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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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Thai PM: I have never been against democracy and anyone who thinks or says differently will be locked up and adjusted prior to release because I am a peoples general.


Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

So you are suggesting that Prayut has a hidden deep side??

He is doing a excellent job of hiding it from the public!!thumbsup.gif

But your post raises an interesting question: Who gives orders to the Chief of Armed Forces??.............

The term "armed forces" appears in the draft Charter exactly 4 times:

Section 10. The King holds the position of Head of the Thai Armed Forces.
Section 27. A citizen shall have the following duties:...(2) to defend the country, serve in armed forces and protect national benefits and to act in compliance with law;
Section 35. Members of the armed forces, police force and government officials holding permanent position or receiving a salary and other officials of the State shall enjoy the same rights and liberties under the Constitution as those enjoyed by other persons...
Section 79. The State shall protect and uphold the Monarchy, State independence, sovereignty and integrity of territory and jurisdiction, State security, democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State and national benefits and shall arrange for the maintenance of necessary and adequate armed
forces and modern military ordnances and technology for the aforesaid purpose and for national development.
I think Section 10 answers your question.
Beyond that, you shall serve them, fund them, and respect their rights.

Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

So you are suggesting that Prayut has a hidden deep side??

He is doing a excellent job of hiding it from the public!!thumbsup.gif

But your post raises an interesting question: Who gives orders to the Chief of Armed Forces??.............

His wife?


Is he competing with Thaksin by giving this interview?

But Taksing is by far much more popular than this self-elected coup-maker primer minister!

Says who? Do you have any links to figures?

BTW his name is actually Thaksin Shinawatra. It was spelt correctly in the post you answered.

If a poll was available and showed the junta in a negative light, it would be illegal. A poll showing that most people favor a red shirt candidate would be illegal. Also, the junta doing everything imaginable to dismantle Shinawatra influence. Would they waste time doing that if they were not terrified that they will come back ?


I have never been against democracy? I have never been against democracy? I have never been against democracy? Seriously????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Therefore I WILL IMMEDIALY restore Yingluck to her elected post and put the new commander of the army under civilian command. After that I will exile myself to Cuba. Oh, I promise not to steal any money from the Thai people. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

So you are suggesting that Prayut has a hidden deep side??

He is doing a excellent job of hiding it from the public!!thumbsup.gif

But your post raises an interesting question: Who gives orders to the Chief of Armed Forces??.............

like the elephant standing on the turtle there are some questions you just don't ask..........I hope you don't seriously need to ask though?


Dont worry about what people say just watch their actions , democracy is a dead duck in Thailand

A dead duck? You're dead wrong, yeah! It's still an egg, and a very old one by the way, will need to have a fresh one laid, cause this one won't hatch for sure, more like a 100 years' Chinese one, stone dry and stinking, there's just a monument, short of a century old, but commemorating a palace putsh by some selfish old elites... For the rest nothing, rien, nada, zilch remotely related to the concept of 'democracy' here! Move on to a next century, let's hope one of the Thai calendar, cause it's 43 years closer...


Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

So you are suggesting that Prayut has a hidden deep side??

He is doing a excellent job of hiding it from the public!!thumbsup.gif

But your post raises an interesting question: Who gives orders to the Chief of Armed Forces??.............

And even another question: who gives orders to dear Khun Eric... No dog would bark that loud and bite that hard so long when not protecting its foodbowl! wink.png


I have never been against democracy? I have never been against democracy? I have never been against democracy? Seriously????cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Therefore I WILL IMMEDIALY restore Yingluck to her elected post and put the new commander of the army under civilian command. After that I will exile myself to Cuba. Oh, I promise not to steal any money from the Thai people. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Don't know whether you should be congratulated for this reaction of yours, but for the annals you surely succeeded in breaching the record of idiocy on TV with this new extreme low, please, just don't try to make a next attempt, thank you three times as Poo would say! wai2.gif (one smiley will do)


Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

So you are suggesting that Prayut has a hidden deep side??

He is doing a excellent job of hiding it from the public!!thumbsup.gif

But your post raises an interesting question: Who gives orders to the Chief of Armed Forces??.............

And even another question: who gives orders to dear Khun Eric... No dog would bark that loud and bite that hard so long when not protecting its foodbowl! wink.png

you seem unaware of the subtleties of some this debate so it appears you have resorted to making fatuous comments?


Is he competing with Thaksin by giving this interview?

If he thinks he can "out-charisma" Thaksin, he may be in for a bit of a wake-up call.

You call what that sniveling little worm Thaksin exudes "charisma" ? You have got to be joking. bah.gif

...and you're not fixated by him then??????


Democratic elections leading to elected politicians robbing the country, has nothing to do with democracy!

Yes it does. The clue is in the words 'Democratic' and 'Elections' that you just used.

Erm, wouldn't 'the clue' rather be in: 'elected politicians robbing the country'...?


CNN Reporter seems to be focusing just on 'democracy' as if this is the magic word to solve all of Thailand's problems. When he should asking crucial questions on issues which have recently been raised in the media.


Thai PM: I have never been against democracy.

I ask myself to what extent has the political sitution influenced me in my personal life?

The leader speaks every Friday on incidents and what the country's leadership is thinking.
That did not exist before.

I was the only one that could deal with the problems facing Thailand at this time, under the legal system of this country.

A pity that the interview was dubbed with an English translator voice which made it impossible to hear exactly what our PM had to say when he pointed to the problems that the country faced when the coup took place. The translation given above confused me a bit when looking at the constitution that was in place when the coup took place.

Maybe some of the forum members can help me out on that.

He said: "Thailand was on the edge of the abyss and we made a great leap forward!"

Not an answer that I was expecting. What was on my mind is that Thai is a bit confusing for foreigners when it comes to past, present or future tenses as for Thais that try and struggle with English and that is the reason why I asked. If he was referring to the current legal system he is correct but if he referred to the past legal system he is incorrect.

Nothing to do with my political affiliation since I am not in favour of any political party in my country since none of them ever addressed the equality of women; meaning to buy property without having to ask a husband and requiring his signature and other laws that make life for women more difficult as for men.

Any party that doesn’t address that issue in my eyes doesn’t really stand for democracy and that will also apply for the current authorities if they forget to enshrine the equality of women into the new constitution.

From a point of a woman nothing has changed during the last 5 administrations - Thailand is and still will be world dominated by men with women only playing the second fiddle. Not really the democracy that is on my mind.

So u think that Yingluck is a ladyboy ?


Dont worry about what people say just watch their actions , democracy is a dead duck in Thailand

Agree, the last lot were rubbish, but at least they were accountable rubbish.

'Rubbish' for sure bah.gif , but 'accountable'? clap2.gifcheesy.gif


Is he competing with Thaksin by giving this interview?

If he thinks he can "out-charisma" Thaksin, he may be in for a bit of a wake-up call.

Thaksin does not have a charismatic molecule in his make up. He was just a bully,bullshit artist and a manipulator whose main support base was all bought and paid for.


In the military there is no democracy.

Having served in the US Army from 1968 to 1988, I find that statement incorrect.

If the reference was about the Thai military, I have never served with that entity and cannot speak with any degree of credibility.


In the military there is no democracy.

Having served in the US Army from 1968 to 1988, I find that statement incorrect.

If the reference was about the Thai military, I have never served with that entity and cannot speak with any degree of credibility.

I also spent a career in the U.S. military and know that many rights that civilians take for granted are given up when one joins. For example, you cannot quit your job on a whim. Freedom of speech is limited, especially when wearing a uniform. The head person is paid to make the decision whether you agree or not, and you will go along with that decision or face the consequences.

I think that one becomes comfortable in that environment which can make it difficult for some to adapt to the more free wheeling civilian life. I think that we are seeing this with the current Thai prime minister.


Thai PM: I have never been against democracy.

I ask myself to what extent has the political sitution influenced me in my personal life?

The leader speaks every Friday on incidents and what the country's leadership is thinking.
That did not exist before.

Have you ever head the word "brainwashing?


Prayuth may actually be making a honest personally statement. Kind of admitting that the coup was not his making but directed or ordered by others. Think he is trying to say something covertly.

I don't think he has a covert bone in his body. thumbsup.gif


Thai PM: I have never been against democracy.

I ask myself to what extent has the political sitution influenced me in my personal life?

The leader speaks every Friday on incidents and what the country's leadership is thinking.
That did not exist before.

Have you ever head the word "brainwashing?

One would to actually have to pay attention and listen to that Friday broadcast, and I doubt if anyone does.


Is he competing with Thaksin by giving this interview?

But Taksing is by far much more popular than this self-elected coup-maker primer minister!

Says who? Do you have any links to figures?

BTW his name is actually Thaksin Shinawatra. It was spelt correctly in the post you answered.

Are such figures allowed to be compiled? An honest question.

An honest answer is that I don't really know but if it were compiled and shown that this government is more popular then it probably would be. If they were less popular then probably not.

Homer opec made the claim and I wondered where he got his (so far) unsubstantiated figures from.


Is he competing with Thaksin by giving this interview?

But Taksing is by far much more popular than this self-elected coup-maker primer minister!

Says who? Do you have any links to figures?

BTW his name is actually Thaksin Shinawatra. It was spelt correctly in the post you answered.

There was an election....actually there were about 3 elections.....

But they were a while ago including one in 2001 some 14 years ago.

What is more important is the figures now.

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