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Brit In/Out EU Referendum

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The EU has been a resounding success. Formed to prevent war and starvation in Europe, there hasn't been a single shot in anger fired between members states.

Unfortunately the Greatest Generation gave birth to the Idiot Generation. People who bask in the glory of their parents achievements while dodging military service at every chance. If you could speak to your Mum and Dad today and ask them this question -

"Is it worth paying into a common fund to stop war and starvation?"

What do you think the answer would be?

Anyone that walks into that booth and votes us out is an idiot. Your parents would be embarrassed.

Now try this one:

"Dad, I want to go live in Thailand - the government says they'll send me my pension, but it will be fixed at the rate it is when I leave the country."

"Uhuhu, so what's your question?"

"Do you think that's fair?"

"How much notice has the government given you that you won't get an increase?"

"Only seventy years or so."

"What's wrong with you, you half-wit? count yourself lucky your getting a pension at all, and in my day we had capital controls so you couldn't even take your money out of the country."

"Oh, and another thing, Daddy - I want a vote to get the foreigners out of Britain while I'm collecting my pension in a foreign country."


You know - some of you guys are decent men, who are just not looking at this in the right way. There is no insurance policy too expensive to prevent war in Europe, or starvation in Europe. And that is all the EU has to do - stop war and hunger.

So stop the wittering self-pity crap and do the right thing.

Vote Yes To Europe.

Is it diffecult being as rude and silly as you are?

Ps i said silly to avoid being rude ,as you seem to know very little.

I know far more than the average about the true state of politics in the UK.

This referendum - that only the Tories promised - will be delivered.

Even now the Labour Party are swinging behind it - as it is the will of the British people to have this referendum once and for all.

And the end result?

Britain will vote to stay in Europe with a crushing majority.

The true idiots here are people that want out of the organization that has done it's job well. No war within EU states - no hunger.

I don't know any of your mothers or fathers - but I'm pretty sure if they were offered a deal where you, their sons, would never have to fight in a war in exchange for £2.65 billion a year in todays money - they would have bitten your hand off.

Wake up.

Also hilarious on this thread that people voted UKIP to get us out of Europe when they had no chance of securing more than two seats.

Wake up.

Hilarious on this thread that people ask where the war threat is from when they have watched Russia annexe a sovereign state in the last year.


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Here's a brain racking conundrum for all you pensioners -


400,000 British pensioners live in Spain.

Vote us out of the EU and they will lose the right of abode.

Now - they are the clever pensioners that retired in a country that has a treaty with the UK, and get the annual increases.

Do you think they'll vote themselves out of their new homes?


Here's a brain racking conundrum for all you pensioners -


400,000 British pensioners live in Spain.

Vote us out of the EU and they will lose the right of abode.

Now - they are the clever pensioners that retired in a country that has a treaty with the UK, and get the annual increases.

Do you think they'll vote themselves out of their new homes?

Britain will just keep paying the pensiones ,they will just carry on like pensioners in the Phillipines ect , dont be silly ,as for anything the left wing BBC say ,i do the opposite

ps ,i used the word silly again so as not to appear rude.


Here's a brain racking conundrum for all you pensioners -


400,000 British pensioners live in Spain.

Vote us out of the EU and they will lose the right of abode.

Now - they are the clever pensioners that retired in a country that has a treaty with the UK, and get the annual increases.

Do you think they'll vote themselves out of their new homes?

Can't access your link.

However, I'm moving from Thailand to Spain in the late summer (7 years here).

I have not the slightest worry about the issue of pensions increases, even if we voted for leaving the EC.

As I said, I can't read your link but, in any event, the State pension is obviously a social security benefit, with increases paid in countries that have bi-lateral SS agreements. (The Philippines is not in the EC but you get pension increases there). Even if the UK withdrew I could not envisage a scenario of these agreements being revoked. There are too many Spanish workers in the UK who would be affected.

As to the right of abode, there is no chance of Spain 'kicking out' 400,000 UK citizens. There would be an outcry from the Spanish people - particularly those who benefit. In the worst case, Brits might have to have retirement visa's of some sort. - certainly not involving 90 days reporting etc, which would be a relief.

I don't believe for one moment the UK will vote to leave. Even the Labour Party are supporting the principle of a referendum and will campaign for a 'no' vote on exit. Confirmed this morning by Harriet Harman on BBC1, Andrew Marr show.

Of course, I could be wrong, but de-coupling will take a long time and a new 'agreement' will have to be sorted out on the Swiss lines. This will take ages and I'll be 6ft under by then (in Spain).

Best wishes everyone.biggrin.png


Its going to be a NO to leaving the EU.

The codgers had just better get used to it....British voters aren't stupid enough to leave.


Interesting article on the BBC website today - the EU is the ultimate peace dividend - and the further it reaches the better.


'Two miracles'

Mr Lamy said if Britain left, it would be bad news for the EU.

He said in his previous jobs, he found world leaders, like the presidents of China and Brazil, felt the EU was founded on two miracles - peace between France and Germany, and British membership.


He said bad for the EU. Not bad for the UK.

The EU has everything to lose. The UK has everything to gain.

I am sure you are smart enough to work it out biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


I can only comment as a idle american commentator, but...Does anyone outside of the navel gazing British population actually care? Cant really believe that the average Joe on the streets of Berlin or Paris really gives a rats ass whether or not the UK is or isn't in the EU. It's not part of the Schengen agreement or the Euro (which may or may not be for better or worse) so what impact for those outside the UK would it make, I'd suggest nothing.

British business may have a downside, but to suggest that the rest of Europe or the world actually cares, don't think so


Likewise when your elections drag on for 18 months when UK managed it in just 38 days with all the key players identities known from the off.


The EU has been a resounding success. Formed to prevent war and starvation in Europe, there hasn't been a single shot in anger fired between members states.

Unfortunately the Greatest Generation gave birth to the Idiot Generation. People who bask in the glory of their parents achievements while dodging military service at every chance. If you could speak to your Mum and Dad today and ask them this question -

"Is it worth paying into a common fund to stop war and starvation?"

What do you think the answer would be?

Anyone that walks into that booth and votes us out is an idiot. Your parents would be embarrassed.

Now try this one:

"Dad, I want to go live in Thailand - the government says they'll send me my pension, but it will be fixed at the rate it is when I leave the country."

"Uhuhu, so what's your question?"

"Do you think that's fair?"

"How much notice has the government given you that you won't get an increase?"

"Only seventy years or so."

"What's wrong with you, you half-wit? count yourself lucky your getting a pension at all, and in my day we had capital controls so you couldn't even take your money out of the country."

"Oh, and another thing, Daddy - I want a vote to get the foreigners out of Britain while I'm collecting my pension in a foreign country."


You know - some of you guys are decent men, who are just not looking at this in the right way. There is no insurance policy too expensive to prevent war in Europe, or starvation in Europe. And that is all the EU has to do - stop war and hunger.

So stop the wittering self-pity crap and do the right thing.

Vote Yes To Europe.

Strangely enough I AM of your parent generation and YES I did serve 25 years in the RAF plus I voted for the UK to join the ECand NOT the EU.

I earned my pensions, all 3 of them and YES I did know that if I moved to Thailand my stste pension would be frozen but that was about 20 years ago. It certainly was not mentioned when I started paying contributions back in 1959 and AFAIK it still isn't published when you start paying contributions. It hasn't stopped the UK collecting income tax from me though and I started paying that in 1959 and will pay it up to my death.

You need to learn the difference between NATO and the EU as the EU don't by member countries who have little say have any military forces to stop any war between member countries and would most probably talk everybody to death and achieve very little.

Most of the EU regulations coming out nowadays are made by unelected beaurocrats and not any of the countries involved in the EU but ALL the member countries have to put up with it. The EU puts UP the cost of doing business with all their stupid petty rules and regulations.

The UK will be much better off outside the EU where we can apply our own rules and regulations laid out from a government that WE elected and and the next election we can vote out if we wish to do so.

If the EU is so good and so smart why does it move between Brussels and Strasburg for 6 months at a time and the cost for doing this and maintaining 2 separate locations falls on ALL member states.

Many countries exist quite happily outside of the EU which at 7 of 10 countries was manageable. Now at 28 countries there are only about 5 or 6 who are net contributors, the UK being one of them.


EU countries

The EU countries are:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

The European Economic Area (EEA)

The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It allows them to be part of the EU’s single market.

Switzerland is neither an EU or EEA member but is part of the single market - this means Swiss nationals have the same rights to live and work in the UK as other EEA nationals.

The UK will be better off leaving the EU in my honest opinion.


quote "So stop the wittering self-pity crap and do the right thing.

Vote Yes To Europe."

I don't speak any self pitying crap and I did the right thing.

I voted UKIP to get us out of Europe.

Which just goes to show that your grasp on logic is slipping.

The Tories had offered an EU referendum, and were the only party likely to deliver on that promise.

Anyone with any sense that was anti-EU voted Tory based upon that promise.

Your UKIP vote was wasted - as it was always going to be.

You did the wrong thing.

Perhaps in your opinion my grasp on logic is slipping but that is only your opinion and means nothing to me.

My UKIP vote was not wasted as it improved the UKIP position in Taunton Deane by 1 extra vote and there was certainly no other party worth voting for. At the next election it will go to UKIP again. BYW did YOU actually vote in the UK general election? If you did then who did you vote for?

I did the right thing in voting UKIP. Any party that gets over 4,000,000 votes means that over 4,000,000 people disagree with you. True they only got 1 seat but they did get more than twice the votes of the SNP who got 56 seats. Now there is a travesty of electoral justice called the FPTP system.


Not to mention how much a kick in the nuts UKIP gave to the 2 main Parties, who had to revert to smear campaigns.

They might only have 1 elected MP but I think that they have started a chain reaction in UK Politics that will be felt for a long time to come.

I cannot say that I have a lot of time for UKIP but I can certainly resonate with what they have done for UK Politics.


Always amazing - how people who grew up when the communist threat was at it's height - when the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened human extinction - who rejoiced when the Berlin Wall came down - forget.

The EU is all about peace in Europe - there's not been a single bullet fired in anger between member states since it's inception. And here we have grown British men posting links saying that the EU contribution has cost the UK £85 billion over 32 years - less than £3 billion a year - and calling it expensive.


Expensive is the Somme, expensive is Dunkirk - expensive is the UK state being left with a national debt that was 273% of the GDP. £2.65 billion a year to prevent war and starvation in Europe is cheap.

As a living UK citizen in the north west of England I think its a fair point when everyday UK anglo saxan folk dont want to be out numbered by EU Immigrants. Simple as that.

I for one dont want my children going to school with shed load of European speaking or Muslim folk. Period and for that Im voting EU out


The EU has been a resounding success. Formed to prevent war and starvation in Europe, there hasn't been a single shot in anger fired between members states.

Unfortunately the Greatest Generation gave birth to the Idiot Generation. People who bask in the glory of their parents achievements while dodging military service at every chance. If you could speak to your Mum and Dad today and ask them this question -

"Is it worth paying into a common fund to stop war and starvation?"

What do you think the answer would be?

Anyone that walks into that booth and votes us out is an idiot. Your parents would be embarrassed.

Now try this one:

"Dad, I want to go live in Thailand - the government says they'll send me my pension, but it will be fixed at the rate it is when I leave the country."

"Uhuhu, so what's your question?"

"Do you think that's fair?"

"How much notice has the government given you that you won't get an increase?"

"Only seventy years or so."

"What's wrong with you, you half-wit? count yourself lucky your getting a pension at all, and in my day we had capital controls so you couldn't even take your money out of the country."

"Oh, and another thing, Daddy - I want a vote to get the foreigners out of Britain while I'm collecting my pension in a foreign country."


You know - some of you guys are decent men, who are just not looking at this in the right way. There is no insurance policy too expensive to prevent war in Europe, or starvation in Europe. And that is all the EU has to do - stop war and hunger.

So stop the wittering self-pity crap and do the right thing.

Vote Yes To Europe.

Strangely enough I AM of your parent generation and YES I did serve 25 years in the RAF plus I voted for the UK to join the ECand NOT the EU.

I earned my pensions, all 3 of them and YES I did know that if I moved to Thailand my stste pension would be frozen but that was about 20 years ago. It certainly was not mentioned when I started paying contributions back in 1959 and AFAIK it still isn't published when you start paying contributions. It hasn't stopped the UK collecting income tax from me though and I started paying that in 1959 and will pay it up to my death.

You need to learn the difference between NATO and the EU as the EU don't by member countries who have little say have any military forces to stop any war between member countries and would most probably talk everybody to death and achieve very little.

Most of the EU regulations coming out nowadays are made by unelected beaurocrats and not any of the countries involved in the EU but ALL the member countries have to put up with it. The EU puts UP the cost of doing business with all their stupid petty rules and regulations.

The UK will be much better off outside the EU where we can apply our own rules and regulations laid out from a government that WE elected and and the next election we can vote out if we wish to do so.

If the EU is so good and so smart why does it move between Brussels and Strasburg for 6 months at a time and the cost for doing this and maintaining 2 separate locations falls on ALL member states.

Many countries exist quite happily outside of the EU which at 7 of 10 countries was manageable. Now at 28 countries there are only about 5 or 6 who are net contributors, the UK being one of them.


EU countries

The EU countries are:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

The European Economic Area (EEA)

The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It allows them to be part of the EU’s single market.

Switzerland is neither an EU or EEA member but is part of the single market - this means Swiss nationals have the same rights to live and work in the UK as other EEA nationals.

The UK will be better off leaving the EU in my honest opinion.


quote "So stop the wittering self-pity crap and do the right thing.

Vote Yes To Europe."

I don't speak any self pitying crap and I did the right thing.

I voted UKIP to get us out of Europe.

Which just goes to show that your grasp on logic is slipping.

The Tories had offered an EU referendum, and were the only party likely to deliver on that promise.

Anyone with any sense that was anti-EU voted Tory based upon that promise.

Your UKIP vote was wasted - as it was always going to be.

You did the wrong thing.

Perhaps in your opinion my grasp on logic is slipping but that is only your opinion and means nothing to me.

My UKIP vote was not wasted as it improved the UKIP position in Taunton Deane by 1 extra vote and there was certainly no other party worth voting for. At the next election it will go to UKIP again. BYW did YOU actually vote in the UK general election? If you did then who did you vote for?

I did the right thing in voting UKIP. Any party that gets over 4,000,000 votes means that over 4,000,000 people disagree with you. True they only got 1 seat but they did get more than twice the votes of the SNP who got 56 seats. Now there is a travesty of electoral justice called the FPTP system.

The British people voted to keep FTFP in 2011.

So tough.

The rest of your post is political dribble.

The only party with a realistic chance of offering an in-out EU referendum was the Tory party.

So you voted UKIP.

Not very clever that.


Always amazing - how people who grew up when the communist threat was at it's height - when the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened human extinction - who rejoiced when the Berlin Wall came down - forget.

The EU is all about peace in Europe - there's not been a single bullet fired in anger between member states since it's inception. And here we have grown British men posting links saying that the EU contribution has cost the UK £85 billion over 32 years - less than £3 billion a year - and calling it expensive.


Expensive is the Somme, expensive is Dunkirk - expensive is the UK state being left with a national debt that was 273% of the GDP. £2.65 billion a year to prevent war and starvation in Europe is cheap.

As a living UK citizen in the north west of England I think its a fair point when everyday UK anglo saxan folk dont want to be out numbered by EU Immigrants. Simple as that.

I for one dont want my children going to school with shed load of European speaking or Muslim folk. Period and for that Im voting EU out

I'm aware that racism is alive and well in North West England.


Strangely enough I AM of your parent generation and YES I did serve 25 years in the RAF plus I voted for the UK to join the ECand NOT the EU.

I earned my pensions, all 3 of them and YES I did know that if I moved to Thailand my stste pension would be frozen but that was about 20 years ago. It certainly was not mentioned when I started paying contributions back in 1959 and AFAIK it still isn't published when you start paying contributions. It hasn't stopped the UK collecting income tax from me though and I started paying that in 1959 and will pay it up to my death.

You need to learn the difference between NATO and the EU as the EU don't by member countries who have little say have any military forces to stop any war between member countries and would most probably talk everybody to death and achieve very little.

Most of the EU regulations coming out nowadays are made by unelected beaurocrats and not any of the countries involved in the EU but ALL the member countries have to put up with it. The EU puts UP the cost of doing business with all their stupid petty rules and regulations.

The UK will be much better off outside the EU where we can apply our own rules and regulations laid out from a government that WE elected and and the next election we can vote out if we wish to do so.

If the EU is so good and so smart why does it move between Brussels and Strasburg for 6 months at a time and the cost for doing this and maintaining 2 separate locations falls on ALL member states.

Many countries exist quite happily outside of the EU which at 7 of 10 countries was manageable. Now at 28 countries there are only about 5 or 6 who are net contributors, the UK being one of them.


EU countries

The EU countries are:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK.

The European Economic Area (EEA)

The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It allows them to be part of the EU’s single market.

Switzerland is neither an EU or EEA member but is part of the single market - this means Swiss nationals have the same rights to live and work in the UK as other EEA nationals.

The UK will be better off leaving the EU in my honest opinion.


quote "So stop the wittering self-pity crap and do the right thing.

Vote Yes To Europe."

I don't speak any self pitying crap and I did the right thing.

I voted UKIP to get us out of Europe.

Which just goes to show that your grasp on logic is slipping.

The Tories had offered an EU referendum, and were the only party likely to deliver on that promise.

Anyone with any sense that was anti-EU voted Tory based upon that promise.

Your UKIP vote was wasted - as it was always going to be.

You did the wrong thing.

Perhaps in your opinion my grasp on logic is slipping but that is only your opinion and means nothing to me.

My UKIP vote was not wasted as it improved the UKIP position in Taunton Deane by 1 extra vote and there was certainly no other party worth voting for. At the next election it will go to UKIP again. BYW did YOU actually vote in the UK general election? If you did then who did you vote for?

I did the right thing in voting UKIP. Any party that gets over 4,000,000 votes means that over 4,000,000 people disagree with you. True they only got 1 seat but they did get more than twice the votes of the SNP who got 56 seats. Now there is a travesty of electoral justice called the FPTP system.

The British people voted to keep FTFP in 2011.

So tough.

The rest of your post is political dribble.

The only party with a realistic chance of offering an in-out EU referendum was the Tory party.

So you voted UKIP.

Not very clever that.

What a nasty arrogant person you are.

You seem to believe that you are right and everybody else is wrong.

Look for the number of posts that support you and then look at the number of posts that oppose you and you may find it a little lonely.

BTW did you actually vote and if so for which party? You never bothered to answer that when I asked before.

In whose opinion is the rest of my post political dribble?

Yours, which is worthless perhaps?


Always amazing - how people who grew up when the communist threat was at it's height - when the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened human extinction - who rejoiced when the Berlin Wall came down - forget.

The EU is all about peace in Europe - there's not been a single bullet fired in anger between member states since it's inception. And here we have grown British men posting links saying that the EU contribution has cost the UK £85 billion over 32 years - less than £3 billion a year - and calling it expensive.


Expensive is the Somme, expensive is Dunkirk - expensive is the UK state being left with a national debt that was 273% of the GDP. £2.65 billion a year to prevent war and starvation in Europe is cheap.

As a living UK citizen in the north west of England I think its a fair point when everyday UK anglo saxan folk dont want to be out numbered by EU Immigrants. Simple as that.

I for one dont want my children going to school with shed load of European speaking or Muslim folk. Period and for that Im voting EU out

I'm aware that racism is alive and well in North West England.

There is nothing racist in DDuval's post. The truth is not racist.


Perhaps in your opinion my grasp on logic is slipping but that is only your opinion and means nothing to me.

My UKIP vote was not wasted as it improved the UKIP position in Taunton Deane by 1 extra vote and there was certainly no other party worth voting for. At the next election it will go to UKIP again. BYW did YOU actually vote in the UK general election? If you did then who did you vote for?

I did the right thing in voting UKIP. Any party that gets over 4,000,000 votes means that over 4,000,000 people disagree with you. True they only got 1 seat but they did get more than twice the votes of the SNP who got 56 seats. Now there is a travesty of electoral justice called the FPTP system.

The British people voted to keep FTFP in 2011.

So tough.

The rest of your post is political dribble.

The only party with a realistic chance of offering an in-out EU referendum was the Tory party.

So you voted UKIP.

Not very clever that.

What a nasty arrogant person you are.

You seem to believe that you are right and everybody else is wrong.

Look for the number of posts that support you and then look at the number of posts that oppose you and you may find it a little lonely.

BTW did you actually vote and if so for which party? You never bothered to answer that when I asked before.

In whose opinion is the rest of my post political dribble?

Yours, which is worthless perhaps?

He did not vote. He is from one of the leeching EU Countries and did not have a vote as he is not a UK Citizen.

He is just terrified that the money tap of the leechers is turned off.


You all will find that when the votes are counted in the referendum that myself and phrodan are correct.

We are in the majority regards UK voters opinions on Europe....no its not perfect but its a hell of a lot better that we are in the EU than out of it.

Luckily for Britain the posters on this thread are not representative of voters in the UK....and how could they be with the majority having chosen to leave Britain behind.

I suspect if I looked I'd find plenty of you on the pensions thread too......whistling.gif


Perhaps in your opinion my grasp on logic is slipping but that is only your opinion and means nothing to me.

My UKIP vote was not wasted as it improved the UKIP position in Taunton Deane by 1 extra vote and there was certainly no other party worth voting for. At the next election it will go to UKIP again. BYW did YOU actually vote in the UK general election? If you did then who did you vote for?

I did the right thing in voting UKIP. Any party that gets over 4,000,000 votes means that over 4,000,000 people disagree with you. True they only got 1 seat but they did get more than twice the votes of the SNP who got 56 seats. Now there is a travesty of electoral justice called the FPTP system.

The British people voted to keep FTFP in 2011.

So tough.

The rest of your post is political dribble.

The only party with a realistic chance of offering an in-out EU referendum was the Tory party.

So you voted UKIP.

Not very clever that.

What a nasty arrogant person you are.

You seem to believe that you are right and everybody else is wrong.

Look for the number of posts that support you and then look at the number of posts that oppose you and you may find it a little lonely.

BTW did you actually vote and if so for which party? You never bothered to answer that when I asked before.

In whose opinion is the rest of my post political dribble?

Yours, which is worthless perhaps?

He did not vote. He is from one of the leeching EU Countries and did not have a vote as he is not a UK Citizen.

He is just terrified that the money tap of the leechers is turned off.

Nasty....just plain nasty.

Oh I almost forgot....LMFAO!


Well I am afraid as some Farangs like to say about the Majority voters here, many people in the UK are not educated or aware enough to vote on such a fundamental subject to the UKs future, Many little Englander Daily mail Readers will vote on pure prejudice, Shaking with rage as they thumb through the Daily mail and Telegraph after reading how much Johnny Foreigner , The Hun the Frogs and the Dago;s are ripping us off. Disaster if we come out


Always amazing - how people who grew up when the communist threat was at it's height - when the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened human extinction - who rejoiced when the Berlin Wall came down - forget.

The EU is all about peace in Europe - there's not been a single bullet fired in anger between member states since it's inception. And here we have grown British men posting links saying that the EU contribution has cost the UK £85 billion over 32 years - less than £3 billion a year - and calling it expensive.


Expensive is the Somme, expensive is Dunkirk - expensive is the UK state being left with a national debt that was 273% of the GDP. £2.65 billion a year to prevent war and starvation in Europe is cheap.

As a living UK citizen in the north west of England I think its a fair point when everyday UK anglo saxan folk dont want to be out numbered by EU Immigrants. Simple as that.

I for one dont want my children going to school with shed load of European speaking or Muslim folk. Period and for that Im voting EU out

The irony of posting this on a Thai expat forum must be lost on you and all who liked your racist dribble.

Oh well.

Edit: Just to point out its Anglo Saxon....for when you next want to expose yourself as a racist. smile.png


You all will find that when the votes are counted in the referendum that myself and phrodan are correct.

We are in the majority regards UK voters opinions on Europe....no its not perfect but its a hell of a lot better that we are in the EU than out of it.

Luckily for Britain the posters on this thread are not representative of voters in the UK....and how could they be with the majority having chosen to leave Britain behind.

I suspect if I looked I'd find plenty of you on the pensions thread too......whistling.gif

Were you not on the losing side of the Scottish Independence ? So I do not think we need to read to much into your assertion of which way the UK will vote. tongue.pngtongue.png

Actually, what you might find is that the majority of posters might want to stay in the EU, but with substantial changes. The problem for most is those changes will not come.

But I am sure you know better whistling.gifwhistling.gif


You all will find that when the votes are counted in the referendum that myself and phrodan are correct.

We are in the majority regards UK voters opinions on Europe....no its not perfect but its a hell of a lot better that we are in the EU than out of it.

Luckily for Britain the posters on this thread are not representative of voters in the UK....and how could they be with the majority having chosen to leave Britain behind.

I suspect if I looked I'd find plenty of you on the pensions thread too......whistling.gif

You wish, we don't need the EU,they need our money my brother runs a company exporting and the red tape put out by unelected gravy train leachers in the EU is a rope around our necks

Another thing we were told how if we did not join the euro we would be left out in the cold and doomed,the same bunch are saying the same thing about leaving the EU,wrong then wrong now


Always amazing - how people who grew up when the communist threat was at it's height - when the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened human extinction - who rejoiced when the Berlin Wall came down - forget.

The EU is all about peace in Europe - there's not been a single bullet fired in anger between member states since it's inception. And here we have grown British men posting links saying that the EU contribution has cost the UK £85 billion over 32 years - less than £3 billion a year - and calling it expensive.


Expensive is the Somme, expensive is Dunkirk - expensive is the UK state being left with a national debt that was 273% of the GDP. £2.65 billion a year to prevent war and starvation in Europe is cheap.

As a living UK citizen in the north west of England I think its a fair point when everyday UK anglo saxan folk dont want to be out numbered by EU Immigrants. Simple as that.

I for one dont want my children going to school with shed load of European speaking or Muslim folk. Period and for that Im voting EU out

The irony of posting this on a Thai expat forum must be lost on you and all who liked your racist dribble.

Oh well.

Edit: Just to point out its Anglo Saxon....for when you next want to expose yourself as a racist. smile.png

There we go again the old racism card, wondered how long it would take for you lot to crawl from the woodwork. A racist is someone who discriminates on color of skin, I dont.. I just want England to have people who speak English and English values at heart. Not people who come here to fleece our public services


The UK voters are not going to vote to leave the EU....no matter how much you want to dream about how great it would be.

Keep fantasising folks!



A million people agreeing with you o this forum will not make a blind bit of difference.

In the real world - ie - the UK, not a Thai expat forum - there is not a chance in hell that the British electorate will vote us out of the EU.

Not a chance.


Always amazing - how people who grew up when the communist threat was at it's height - when the Cuban Missile Crisis threatened human extinction - who rejoiced when the Berlin Wall came down - forget.

The EU is all about peace in Europe - there's not been a single bullet fired in anger between member states since it's inception. And here we have grown British men posting links saying that the EU contribution has cost the UK £85 billion over 32 years - less than £3 billion a year - and calling it expensive.


Expensive is the Somme, expensive is Dunkirk - expensive is the UK state being left with a national debt that was 273% of the GDP. £2.65 billion a year to prevent war and starvation in Europe is cheap.

As a living UK citizen in the north west of England I think its a fair point when everyday UK anglo saxan folk dont want to be out numbered by EU Immigrants. Simple as that.

I for one dont want my children going to school with shed load of European speaking or Muslim folk. Period and for that Im voting EU out

The irony of posting this on a Thai expat forum must be lost on you and all who liked your racist dribble.

Oh well.

Edit: Just to point out its Anglo Saxon....for when you next want to expose yourself as a racist. smile.png

There we go again the old racism card, wondered how long it would take for you lot to crawl from the woodwork. A racist is someone who discriminates on color of skin, I dont.. I just want England to have people who speak English and English values at heart. Not people who come here to fleece our public services

Your choice of words is telling - the idea that anyone who disagrees with you "crawls out of the woodwork," is telling. It's along the same lines as the Hitler meme - "I'm losing this argument/hate this idea, so I'll bring Hitler into it."

I have crawled from nowhere.

It is you that has identified "European speaking or Muslim folk," as some type of threat.

By castigating an entire tranche of people, ( well two in your case ) as not being worthy of living in England - you have shown your true racist roots.

The hilarious thing about that is -

You brought up the immigrant Anglo-Saxons - you know, the European invaders, as having some type of special right to live in the UK.

The same guys that arrived speaking - wait for it - EUROPEAN LANGUAGES!

And even worse - THEY WERE GERMAN.

Oh no, now we're all German.

Oh, the shame - the horror.


The UK voters are not going to vote to leave the EU....no matter how much you want to dream about how great it would be.

Keep fantasising folks!

So why is Cameron now bouncing around the EU like a rabbit on speed ?

Do you think he is fantasising, or do you think that he really believes there just might be an out vote ?

I seem to recall that he stood back until the last safe moment in the Scottish Independence Referendum and only got involved when he thought it might actually go to a yes vote. But here we are, 2 years away from any in / out Referendum and he is out the blocks already.

His actions speak volumes.


Already Cameron has shiifted the Goalposts,what started off as a straight forward IN / OUT Referendom is biased towards talk of concessions,which shows that Cameron has never really wanted out of Europe,he's desperate to show the people,that we should stay in Europe, and I doubt there will be too much talk of what the people want,except from UKIP.

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