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Plans to ruin Jomtien Beach?


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"I also saw a few owners of restaurants/hotels along the beach and they seemed to be all smiles. If you sit in one of their restaurants, you do have a better view of the beach/ocean after the massacre/trimming. I guess that is why they are smiling, thinking it will all be good for their business."

thinking it will all be good for their business, but my feeling is thinking wrong..... I've walked that beach for years.... as have many. But now will be no reason to come to that beach, and if don't come to the beach then won't come to restaurants. Those who might wish to pop in for a cool one during their walks will look at this poor imitation of freeway shoulder and decide to just skip it altogether.

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Its not just the beautiful tree going, its all the eco system and life it supports, feel so sad about this

Speaking of trees, today a bunch of first-class idiots removed virtually all of the old-growth shade trees that remained in the area from the police station (which, apparently, they are about to renovate) to a point about 100 yards down the beach. Now there is no shade at all! What they are doing is a crime against future generations.

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Its not just the beautiful tree going, its all the eco system and life it supports, feel so sad about this

Speaking of trees, today a bunch of first-class idiots removed virtually all of the old-growth shade trees that remained in the area from the police station (which, apparently, they are about to renovate) to a point about 100 yards down the beach. Now there is no shade at all! What they are doing is a crime against future generations.

When you say " area " are you referring to the trees along the proposed beachwalk or the trees that were on the beach - sand I saw about a week ago ?

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Its not just the beautiful tree going, its all the eco system and life it supports, feel so sad about this

Speaking of trees, today a bunch of first-class idiots removed virtually all of the old-growth shade trees that remained in the area from the police station (which, apparently, they are about to renovate) to a point about 100 yards down the beach. Now there is no shade at all! What they are doing is a crime against future generations.

When you say " area " are you referring to the trees along the proposed beachwalk or the trees that were on the beach - sand I saw about a week ago ?

Unfortunately, they removed ALL of the old-growth trees on the beach (that area used to be full of shade and was a nice place to sit). I thought they would trim them and leave them there, but NO! For some reason they decided to cut them all down. Now, from the police station to a point about 100 yards down the beach (roughly the area in front of Jomtien Plaza Condotel) there are only a few palm trees standing. The created an open view of the ocean, but it will be too hot to sit there during the day. What are they thinking?

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Don't have a picture, but every few meters on the nearly finished part, there are large square holes, hopefully trees will be going in them

Sure Sure they will be putting trees in the holes..

Crappy palm trees...

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Its not just the beautiful tree going, its all the eco system and life it supports, feel so sad about this

Speaking of trees, today a bunch of first-class idiots removed virtually all of the old-growth shade trees that remained in the area from the police station (which, apparently, they are about to renovate) to a point about 100 yards down the beach. Now there is no shade at all! What they are doing is a crime against future generations.

When you say " area " are you referring to the trees along the proposed beachwalk or the trees that were on the beach - sand I saw about a week ago ?

Unfortunately, they removed ALL of the old-growth trees on the beach (that area used to be full of shade and was a nice place to sit). I thought they would trim them and leave them there, but NO! For some reason they decided to cut them all down. Now, from the police station to a point about 100 yards down the beach (roughly the area in front of Jomtien Plaza Condotel) there are only a few palm trees standing. The created an open view of the ocean, but it will be too hot to sit there during the day. What are they thinking?

I don't understand what they have just done. I know the wood of those old fir trees has monetary value but that can't be the only reason for destroying those old trees but now even those affected beach vendors have absolutely no shade for their customers. Is the tree removal someway related to the building of what seems to be a large fountain?

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Simply brainless.

There is no other explanation.

They are decades away from the slightest idea of nature protection even though their great leader teached it to them for decades.

They have no idea what their foreign tourists think about such a devastation.

And they don't care (to avoid a four letter word).

The new masses from China don't care too.

You have to stand it or move on.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Its not just the beautiful tree going, its all the eco system and life it supports, feel so sad about this

Speaking of trees, today a bunch of first-class idiots removed virtually all of the old-growth shade trees that remained in the area from the police station (which, apparently, they are about to renovate) to a point about 100 yards down the beach. Now there is no shade at all! What they are doing is a crime against future generations.

When you say " area " are you referring to the trees along the proposed beachwalk or the trees that were on the beach - sand I saw about a week ago ?

Unfortunately, they removed ALL of the old-growth trees on the beach (that area used to be full of shade and was a nice place to sit). I thought they would trim them and leave them there, but NO! For some reason they decided to cut them all down. Now, from the police station to a point about 100 yards down the beach (roughly the area in front of Jomtien Plaza Condotel) there are only a few palm trees standing. The created an open view of the ocean, but it will be too hot to sit there during the day. What are they thinking?

Do you know how far they are going to take this path of destruction South ? Like to what Soi. If its just 100 yds thats not all that bad since its a small percent of the beach..

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The plan seems to indicate all the way to Chaiyapruk Road. I was up by Soi 6 other day around sunset, talking with guys who had removed all traces of wonderful old tree, benches, etc. I don't blame them. I told them I'd been coming to that bench for about 10 years to beat on my guitar. We all had a good laugh over that. What else can one do? Farang opinions are lower than fleas on most mangy soi dog in crappiest part of town.

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Quite the opposite, Juice777. Picking up the rubbish isn't too simple, it's too hard. Keeping a beach clean is an everyday 365 day a year commitment that involves sweeping the beach daily in the early morning, daily placing and maintaining rubbish bins on the beach (not just up on the street) at frequent intervals so beachgoers have a place to put their trash, more and better trash bins on the street, too, that are also emptied when full. Instead of the infrequent, big ugly green trash boxes now used, many more smaller bins are needed with lids. But, that would mean more work--too hard. I can remember walking around Dongtan Beach by the parking lot looking in vain for just one trash bin to put my trash in. I ended up just carrying the trash with me because I didn't want to throw it on the ground. And, it is apparently also too hard to clean and repair the sidewalks and streets, move the cable wires that are often at knee level on the sidewalks, clean the trash and garbage from the empty lots, round up all the stray dogs, and sweep the streets. Just TOO hard! Boo Hoo.

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It is almost incredible that they are cutting down more old-growth shade trees. They are now cutting down the trees that they trimmed earlier. Apparently trimming those trees was for "show." They have decided to cut down most of the trees that they trimmed earlier, leaving almost no shade.



Those trees actually help prevent soil/beach erosion, but try telling them that.

And, to make matters worse, as if they could actually do that, they are building places to sit in the full sun. How stupid is that? This is the tropics and it is hotter than Hell for most of the year.


The only good thing about this FUBAR project is that it represent a perfect model of what not to do in terms of renovating a beachfront promenade. The world of project designers now know precisely what not to do to make a beachfront promenade sustainable and people friendly.

Congratulations on the people behind the project! They actually did something useful.

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Beach area renovation has been a constant money make for the elected officials for years, they only make things so they can be redone 2 years down the road. How many times has Pattaya beach road been made over in the past 10 years..

Personally I think getting rid of the walk way seats is a great thing to do, anytime i'am there all i see is a bunch of over 70 men drinking beer and learning at all the girls, certainly not a family venue.

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Beach area renovation has been a constant money make for the elected officials for years, they only make things so they can be redone 2 years down the road. How many times has Pattaya beach road been made over in the past 10 years..

Personally I think getting rid of the walk way seats is a great thing to do, anytime i'am there all i see is a bunch of over 70 men drinking beer and learning at all the girls, certainly not a family venue.

"all i see is a bunch of over 70 men drinking beer and learning at all the girls" (I assume you mean "leering" although I am sure those girls could give some lessons you would never forget, try as you may....)

Step outside your own bias and think economics for a moment. Those "over 70 men" (ah, pray you don't make it to that age?) are what keeps local economy alive during off season. Probably on retirement visas, most either own or are renting place to live (ca-ching!). Probably safe to say they also frequent restaurants or food carts (man does not live by beer alone, or at least not for long). Most probably too lazy to wash clothes (laundry: ca-ching!), many hire locals to clean living space (ca-ching etc). All this money comes from "back home" which is like free money to Thai economy almost. Oh yeah, they also buy the beer, keeping local stores and bars in the black... I am 65, and my money helps keep these people alive. I don't drink and I don't take girls back for lessons (should I feel I'm not doing enough? Money I assume girls get when leering done goes into circulation here in Jomtien and some probably goes home to help take care of baby).

I also see plenty of families here, but most are here for only limited time. Jomtien can't compete with Disney World in family venue department. Destroying equivalent of village green for Jomtien besides being stupid, is also severely damaging an imperfect though functioning social gathering place. I hope you enjoy driving past this new pristine waste of money, and perhaps you'll ask yourself "Gee, why are so many businesses closed or up for sale?"

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It is almost incredible that they are cutting down more old-growth shade trees. They are now cutting down the trees that they trimmed earlier. Apparently trimming those trees was for "show." They have decided to cut down most of the trees that they trimmed earlier, leaving almost no shade.



What are those rectangular openings in the sidewalk? Dare I hope they are for some trees with sprawling foliage that will create a green canopy under whose shadow we can walk?

I was walking down Jomtien Beach Road around Soi 5 last week when they were removing some of those old-growth shade trees. They had a bit of a struggle dislodging some of the root systems from the sand ... which, of course, demonstrates how well they serve as an anchor for the beach sand.

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in the future you are allowed to plant a tree yourself charge baht 100, you are allowed to remove the rubbish yourself charge baht 50, you

are allowed to rent your own umbrella charge baht 100, you are allowed to rent your own deck-chair charge thb 50, you are allowed

to walk along the refurbished beach promenade charge baht 100 etc...



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Sadly, they are following the same plan as Pattaya. They didn't learn anything?...

You know, all the sandbags that went in as soon as the contractor turned the project over to the city.....looks real nice. blink.png

The first-class idiots removed three more old-growth trees this morning. You can only see two in this picture, but trust me three are there, and not one of them was in the way of what they were doing:


It is so sad to watch them destroy the beauty of Jomtien Beach. Now, in what was a spot with at least four rows of old-growth trees (from the police station to about soi 4), none are left. There is no shade and the palm trees will not provide much shade. Do Thais love skin cancer? Are they in favor of beach erosion? Are they opposed to fresh air? I would think at least some Thais would be protesting the removal of the trees. Doesn't the Thai Government have a Ministry of the Environment that could stop this crime against future generations? The odd thing is that I see Thais sitting on the walkway across from the beach, and they are always siting in the shade! Yet they apparently see nothing wrong with cutting down the old-growth shade trees. It is funny, in a tragic sense, to see farangs and Thais huddling underneath the few remaining shade trees around soi 7. No doubt, they are going to cut those trees down too. As stated earlier, the good thing about the project is that it is teaching designers and city officials outside of Thailand what not to do in order to improve a beach-front area and make it sustainable and people friendly. It is, in effect, an excellent FUBAR model for beach-front design and renovation.

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Any landscape designer or city planner with more than 2 brain cells realises how valuable our old trees are. They are always cherished and only removed if necessary.

Property appraisers put a value on these trees.

Only a brain dead nincompoop would plan this kind of slaughter on the primary attraction in a tourist town.

Usually the first thing to do when planning a renovation is to map out the tree locations. You work around them. Nowdays they have methods for moving them.

Here is a scenic tourist beach pathway in California.


The idiots with the chainsaws would be fish food in about 5 minutes in they started hacking away at these old trees in a California tourist beach town.

The locals would go ballistic! These trees are wonderful and you don't let idiots go hacking away at everything within in reach in some ill planned "improvement project."


Edited by Jupiterjim
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Well it looks like there is no stopping them. A perfectly good old-growth tree (probably 100 years) goes down:


In the early 80s, this area had about 100 old-growth shade trees, 4-5 rows deep. Now they are all gone:


Oh look, they already have a sand problem because they did not embrace a proper design. In some places, the "beach" is flush with the new promenade from Hell:


And they decided to build these terrible structures, parts of which are already below the normal beach-sand level:


What exactly is this supposed to be? There are openings for palm trees and water drains. I do not see how the future pathway is going to work. Are we supposed to tip toe around these structures when walking/jogging in the full, hot sun? It is more than interesting that the palm tree was not cut down even though it is in the path of the new promenade:



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Beach area renovation has been a constant money make for the elected officials for years, they only make things so they can be redone 2 years down the road. How many times has Pattaya beach road been made over in the past 10 years..

Personally I think getting rid of the walk way seats is a great thing to do, anytime i'am there all i see is a bunch of over 70 men drinking beer and learning at all the girls, certainly not a family venue.

I recently spent a month in Jomtein with wife and 3 yr. daughter walking to the beach at soi 7 everyday. It was sad to see the trees being destroyed. And yes this is a family destination as everyday I saw families lounging in the shade enjoying the beach life. I'll be back again.

Those old guys bother noone, jess... you're quite the prude.

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Was down there today and noticed what you caught in that last pic and thought the same, it looks crazy in this section!! As you say why leave that tree???

Because they really love Palm trees.

Palm trees provide very little shade.

If there are mostly only palm trees

Then they will not have to look at unsightly tourist

and Thai family's sitting in the shade of the

broad leaf trees enjoying themselves.

Edited by fforest1
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Having lived here for ten years (work in Thailand, not retired or a tourist) it seems the various city projects are given to companies that are not held accountable. Maybe the rumor of some relative getting the contract or some high official pocketing part of the project money is correct. I saw the construction of the new Beach Road lane and promenade being built and this is what drew my attention to question the research and quality of the project: 1) during the normal day, Beach Road is not that busy except on weekends when everyone is going to Central and at night time, the lanes are almost empty... and if an extra lane was needed, why not force the left lane (east lane) to be cleared of parking motorbikes and vendors? Removing land from a narrow buffer between the beach and street did not make sense to me. 2) Any expert would have known to make sure the new water drains along the new curbing had to handle the large volumes of water during the heavy rains. The engineers did not consider this.(and expert would know better) 3) When the brick walkway was being quickly laid, I was surprised the retainment walls between the beach and the higher level of the walkway were not being repaired or built...now parts of the walkway is crumbling along the edge where the beach is due to no repairs. (and expert would know better) 4) It seemed no thought was put into the importance of the original trees that took over 50 years or so to grow to provide shade and stop erosion. Instead, chop them all down and plant palm trees with shallow roots. (an expert would know better) 5) With an important tourist attraction such as the Beach Prominade, it seems the city would have city policeman or someone with authority to do a foot patrol of the area to stop crime from the katoeys or stop the motorcycles that use the promenade for a road (an expert would know this) The biggest disappointment is that the new Jomtien beach project will be like the rest of the municipal projects- no maintenance budgeted after it is finished.

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