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I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Don't worry JOC, just a bit of Islamophobia creeping in. I am surprised it took this long actually because usually the rednecks on TV take over subjects such as this since they cannot differentiate poor hapless Rohingya farmers who are Muslim in name only from jihadists who are a perverted Muslim minority too well publicized.There have been and always will be fundamentalist extremists in every religion just as there have been and always will be folks who lump all under one banner and damn them all for it regardless of their huge cultural language history and racial differences.

As for the General, this is diversionary populist politics of the most cynical kind.

sheesh you havent a clue if Im racist or not but never mind yes they are a ll loony tunes head choppers if you like and should all be rounded up.

Enjoy your pigeon holes


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Well muslim states are keen on telling u you insult one you insult them all so............ why arent their "brothers" helping then, personally I couldnt care less either way, just pointing out their hypocrisy.

Well they are (even if a bit slow at it) Malaysia (Muslim) YES. Gambia (Muslim) YES, Indonesia (Muslim) YES Philippines (Christian).YES, New Zealand (Christian) YES, Australia (Christian) NO, Thailand (Buddhist) NO, And Myanmar where all this started (Buddhist) NO.

Well why arent they all being sent to the Gambia they said they would take them ALL? seems and easy solution to me yet somewhat FAR away when Malaysia is right there. Why not just offer them ALL free transport to the Gambia....not sure how long before Gambia was full as its a TINY country.This problem could be solved very quickly

Gambias president had this to say recently, seems like Gambians are trying to escape gambia and the President is looking for fresh Muslims

More than 5,000 migrants, many from Gambia and its neighbours, have died in the past 18 months trying to cross into Europe.

Jammeh broke his public silence on the issue last week, saying in a televised address that "if these people are true Muslims... they should equally believe that their sons and daughters could have made it at home if they were ready to invest and work".



they have to obey Thai laws, since they are now in Thailand.

This is absurd...instead of encouraging support of these organizations...we need to see if there is some tea money to be made here....

How about offering government service to support these efforts instead of doing all you can to make them all look like criminals...

Work on helping the people FIRST...then do your normal arrests for breaking some obscure Thai law...


The guy on the left of the picture appears to be praying, the one in the middle is doing show and tell with picture cards, and the one on the right has iPhone disease. Well balanced skill set there. Nice.


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.


An open admission from the Thai Government that they were in full knowledge the " problem " for Quote ...." a period of more than 10 years ".

LOS - Land of Sicko,s


On newsnow not one Thai newspaper has Mentioned the mass graves discovered inside Malaysia in Perlis(PB ) area.as a headline Yet nearly every other foreign newspaper carries the story. I went back three pages and could find anything , Strange


Standard information suppression tactics. Not surprised.

Correct. On point one and two both. Yes, absolute deflection. An absolute lack of introspection, or willingness to take the blame for anything and everything. This is not constructive behavior, and it makes him look like an incompetent child. And of course, the world holds Thailand to account. A neighbor, with a common border, and an enormous amount of coastline that the migrants must pass to get to wherever it is they are going, would have to share some of the responsibility for this travesty. Would that neighbor accept some of that responsibility, and accept some of the blame for the current problems? Well, the big man does a rather good job of answering that question, does he not?

The reality is, that these are probably hard working people, who would benefit Thailand. And Thailand would generate a tremendous amount of good PR, were they to announce that any Rohinga is welcome in the country, would be granted a free work permit, and would be allowed to stay. Would they do that? Of course not. It might piss off their neighbor, and their primary natural gas supplier.


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.

Why not a world where "blind faith" aka all religions actually sat thought about the ridiculousness of their "belief" face some realities and move on from there. Science doesnt have all the answer but jeepers religion tells u it has.


And just where is this mythical final destination? coffee1.gif

Gambia but Im dubious as to "why" when Gambians themselvs are trying to leg it out of there


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.

Why not a world where "blind faith" aka all religions actually sat thought about the ridiculousness of their "belief" face some realities and move on from there. Science doesnt have all the answer but jeepers religion tells u it has.

I'm an atheist myself, but if someone else wants to believe, I've no problem as long as they leave me be.


Thought as they are all Muslim brothers and sisters Malaysia would take the lot, after all any attack on islam is an attack on them all, so they keep telling us , doe s not matter what country they come from.............maybe it only works one way

Your tribal thinking is just as narrow minded as what you are accusing the Muslims of!!

They (the Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Don't worry JOC, just a bit of Islamophobia creeping in. I am surprised it took this long actually because usually the rednecks on TV take over subjects such as this since they cannot differentiate poor hapless Rohingya farmers who are Muslim in name only from jihadists who are a perverted Muslim minority too well publicized.There have been and always will be fundamentalist extremists in every religion just as there have been and always will be folks who lump all under one banner and damn them all for it regardless of their huge cultural language history and racial differences.

As for the General, this is diversionary populist politics of the most cynical kind.

sheesh you havent a clue if Im racist or not but never mind yes they are a ll loony tunes head choppers if you like and should all be rounded up.

Enjoy your pigeon holes

Haven't a clue? It's glaringly obvious, But while "loony tunes headchoppers should be rounded up" I can't disagree but we are not talking about them, we are talking about Rohingya poor and persecuted as I was saying but you missed that point and confirmed that you can't tell the difference


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.

Why not a world where "blind faith" aka all religions actually sat thought about the ridiculousness of their "belief" face some realities and move on from there. Science doesnt have all the answer but jeepers religion tells u it has.

I'm an atheist myself, but if someone else wants to believe, I've no problem as long as they leave me be.

Unfortunately, it is part of some religions' ethic that they are duty bound to turn you into a believer, which is where the problems begin! Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons to name but 3!


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.

Why not a world where "blind faith" aka all religions actually sat thought about the ridiculousness of their "belief" face some realities and move on from there. Science doesnt have all the answer but jeepers religion tells u it has.

I'm an atheist myself, but if someone else wants to believe, I've no problem as long as they leave me be.

The problem is they actually don't in many many ways


sheesh you havent a clue if Im racist or not but never mind yes they are a ll loony tunes head choppers if you like and should all be rounded up.

Rohingya) are human beings in dire need of help, no matter what God they call theirs!!

Don't worry JOC, just a bit of Islamophobia creeping in. I am surprised it took this long actually because usually the rednecks on TV take over subjects such as this since they cannot differentiate poor hapless Rohingya farmers who are Muslim in name only from jihadists who are a perverted Muslim minority too well publicized.There have been and always will be fundamentalist extremists in every religion just as there have been and always will be folks who lump all under one banner and damn them all for it regardless of their huge cultural language history and racial differences.

As for the General, this is diversionary populist politics of the most cynical kind.

Enjoy your pigeon holes

Haven't a clue? It's glaringly obvious, But while "loony tunes headchoppers should be rounded up" I can't disagree but we are not talking about them, we are talking about Rohingya poor and persecuted as I was saying but you missed that point and confirmed that you can't tell the difference

Well quite amazing how this can be known from a forum,congratulations, do you do handwriting analysis as well?

Im so stupid as to not understand ( bashes head on wall), thankfully I have you to help me out with my erroneous ways of thinking all Muslims are head chopping Jihadists, damn that Daily Mail they lied to me


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.

Why not a world where "blind faith" aka all religions actually sat thought about the ridiculousness of their "belief" face some realities and move on from there. Science doesnt have all the answer but jeepers religion tells u it has.

I'm an atheist myself, but if someone else wants to believe, I've no problem as long as they leave me be.

Unfortunately, it is part of some religions' ethic that they are duty bound to turn you into a believer, which is where the problems begin! Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons to name but 3!

Roman catholism as well as its past reveals.


I have the perfect solution to the Rohingya problem, which is that no one wants them (least of all their own country!) No one wants to give them sanctuary of any kind. And yet, anyone with a humanitarian bone in their body cringes when they hear the stories of these refugees being pushed away from the shores of several countries.

The superpower (or wannabe superpower) in the region is China. China has a Muslim problem of their own and are doing their best, although in a hamfisted way, of trying to play as fair as China can with their Muslim minority.

But China is also building islands in disputed waters, disputed precisely by those countries who have been refusing entry to the Rohingya. Why not move the Rohingya to those islands to live and work on building and staffing the facilities there. China would get big brownie points from Muslims for providing a homeland for the Rohingya. They would gain points in using the atolls for this social purpose and could bolster their case for "ownership" of the newly created islands. Besides, which country would then want to take over jurisdiction for an island that is full of Rohingya who will remember their earlier treatment by the neighbouring countries?

There are no ethnic problems on those islands because no one lives there. As long as the Chinese did not exploit them too much, the Rohingya would probably appreciate being able to live, work and raise their children provided that it is being done right. They already do this with some Philippinos on one of their atolls.

Or better still why not end the murderous campaign of terror being waged by the Burmese govt on their own citizens?

Even better why not try to build a world that does not put forward solutions to religious intolerance by suggesting solutions much like the Nazis advocated when they took hate to levels of absolute inhumanity?

China has a problem with Muslims? No, they have trouble with an ethnic group whose centuries old way of life and culture is being absolutely destroyed, who are being marginalised in their ancestral lands, who happen to be Muslims.

The islands China are building are part of their attempt to claim sea territory they have absolutely no right to, they are not disputed but are akin to the european scramble for africa in the 19th century. China is big and strong and those around them are not. They are purely symbolic and it is appalling to suggest that a people be dumped their because of their faith.

Why not a world where "blind faith" aka all religions actually sat thought about the ridiculousness of their "belief" face some realities and move on from there. Science doesnt have all the answer but jeepers religion tells u it has.

I'm an atheist myself, but if someone else wants to believe, I've no problem as long as they leave me be.

The problem is they actually don't in many many ways

No one has ever tried to convert me to a faith.


No one has ever tried to convert me to a faith.

Come live where Muslims are in power: Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Aphganistan for example.Then after you come talk to us about tolerance and freedom secular.
Recall that the Koran asks his followers to kill infidels, atheists like you so.
"Kill them all" that is enshrined.
But we can be sure that after you other candid Infatuated of humanism will preach a confessional fellowship.

No one has ever tried to convert me to a faith.

Come live where Muslims are in power: Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Aphganistan for example. Then after you come talk to us about tolerance and freedom secular.
Recall that the Koran asks his followers to kill infidels, atheists like you so.
"Kill them all" that is clearly enshrined.
But we can be sure that after you other candid Infatuated of humanism will preach a confessional fellowship.

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