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Child development in Thailand below average


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Child development is directly related to parental involvement in child care and this doesn't just mean physical care - food, shelter it also means intellectual stimulation through play and shared activities

Most of my Prathom students don't know how to play and their parents don't recognise the importance of participating in their children's learning experience

Why - well they never received any stimulation from their own parents - cycles repeated

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I wonder how they would compare to kids sent to madrasa schools where memorizing Koran is the main focus. Here emphasis is on never questioning superiors decisions, don't think for yourself or you will be labeled "troublemaker" in schools, believe everything told to you... both stunt minds imho.

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Child development in progress:attachicon.gifthai-boys-start-early.jpg

Only problem with your joke is that those Red Horse beer bottles in the photo are used only in the Philippines, for domestic consumption. Ergo the children are Filipino.

Oh really? Check any Big C store in Thailand. I have four bottles in my fridge now. My number one beer here (which I admit isn't saying much).

Check again what you are drinking. Look at the bottle design. Red Horse in Thailand has a completely different design. Just look again at the shape of the bottle and the label you are drinking and then comment again!

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Is this a surprise? Look at the "emotional development" of your average 14-18 year old Thai male.

I remember one of the ladies who ran the IN Channel talking about this, she is Thai but was brought up and educated in the US.

She said how Thai males were boys / youths then suddenly one day were declared men but hadn't developed from the first stage and there were no ' righst of passage ' where an older male in the family mentored in any way. She also went on about boys being spoiled in many families and were lost when it came to fending for themselves.

Her bottom line was that the average Thai male is totally ill-prepared to become a so called adult.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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Not an unexpected outcome from the forgiving Thai society.

How many children are borned into a family where the father ran away during early pregnancy leaving the mother to go out to earn a living to support the child?

And the forgiving Thai society would do nothing to address this social illness. Thus, this outcome of under-developed children.

Thailand is not alone , this is happening all over the world -- New Zealand with a Rock Star economy and a prime minister that pulls girls pony tails!! .

NZ has a shocking underdeveloped child problem or should I say child poverty problem with children living below the poverty line.

Parents having to resort to working in Parlors and others have to survive on benefits as the ICE addicts and alcohol problems get worse as rocketing solo parent numbers rise.

In Australia, England, America etc. this is a major society problem that Politicians sweep under the carpet.

In my view Thailand for it's population does not do to bad!

I would think twice before slagging on this story.

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I think I just figured something out.... I always wondered why Thais got such short jail time for crimes and the fines also don't fit the crime. Perhaps it is the government saying we understand that it is not 100% your fault do to our inability to provide a decent education.

Also, look at the way we foreigners have to go and report every 90 days. It is like saying that we are not capable of reporting if we change addresses.... The mindset is that everyone needs to be treated like children.

Edited by ttthailand
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The Governments aim of an 85% growth in child developement within 3 years should be easily acheivable when starting from a low base.

However, TIT, and the results of any study on child developement in 3 years will be just the same.

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Adult development in Thailand below average, too.

And that`s your opinion, is it, genius? And so we have another Thai bashing thread with contributions from morons who are under an illusion that they are somehow intellectually superior, that I can assure you, come across as being totally the opposite.

The main problem is that in Thailand, how good is the education one receives is only what one can afford. There are still the majority of Thais who do have have the funding to send their children onto further education once they have graduated from school. Many once reaching adulthood, have no degrees or qualifications, therefore their future career prospects and abilities are extremely limited.

In Thailand, those going on to further education after school can be regarded as the privileged minority, having the good fortune to have families who can financially support them throughout their whole education and archiving degrees and reaching a high standard of educational levels.

Today`s world is much more competitive than in my younger days, when young people could begin their careers as apprentices and work their way up the ladder. But that has all changed Today employers want 18 up to early 20s year olds, with 50 years experience to work for school leavers wages. This is now the same the world over, not exclusive to Thailand.

Child development depends on how much resources their parents have to ply in them and the reason why, that when families are poor it is very difficult to break the mode that could continue on for generations.

My family was poor. I spent thirteen years in an American compulsory education program. What education beyond that I paid for myself. No need for a lecture on how easy your life has been.

Success depends for the most part on the individual. I had many friends and met many people who had every advantage and turned out to be losers.

It may sound like I'm bashing, but I'm not. I have compassion. I know how tough it can be in every respect. Actually you're the one who's looking down and bashing. You think you're better than they are and that you're here to help, that they are graced by your presence. They could care less. You can count on that.

Corruption here is accepted and quite normal. It's part of the culture. No Thai wants to give any of that up and forfeit his opportunity to make an easy gain off his fellow man.

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So is adult driving ans social skills. If Thailand ever want to become a world class society it has a lot of work ahead of them. In Chiang Mai old farmer do what they want on the road and no drivers licenses or insurance. New PM please help law abiding drivers!

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So is adult driving ans social skills. If Thailand ever want to become a world class society it has a lot of work ahead of them. In Chiang Mai old farmer do what they want on the road and no drivers licenses or insurance. New PM please help law abiding drivers!

Oh, really? Describe a "world class society," then name one.

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I vouch for that.......Mrs.Trans "kids" are 20 & 26, so thick it is very disturbing, well for me it is.......facepalm.gif

Be careful they might want to kill you because they known their mother will be rich and they can get money without you being around

Maybe you should leave at once

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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lack of iodine, because they replaced it with bromine (toxic)

pesticides , herbicides, ...

fast food


7/11 garbage food warmed in plastic covering heated in the microwave ( makes also a good mix to have enoug ladyboys because it is estrogenic )

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If the country wasn't absolutely obsessed with testing what they know (regurgitate what the teacher told them) rather than encouraging creativity and a love for learning, then nothing will change. Kids actually test to get into kindergarten here! There's plenty of successful education systems out there, but Thailand seems to ignore what ever is happening outside of it's borders, with their Thai way or the highway attitude. Fortunately my school leaves me alone to teach how I see fit. Even young Thai teachers, who should know better, teach in old fashioned ways (unless its a class observation lol).

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Since we're talking about 3-5 year olds, it's got less to do with school than with what goes on at home.

I'd put the causes down to

1) diet--far too many empty calories from sugar, instant noodles, artificial snacks, and not much else;

2) poor parenting which discourages children from learning by doing. How many mothers follow their children around with a spoon rather than letting them learn how to feed themselves? How often do you hear parents and other caregivers tell kids, "No! Don't do that you'll get hurt. The floor is dirty, the cat will scratch you, you'll hit your head"? It's a neverending barrage of negative reinforcement;

and 3) way too much use of TV as a babysitter.

Most parents simply don't know any better. It's too bad, because I know a number of Thai parents who are more enlightened, mostly western educated to be honest, and their kids are outstanding-- smart, inquisitive, responsible, hardworking, very close to their parents. They enjoy the best of both worlds.

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Thai village people think it is funny to give their young children beer and other alcoholic drinks. This helps to kill the few brain cells that they have. Also, no mental exercise to help in the development of brain structure. Parents, grand parents, uncles, aunts, and neighbors in villages don't have an education so do not put any importance on school or learning. There are exceptions but this is what I have noticed from years living in Northern Thailand.

therefore this is thaksins lovely Homeland !

Invest in rice farmers, they are good for election,

dont invest in school and education,

educated will not be happy with 500,- election support !!

Therefore educated parties will have no chance in election in Thai for the next centurie !!

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child development has a lot to do with the parents spending time with their children and teaching them, not dumping them on who ever they can or simply ignoring them. From what I have seen here many parents cant be bothered to really do things with their kids, they sit them in front of the television and let them watch the crap that is on it, no educational shows. just the good old thai garbage shows with their injected sounds everytime something stupid happens. Parents simply do not want to be responsible for them, and when they do go to school the teachers dont care if the learn or not so how in the hell are they supposed to develop normally when no one really gives a crap what happens with them. Till the parents actually are concerned with what happens to them and start to teach them at an early age what is right, read books to them, play with them etc it will never improve

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