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Mum of British backpacker murdered in Chiang Mai hits out at Foreign Office

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Murder, "suicides", rape, fraud, propery theft, mass graves, refugee rejection ...the list could go on and on.

Sky last week showed the honourable Thai Navy throwing water and rice to boatloads of refugees just before they towed them out to sea and cut them loose!.

Today Sky has a report on 139 graves, some mass graves, on the Thai/Malaysian border. The graves have been discovered on both sides.

Thailand of course goes into total denial and will not face, yet alone fix, the problems.

When will the world wake up to the true nature of Thailand.

Clarkey, the world will never wake up to the true nature of Thailand, because it is more comfortable to believe in all those pretended smiles, the lies and the deception Thais shower you with... A few weeks ago one poster here asked why so many of the Thai expat oldtimers are so bitter... well, there you have it - they woke up to the fact that the majority of Thais are self-indulged nationalist pricks who give a rat's a## about us or anyone non-Thai.

MJ...could not agree more!

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Let's hope that this one results in s###strom of unimaginable proportions for Thailand, that eventually will spread over to

Right. This happened 15 years ago.

I admire you for still holding your breath on this one.


Conspiracy of silence.

Does Thailand not want guilty parties brought to justice? If so, what possible reason other than protection of powerful, or at very least those with enough money. As such Thailand is accessory after the fact, a criminal act. Why should Brits, or any government for that matter, take care not to step on some diplomatic toes? Drag the buggers into the light and let them face the music.


What can the Brits do? Even if they know ALL THESE INVESTIGATIONS are one big cock-up? They cannot question every murder case and PROVE that the Thai-investigators were lying cheating manipulating to save face, or can they? Should they? I am sure that if the Brits wanted to, they could have collected DNA samples of the B2 and compare with Hannah's body and PROVE beyond any doubt this was (is) indeed a cover up...

This Chiang Mai murder I haven't followed that much but the situation will be similar and probably the perpetrators are known..........and also here the Brits could do a lot more, should they? If the Brits would do what every human being would expect, CLEAR UP THESE MURDERS, the UK & Thailand would indeed collide big time and foreign relation will get beyond sour.

So Money Talks and BS walks, or shoud we say Money Talks and Mon & Co walks..........

YIKES!! What a country (countries)

People need to learn from this, and learn well.

If something terrible like this happens again, the family members should realise that they are going to get nowhere with either the Thai or Brit police. The only real way to get justice is to say nothing and put a contract out on the guilty parties. Paying a hitman seems the only way.


Having traveled all over the world in the past 40 years there was a time when I had real respect for the British embassy staff. The past 10 to 15 years I have seen a serious erosion in the manner ,quality and capability of the people who occupy our embassy's.

Today they are simply PC minded puppets with little or no integrity and flexible social and moral view points. Bloody Yah hoo's.


Bilaterals are essentially about trade and there are rarely underlying problems that get in the way of Government to Government protests. If the Foreign Office and sometimes more likely the Ambassador do want to make a fuss they can easily do so. The problem here is that all Governments understand that Thailand has a dysfunctional justice system just as it has a dysfunctional Government.

It will take many more years before change takes place and this will be gradual. Meanwhile Tourists have to take care not to get close to Thai People who more often than not have such a poor understanding of other languages that along with night time drunkenness can easily result in serious misunderstandings. Foreigners themselves can avoid many problems by displaying good behaviour, avoiding drugs and the wild life.


There is a well known suspect! he must have paid off the BIB?

Unless or until a host nation chooses to act in these circumstances there is little anyone else can do. Pointing fingers & jumping on bandwagons is frankly the wrong tree.


My sympathies are with the mom on this ... no one should lose a daughter and no one should have to wait for 15 years for justice. Not sure I can add anything to what's been said already ... the outrage we share with her is clear. I would only say that I wish the media would publish the documents that she's been given so that we can all see exactly what has been redacted. A long time ago I worked in a role where we had to vet/redact documents before release to the media, but it was always done to protect innocent parties. The suggestion here is that it has been done to protect the guilty. Would like to judge that for myself. [And would like to see the Foreign Office's official explanation for the redaction].


parsphrasing a quote I heard about Colombia--God made Colombia so beautiful that he had to fill it with the most evil men in the world to balance it out.

Seems it could apply to Thailand as well.


get rupert he can change governments ,instigate wars,hack phones,politicians of australia ,us ,gb all go to see him not visa versa,so his news papers and tv have clout if she can get one of his news media on side she may get answers


I'd like to know how many grieving parents have had the horrible, gruesome task of going to Thailand to pick up their child - in a body bag.

I personally know of one such case.

The number in the last 10 years must be in the thousands.

Now that's hell on earth.


Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

I had exactly the same thoughts. Have the British team of police that visited the island made any positive statements regarding the murders yet?

If British citizens die abroad, the families should be informed not to expect any support from Britain, because business has priority over justice.

In Thailand there are too many mysterious deaths and murders of foreigners going unsolved. I have heard of cold cases, but these murders have reached absolute point zero degrees.

It is good that the mother of Kirsty refuses to lay down in defeat and let the case fade away into oblivion.

If anyone does have any information regarding the said murder, I urge them to do the right thing, and come forward

Spot on. Governments and countries are board of directors and businesses nowadays. Business takes precedence over everything. Some being more immoral than others, but very little actual morality or sense of justice.

When you read crap like this, makes you proud to be British. Neither Conservative, Labor or coalition governments have done anything to change it; or are likely too.

I honestly can't remember when I was actually proud to be British!!


I am sorry about the girl.

I understand and really sympathize with mother.

I am not sympathetic with Thai officials but understand their efforts to preserve good image of their country.

One side I am really, aggressively hostile to is - British Gov't.

They have history in diplomacy behind them. They still have some clout at least with Thailand. They have no concept of protecting their own.

Not in BKK, not in CM, not in any other place. British Gov't is a disgrace to Brits. Shame!coffee1.gif

NOTE: I am an Australian. I have enormous respect for the British Crown and Royalty. But nothing except disdain for their Gov't.


Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

I am not British, and after reading many things about that country's government, one can see why there are so many problems there. And not showing concern for one's citizens has to be the one of the lowest acts a government can stoop to.

Right at this time we have a very pro Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, Julie Bishop. A fine style of a woman, and all woman but she certainly has a set, bigger than some of the previous government's ministers. She does not back down, just look at her actions with Indonesia over the executions of two of the Bali 9 drug runners.

Even though they were criminals and had carried out similar sorties before she still went into bat for them, not to get them off but to have their death sentences converted to life imprisonment. She was not successful but it shows you that it can be done and even though the relationship with Indonesia started to sour, it came back into the black in a very short time, thanks to her and also the PM's intervention.


Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

I support the OZ part, It would depend on the circumstances, diplomacy is a wonderful thing ,flexible, you are not on home turf , you know the scene has been completely destroyed of vital evidence by the clowns in Brown , you know that anything like the truth could be hard to find and you know that in Thailand nothing is what it seems, you know that incompetence just drips from the tree tops , you then take it from there.


The uk has absolutely no balls and it is sickening to see. Thoroughly ashamed a good citizen must suffer multiple times because of it

what freedom of information act? there is no such thing in thailand! face!face!face! that's all they care about! I have absolutely no ideawhy a single whiye female would come over here alone! she will be surrounded by predators who will take advantage at the first chance! what is in their minds? are they stupid?


This was another cock up from the start,the room where Kirsty was brutally murdered,

was filled with gawker s,photographers even moving the body and propping her body

up to get a better picture,even before the police arrived,so any forensic evidence was

lost forever,then the blame game began,looking for anyone EXCEPT the real murderer.

That happened 15 years ago,its still happening today,and will continue,and the British

Government,you will get zero help from them,

regards Worgeordie


I came to CM a few months after the murder.

The bar where I used to have a drink was 24 Hrs in those days and popular with the Serious Boozers.

The regulars could/would name the individual and tell exactly where the desk he was now working was to be found and in which station.

Well connected and there was no way he would be given up for a frang.

The other part of the tale was that the guest house where the murder happened was not 'Recommended', politely a dive, which no respectable backpacker would use.

A few months later August ?, Purachi brought in much more strict laws on sales of alcohol and where one could get a "smoke' of other highs and the rise of Pai in Mai Hong Song province began.


All subject to roumer and Bar Gossip.


Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

I am not British, and after reading many things about that country's government, one can see why there are so many problems there. And not showing concern for one's citizens has to be the one of the lowest acts a government can stoop to.

Right at this time we have a very pro Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, Julie Bishop. A fine style of a woman, and all woman but she certainly has a set, bigger than some of the previous government's ministers. She does not back down, just look at her actions with Indonesia over the executions of two of the Bali 9 drug runners.

Even though they were criminals and had carried out similar sorties before she still went into bat for them, not to get them off but to have their death sentences converted to life imprisonment. She was not successful but it shows you that it can be done and even though the relationship with Indonesia started to sour, it came back into the black in a very short time, thanks to her and also the PM's intervention.

That's one interpretation. Or it could be that Abbot and Bishop like to make a lot of noise, stamp their feet, throw their imagined self importance around - and achieve nothing. The Aussie ambassador was recalled. Has he/she returned yet? Indonesia is much too important for Australia to sever relations with. Same with Thailand. Spout on about democracy, ban the Junta members and their families from visiting Australia but get Bishop over to make sure the trade and business isn't affected.

That's modern international diplomacy. Say what you want to the electorate, but you must keep the business flowing and expanding. Cameron was just the same when refusing to pay extra charges to the EU. Then did a deal and it all went quiet.

All a show for the public.

I'm waiting to see what happens to the trial of the rich American-Chinese thugs who seriously assaulted the young Aussie lad. His mum rightly kicked up a fuss and had not only the Aussies but even the current PM supporting her. If I remember PM Prayut said he was taking a personal interest in this case. Then the rich kids rich parents turned up, had meetings with their lawyers and prosecutors, filed counter assault charges, and all gone quiet. Common Julie, time to bat again.

That case is very recent. This murder and rape is 15 years old. I don't think Thailand does "cold cases" and I seriously doubt the interest will ever be enough to actually do anything.


Never expect any assistance from the British foreign or the British embassy staff. Overpaid, underworked failed public school ₩@nchors.


I wonder how many British deaths, especially those of the suspicious variety, will need to occur before the Sir Humphreys' decide British nationals' interests trump those of relations with the country at the centre of the issue.

But then Thailand is quite capable of jeopardising it's tourist industry all on it's own.


I came to CM a few months after the murder.

The bar where I used to have a drink was 24 Hrs in those days and popular with the Serious Boozers.

The regulars could/would name the individual and tell exactly where the desk he was now working was to be found and in which station.

Well connected and there was no way he would be given up for a frang.

The other part of the tale was that the guest house where the murder happened was not 'Recommended', politely a dive, which no respectable backpacker would use.

A few months later August ?, Purachi brought in much more strict laws on sales of alcohol and where one could get a "smoke' of other highs and the rise of Pai in Mai Hong Song province began.


All subject to roumer and Bar Gossip.

Sounds like someone told you back then who was the rapist/murderer... If that is correct, then here a question: Do you lose sleep over not having contacted her parents in an anonymous way - at least making sure the culprit is exposed, leaving it to the parents what to do with that information? Man, sometimes I wish Dexter would truly exist!


This was another cock up from the start,the room where Kirsty was brutally murdered,

was filled with gawker s,photographers even moving the body and propping her body

up to get a better picture,even before the police arrived,so any forensic evidence was

lost forever,then the blame game began,looking for anyone EXCEPT the real murderer.

That happened 15 years ago,its still happening today,and will continue,and the British

Government,you will get zero help from them,

regards Worgeordie

"That happened 15 years ago,its still happening today,and will continue,and the British

Government,you will get zero help from them"

Absolutely spot on!


I think Mrs Jones should move on. Nothing will bring back her Kirsty, and there's zero chance (in today's Thai society) any Thai man will be arrested and convicted. Easy to say, not so easy to do - and I despise the FCO for not making waves with their Thai counterparts.

Same will happen with the Koh Tao murders (if not already) - it makes me sick to think the FCO is from the same homeland as me. Spineless jerk-offs.

What??? Why should she move on? She has just lost her daughter.

We all know its difficult over here to get any answers.

An as for the British embassy they are just the lowest of the low, bloody little crawlers to Thai government.

Makes me sick to be a UK citizen.

Like u say, they not even release any findings on koh tao murders coz it might upset Thai athourities.

We all know it woz village headmans son involved.

"We all know it woz village headmans son involved"

Maybe "we" all think the above, but if you know, then I presume you have given a statement to the RTP, and of course copied it to the British Police?


Did Stephen trig go and help her when he heard her screaming, leave me alone, unfortunately I feel the truth was protected by people of influence, and that you will never know the true facts of the killer, I hope one day that the scumbags DNA will pop up on a police data base somewhere


No Mocking, bar talk, possibly true, probably true but fact, er No.


I know at least a dozen Thais well.

I could not tell you or pronounce the real name of any, only their nicknames as you will find out when you have lived here for some time.

This is an Old Subject and some of the long term posters could tell the same tale but as with me, I will suggest, they don't want to upset the mother.


I am rather surprised that the British Foreign Office would offer such a poor excuse tantamount to kowtowing to influence from some big wigs in Thailand.

Certainly no single thai man is important enough to sour the great relationship Thailand and UK has been having for the past century so why protect the suspect and provide such a lame excuse?

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