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Mum of British backpacker murdered in Chiang Mai hits out at Foreign Office

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It will take a high court / appeal court judge to overrule this decision and order the government to release the information. The courts will have the final say in this.

This happens on a regular basis but the UK government will delay and fight any legal action even if they know they will eventually lose it just to buy time.

It will cost a lot of money to do this.


Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

I agree with you on some points. Nothing to do with not having balls - all to do with "seeing the bigger picture, guarding the country's relations etc" as they like to put it. In other words individual citizens ain't worth rocking the boat for; unless you happen to be one of the elite of course.

Australia - wind and piss but little action. Not seen them doing anything about the poor Aussie lad badly assaulted by the Chinese-American rich kid thugs, or the lack of progress in their trial. US - didn't do much about their citizen hacked to death by a nutter Taxi driver, or the guy stabbed by the angry band. Other EU countries the same, very little response to their citizens being murdered. Possible exception is Japan - they seem to try and do something.

I believe the police here are more competent than some give them credit for. But, they are also highly corrupt and political. I'm sure they have a very strong idea who murdered this poor lady, and who murdered the poor couple on Koh Tao. Whether they will do anything about it is another matter. It's not about serving justice, it's about bribery, favors, position, connections and making the most of any situation that is presented.

How much information the police forces in the UK involved with these murders is anybodies guess. Because despite being a democracy, with freedom of speech and freedom of information laws, that only means what the government will allow.

Meantime watch your back here and be careful - your country won't.

CORRECT, that's hitting the nail on the head with a lump hammer.


Everything in Britain has to be politically correct not allowed to fart up wind now and a spade is no longer a spade, you must agree to everyone else’s agenda and UK Embassy will never ask a question or contradict a corrupt false Thai report just take it as gospel and move on. Sorry for the mum she will never get the truth in Thailand because they don't know the meaning of the word.


I understand the need for diplomacy under certain circumstances. What I fail to see is, with human life involved, what possible damage could Thailand do to Great Britain considering their relative status' in the world?

Not trying to demean or belittle Thailand in any way, but i know who would suffer most in a case like this. Seems like a few unsolved murders oversees are considered "collateral damage" by their respective embassies. Very sad.


Bloody high time the UK FCO realised that they are there primarily to SERVE THE BRITISH PUBLIC WHO PAYS THERE WAGES AND FOR WHOM THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT. No other issue should EVER cloud that fact and/or take priority over justice, morals and ethics. Financial cost is NOT and should NEVER be the main issue in any such cases. Surely as the terrible crime happened here, Thailand should be responsible to see to it that they maintain good diplomatic relations with the UK (not the other way around) by ensuring true justice is carried out openly no matter how big the offender may be. ALL are guilty in proper law everywhere in the World, whether rich or poor, leader or surf, end of and NO ARGUMENT, period !!!

Maybe Prayut, who to me clearly seems a more honourable and decent guy that so far I personally support, should intervene here and see that true justice is rightfully served and do so no matter who may be implicated as NOBODY should ever be above the law.

This mother just wants to see proper and rightful justice served (and that in Thailand is the death sentence and should be in the UK too where there is no element of doubt as to guilt) for the disgusting murder of her son. Surely is that not perfectly understandable to us all ? Justice MUST ALWAYS come over and above ANY diplomacy as it is higher up on the importance and priority scale in most folks eyes and certainly will always be in mine.

Already we see the disgusting closing of consulate offices over the past few years and I hear incredible and unacceptable rumours now that the Chiang Mai UK consular office will close too, which is once again DISGUSTING and putting money over people which must never happen. The consular office there is meant to serve UK Expats many of them old retired folk who cannot take the stress of journeys all the way to the Bangkok UK Embassy and a reason they chose Chang Mai as a good place to live was because there was a perfectly functioning UK Consulate office there. This is clearly wrong in any decent persons eyes.

Totally unacceptable by a crap British Government who just for some weird and stupid reason just got re-elected into office again, truly amazing and crazy particularly as 62.3% of folk sensibly and logically voted against the Tory party !! Jeez I loathe the UK Tory party as much as the US Republican one too, both right wing defenders of their corporate fat cat paymasters and not the people !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I digressed but loosely still connected of course.

Now FCO for goodness sake just get on with it, carry out your proper duty, and do as you are requested to do by properly and ethically primarily representing this distraught innocent mother, who rightfully wants and indeed demands straight justice for her murdered son. I am sure we are all decent folk supporting her here and we must all stand up for her strongly and verbosely. Also never forget that one day it just might sadly happen to your family too.


Bloody high time the UK FCO realised that they are there primarily to SERVE THE BRITISH PUBLIC WHO PAYS THERE WAGES AND FOR WHOM THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT. No other issue should EVER cloud that fact and/or take priority over justice, morals and ethics. Financial cost is NOT and should NEVER be the main issue in any such cases. Surely as the terrible crime happened here, Thailand should be responsible to see to it that they maintain good diplomatic relations with the UK (not the other way around) by ensuring true justice is carried out openly no matter how big the offender may be. ALL are guilty in proper law everywhere in the World, whether rich or poor, leader or surf, end of and NO ARGUMENT, period !!!

Maybe Prayut, who to me clearly seems a more honourable and decent guy that so far I personally support, should intervene here and see that true justice is rightfully served and do so no matter who may be implicated as NOBODY should ever be above the law.

This mother just wants to see proper and rightful justice served (and that in Thailand is the death sentence and should be in the UK too where there is no element of doubt as to guilt) for the disgusting murder of her son. Surely is that not perfectly understandable to us all ? Justice MUST ALWAYS come over and above ANY diplomacy as it is higher up on the importance and priority scale in most folks eyes and certainly will always be in mine.

Already we see the disgusting closing of consulate offices over the past few years and I hear incredible and unacceptable rumours now that the Chiang Mai UK consular office will close too, which is once again DISGUSTING and putting money over people which must never happen. The consular office there is meant to serve UK Expats many of them old retired folk who cannot take the stress of journeys all the way to the Bangkok UK Embassy and a reason they chose Chang Mai as a good place to live was because there was a perfectly functioning UK Consulate office there. This is clearly wrong in any decent persons eyes.

Totally unacceptable by a crap British Government who just for some weird and stupid reason just got re-elected into office again, truly amazing and crazy particularly as 62.3% of folk sensibly and logically voted against the Tory party !! Jeez I loathe the UK Tory party as much as the US Republican one too, both right wing defenders of their corporate fat cat paymasters and not the people !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now FCO get on with it and do as you are requested and work properly to represent primarily this distraught mother, who rightfully wants and indeed demands justice for her murdered son. I am sure we are all decent folk supporting her here and we must stand up and do just that. Also never forget that one day it just might sadly happen to your family too.

Agree with your post, and not being pedantic but "her murdered son." should read "murdered daughter."


Murder, "suicides", rape, fraud, propery theft, mass graves, refugee rejection ...the list could go on and on.

Sky last week showed the honourable Thai Navy throwing water and rice to boatloads of refugees just before they towed them out to sea and cut them loose!.

Today Sky has a report on 139 graves, some mass graves, on the Thai/Malaysian border. The graves have been discovered on both sides.

Thailand of course goes into total denial and will not face, yet alone fix, the problems.

When will the world wake up to the true nature of Thailand.


Some where a long the line I missed any post tha named a suspect, well known or other wise ??

By the way, Where is the "Red Bull Twerp" that killed the Thai Policeman on the streets of BKK with his high speed, alcohol and maybe drug nun mind, of course he was smart enough to head home and try to get someone else to take the fall, Where in the H is he ?? My guess where he has always been at home and partying !!


Funny but Thais have pretty much got the UK, aussies and whoever else thinks they are better than them by the balls. If they want to brush the case under the table they can, if they want to hide info so as not to taint tourism they can and they bloody well will, because if they didnt they would be damaging their image. So if the UK call up Thai police system and start ranting, the Thais will just agree agree then have a scoff and get back to doing their tea money scam, something that pays the bills. Why? because they can and have been doing it since Thais were Thai. Why change now? You dont seriously think David cameron can threaten Thailand with a ban on tourism or exports? just because thailand has a corrupt and lazy culture? what sense would that make?

I mean just read this: this is what happens when Thai police officers are disciplined lol - they get transferred, probably to a easier job with the same pay.


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yes its the same with the Koh Tao murders... first i saw the photos of the victims... nasty pictures on facebook... police photos.!!! he might made a buck selling the pics then the total up crime scene... then DNA samples in 24 hours.. impossible... yes they sure know who did it.. but they dont regard myamars as people.. human beings that we see with the boat fugitives... hope they soon not just lose face, but drop the mask.!!!


yes its the same with the Koh Tao murders... first i saw the photos of the victims... nasty pictures on facebook... police photos.!!! he might made a buck selling the pics then the total up crime scene... then DNA samples in 24 hours.. impossible... yes they sure know who did it.. but they dont regard myamars as people.. human beings that we see with the boat fugitives... hope they soon not just lose face, but drop the mask.!!!

Kurt, Did you just cut up a newspaper , throw it in the air, then pick up a dozen scraps and write that?

What the <deleted> does all that mean?


A spokesperson said "making certain information public could hinder the police investigation” and “reduce the chances of securing a conviction”.

What chances of securing a conviction?


Murder, "suicides", rape, fraud, propery theft, mass graves, refugee rejection ...the list could go on and on.

Sky last week showed the honourable Thai Navy throwing water and rice to boatloads of refugees just before they towed them out to sea and cut them loose!.

Today Sky has a report on 139 graves, some mass graves, on the Thai/Malaysian border. The graves have been discovered on both sides.

Thailand of course goes into total denial and will not face, yet alone fix, the problems.

When will the world wake up to the true nature of Thailand.

Clarkey, the world will never wake up to the true nature of Thailand, because it is more comfortable to believe in all those pretended smiles, the lies and the deception Thais shower you with... A few weeks ago one poster here asked why so many of the Thai expat oldtimers are so bitter... well, there you have it - they woke up to the fact that the majority of Thais are self-indulged nationalist pricks who give a rat's a## about us or anyone non-Thai.


Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

I would not jump up and down and praise Australia. They like every country have their issues that they deal with that we never hear about.

I am sure ther are horror stories that we do not hear about.

Being a Canadian I can tell you that it happens in all countries.

If you want answers there is only one way to get them and that would be to go through the Thai court system or hire investigators.

It is like any court they can not release documents with names unless the people give permission or are guilty.

Does it suck yeah but no more than a parent that wants to know what happened with their daughter in London if it is not solved and tried.


The uk has absolutely no balls and it is sickening to see. Thoroughly ashamed a good citizen must suffer multiple times because of it

Agreed. Perhaps another 5 years of Tory 'leadership' will encourage Britons to stand up against these scumbags.


It the UK voters stood up to these scumbags please tell me what scumbags would be an alternative.?


Forget the idea that the Foreign Office will help you in any way, they wont. Their function is relationships and bussines not individuals. Many years ago I was working in South Africa and there was problems, such that the complex we lived and worked in had military units stationed there to provide protection. Many of us tried to contact the Embassy in the country and repeatedly were told "No problem, just sit tight". One day one of the guys got through to someone who had not been briefed and he was told the Ambassador and his family had been taken out of the country as the situation had deteriorated badly.

From that day I have had no confidence whatsoever in the assistance that will be given by the Foreign Office.

I feel for her mother but she should not hold out any hope of help from the FCO.


I think Mrs Jones should move on. Nothing will bring back her Kirsty, and there's zero chance (in today's Thai society) any Thai man will be arrested and convicted. Easy to say, not so easy to do - and I despise the FCO for not making waves with their Thai counterparts.

Same will happen with the Koh Tao murders (if not already) - it makes me sick to think the FCO is from the same homeland as me. Spineless jerk-offs.

What??? Why should she move on? She has just lost her daughter.

We all know its difficult over here to get any answers.

An as for the British embassy they are just the lowest of the low, bloody little crawlers to Thai government.

Makes me sick to be a UK citizen.

Like u say, they not even release any findings on koh tao murders coz it might upset Thai athourities.

We all know it woz village headmans son involved.


Disgusting, but not surprised. It is called diplomacy!

Well actually no,its called bullshit lying Thai krap.

One word cower it all: THAINESS


Besides arresting the farang hotel owner and check DNA on sperm that belonged to an asian there was never any investigation.

The mother has all the right in the world to demand all information about this case...

Which happened btw more then 15 years ago..

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