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I was talking with a Thai lady I know, and she was explaining to me that when her daughter posts pictures of the two of them on facebook, her daughter's friends will sometimes make comments like 'why is your mom prettier than you?' or 'your mom looks younger than you..' The daughter is 22ish, the mom is around 41.

It kind of hurts the daughters feelings because the mom is still a babe, but she didn't inherit her nice looks.

I have on many occasions have Thai people ask me personal/impolite questions or made comments, that I have NEVER been asked in my own country. Why is that?

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Ok, but shouldn't one be able to perceive how their words will potentially hurt someone's feelings?

A lot of Thais I know are happy to tell you your'e fat although it doesnt appear to be meant in a bad way.

Edited by kannot
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Ok, but shouldn't one be able to perceive how their words will potentially hurt someone's feelings?

Must admit it does seem harsh but some Thai's are just brutally honest, you're too fat, too skiny etc. Don't think there's any malice meant, it's just they presume you will be aware of their observation. 99% of the time you are aware and they are right.

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Villagefarang, I see you still haven't cured your learning disabilities. As I gave in the example, this is a Thai woman who's daughter's feelings are being hurt.. she is the one who told me the story, and felt bad for her daughter.

Edited by LarryBird
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it is complete OK to ask someone why he is so fat, while it is rude to complain at the hotel if the service is bad....

different culture......

Had one labor here everyone called him a-uon (like fatty) I almost called him dum by mistake (blacky), lucky I did not that would be a bad insult blink.png

And I stay in the sun for hours every day in the hope someone will call me a least brown.....but it doesn't work :-(

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They're ignorant and it's done out of malice, they intend to make her feel bad which is the motiviation for doing it in the first place.

It's like young children pointing and laughing at the kid with some serious handicap / deformity, they generally won't know any better because they haven't been taught how to behave in a civilised manner at that stage in their life. If they miss this stage out they grow up to be 'the uncouth' which is what you have encountered.

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Ok, but shouldn't one be able to perceive how their words will potentially hurt someone's feelings?

Must admit it does seem harsh but some Thai's are just brutally honest, you're too fat, too skiny etc. Don't think there's any malice meant, it's just they presume you will be aware of their observation. 99% of the time you are aware and they are right.

I wonder if they also go around being brutally honest and saying 'blue shirt' when someone wears a blue shirt or do they only do this when it comes to something which will be guaranteed to annoy someone else regardless of where they come from.

I think you know the answer, they do it to annoy people.

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Villagefarang, I see you still haven't cured your learning disabilities. As I gave in the example, this is a Thai woman who's daughter's feelings are being hurt.. she is the one who told me the story, and felt bad for her daughter.

Well hang on a sec.

You asked a question that VF responded to.

You didn't ask for a comment on the accompanying story, did you?

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I love the questions with the obvious answers...

Why do you live in a small apartment? I am broke.

Why do you ride a motorcycle? My parents are poor.

Why isn't your wife beautiful? Because I am ugly.

Why do you work at 7-11? Because I have a lousy education..

Yay!! Aren't you so glad you asked??!!

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Ok, but shouldn't one be able to perceive how their words will potentially hurt someone's feelings?

That depends on the culture.

Or lack of it.

Is there such a thing?

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I love the questions with the obvious answers...

Why do you live in a small apartment? I am broke.

Why do you ride a motorcycle? My parents are poor.

Why isn't your wife beautiful? Because I am ugly.

Why do you work at 7-11? Because I have a lousy education..

Yay!! Aren't you so glad you asked??!!

Why are you so fat (for farangs)

Why are you so black (for Thais)

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Ok, but shouldn't one be able to perceive how their words will potentially hurt someone's feelings?

Must admit it does seem harsh but some Thai's are just brutally honest, you're too fat, too skiny etc. Don't think there's any malice meant, it's just they presume you will be aware of their observation. 99% of the time you are aware and they are right.

I wonder if they also go around being brutally honest and saying 'blue shirt' when someone wears a blue shirt or do they only do this when it comes to something which will be guaranteed to annoy someone else regardless of where they come from.

I think you know the answer, they do it to annoy people.

possibly - I think it has more to do with them (not all) being quick to say what they see, eat, taste, and feel - then saying it multiple times. Kind of like an affirmation of sorts.

Kind of like the topic seen on here every once in a while about a small kid pointing out that someone is a foreigner (if it isn't obvious enough already).

Just a cultural thing.

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Villagefarang, I see you still haven't cured your learning disabilities. As I gave in the example, this is a Thai woman who's daughter's feelings are being hurt.. she is the one who told me the story, and felt bad for her daughter.

Apparently you've missed the incongruity in starting a thread about manners and then insulting the respondents. #noselfawareness #clueless

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The results of a survey out a few weeks ago in Thailand said 63% of people say manners aren't as good as they used to be.

The other 37% told the researcher to Fc*k off......................coffee1.gif

Edited by sanuk711
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I love the questions with the obvious answers...

Why do you live in a small apartment? I am broke.

Why do you ride a motorcycle? My parents are poor.

Why isn't your wife beautiful? Because I am ugly.

Why do you work at 7-11? Because I have a lousy education..

Yay!! Aren't you so glad you asked??!!

But sadly those answers aren't always true, I know a guy who lives in a small apartment yet he owns +40 others in Thailand running to millions and millions he just isn't interested in money and spending it.

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I have met many Thais who, despite not having a great education, have wonderful manners, even according to Western standards.

I think the people described in the OP are just rude, even by Thai standards.

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Being direct shouldn't be confused with bad manners.

Is it good manners to smile and compliment someone, and then walk around the corner and rip them to shreds behind their back?

Invariably, they're just telling you something you already know: the truth.

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