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Brotherly concern is touching considering he threw her under he bus.

And while being thrown under a bus, she was able to fall out of a van too.

Which shows some truly impressive multitasking skills.

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Whoever heard of a prime minister being criminally prosecuted for instituting a lawfully created government program? If this was the norm, how many years in the slammer would George Bush have gotten for all the corruption that occurred during the clean-up of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.

Thaksin's fears are well-founded as Yingluck has been hauled up before a Kangaroo court. It would have been a simple matter for them to have convicted her had she flown, but she did not. She is obviously holding the judge's feet to the fire, hoping that their fear of public embarrassment will be her salvation. It may well be.


What goes around comes around Mr T. I'm sure that the 2,500 extra judicially executed people

dead \will give you an share your concern for your sister....


Whoever heard of a prime minister being criminally prosecuted for instituting a lawfully created government program? If this was the norm, how many years in the slammer would George Bush have gotten for all the corruption that occurred during the clean-up of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.

Thaksin's fears are well-founded as Yingluck has been hauled up before a Kangaroo court. It would have been a simple matter for them to have convicted her had she flown, but she did not. She is obviously holding the judge's feet to the fire, hoping that their fear of public embarrassment will be her salvation. It may well be.

Welcome back to the forum. As you know Yingluck is not being criminally prosecuted for instituting a lawfully created government program.


She should get the same "Fair Treatment" she and her brother gave to Thailand, which was none ! I believe they got rich off the backs of the Farmers and Working Class People of Thailand !!

That seems to be a World Wide epidemic !!


She should get the same "Fair Treatment" she and her brother gave to Thailand, which was none ! I believe they got rich off the backs of the Farmers and Working Class People of Thailand !!

That seems to be a World Wide epidemic !!


I share his worry. They really should reinstate public tribunals, complete with flaying, quartering and hanging. Only that way will the flow of new dummy proxies stop, ain't that attractive if you end up without limbs.


Good to see the Thaksin obsessed in good voice. Without question, Yingluck will not get a fair trial and whilst you continue with your mindless admiration of General P, the rest if us can see the sham it is.


What a sad old man!!

Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!

Your little sister will hopefully get the punishment, she deserves after costing the taxpayers more than 700 billion baht!!

And before starting to worry about your sisters sentence, may I suggest, you get your sorry backside back to Thailand and start to serve your own sentence!!

"Like most Thais he don't realize, that there are consequences for your actions!!"

Amazing point of view here at the hub of sex tourists, serial over-stayers and visa abusers who think they are above the law and should never be accountable for their behavior ... not to mention all those who whine about blowing all their money on women and then portray themselves as victims rather than admitting their behavior was to blame for the inevitable consequences. Farang-ness means it's never your fault. Everything can be blamed on Thais.

Well, this is Thai Visa News, where bravest farangs behind a keyboard engage in thai bashing pissing contest for "Like"giggle.gif


This family and their underlings, cohorts, accomplices and business associates have shown time and time again that they are totally narcissistic and ruthless. They profess to be the guardians of democracy and the saviors of the working classes, none of this is true with their constant proclamations being a cruel and perverted version of recent history.

The billions of Thai Baht that was stolen from the country was stolen from the people who could least afford it, to all those still wearing the rose tinted spectacles have you so easily forgotten the inexplicable delays in payments to the farmers? Have you forgotten the hardship caused to the families of those hard working Thai people? Have you forgotten those driven to take their own lives because of the hopeless situation they and their families were placed in by their government?

Take a long and sincere look at what really happened here over a period of years, try to see through the white noise, lies and propaganda from the well paid Shin publicity machine.

Not only can this man sit abroad with his ill gotten gains but he could sit in front of a laptop and take part in cabinet meetings, as a convicted criminal he could influence policy while contributing nothing.

His concern over the "fairness" of his siblings trial is an insult to the Thai people, he has shown scant respect for the Thai legal system which fairly convicted him. Perhaps once he returns to either serve his punishment, or fight the conviction, maybe then he will be "entitled" to criticize the system...


Translation: "Worried she will get a fair trial"...(like he did).....

...but guilty is guilty......strange concept....eh.....???


Would Thaksin be more happy if the OAG gave all evidence collected to a special UN Tribune?

BTW why the need to mention this

"Thaksin also said he wanted his supporters to stay calm and refrain from resorting to any violent mean."

As for innocent since Interpol isn't looking for him, well lots of other fugitive criminals will be happy to hear this definition on who's innocent.

People who don't know his history and performance don't always realize what Thaksin means by a "fair trial". He has shown he considers perjury and attempted bribery of judges "fair". In his eyes, if he or a member of his family simply denies doing anything wrong, even if they lie, it should be accepted. He really is that delusional.

Thailand has never really aggressively gone after any wealthy mega rich elites, whatever they've done. Thaksin has been convicted, jumped bail and received a jail sentence. He has 15 serious charges outstanding waiting his return. Interpol are not an international police force with investigative powers and jurisdiction, which he fully knows. They won't do anything unless the Thai authorities request it. Thailand does not try to get him extradited or even cancel his illegal passport. If they did he'd try and turn any trial into some kind of circus, demanding the UN come to make sure it's all "fair" i.e. he can lie and have those lies accepted; and only judgments that favor him will be allowed.

The now often repeated message to his gang about violence is, I believe, the opposite. It's saying get ready, but not till I give the signal. He wants to make sure he's conned enough outside Thailand to believe his version of reality, that he and his sister never ever did anything wrong and that it's those nasty rich feudal barons and their military mates conspiring against the mega wealthy vastly rich Shins who only want to help. He ignores the fact he was illegally occupying the position of caretaker PM when removed, or that his sister was removed for breaking the law. Just minor insignificant details to him as the law doesn't apply to the Shins.

Thailand has to face the fact, while they don't deal with this very rich billionaire sociopath, hellbent on making Thailand the personal property of his family, they will always have a problem.

Now he's started talking more again. He's laying the foundations so if Yingluck is convicted he can squeal "see I told you it wouldn't be fair". Forget any actual evidence - he already knows what that is. And, he's seeing what he can mobilize if necessary.

You cannot cure a serious malignant cancer by ignoring it and hoping it will go away. This particular one has gotten far more powerful by being left untreated.

He will plunge Thailand into violent chaos if he thinks advantageous to him, without a second though. He would be far worse than Mugabe or Hun Set given half a chance.


Good to see the Thaksin obsessed in good voice. Without question, Yingluck will not get a fair trial and whilst you continue with your mindless admiration of General P, the rest if us can see the sham it is.

What is your idea of a fair trial.

Case dismissed because her name is Shiniwatra and she looks lovely in those designer clothes and all those pearls?


Good to see the Thaksin obsessed in good voice. Without question, Yingluck will not get a fair trial and whilst you continue with your mindless admiration of General P, the rest if us can see the sham it is.


Who really cares what this insignificant fugitive ftom justice thinks about a justice system thst has already convicted him

Why do the media allow this POS time on air to spread his lies


Whoever heard of a prime minister being criminally prosecuted for instituting a lawfully created government program? If this was the norm, how many years in the slammer would George Bush have gotten for all the corruption that occurred during the clean-up of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.

Thaksin's fears are well-founded as Yingluck has been hauled up before a Kangaroo court. It would have been a simple matter for them to have convicted her had she flown, but she did not. She is obviously holding the judge's feet to the fire, hoping that their fear of public embarrassment will be her salvation. It may well be.



So he is worried she will do jail time.

Like he did, BUT never had the guts to do it.


More likely he said to his sister there's no room available in Dubai.

Like Nero fiddling while Rome burns, he is trying to gain the world's sympathy at the expense of his puppet sister.


when will they stop giving this shameless criminal moron opportunities to appear in the media?

When at last will they arrest him and put him to prison - where he belongs?

I fail to understand why an excellent sniper has not been able to do what many people seem to want done. coffee1.gif


So tell me TV posters. Why has no arrest warrant been issued thru interpol for this man. He apparently robbed the country of billions of baht but no international arrest warrant but meanwhile the other dude from KTML or whatever it's called had an arrest warrant issued through interpol immediately. ??????

it's an issue with Thai law not international law. Interpol - "inter" international blink.png


He's right to be worried because she won't get a fair trial. The first thing any junta does after grabbing power is to stop free trials. Destroying the Shin dyn is part of the grand plan, whether they achieve it or not we shall have to wait and see.


Thaksin never got a fair trial. Thats why he worries. I agree with him.

Please explain why you consider his trial unfair? He has never denied it, just moans that it was politically motivated. In other words "I did it but so what, others do things, why pick on me" ?

Or was it that his bribe was rejected - did that make it unfair?


He's right to be worried because she won't get a fair trial. The first thing any junta does after grabbing power is to stop free trials. Destroying the Shin dyn is part of the grand plan, whether they achieve it or not we shall have to wait and see.

She is being tried in the appropriate civil court and has a team of highly paid lawyers to represent her. She has every chance to present a robust, but truthful defenses.

Where do you see the unfairness?


Another CNN garbage, where does the interviewer get his information that Thaksin still has a great deal of followers? In my opinion, except for those who benefit from a corrupt government and some uninformed people, he does not have many followers. If/when elections are staged he will need another puppet to front for him because once he returns to Thailand he'll be served with dozen of pending cases, some without statute of limitations. He'll have to spend an incredible amount of money to buy votes, create small parties totally loyal to him to create an illusion of democracy, as he did before, and revive the Red Shirts to intimidate and brainwash the grassroots.

The longer PM Prayut stays in power the more difficult it will be for Thaksin to fool people again. Thaksin underestimated PM Prayut before, I think Thaksin still thinks he is the smarter one. PM Prayut's dedication for his country and not for himself is beyond Thaksin's thought process.

Don't worry about Yingluck she probably already bought a house in the US not far from her buddy former US Ambassador to Thailand Krispy Kreem.

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