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Swap places with boat migrants, Thai PM tells critics


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Swap places with boat migrants, Thai PM tells critics

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's junta chief Thursday said those who felt his government should do more to help stranded boatpeople should "migrate" to sea themselves and swap places with them.

The comments from Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha came as Bangkok was criticised for not following Indonesia and Malaysia in agreeing on Wednesday to accept stranded migrants.

"Anyone who supports this idea (of accepting boatpeople), please contribute one baht a day or take them to your home when their case has been processed," the former army chief, who took over in a coup a year ago, told lawmakers during a speech on the budget.

"Or you migrate out to the sea and bring them to live here instead," he added.

In the past 10 days, nearly 3,000 Myanmar Rohingyas and Bangladeshis have been rescued or swum to shore in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

Several thousand more are believed to be trapped on boats at sea with little food or water in a crisis sparked by smugglers abandoning their human cargo after a Thai crackdown on human-trafficking routes.

Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand had sparked growing international outrage by driving off boats overloaded with exhausted migrants.

But after a meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, Malaysia and Indonesia softened their stance, saying they would take in migrants for a year, or until they can be resettled or repatriated with the help of international agencies.

In a further step Malaysia Thursday ordered a search and rescue mission to look for stranded migrants.

Thailand, which was at the meeting, did not sign up to the initiative, a decision ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights described Thursday as a "colossal failure of regional leadership".

But Prayut defended Thailand's policy towards migrants, saying the country was already home to more than 900,000 refugees from decades of regional turmoil.

The mercurial former army chief is known for his abrasive speaking style and his comments follow vicious attacks on social media against allowing boatpeople into the country.

In his remarks on Thursday to the National Legislative Assembly he said Thai soldiers get a smaller food allowance than detained migrants.

"Thai soldiers get a food allowance of 20 baht (59 cents) a day, but these people (detained migrants) get more than 70 baht," he said, adding there were "a lot of problems" caused by their needs such as having to slaughter their own meat -- a reference to halal food.

Thailand has for years played a key role in the people smuggling route that starts in western Myanmar and Bangladesh with migrants trafficked through its southern provinces into neighbouring Malaysia.

Rights groups have long accused Thai officials of turning a blind eye to the trade, and complicity in it.

But Prayut insists his government is the first to finally get serious about eradicating people trafficking and smuggling.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2015-05-22

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IF he ever steps down he can start a new career teaching public and motivational speaking.

A perfect example of the Peter Principle although in his current post he wasn't promoted into it, he promoted himself but at least it cuts out the middleman.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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I like the PM's no nonsense style of governing....the people are left with no doubt about his position....like it or not!

Such a humanitarian, the very symbol of generosity. Thainess at it's finest............

The cost of keeping these people can and has been offered via international body's, so that augment is completely blown out of the water!!!

As for if you don't like it then you swap places with them comment, AMASING!!!

And now wave goodbye to a massive opportunity for the country to have finally some GOOD PR for a change...

I wonder if this bloke knows how to spell the word compassion?

So now that the world has threatened the country with a loss of $$$ by not buying their sea food if they don't get serious about human trafficking (SLAVERY)

and there's a bigger chance of being caught and the money is not coming in, then now the answer is NO go away we don't want you here.

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Another PR disaster for Thailand!!

And of course Mr P has to make it worse by opening his gob....................coffee1.gif

What a sad old man, wonder what username he has on Thaivisa??

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I like the PM's no nonsense style of governing....the people are left with no doubt about his position....like it or not!

Such a humanitarian, the very symbol of generosity. Thainess at it's finest............

The cost of keeping these people can and has been offered via international body's, so that augment is completely blown out of the water!!!

As for if you don't like it then you swap places with them comment, AMASING!!!

And now wave goodbye to a massive opportunity for the country to have finally some GOOD PR for a change...

I wonder if this bloke knows how to spell the word compassion?

So now that the world has threatened the country with a loss of $$$ by not buying their sea food if they don't get serious about human trafficking (SLAVERY)

and there's a bigger chance of being caught and the money is not coming in, then now the answer is NO go away we don't want you here.

Sorry mate, it took me a while to realize, that you were not talking about Mr Abbott and Australia!!

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Here is a place that wants the refugees. So send them there. Seem easy enough. Unless there is another agenda at work, here. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/21/south-east-asia-migrant-crisis-gambia-offers-to-resettle-all-rohingya-refugees


Strange coincidence.

In a way Gambia is the African version of Thailand.

A major destination for European sex tourists.

With a twist.....

FEMALE sex tourists!

If you think I make this up, google!

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Only one comment to your nonsense...............

They are human beings!!

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Such hate.

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PM Prayut - O he speaks a certain amount of truth , place yourself in the refugees shoes and see how it feels, however not enough is being done from the international community in dealing with this at grass roots level with the Government concerned , in this case the Myanmar Government , any one who has had anything to do with Thailand would know that the Rohingya have been persecuted for decades , now the bubble has burst , ASEAN partners should be applying pressure to Myanmar to behave themselves and start treating people properly or kick them out of ASEAN, however the UN , US , OZ, Kiwi , UK , Lapland all should stop being Mr nice guy to Myanmar and tell it like it should be, if you want to be a member of the international community show your maturity Myanmar.coffee1.gif

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There's an interesting lead headline in today's BBC news about Thailand and the boat people OK it's by Jonathan Head who I know some TV members don't particularly like, but I think this article tells us what it's about and the extent to which Thailand is involved in the human trafficking trade.


It is horrific and just pure evil what people will do to each other.

All in the name of greed.


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There's an interesting lead headline in today's BBC news about Thailand and the boat people OK it's by Jonathan Head who I know some TV members don't particularly like, but I think this article tells us what it's about and the extent to which Thailand is involved in the human trafficking trade.


It is horrific and just pure evil what people will do to each other.

All in the name of greed.


One of my heroes, the immortal Robert Burns said something about " man's inhumanity to man ".

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This issue splits people into those who support accepting immigrants on boats & those who don't. PM Prayut's stance is protecting the sovereignty of Thailand against illegal immigration, if gives way, it will create a flood of people. The issue needs to be dealt with at source, i.e. Myanmar & Bangladesh, these people have/are residents of either of those countries; both countries are abrogating their responsibilities. Also reported, representatives of Indonesia & Malayasia are meeting in Nay Pyi Taw to seek a solution, & once again the US is sticking it's nose in (uninvited, this action needs to occur as a means of stopping this mass illegal & dangerous migration. Australia has declared it will not resettle any of these migrants, as PM Abbott quite rightly said migrants are accepted into Australia through the "front door"; not the "back door".

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Anyone who thinks Thailand is going to allow immigration of a large group of Muslims into Thailand are daydreaming after smoking dope... It is not going to happen. Big Muslim problem in the south ... bring in more Muslims ... yeah right - that's a solution... Get a Grip folks... The Thai Government may not be to your particular liking -- but they are not suicidal ...

The PM is blunt because sappy liberals, leftists and socialists just cannot apply logic - cannot hear and cannot process information ... Malaysia and Indonesia relented - even though they don't want to - because they have heavy Muslim populations. A few more will not make much difference ... Thailand is about 96 percent Buddhist. Can you figure that out now?

Notice totally Muslims Countries and rich ones .. The Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the like are not funding ships and boats to go rescue these so called immigrants - even though they could use low wage labor - as they employ many thousands of South East Asians each year in that capacity. Some talk about empathy or sympathy ... I guess that only applies to Thailand - correct? I have not seen any news that these ultra rich Muslim countries are even sending money to help these Muslim people ... Can any of you who have misplaced sympathies for these 'refugees' and criticism for Thailand - apply a little criticism to The Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia and other rich Muslim countries? If not - why not?

IMO - if these refugees were Buddhists then quite naturally they would be rescued and allowed at least temporary stay .... And Why ? Other than the obvious ... they would not likely become trouble makers.

Countries do have a right of self-protection and a right to not have to import potential ethnic and religious problems. Just because the EU Countries and the U.K. are blind as a bat to this concept doesn't mean others should have to follow the blind.

These boat people should be treated humanely - helped in all kinds of ways in their safety, food, clothing, even a little money and more ... then help them by returning them in a safe ship back to where they came from ... Then sink the Traffickers boats... do this a hundred times until there are no more available boats.

Thailand had no problem taking these people in when they could sell them to the highest bidder, of course after blackmailing their families for even more money.

Right under the noses of the authorities THAI traffickers had set up jungle camps. Only after exposing this scam, that included authorities as well, we have people drifting on the oceans. The government of this country and everyone that says 'push them back' should hang their heads in shame. Thailand is partly responsible for this atrocity and refuses to take it. First help these people and then do the diplomacy. People are dying as we speak.

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I feel for the PM he is clearly out of his league when it comes to PR he spent to long in the military barking out his orders that he thinks he can continue the same way in civilian life I believe he will be replaced in the not so distant future by another General who will be looking for a secure job on his retirement from the army !

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IF he ever steps down he can start a new career teaching public and motivational speaking.

A perfect example of the Peter Principle although in his current post he wasn't promoted into it, he promoted himself but at least it cuts out the middleman.

Blame Yingluck for stirring up trouble with her 'blanket' amnesty for her brother, Thaksin, and 27,000 other political crimes under investigation/prosecution. If she hadn't done that, her and Thaksin could still be milking the Rice Scheme and General Prayut and the army would still be in their barracks.

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