example of subjects : land,insurances, visa,crimes,double prices,business regulations,court cases,49/51 rule,general scams.marriages.etc etc.

On all these subjects we are even worse of then Thais are and that is simply not so decent from a middle income country....

if i pull a knife and harass some Thais with it then i will get 2 years in jail here period.If a Thai pulls out a knife and harass a foreigner with it then he gets 2 hours at a police station up on his release he even gets back his knife so he can do it again...(FYI this really happened here)

Also with their unequal laws/system they make it easier for locals to scam us,their laws kind of backing up thais to scam...I would like it to stop.Try win a court case from a local see how it goes..

Governments should not create too many unfair unequal laws it will work out negatively for such a country long term!

Your point is?

Everyone that has been in LOS for more than 5 minutes knows all that. If they CHOOSE to stay, then that is down to them.

When utopia lands on the planet you can expect things to change.

Try living in Saudi if you want to know what real discriminatrion is all about, or Somalia, or Syria or any number of countries that really will treat you very badly.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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The point is that indeed Thailand is treating its foreign citizens somewhat poorly (good that we agree on this) and perhaps someday something will get improved who knows right.?

Their poorly treatment is also the main reason why many foreigners looking elsewhere example towards Spain,Malaysia,Vietnam, Philipines.

Foreign investors will no longer invest under these old fashioned shady laws regulations..

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If you are 65 plus and only care for Bar girls ,some sunshine and cheap beers then there is not much too complain here in Thailand, but if you like to live here and participate normally in a society by working ,investing your money, doing business, having a home and a wife and kids etc etc then for sure sooner or later u get disappointed with their system and move out elsewhere where laws are more equal for all citizens.

You said the magic words in your last sentence..."where laws are more equal for all CITIZENS." In fact, the laws ARE more equal for all Thai "citizens" right now. But foreigners by definition are not citizens. There is no country on this planet that will afford the same rights to foreigners as they do for their own citizens.

I do agree that the system for gaining full citizenship in Thailand should be made more reasonable and transparent. The question is, will most of the foreigners complaining about unfair treatment actually make an attempt to become a Thai citizen? I wonder.

A citizen is a person living full time legally in a country that makes him a citizen of that Country...Foreign citizens living in Thailand receive a poorly treatment.

Sorry, but your personal definition of what constitutes a citizen has no legal standing anywhere. Foreigners in Thailand do not have the same rights as citizens, but are certainly not mistreated. Again, I do believe that foreigners in Thailand are treated better than foreigners in most western countries.

Mate wake up okay an example for you..


If i marry a Thai lady then this lady in my European Country can buy land plots, houses,She can work without a work permits,She can own buy a business 100% in her own name.need i continue the list is quite long...In the end my Thai wife will get regarded as a full European person.

But here in Thailand i still remain a alien with hardly any rights and or protection so that is a poorly treatment.

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Sorry, but your personal definition of what constitutes a citizen has no legal standing anywhere. Foreigners in Thailand do not have the same rights as citizens, but are certainly not mistreated. Again, I do believe that foreigners in Thailand are treated better than foreigners in most western countries.

Mate wake up okay an example for you..


If i marry a Thai lady then this lady in my European Country can buy land plots, houses,She can work without a work permits,She can own buy a business 100% in her own name.need i continue the list is quite long...In the end my Thai wife will get regarded as a full European person.

But here in Thailand i still remain a alien with hardly any rights and or protection so that is a poorly treatment.

Not in Britain, (assuming you are British)

Unless you have an income of 20,000gbp/year and pay 1,000gbp VISA and 300gbp health insurance.

But in the rest of Europe, yes.

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many are saying, if i marry a thai girl and move to my country she can do this, buy that, own this and that,

well this isnt your country, this is thailand,

this is were, YOU chose to live, take it or leave it, we arent going to change it,

i really cany understand some people,

how and why did you come to live here if you dont like how you are being treated,?

if for some reason i wasnt happy here, or the way things were turning out, believe me you wouldnt see my ass for dust,

yet some stay here and just moan about everything,

thialand is thailand, its a beautiful place, you just have to role with it,

the more moaning you do the more unhappy you will make yourself, you must of known what is was like before you came to live here, i know i did, and i still chose to live here,

but then again i dont moan, not even at 5.30am when there are pigs to feed,,lol

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i really cany understand some people,

how and why did you come to live here if you dont like how you are being treated,?

if for some reason i wasnt happy here, or the way things were turning out, believe me you wouldnt see my ass for dust,

yet some stay here and just moan about everything,

I'd prefer to work here legally, than to work illegally and hope nobody reported me, and I didn't get arrested and deported.

Call it moaning if you like.

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i really cany understand some people,

how and why did you come to live here if you dont like how you are being treated,?

if for some reason i wasnt happy here, or the way things were turning out, believe me you wouldnt see my ass for dust,

yet some stay here and just moan about everything,

I'd prefer to work here legally, than to work illegally and hope nobody reported me, and I didn't get arrested and deported.

Call it moaning if you like.

Why do you need to work? Thought your pension was the equivalent of 1% of Thailand's GDP

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i really cany understand some people,

how and why did you come to live here if you dont like how you are being treated,?

if for some reason i wasnt happy here, or the way things were turning out, believe me you wouldnt see my ass for dust,

yet some stay here and just moan about everything,

I'd prefer to work here legally, than to work illegally and hope nobody reported me, and I didn't get arrested and deported.

Call it moaning if you like.

Why do you need to work? Thought your pension was the equivalent of 1% of Thailand's GDP

I was talking about the TV posters who profess love for Thailand, but work here illegally in prohibited jobs.

I'm 100% legal in Thailand, and wouldn't live here any other way.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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