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Thaksin wants strong support base before contemplating return home


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the USA needs a big base with its future war with China over the South China Sea.


Jihadist group calls on Muslims to save Burmese migrants from 'savage Buddhists'. Al-Shabaab, the al-Qaeda-affiliated Somali terror group


somebody has to sign off on all of this. CNN is a good place to start talking about "restoring democracy" to the American people who are clueless about Thailand.

Well yes, I agree, the USA actually wants to build a big airbase in Thailand. That way, America can bomb China when World War Three starts !!

Now then, America would prefer to deal with nations that are democracies. The USA has to, at the very least, make it look like that it is trying to spread freedom and democracy everywhere. Yes, democracy means Thailand having a general election, an election with Thaksin competing against Abhisit. Yes, the West demands an election if Thailand is to be recognised as a democratic nation.

Do you feel it would be good if Thailand was regarded as a democracy by the West ? Do you feel it would be good if Thailand was to have a US airbase ? Do you feel it would be good for Thailand if Thailand was to receive benefits and gifts from the USA ? Yes, demand gifts from the USA, a US airbase on Thai soil is not for free ! Yes, playing the West and China against each other will benefit Thailand. Or do you feel that it's not a problem if Thailand is aligned with China, and becomes a Chinese colony ?


"Well yes, I agree, the USA actually wants to build a big airbase in Thailand. That way, America can bomb China when World War Three starts"

So Thailand becomes the first target of retaliation.

"Now then, America would prefer to deal with nations that are democracies"

That would be like Egypt where they supported the 2013 military coup.

As for the rest :

At the moment they appear to be getting on OK without gifts from the US who always want something in return. Although you may not have noticed for all the talk there is still trade with the US, what is it they say 'Money talks and BS walks'

So according to you if Thailand deals with China they will become a Chinese colony, using the same flawed logic if they choose to deal with the US they will become a US colony. Perhaps it is best if they deal with both along with the rest of the world.

PS, it is beyond understanding why you or anyone else would want a convicted criminal with many charges still to be heard against him to be competing in a Thai election, the idea is to have clean politics with non criminals in parliament.

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And the award for the most facile comment on this thread......

"PS, it is beyond understanding why you or anyone else would want a convicted criminal with many charges still to be heard against him to be competing in a Thai election, the idea is to have clean politics with non criminals in parliament"


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""I want to clone the DNA of the Thai democracy. I want to take it [DNA] into the 'Thaksin lab' to make a stronger and better democracy.""

and some complain about re-education sessions ?

...................and some complain about re-education sessions ?.........................

Similar thought to the one I had when I read that insane statement by Thaksin, the mad professor.

I will add it to my long list of wacko quotes by Thaksin, who I believe has "lost the plot". He is forgetting the lies he told in the past, like not interfering in Thai politics, and just making himself look stupid now.

From now on when the anti-junta crowd pick on the PM for making outlandish comments, I will quote this latest one by Thaksin and remind them - "This is the alternative".........................................clap2.gif

.. Because everyone who is anti junta is pro Thaksin and that's the end of the matter.

Therein lies the problem. If you are against the Junta, that means you favor the continuation of Thaksin's 'democratic' governments. There is no third choice that I'm aware of, is there? I can safely say that almost none of the anti-Thaksin gang on this forum is pro-military rule but, it IS the lesser of two evils and, as far as military rulers go, Gen. Prayut is doing a better job of moving Thailand from being a backwards, corruption ridden, 'developing country with fake democracy towards a country with better public institutions that serve the people and not the 'elite' and one that, hopefully, can sustain a more true democratic process.

If you know of a non-Thaksin or non-Junta alternative, please share.

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As much as I dislike the junta I wouldn't shed a tear If this cretin never set foot in Thailand again. Your ship has long sailed Thaksin, you won't ever be pm again. Let it go.

Sadly he really believes someday he will return and be PM again.

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"I want to clone the DNA of the Thai democracy. I want to take it [DNA] into the 'Thaksin lab' to make a stronger and better democracy."

About what "lab" he is talking about?

Where it is?

Is this a think tank where many intellectuals come together breeding about a better democracy,

or it is just the liquor cabinet in his spacious Dubai Apartment full with ear medicine from his missing friend Chalerm?


Like this -----------------> attachicon.giftak.jpg.

Probably more like this. Morgus the Magnificent's laboratory in New Orleans. circa 1953


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""I want to clone the DNA of the Thai democracy. I want to take it [DNA] into the 'Thaksin lab' to make a stronger and better democracy.""

and some complain about re-education sessions ?

...................and some complain about re-education sessions ?.........................

Similar thought to the one I had when I read that insane statement by Thaksin, the mad professor.

I will add it to my long list of wacko quotes by Thaksin, who I believe has "lost the plot". He is forgetting the lies he told in the past, like not interfering in Thai politics, and just making himself look stupid now.

From now on when the anti-junta crowd pick on the PM for making outlandish comments, I will quote this latest one by Thaksin and remind them - "This is the alternative".........................................clap2.gif

.. Because everyone who is anti junta is pro Thaksin and that's the end of the matter.

Therein lies the problem. If you are against the Junta, that means you favor the continuation of Thaksin's 'democratic' governments. There is no third choice that I'm aware of, is there? I can safely say that almost none of the anti-Thaksin gang on this forum is pro-military rule but, it IS the lesser of two evils and, as far as military rulers go, Gen. Prayut is doing a better job of moving Thailand from being a backwards, corruption ridden, 'developing country with fake democracy towards a country with better public institutions that serve the people and not the 'elite' and one that, hopefully, can sustain a more true democratic process.

If you know of a non-Thaksin or non-Junta alternative, please share.

Yeah, let me run it. I would be fabulous!

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Did I imagine that just 24 hours ago he stressed that the rule of law must be followed. Today's outburst said that basically when he thinks he has bought enough support from the retarded and feeble-minded, screw the rule of law and democracy, he will rally his slackjaws and attempt to gain control over Thailand through terrorism. Entirely predictable IMO.

By 'retarded and feeble-minded', are you referring to a large portion of the electorate?

Just want to know where you're coming from.

A large portion, but less than 50%, is that what you are referring to? Interesting to see that Thaksin's bald lies and absolutely contradicting himself publicly in less than 24 hours does not take the shine off him for the enamored.

Pats on the back to Baker,Bell,Botts ,Peroff and big Bobby A. You polished a turd boys.

according to the last 10 years, Thaksin won all elections. So he will be backupped by at least 50% of the population and will still be whatever the General might do. To accept the reality is one requirement and sign of democracy even if you don't like it.

It's not democracy when you win by buying votes. Also it's not support when you are being paid to demonstrate.

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Love him or hate him: 1. He knows it is a waiting game, and he has the time while others may not.

2. There is no other personality that comes close to him in the public arena.

He knows it is a waiting game, and he has the time while others may not

The longer Thaksin has to wait, the more people realize they can do just fine without him. Besides, his recent comments show he is losing his mental capacity and becoming even more grandiose and delusional.

There is no other personality that comes close to him in the public arena.

Sure there are: Hun Sen, Robert Mugabe... oops, they are still in power. What public arena are we talking about? Dubai? Montenegro? Where exactly is Thaksin's public arena?

You keep hope alive. Hang on to that dream that Thaksin will come back and regain his old power. It seems that's all you have.

Sorry to correct you but you forgot the most important point:

"You keep hope alive. Hang on to that dream that Thaksin will come back and regain his old power AND MAKE YOU RICH". Because that is as far as it goes with red-shirts. Morales, ethics, standing up what is right and decent play no part in it whatsoever.

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Hasn't this guy and his family done enough damage to Thailand ? It boggles the mind to think someone would have so much disrespect for a nation and its people that he would go on and on and on and cause so much damage and cause so many deaths.

Pull up a chair and sit in Dubai and think about the lives you have damaged and enjoy the image. One sick dude !

Edited by ttthailand
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the USA needs a big base with its future war with China over the South China Sea.


Jihadist group calls on Muslims to save Burmese migrants from 'savage Buddhists'. Al-Shabaab, the al-Qaeda-affiliated Somali terror group


somebody has to sign off on all of this. CNN is a good place to start talking about "restoring democracy" to the American people who are clueless about Thailand.

Well yes, I agree, the USA actually wants to build a big airbase in Thailand. That way, America can bomb China when World War Three starts !!

Now then, America would prefer to deal with nations that are democracies. The USA has to, at the very least, make it look like that it is trying to spread freedom and democracy everywhere. Yes, democracy means Thailand having a general election, an election with Thaksin competing against Abhisit. Yes, the West demands an election if Thailand is to be recognised as a democratic nation.

Do you feel it would be good if Thailand was regarded as a democracy by the West ? Do you feel it would be good if Thailand was to have a US airbase ? Do you feel it would be good for Thailand if Thailand was to receive benefits and gifts from the USA ? Yes, demand gifts from the USA, a US airbase on Thai soil is not for free ! Yes, playing the West and China against each other will benefit Thailand. Or do you feel that it's not a problem if Thailand is aligned with China, and becomes a Chinese colony ?


"Well yes, I agree, the USA actually wants to build a big airbase in Thailand. That way, America can bomb China when World War Three starts"

So Thailand becomes the first target of retaliation.

"Now then, America would prefer to deal with nations that are democracies"

That would be like Egypt where they supported the 2013 military coup.

As for the rest :

At the moment they appear to be getting on OK without gifts from the US who always want something in return. Although you may not have noticed for all the talk there is still trade with the US, what is it they say 'Money talks and BS walks'

So according to you if Thailand deals with China they will become a Chinese colony, using the same flawed logic if they choose to deal with the US they will become a US colony. Perhaps it is best if they deal with both along with the rest of the world.

PS, it is beyond understanding why you or anyone else would want a convicted criminal with many charges still to be heard against him to be competing in a Thai election, the idea is to have clean politics with non criminals in parliament.

Robby nz, I think it's best for Thailand to be in with both China AND the USA ! :)

Dealing with China does not mean Thailand becomes a Chinese colony. But to have China only, and no America, well, Thailand does slowly become a near Chinese colony. A whole load of people, anti-Thaksinites and pro-Thaksinites have already mentioned about Thailand slowly becoming 'Chailand' !

Thailand becomes a target of retaliation if US airbases are allowed in Thailand ? The US airbases are already in Japan and South Korea. When World War Three does break out, is it better for Thailand to be with the West OR China ? Actually, Thailand will probably stay neutral, bit like World War Two ! :)

Robbby, it doesn't matter whether I think Thaksin competing with Abhisit at the next election will be a good thing or not. What does matter is what the West thinks. The West will only restore full diplomatic and political links with Thailand when THEY see a general election involving Thaksin and Abhisit. Abhisit pulling out of any election means that the election is useless. And no Thaksin (no Thaksin proxy) will also mean that the election doesn't count in the eyes of the West.

If the junta was to receive a full welcome when turning up in America or Britain, well yes, there would be no need for Thailand to have an election. There won't be things like a US airbase in Thailand unless Thailand has an election. Would America still be going on about slave labour in Thailand if they had an airbase in Thailand ? The reason why the issue of slave labout is being raised is partly political, it's not totally to do with slave labour itself ! Bullshit walks, action talks, yes. :)

And robby, I'm not going to ask you to carry on digging, please don't ask me to carry on digging, thanks !


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Mr. T is delusional - think his overseas odyssey turned his brain into some kind of Sesame Street Jello... smile.png

It did the same to Hitler in his bunker : getting your information exclusively from those trying to appease you and the desperation when things are irreparably broken means a megalomaniac increasingly starts to believe only what he wants to believe.

Thaksin has lost the plot. The long hours alone in his 5 star suits and the increasing awareness that he will never return to Thailand are driving him insane.

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whatever you think of Thaksin's poliicies, when it comes to being a shrewd and consummately skilled politician, he is without doubt head and shoulders above anyone in the current administration.

You mean the PR companies he hired to tell him what to do to hoodwink the gullible are ?.

Or are you blissfully ignorant of that fact ?.

What a great politician he really is : when he did go it alone, look how the 'peoples revolution' in 2010 turned out. And how shrewd he was with the amnesty bill.

The guy has skills in greed, threats, intimidation, blackmail, lies, brines, cheating and revenge. He lacks every other human characteristic - including all the good ones.

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Thaksin has nothing to lose by making comments, those acceptable and those not.

If he ever finds himself a persona non grata in Thailand, which is perhaps what he desires (officially), then he can set up residence and citizenship in a handful of countries. He has the money, thus he will not be a burden upon any state that accepts his presence.

It is up to that Thai people to decide if they will listen to this charlatan, or think with their own minds.

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"Thaksin also defended his political party's populist policies."The poor can benefit from such policies, and they can spend the money," he said......"It was a policy to help the poor. It is probably the first time in the world that a prime minister was indicted for such a policy. It is a contradiction to want to generate profits while helping the poor."

So after a 600 billion baht loss to the Thai economy how did the poor farmers and Thailand fair from this scam?

"Pheu Thai says its crop mortgage scheme would have a new twist - participants would be given credit cards that could be used to purchase key inputs...The Bank for Agriculture & Agricultural Cooperatives will offer one million credit cards for farmers, which is set to launch in April......The government plans to increase the number of credit cards issued to farmers to 4 million by September, "

So the farmers benefitted by receiving credit cards!

"...more than one million farmers who have not being paid for months as a rice subsidy scheme that helped sweep Ms Yingluck into power in 2011 teeters on collapse, with losses that economists say could be as high as $12 billion......Two and a half years later, the government is now faced with a debt of about 100 billion baht ($A3.4 billion) to 1.4 million farmers who have yet to be paid for their main rice crop"

Then the farmers went unpaid, so they had to live on credit! What is the result of that?

"Thousands of farmers have been left in deep debt and there are reports of increasing rural suicides. "

"Thailand’s government boosted access to credit following the country’s big floods in 2011. The recent slowing of growth in many Asian economies raises concerns about the sustainability of all this personal debt.....Thai household debt was 10.03 trillion baht as of the end of June compared with 2.85 trillion baht in the same period in 2004,The Thai central bank has said the level of household debt is “alarming,”

So this populist policy enriched the rich, put the poor further in debt and caused the deaths of many people. The good news is it turned many of Thaksin's supporters against him and his family. No wonder he says......"Thaksin wants strong support base before contemplating return home"

Good luck with that

Edited by waza
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Love him or hate him: 1. He knows it is a waiting game, and he has the time while others may not.

2. There is no other personality that comes close to him in the public arena.

He knows it is a waiting game, and he has the time while others may not

The longer Thaksin has to wait, the more people realize they can do just fine without him. Besides, his recent comments show he is losing his mental capacity and becoming even more grandiose and delusional.

There is no other personality that comes close to him in the public arena.

Sure there are: Hun Sen, Robert Mugabe... oops, they are still in power. What public arena are we talking about? Dubai? Montenegro? Where exactly is Thaksin's public arena?

You keep hope alive. Hang on to that dream that Thaksin will come back and regain his old power. It seems that's all you have.

Sorry to correct you but you forgot the most important point:

"You keep hope alive. Hang on to that dream that Thaksin will come back and regain his old power AND MAKE YOU RICH". Because that is as far as it goes with red-shirts. Morales, ethics, standing up what is right and decent play no part in it whatsoever.

Thanks for reminding me of the Thai's belief that getting rich in this life is better than Nirvana in the next life.

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Hasn't this guy and his family done enough damage to Thailand ? It boggles the mind to think someone would have so much disrespect for a nation and its people that he would go on and on and on and cause so much damage and cause so many deaths.

Pull up a chair and sit in Dubai and think about the lives you have damaged and enjoy the image. One sick dude !

Since he is a narcissist, it is impossible for him to understand the bad things others suffer because of his self-interest. Narcissist are blind to the carnage they leave in their wake and, in their own minds, never do wrong. It is sad for Thailand that he really is sincere in his belief that he knows what is best for Thais and Thailand.

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Did I imagine that just 24 hours ago he stressed that the rule of law must be followed. Today's outburst said that basically when he thinks he has bought enough support from the retarded and feeble-minded, screw the rule of law and democracy, he will rally his slackjaws and attempt to gain control over Thailand through terrorism. Entirely predictable IMO.

By 'retarded and feeble-minded', are you referring to a large portion of the electorate?

Just want to know where you're coming from.

A large portion, but less than 50%, is that what you are referring to? Interesting to see that Thaksin's bald lies and absolutely contradicting himself publicly in less than 24 hours does not take the shine off him for the enamored.

Pats on the back to Baker,Bell,Botts ,Peroff and big Bobby A. You polished a turd boys.

according to the last 10 years, Thaksin won all elections. So he will be backupped by at least 50% of the population and will still be whatever the General might do. To accept the reality is one requirement and sign of democracy even if you don't like it.

It's not democracy when you win by buying votes. Also it's not support when you are being paid to demonstrate.

But it is when you take over with a gun?

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Surely the raison d'etre for the current admin is to ensure a smooth transition into the next era without the opposition being in power....as the opposition in any name or form you care to choose commands a higher proportion of the electorate, it is essential for the current admin to set up a constitution where large parties are discouraged and the current status quo can be maintained and any simple majority is balanced against the other power bases?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Did I imagine that just 24 hours ago he stressed that the rule of law must be followed. Today's outburst said that basically when he thinks he has bought enough support from the retarded and feeble-minded, screw the rule of law and democracy, he will rally his slackjaws and attempt to gain control over Thailand through terrorism. Entirely predictable IMO.

By 'retarded and feeble-minded', are you referring to a large portion of the electorate?

Just want to know where you're coming from.

A large portion, but less than 50%, is that what you are referring to? Interesting to see that Thaksin's bald lies and absolutely contradicting himself publicly in less than 24 hours does not take the shine off him for the enamored.

Pats on the back to Baker,Bell,Botts ,Peroff and big Bobby A. You polished a turd boys.

according to the last 10 years, Thaksin won all elections. So he will be backupped by at least 50% of the population and will still be whatever the General might do. To accept the reality is one requirement and sign of democracy even if you don't like it.

Ha ha ha, thank you : your post made me laugh.

Are you really that stupid, or are you trolling ?.

All these guys who knows the thai people so well!!

During the Yingluck campaign no-one on here rated her a chance of winning and ridicule her but they was a very quiet day after the election!

So you dont know the thai people so well just want to go on about how clever you are

The only truth is unless you have citizenship here no farang has any say in what gos on so strange that you think your opinion counts for anything

Probably most of your wives are redshirt and you cant even have any control over that .haha

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Did I imagine that just 24 hours ago he stressed that the rule of law must be followed. Today's outburst said that basically when he thinks he has bought enough support from the retarded and feeble-minded, screw the rule of law and democracy, he will rally his slackjaws and attempt to gain control over Thailand through terrorism. Entirely predictable IMO.

By 'retarded and feeble-minded', are you referring to a large portion of the electorate?

Just want to know where you're coming from.

A large portion, but less than 50%, is that what you are referring to? Interesting to see that Thaksin's bald lies and absolutely contradicting himself publicly in less than 24 hours does not take the shine off him for the enamored.

Pats on the back to Baker,Bell,Botts ,Peroff and big Bobby A. You polished a turd boys.

according to the last 10 years, Thaksin won all elections. So he will be backupped by at least 50% of the population and will still be whatever the General might do. To accept the reality is one requirement and sign of democracy even if you don't like it.

Ha ha ha, thank you : your post made me laugh.

Are you really that stupid, or are you trolling ?.

All these guys who knows the thai people so well!!

During the Yingluck campaign no-one on here rated her a chance of winning and ridicule her but they was a very quiet day after the election!

So you dont know the thai people so well just want to go on about how clever you are

The only truth is unless you have citizenship here no farang has any say in what gos on so strange that you think your opinion counts for anything

Probably most of your wives are redshirt and you cant even have any control over that .haha

This is a public forum, for discussion of Thai news related items. Members are free to throw out their opinions and discuss the topics at hand. If this upsets you, how about you read the newspapers instead(but not the editorial or postbags which tend to be opinionated). The visa/passport status of forum members, or their dependents is of no concern to either yourself or this topic. You claim to have followed the forum for many years - I am surprised you never noticed the ongoing discussions and that it suddenly causes you such anguish.

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Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.

One post in violation of the above has been removed as well as a reply.

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""I want to clone the DNA of the Thai democracy. I want to take it [DNA] into the 'Thaksin lab' to make a stronger and better democracy.""

and some complain about re-education sessions ?

"Democracy is not my goal" boosting about the war against drugs, promoting a one party system, buying other parties and invite the democrats to join his party to make a one party parliament.

There were so many crazy things things that triggered the last two coups.

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