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UN says will engage Israel on 'realistic options' for talks


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Most people get it wrong here. Israel needs to provide political, geo-strategic and economic guarantees after their occupation into Palestine.

The Israeli's came with ship-cargo's into Palestine.

It's not the other way around.

If the UN can't get Israel out of the 'Israeli Karma' since its creation, who will..

Israel does not have to or need to do anything.

The sooner you arab lovers realize that the easier your lives would be thumbsup.gif

And by most, its safe to assume you mean arab lovers

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There would seem to be, and it is of Israel's making. Netanyahu will talk to the PA and Abbas in the West Bank, but wont talk to Hamas in Gaza.

Israel will never have peace until it makes its enemies its friends. Yesterday's labelled terrorist in war is next year's Prime Minister in peace. Happened many times in history.

More drivel rolleyes.gif

from the same article....

We are paying a steep price for our stance by the continued blockade and economic pressure over the Strip, but we reject any idea that would lead to the separation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank,despite the fact that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his government are actively doing so with their policies," he wrote. http://rt.com/news/240209-hamas-rejects-truce-deal/

Well, just deal with the PA and Abbas then. Ignore Hamas. Netanyahu has done so anyway.

If Abbas is willing to discuss peace, Israel says:no sorry, we must speak with all Palestinians.

So last year, the PA had a unity government with non militant elements of Hamas, and Israel says: no sorry, we dont talk to terrorists.

I think Netanyahu needs Hamas as the bogeyman.

So how about Israel follows the advice in the OP and starts getting realistic about discussing peace. Jaw jaw with anyone that achieves progress towards peace is better than war war.

You tell them. no doubt with your superior knowledge and experience in and out of middle east, you know more and better than anyone else who has been involved for years without success.

How about you stop posting utter drivel and even after being proven wrong, will continue to do so and accept that Israel is not SOLELY to blame and your beloved Arabs and Hamas bear just as much responsibility if not more.

How about that for a change?

OP explains the opposite. You can't speak for the Israeli population. And so far it's proven that Israel and its political, financial, intellectual, military and religious overwhelming capacities is not able to provide peace in the region.

You can't twist the facts with your words by blaming others.

Does Israel obtain today historical stability after all efforts and sacrifices in the past in conjunction with other religions and nations ?

No need to answer...

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Most people get it wrong here. Israel needs to provide political, geo-strategic and economic guarantees after their occupation into Palestine.

The Israeli's came with ship-cargo's into Palestine.

It's not the other way around.

If the UN can't get Israel out of the 'Israeli Karma' since its creation, who will..

Israel does not have to or need to do anything.

The sooner you arab lovers realize that the easier your lives would be thumbsup.gif

And by most, its safe to assume you mean arab lovers

Just substitute "Hamas" or "Palestiinians" for Israel, and "Jew" for "Arab" and the driving sentiment behind this comment and many others that precede it becomes terribly clear.

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Most people get it wrong here. Israel needs to provide political, geo-strategic and economic guarantees after their occupation into Palestine.

The Israeli's came with ship-cargo's into Palestine.

It's not the other way around.

If the UN can't get Israel out of the 'Israeli Karma' since its creation, who will..

Israel does not have to or need to do anything.

The sooner you arab lovers realize that the easier your lives would be thumbsup.gif

And by most, its safe to assume you mean arab lovers

Israel does not have to or need to do anything.
That was actually my option 4 above if you had bothered to read it.
Israel will continue to muddle through subsidized by USA mainly.
But the problems are not going away, and is no an ultimate solution.
Israelis will continue in a constant state of war, forever looking over their shoulders. Young Israelis brutalized in the IDF for lengthy periods, risking their lives, sacrificing their best years.
The Palestinian population is growing along with their case for self determination after 48 years of occupation.Awareness of this and their mistreament will only increase via the social media.
Because of the Gaza War last year, Israel took a tremendous PR blow. More people are becoming aware of Israeli injustice in its treatment of Palestinians. More governments are recognizing Palestine, tightening the legal screws on Israel. Israel can of course ignore all that, but hopefully EU sanctions will focus their attention a little more.
This option 4 is such a lousy business plan, when with peace Israel could have free trade with all its Arab neighbors, threat of BDS lifted, tourism boom, reconstruction boom, ultimate reduction of military spending. Of course with such prosperity world Jewry would flock there for a piece of the action, easing Israel's demographic concerns.
I think for the next few months at least, Israel will probably follow option 4 and do nothing, unless something comes out of left field.
As one poster on this forum frequently says. Israelis are going nowhere. I agree.
It's time they heeded the advice of the UN Ambassador in the OP and chose better realistic options.
Edited by dexterm
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If Abbas is willing to discuss peace, Israel says:no sorry, we must speak with all Palestinians.

Of course. Abbas in unable to deliver a comprehensive peace agreement without Hamas. Talking to him alone about it is waste of time.

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If Abbas is willing to discuss peace, Israel says:no sorry, we must speak with all Palestinians.

Of course. Abbas in unable to deliver a comprehensive peace agreement without Hamas. Talking to him alone about it is waste of time.

It was suggested long ago that if netanyahu struck a good deal with Abbas and peace, compensation, and no more occupation ensued, Hamas would lose most of it's support. The remaining nutters would be overrun. The vast majority of Palestinians want what you and I want in our own lives; Peace, security, self-determination. They want their kids to go to school (schools with books and pencils!), they want to plant their gardens, they want to picnic under the trees in the park.

With that sort of peace and Palestinian statehood, the UN and the US would certainly back-up the PA if it had problems with Hamas.

It is clear that Hamas is just the excuse for the Zionists to continue their expansions.

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It is clear that Hamas is just the excuse for the Zionists to continue their expansions.

Your spin is just plain foolish. Hamas is half the Palestinian government and it is impossible to deliver a comprehensive peace agreement without them. All the phony platitudes and wishful thinking in the world does not change that.

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It is clear that Hamas is just the excuse for the Zionists to continue their expansions.

Your spin is just plain foolish. Hamas is half the Palestinian government and it is impossible to deliver a comprehensive peace agreement without them. All the phony platitudes and wishful thinking in the world does not change that.

The Israel demonizers irrational hateful obsession with "Zionist" expansion tells us more about them than the Jews. The Jewish people are a TINY global minority and they generally don't have large families and do not actively seek conversions. There is only so far that Jews could "expand" even if they wanted to. Jews are having a hard enough time (much to the Israel demonizers delight) even hanging on to a Jewish majority demographic in one tiny country in the world.

Don't even ask about Miami -- USED to be Jewish ... now you need to speak Spanish ... ha ha.

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Israeli expansion: Stealing land from Palestinians.

Israel is too small, too narrow from the eastern to the western border you say... And? Whos problem is that? So if my condo is too small and I consider my neighbours to be hostile I have the legal right to throw out my closest neighbours and remove the walls and make my unit bigger so I get a safety buffer, huh :s

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So if my condo is too small and I consider my neighbours to be hostile I have the legal right to throw out my closest neighbours and remove the walls and make my unit bigger so I get a safety buffer, huh :s

If your neighbors are murderers who started attacking you for no reason, you might have a point. That is pretty what happened to the Jews in British Palestine and later in Israel. The Palestinian Arabs brought all this on themselves.

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If your neighbors are murderers who started attacking you for no reason, you might have a point. That is pretty what happened to the Jews in British Palestine and later in Israel. The Palestinian Arabs brought all this on themselves.

I wouldn't even bother entertaining that silly analogy. Israel isn't a condo.

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If your neighbors are murderers who started attacking you for no reason, you might have a point. That is pretty what happened to the Jews in British Palestine and later in Israel. The Palestinian Arabs brought all this on themselves.

I wouldn't even bother entertaining that silly analogy. Israel isn't a condo.
Change the word condo into country. Edited by BKKBobby
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If the Palestinians had not started all those wars, they would not have been "ethnic cleansed". rolleyes.gif They started the violence and brought it on themselves. Payback is a beach.


The ethnic cleansing, and confiscation of lands, began even before the formal founding of Israel, with the connivance of Britain & France, and later the USA,

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You do not know what you are talking about. The ethnic cleansing, and confiscation of lands, began even before the formal founding of Israel, but it was the Palestinian Arabs who were doing it. They attacked Jewish families for no reason and tried to steal back land that Jews had bought legally when they saw how it was improved by the Jewish immigrants who turned barren desert into useful and arable land. .

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I'm in the middle on this one.

Some ugly things were done by both sides during the pioneer days of the Zionist movement. These were people, not angels.

But not every Israel thread should need to be a rehash of history. Israel demonizers are always pushing that and their motivation is obvious ... they want to deny that Israel was ever legitimate even from the start. Sorry that's a FAIL.

The point is where we are at now. Israel exists, it is the one and only nation state homeland of the Jewish people, most Israeli citizens there were born there, and the Jews there are not just going to go away just because that's what most Palestinians want. So they'll have to kill them ... and thus the cycle of endless violence continues. So time to move on. Realistically Israel is never going to allow Palestinian right of return demand and is never going to make all West Bank/Gaza Arabs Israeli citizens because both would mean the end of Israel.

A two state solution is really the only chance for an acceptable solution for both sides ... but yes, both sides need to move positions for that to ever really happen.

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You do not know what you are talking about. The ethnic cleansing, and confiscation of lands, began even before the formal founding of Israel, but it was the Palestinian Arabs who were doing it. They attacked Jewish families for no reason and tried to steal back land that Jews had bought legally when they saw how it was improved by the Jewish immigrants who turned barren desert into useful and arable land. .

So how come Israelis carried out the following massacres apparently before there was even a war
Deir Yassin Massacre April 9th 1948
Tiberias was occupied on April 19th 1948,
Haifa on April 22nd
Jaffa on April 28th
the Arab quarters in the New City of Jerusalem on April 30th
Beisan on May 8th
Safad on May 10th and
Acre on May 14th 1948.
Israel declared statehood May 14th
The rest of your paragraph is an old chestnut myth, part of Zionist folklore but completely false.
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You do not know what you are talking about. The ethnic cleansing, and confiscation of lands, began even before the formal founding of Israel, but it was the Palestinian Arabs who were doing it. They attacked Jewish families for no reason and tried to steal back land that Jews had bought legally when they saw how it was improved by the Jewish immigrants who turned barren desert into useful and arable land. .

So how come Israelis carried out the following massacres apparently before there was even a war

You are distorting the truth again. You've been schooled on this repeatedly, but you keep repeating the same lies. The Arab attacks started long before the 1940s and continued for decades until Israel declared independence, the Palestinians declared war and were DEFEATED.


One of the el-Husseinis, Haj Amin, who emerged as the leading figure in Palestinian politics during the mandate period, first began to organize small groups of suicide groups, fedayeen (“one who sacrifices himself”), to terrorize Jews in 1919 in the hope of duplicating the success of Kemal in Turkey and drive the Jews out of Palestine, just as the Turkish nationalists were driving the Greeks from Turkey. The first large Arab riots took place in Jerusalem in the intermediary days of Passover, April 1920.

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Seems there is nothing to negotiate over:

"Israel's new deputy foreign minister, Tzipi Hotovely, delivers her inaugural speech to Israeli diplomats on Thursday. Hotovely says Israel has tried too hard to appease the world and must stand up for itself, adding that 'the international community should recognise Israel's right to build homes for Jews in their homeland, everywhere'" http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2015/may/22/israel-world-west-bank-deputy-foreign-minister-tzipi-hotovely-video

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1...yes, make 2 separate deals. Israel has done it before with Jordan and Egypt.

2... No they haven't rejected any peace deals. They have agreed to accept the state of Israel if Israel accepts the state of Palestine within roughly the 67 borders.

3...land swaps allowing Israel to keep large settlement blocs, compensation rather than Palestinian right of return, recognizing Israel within pre 67 borders accepting the loss of Mandatory Palestinian land in 1948 war...all are huge concessions by the Palestinians.

Realistic options means: Face reality, Israelis. The game is up. The world has changed.

Option 1...Does Israel want to have a state with a Jewish character and demographic majority in a just 2 state solution?

Option 2..Does Israel want a one state solution absorbing 2.5 million Palestinians as equal citizens, who may eventually outbreed Jews, and marry Palestians from the 10 million Palestinian diaspora to come and live with them back in Israel?

Option3... Does Israel want a one state solution by creating a Jewish State of Israel through ethnically cleansing at least 2.5 million Palestinians to tent cities on the Jordanian border, incurring the wrath of world opinion, certainly at least EU sanctions which will ultimately make Israel an economic basket case, massive Jewish emigration, and an end to the Zionist dream. And still no peace deal with its neighbors.

Option 4...Continue the status quo, a managed conflict, denying 2.5 million Palestinians under occupation the right to self determination....while options1-3 fester and the population and problems grow bigger. And still no peace deal with its neighbors.

So there are 2 states of Palestine?

So you have better insider information about Hamas rejection,?

Great please post some evidence supporting your claim? but for the time being, once again for the slow ones

Proposal crafted by Israeli and Palestinian officials, as well as UN special coordinator was REJECTED by Hamas

As for the rest of of your drivel, sorry can not be bothered reading or commenting on it.

So there are 2 states of Palestine?

There would seem to be, and it is of Israel's making. Netanyahu will talk to the PA and Abbas in the West Bank, but wont talk to Hamas in Gaza.

Israel will never have peace until it makes its enemies its friends. Yesterday's labelled terrorist in war is next year's Prime Minister in peace. Happened many times in history.

Israel will never have peace until it makes its enemies its friends cheesy.gif

That should be the other way around surely? Israels enemies need to make friend with Israel. That is why there is no peace. But I wouldn't expect a Arab propagandist like you to understand that.

You are a mirrior image of the problem. You would not admit you are wrong, like the Arabs, you could not compromise on your thinking, like the Arabs. You could not even admit the Arabs caused their own missery by not accepting a State of Israel.

Salaam alaikum

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Neurath (thread full),

That should be the other way around surely?
...no, Israel is the one that claims it is surrounded by enemies.

That is why there is no peace.
..no, Palestinians and the surrounding Arab countries have offered a complete peace treaty with Israel since 2002, free trade, exchange of ambassadors the works. The ball has always been in Israel's court.
You could not even admit the Arabs caused their own missery by not accepting a State of Israel.
..In the proposed UN Partition why should the Palestinians have agreed to give away 56% of their land to 33% of the population who were illegal immigrants? Would you?
Yasser Arafat and subsequent PA governments Have recognized the State of Israel since 1993.
The Palestinians have compromised enough. they have seen their land diminish from 3% Jewish ownership in 1922 to 100% occupation today.
They have seen their land, population and their culture swamped by Zionists invaders who came not as invited guests but to establish a Jewish State in someone else's land. Which they have succeeded in doing.
It is time Israel did some compromising, for starters by not being so greedy.
If in their avarice for land they want the lot, then accept the Palestinian population now under occupation as equal citizens that you have inherited through your conquest. Or compromise justly in a 2 state solution.
Edited by dexterm
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..no, Palestinians and the surrounding Arab countries have offered a complete peace treaty with Israel since 2002, free trade, exchange of ambassadors the works. The ball has always been in Israel's court.


You keep posting the same blatant lies that have been disproved over and over again. Why would anyone pay attention to the dishonest fantasies that you post here? Hamas - half of the Palestinian government - rejected the the Initiative and there is no way to move forward without them.

You seem to adhere to the Big Lie theory. In fact, it is very uncommon that your posts have much of anything truly historically accurate in them at all.

From YOUR link:


From its inception in 2002, the Initiative deeply divided the organization.[7] As stated before, members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, committed the Passover Massacre on same day as the peace Initiative's adoption.[3] At that time, Hamas rejected not only peace with Israel but even negotiations with it.[17] The official administration of Hamas never recognized the Initiative, which alienated it from members of the Arab League, especially Jordan and Egypt.[45] One of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' conditions of forming a national coalition government with Hamas after the 2006 election was that Hamas had to recognize the Initiative, but he was unsuccessful.[45]

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You keep posting the same blatant lies that have been disproved over and over again. Why would anyone the dishonest fantasies that you post here? Hamas - half of the Palestinian government - rejected the the Initiative and there is no way to move forward without them.

You seem to adhere to the Big Lie theory. It is very uncommon that your posts have much of anything truly historically accurate in them at all.


From its inception in 2002, the Initiative deeply divided the organization.[7] As stated before, members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, committed the Passover Massacre on same day as the peace Initiative's adoption.[3] At that time, Hamas rejected not only peace with Israel but even negotiations with it.[17] The official administration of Hamas never recognized the Initiative, which alienated it from members of the Arab League, especially Jordan and Egypt.[45] One of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' conditions of forming a national coalition government with Hamas after the 2006 election was that Hamas had to recognize the Initiative, but he was unsuccessful.[45]

It's highly doubtful he even believes those lies himself, but I suppose it makes good Israeli demonization propaganda for those who read that stuff and don't know the truth.

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is it true that in some streets Palestinians have to use to cross Jewish settlements, that divide their land.

have nets installed overhead to catch the garbage and soiled diapers the settlers throw at them?

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Neurath (thread full),

That should be the other way around surely?
...no, Israel is the one that claims it is surrounded by enemies.
That is why there is no peace.
..no, Palestinians and the surrounding Arab countries have offered a complete peace treaty with Israel since 2002, free trade, exchange of ambassadors the works. The ball has always been in Israel's court.
You could not even admit the Arabs caused their own missery by not accepting a State of Israel.
..In the proposed UN Partition why should the Palestinians have agreed to give away 56% of their land to 33% of the population who were illegal immigrants? Would you?
Yasser Arafat and subsequent PA governments Have recognized the State of Israel since 1993.
The Palestinians have compromised enough. they have seen their land diminish from 3% Jewish ownership in 1922 to 100% occupation today.
They have seen their land, population and their culture swamped by Zionists invaders who came not as invited guests but to establish a Jewish State in someone else's land. Which they have succeeded in doing.
It is time Israel did some compromising, for starters by not being so greedy.
If in their avarice for land they want the lot, then accept the Palestinian population now under occupation as equal citizens that you have inherited through your conquest. Or compromise justly in a 2 state solution.
It is time Israel did some compromising, for starters by not being so greedy.

If in their avarice for land they want the lot.

You are blind to the fact that Isreal gave back the Sinai to Egypt, They unoccupied the Gaza to the Arabs. They will give back part of the West Bank if and when the Arabs decide to make peace.

Surely you are splitting hair, Israel claims it is surrounded by enemies. Hamas, Hezbolah, Fatah the PA, Syria. They have all turned around and said come on Israel you are not surrounded by enemies we love you! We love you so much we want to push you into the sea.

You are not foolishgiggle.gif maybe naive! whistling.gif No don't think so. So maybe you are crazy.gif or you think people are crazy.gif to believe such nonesense.

Salaam alaikum TV's very own Arab Propagandist.

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I would suggest that readers view my links to the genuinely offered peace treaties with Israel and judge for themselves.

Look ... why not take your bogeyman Hamas and the rest out of the loop. Why not just strive for every hope of peace (which is the name of the game after all or is it not??) by doing a deal separately with the main player... PA ...as Israel has done in the past with Jordan and Egypt ...and see how that works out.

Nah.. too easy innit. Lets just play at striving for peace negotiations with "all or nothing" players and pretend that the rest of the world don't notice how disingenuous we really are.

Well, who cares really?

Time is on the side of the Palestinians. Israel with its ultra right wing government will continue to shoot itself in the foot until one day it wakes up to the fact that it either gives up the West Bank, or makes the people it has occupied for the last 48 years equal citizens.

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Look ... why not take your bogeyman Hamas and the rest out of the loop.

Because they are NOT out of the loop.Hamas is half of the Palestinians government.

Time is not on the side of the Palestinians, but that is what they tell themselves. That is why Israel keeps building settlements. Either the Arabs recognize the Jewish State, renounce terrorism and sign a peace treaty or they are going to wake up with next to nothing one day, with - as usual - only themselves to blame.

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Look ... why not take your bogeyman Hamas and the rest out of the loop.

Because they are NOT out of the loop.Hamas is half of the Palestinians government.

Time is not on the side of the Palestinians, but that is what they tell themselves. That is why Israel keeps building settlements. Either the Arabs recognize the Jewish State, renounce terrorism and sign a peace treaty or they are going to wake up with next to nothing one day, with - as usual - only themselves to blame.

Someone ought to make Bush, Obama, Kerry and Netanyahu aware of the impossibility of their task in talking peace with Abbas and the PA, while leaving Hamas out of the loop, next time they invite Abbas to the White House. He seems to have sneaked in there at least 3 times already.
It appears they are looking for the possible.
The more Israel builds illegal settlements the more non viable they are making a future Palestinian state, and the more wrath they will incur from the US and EU...not a smart move.
Either the Arabs recognize the Jewish State, renounce terrorism and sign a peace treaty or they are going to wake up with next to nothing one day
The PA have renounced terrorism; they are willing to sign a just peace treaty, and they have recognized the right of Israel to exist.
22 years ago in 1993 the PLO (PA) under Yasser Arafat recognized Israel's right to exist. They have repeated it many times since. .
"September 9, 1993
Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Prime Minister,
The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era...I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments: The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security."
Since then Israel, as yet another obstacle to peace, has moved the goalposts and now demands recognition of the Jewish State of Israel. Why should the Palestinians do so? Why should they relegate 20% of Israelis who are non Jews to 2nd class citizenship. That is racist supremacy.
And in any case, the way Israel continues to make a one state solution an inevitability, with the new West Bank Palestinian joining their brothers and sisters as equal citizens, they will then together form almost 50% of the Israeli population. It won't be a Jewish state any more.
So back to realistic option 3 above. Will it be a herding at gunpoint onto trucks to tent cities on the Jordanian borders for the 4 million Palestinians who now refuse to swear an oath of allegiance to a Jewish State. Gotta feeling the US, EU and the world would not allow that to happen.
No, time is running out for Israel to face reality and negotiate a 2 state solution while they still can.
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Look ... why not take your bogeyman Hamas and the rest out of the loop.

Because they are NOT out of the loop.Hamas is half of the Palestinians government.

Time is not on the side of the Palestinians, but that is what they tell themselves. That is why Israel keeps building settlements. Either the Arabs recognize the Jewish State, renounce terrorism and sign a peace treaty or they are going to wake up with next to nothing one day, with - as usual - only themselves to blame.

Someone ought to make Bush, Obama, Kerry and Netanyahu aware of the impossibility of their task in talking peace with Abbas and the PA, while leaving Hamas out of the loop, next time they invite Abbas to the White House. He seems to have sneaked in there at least 3 times already.

They can talk all they want. What they CAN'T do is get a peace deal that matters. Without Hamas there is NO peace deal and unless Hamas recognizes Israel as Jewish state and renounce terrorism - which they refuse to do - there will be no deal in the future.

Palestinians can live in purgatory forever, if they choose to, but it will be their own responsibility. I'm pretty sure that Netanyahu would be perfectly happy with that. It is hurting the Palestinians a lot more than the Israelis. Israel is flourishing.

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