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Satellite Tv In Thailand


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I've had UBC for the 4 years I've been out here and it's OK

But I’m wondering are there more options out there??

I noticed during the world Cup when I went to bars to view the games in English they were getting S African TV. How is this done?

Besides UBC what are my Satellite TV options in Thailand. Both legit and maybe of a more 'dubious' nature.

What is PSI DMove

What is PSI DFix

What is Dyna-Sat

Can anyone provide links in English that explain what these are?

Can anyone provide links in English that explain their channel listings?


Are there any other options out there that I don't know about?

And for those that have PSI or Dyna-Sat how satisfied are you with your service / equipment / programming?

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Both legit and maybe of a more 'dubious' nature.

The legit options can be discussed here in the forum,

the other options cannot. For the finer details a PM or e-mail may be better.

Please take care

Thank you


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Basically you have not much of a choice over here. UBC has a virtual monopoly!!!

So legally, those big dishes can only receive free to air channels, which are basically useles for westerners apart from the "world" channels like BBC world, TV5, RAI international etc...

You can however install a system which can take smartcards, and then obtain the smartcard of a network you would want to watch.

Perfectly legal cards are available for Astro and Multichoice. The last one would be your best choice if you are a sports lover, but it costs almost 50,000 Baht/year for the legal subscription. This is what most big bars in Bangkok/Pattaya subscribe to, so they can show pretty much any sporting event!

If its just entertainment you are after the Astro network is the better choice at roughly 14000 Baht/year.

If anybody offers you a system to watch these channels without the cards, it is definately illegal and will obviously be without guarantee!

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Basically you have not much of a choice over here. UBC has a virtual monopoly!!!

So legally, those big dishes can only receive free to air channels, which are basically useles for westerners apart from the "world" channels like BBC world, TV5, RAI international etc...

You can however install a system which can take smartcards, and then obtain the smartcard of a network you would want to watch.

Perfectly legal cards are available for Astro and Multichoice. The last one would be your best choice if you are a sports lover, but it costs almost 50,000 Baht/year for the legal subscription. This is what most big bars in Bangkok/Pattaya subscribe to, so they can show pretty much any sporting event!

If its just entertainment you are after the Astro network is the better choice at roughly 14000 Baht/year.

If anybody offers you a system to watch these channels without the cards, it is definately illegal and will obviously be without guarantee!

Dear Monty,

If you have a UBC satellite with a DSTV box and UBC smart card, can you change to astro or multichoice?

Where can you get inofrmation on programming?

Do you have to redirect the satellite?

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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Unfortunately not.

The UBC boxes are very basic and made/programmed especially for UBC, which is on the Ku band and using the irdeto encryption system.

Multichoice, although also using the irdeto encryption, transmits on the C-band, requiring a different dish (those big black mesh ones) and receiver.

Astro does transmit on the Ku-band, but has a different encryption (Mediaguard), which the UBC box can't handle...

Programming for Multichoice:


Programming for Astro:


You'll also find the prices for installations and official subscriptions there.

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I have Astro, I am quite satisfied.

Sometimes when it rains I lose the signal, and there is censuring especially fro American reality shows (the signal comes from Malaysia where I guess some language is deemed inappropriate)

but apart from that, I like the variety and the choice of channels

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...What is PSI DMove.....

It is a older model of Movable Dish and C-Band receiver.

It seems to be replaced by the DMove Premium that allows both C-Band and KU band. It only works for Free To Air (FTA) signals only.

So if you like English Language, really you want to look at Panmasat 8 (Pas-8) and you cet the ABC from Australia and the BBc from the UK.

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So if you like English Language, really you want to look at Panmasat 8 (Pas-8) and you cet the ABC from Australia and the BBc from the UK.

PAS-8 is too low on the horizon (beyond the safe limits of my dish motor) for reception.


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Both legit and maybe of a more 'dubious' nature.

The legit options can be discussed here in the forum,

the other options cannot. For the finer details a PM or e-mail may be better.

Please take care

Thank you


Thanks for the heads up! Didn't mean any disrespect. :o

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Unfortunately not.

The UBC boxes are very basic and made/programmed especially for UBC, which is on the Ku band and using the irdeto encryption system.

Dear Monty,

Suppose I wanted to change, are there legal boxes available that do not have these restrictions?

In the past I have had 3 different satellite dishes and boxes - different countries I have worked in. It might be a good idea to have a box that would work for all. Or is that avoided by the companies with the different encryptions etc.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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Ok so i'm not the most knolowdegable about it but help me out here...

Do all Sat-TV companies in the USA have Birds with a Geosynchronous Orbit? Or are there any that just keep floating and make their way around the gloab and the signal is supplied by a steady stream of birds?

(my gut says no as it would be expensive to have that may birds and your dish would have to track the birds)

But if they do move. Is it possable with a bird that can give coverage to

Florida — Latitude: 24 30'N to 31 N or the State of Hawaii — Latitude: 18°55'N to 29°N

to hit Phuket?? 7'45" and 8'15" North latitude

Further more if Phuket is in the coverage area can i purchase a setup from the US (Direct TV or Dish Network) to view TV here??

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I took a look at the programing for Mulity choice and Astro it's not bad but i guess i've come to like the programing UBC offers.

I'd be tempted to switch if i could find out that somone other than UBC could offer AXN or could tell me that I'd be able to watch Survivor.

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All television satellites are geostationary :o

So basically what decides wether you can or cannot see a satellite only depends on if it's above the horizon from where you are located. Hence we cannot "see" European and American staellites, but for example PAS7/10 which hangs above Africa can be seen from both Europe and Asia since it's right between the two continents...


Yep lot's of universal boxes around, nothing illegal with them! They would only work when you have legal subscription cards to put in them anyway!


For example!

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Unfortunately not.

The UBC boxes are very basic and made/programmed especially for UBC, which is on the Ku band and using the irdeto encryption system.

Multichoice, although also using the irdeto encryption, transmits on the C-band, requiring a different dish (those big black mesh ones) and receiver.

Astro does transmit on the Ku-band, but has a different encryption (Mediaguard), which the UBC box can't handle...

Programming for Multichoice:


Programming for Astro:


You'll also find the prices for installations and official subscriptions there.

Interesting links.....but how does it work with the subscription fee? Those prices stated on the astro link are annual? one time payment only? monthly?


rcm :o

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Annual payments, these are for genuine cards, just like you can pay upfront for a one year UBC subscription.

So the Astro fees are actually quite reasonable compared to UBC...

Multichoice is terribly expensive though at over 40000 Baht/year!

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Annual payments, these are for genuine cards, just like you can pay upfront for a one year UBC subscription.

So the Astro fees are actually quite reasonable compared to UBC...

Multichoice is terribly expensive though at over 40000 Baht/year!

Yes, astro is good priced indeed. So i can use a Astra Card on any of their Compatible rceivers with my C-Band dish?

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Basically you have not much of a choice over here. UBC has a virtual monopoly!!!

So legally, those big dishes can only receive free to air channels, which are basically useles for westerners apart from the "world" channels like BBC world, TV5, RAI international etc...

You can however install a system which can take smartcards, and then obtain the smartcard of a network you would want to watch.

Perfectly legal cards are available for Astro and Multichoice. The last one would be your best choice if you are a sports lover, but it costs almost 50,000 Baht/year for the legal subscription. This is what most big bars in Bangkok/Pattaya subscribe to, so they can show pretty much any sporting event!

If its just entertainment you are after the Astro network is the better choice at roughly 14000 Baht/year.

If anybody offers you a system to watch these channels without the cards, it is definately illegal and will obviously be without guarantee!

Hang on, so what about a paticular company promoting their 8 foot movable system that can pick up 28 sats, meaning you can tune in up to 900 channels, Im sure most wont be worth watching but at least 100 will be good wont it??

It can pick up the following sats

Panamsat's 7/10 & 2 & 8, Eutelsat w5, Telstar's 10 & 18, Thaicom 2/3 &1, Insat's -3c &2e/4a &3a, Chinastar, ST1, Measat's 1 & 2, NSS6, Asiasats -2 & 3 & 4, Sinosat, Tekom 1, Palapa C2, JCSAT 3, Apstar 6, AMC 23, Agila 2 on the C & Ku bands where applicable

I was also told that I could get free to air most of the live sports, ie tennis, rugby, F1, football, cricket, etc etc

or was I told porkies?

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maybe it's time many members start to do some research as this topic has been here several times.

I have a sat and can watch about 40 sats or 1000 channels including most of the movie and sport channels shown on ubc for free, no need for any card to subscribe to.

its not illegal to receive signals from a sat.

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Hang on, so what about a paticular company promoting their 8 foot movable system that can pick up 28 sats, meaning you can tune in up to 900 channels, Im sure most wont be worth watching but at least 100 will be good wont it??

It can pick up the following sats

Panamsat's 7/10 & 2 & 8, Eutelsat w5, Telstar's 10 & 18, Thaicom 2/3 &1, Insat's -3c &2e/4a &3a, Chinastar, ST1, Measat's 1 & 2, NSS6, Asiasats -2 & 3 & 4, Sinosat, Tekom 1, Palapa C2, JCSAT 3, Apstar 6, AMC 23, Agila 2 on the C & Ku bands where applicable

I was also told that I could get free to air most of the live sports, ie tennis, rugby, F1, football, cricket, etc etc

or was I told porkies?

Do a Google search on each of the satellites and you will get a list of what is available FTA (Free to Air).

IME most is not worth watching.

Little or no sport and no films.

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its not illegal to receive signals from a sat.

But it can be illegal to decode them... :o

Having said that, it is not an incommon practice here in Thailand, and there are plenty of companies that will provide you with a receiver and movable dish that gives you free access to sats that broadcast programs similar to UBC.

However, we cannot discuss them on ThaiVisa as it is technically illegal here.

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As an aside, it is even illegal to watch for example Multichoice in Thailand, even with a legal card.

Only thing, it is not the viewer doing anything illegal, since he is paying for the card and the channel owners are getting their money.

It is however possible for UBC to try and go after Multichoice, since Multi shows certain channels like starsports, HBO, etc, for wich UBC has the sole rights to re-transmit them in Thailand! It is the responsibility of Multichoice that their cards are not available to viewers in Thailand!

So as it is not the viewers breaking any laws it is free to discuss the legal subscription cards. Up tp UBC if they want to go after Multi or Astro. Heck, there are a lot of UBC cards used in Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, which technically is not allowed either. Obviously UBC is not complaing and simply collecting the money :o

However, watching ANY payTV like Astro, Multi, WITHOUT paying for the cards is illegal, and if found out you can get into big problems!!! Happened before with the copied UBC cards, including deported and blacklisted foreigners...

So keep discussions about that private with PM's :D

And it is indeed true that quite a lot of the sporting events can be watched free to air, mostly on national channels from several countries (who include the dual language so you can switch to English commentary), it can be a bitch trying to finde the programming to find which channels are showing what and when!

A good source is following thread on Jsat's forum:


But forget about movie channels, dedicated sports channels, things like national geo or discovery. These are only found on Paytv networks since they charge very high re-transmission rights!

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If your c-band dish has a Ku-band capable LNB (the head where the cable is connected to) it should be no problem.

If not then it is not an expensive upgrade. They can put on a second Ku-band LNB, or replace the existing one with a universal C and Ku LNB

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Hang on, so what about a paticular company promoting their 8 foot movable system that can pick up 28 sats, meaning you can tune in up to 900 channels, Im sure most wont be worth watching but at least 100 will be good wont it??

It can pick up the following sats

Panamsat's 7/10 & 2 & 8, Eutelsat w5, Telstar's 10 & 18, Thaicom 2/3 &1, Insat's -3c &2e/4a &3a, Chinastar, ST1, Measat's 1 & 2, NSS6, Asiasats -2 & 3 & 4, Sinosat, Tekom 1, Palapa C2, JCSAT 3, Apstar 6, AMC 23, Agila 2 on the C & Ku bands where applicable

I was also told that I could get free to air most of the live sports, ie tennis, rugby, F1, football, cricket, etc etc

or was I told porkies?

Do a Google search on each of the satellites and you will get a list of what is available FTA (Free to Air).

IME most is not worth watching.

Little or no sport and no films.

dont watch many movies via tv broadcasts, I mainly watch via dvd.

didnt do a google, instead went to jsats message board, they have updates on what sports are showing during the weekends. On 1 paticular weekend they had Free to air, Tri nations rugby, which btw UBC doesnt have this year, F1- qualifying and race, NRL, AFL, and cricket. Or about 30+ hours of live free to air top quality sport, ie not ballroom dancing, table tennis, sync swimming etc etc

maybe our viewing habits differ :o

I would love to watch the Americas Cup when it comes around next year, anyone seen it on sattelite?

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If your c-band dish has a Ku-band capable LNB (the head where the cable is connected to) it should be no problem.

If not then it is not an expensive upgrade. They can put on a second Ku-band LNB, or replace the existing one with a universal C and Ku LNB


thank you for the info...so here is what i got. My wife gave me a surprise and bought a 5'5 fixed dish with a Mazz MZIII receiver . While i am happy with what i got i wonder if i can get a bit more than ...DW Tv, TV5,FTV, Bloomberg, Channel V,Channel Asia news....and loads of other channel that do in Languages i will never understand and i am not aiming to learn 'em . Any ideas? About the LNB i am not sure if i have , what do they cost? How about the size of the dish? i guess 5'5 is a bit too small for Astra ? Or am i wrong with this conclusion?

So once i got the LNB on there (or maybe it's on already) what do i do next ? Get a Receiver and the Astro Card(pay subscribtion)? Adjust it and thats it?

thanks for the advise,

rcm :o

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Dear Forum,

This thread is helping me to understand a little about satellite systems. I am still confused though and would welcome being directed to a site that would help me. I did check this one:-


It explained a lot but I am still unsure.

I have the UBC system that Monty has already told me is in effect rigged so that it will only work for UBC – my words. It is on the Ku band. Monty, again thank you, pointed me to a Thai website where I can buy set-top boxes that will enable me to get C-band and Ku-band. It has just been mentioned in the thread that you can buy combined Ku and C LNBs.

So if I have this satthai set-top box with a combined C and Ku LNB what can I do?

If I plug in my UBC smart card I will still be able to see UBC?

A bit pointless but could I then plug in an Astro card – properly paid for? Would the dish need some kind of realignment? Is it pointing in the right direction for Astro?

Looking at the internet I see many different satellites some over Thailand. Jai Dee says he can’t see a particular satellite from Amphur Sattahip.

There might be some manoeuvrability on the UBC dish but I suspect it would be by spanner. Do people who are getting Free-to-Air buy dishes with some kind of motor system? How big is required? How expensive? Is searching for satellites controlled by the set-top box?

Please just refer me to a thread if all this has been gone through.

Hope you can help.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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This is very similar to the system I have installed.

/Edit - Disclaimer: I have no affiliation at all with Jsat. They are a company operating out of Bangkok and advertise publically. The question of legality is not up for discussion.

Edited by Jai Dee
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All television satellites are geostationary :o

So basically what decides wether you can or cannot see a satellite only depends on if it's above the horizon from where you are located. Hence we cannot "see" European and American staellites, but for example PAS7/10 which hangs above Africa can be seen from both Europe and Asia since it's right between the two continents...

It is not just seeing the satellite that is important,

the satellite has to be broadcasting in your direction - "the footprint"

Here is the footprint map for PAS 10 that has the Multichoice bouquet of channels.

It should be quite feasible from Thailand if you have a large c-band dish, probably 10ft 6in will be needed,

but you may be able to pick one up second hand as most people have moved to the smaller Ku band dishes.

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Dear Jai Dee,

Thank you for the link to a similar system,it helped me understand.

Do these types of systems search automatically for satellites or do you need to feed in some kind of coordinates?

Do these types of systems have internet as part of the bandwidth?

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best

Bill Z

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