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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview

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one word... FEAR

IT IS SO AMAZING... how this country fears the Thaksin group... Prayut n company included... it all indicates ever since they 'stole his position' in 2006... they cannot come to terms on rectifying the matter. so they hide in fear and just use corruptive power to 'deny'

they are trying to railroad his sister who tried ever hard to unite this country, by showing that Thaksin group were not needing gov't to show but to show how the gov't can work for the people... Thaksin is the symbol of democracy to this country... everyone since... is NOT... but power hungry mad men...

bring back thaksin...bring back democracy... and that is what the spoiled corruptive people in bangkok and now the military fear... they have not been able to arrest him on real charges...but only inventive charges... they are doing the same to his sister....

this country will never be at peace until they join and understand Thaksin politics...then he won't be a threat to them any more.... until that time... everyone suffers


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Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

False charges against anyone, for any reason, IS a bad thing. That's not justice. It is, however, abuse of power, and a flat out lie.

But you act as if that's perfectly fine, as long as it's against Thaksin.


So, if I'm reading you right, because of what he did in the past, it justifies an Illegal Junta pressing False Charges against him? If that's what you're saying, then you have a warped concept of justice.

As for his past, if there's proof, and I'm sure there is, then legally charge him, try to bring him to justice for them, then either convict or acquit according to the LAW.

Meanwhile, I'll stand by my statement that false charges against anyone, for any reason, is flat out wrong.

How would it make you feel if the mother of some 14-15 year old girl looked and you and thought "rich falang" and had her daughter go to the police and file sexual assault charges against you? And don't tell me that would or could never happen, because it did happen to a good friend of mine. It cost him over 500k to finally get his name cleared, and even then, he had to move to avoid the stigma that was now attached to him in the minds of the locals.

You're letting your hatred override your sense of actual justice, and that is never a good thing to happen.


I don't wear knickers......

....Breaking News...

Rameitindallas goes commando

Note: In the US, knickers is short for knickerbockers which are pants that end just below the knee. They were worn primarily by boys. American footballers and baseball players wear them during the game.

Underwear for girls is called panty or panties and for men drawers, boxers (boxer shorts), or briefs (jockey shorts or tighty whities). I wear underwear and change it every day. Going 'commando' is unsanitary.

Do men in your country wear knickers?


Some do.......so I've been told


Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

As a Thai citizen, he doesn't need any passport to enter Thailand.

Ya right...if he comes by bus. Try getting on an international flight without "any passport".

ROFL. Ya right... Why I'm SURE that was Mr. T. I used to see asking for extra peanuts all the time! Can't you just see him schlepping his way through a commercial check-in line, waiting in line at a boarding gate, and listening intently to the safety brief?? Hehehehehe

(Pssssst. Get a clue.)


Speaking as a "one eyed red flavoured troll" (do you remember that pearl of reasoned debate Mikemac?)

You really know that a member has exhausted all the arguments when he falls back on the old "it is against forum rules to post anything which is false or inaccurate" line!smile.png

Actually I thought one had exhausted all arguments when they accused someone of being a Chang drinker, or told them to get back to their barstool. In other words, you are drunk so you must be wrong. Being a non-drinker I laugh at that stuff.

And regarding the forum rules, perhaps I just get fed up with certain posters posting absolute lies and bs, like the one about Thaksin being overthrown by a military coup.

Luckily for them the mods let them get away with it and I look forward to the day when they "crack down" on it. biggrin.png


The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.

Well, well. The one who always starts with an insult is back. Lunatics in an asylum often claim everyone else is crazy but them too. Makes them think they're not insane.

You don't want to know or care that his sister and cousin abused their powers and illegally issued passports to him when in office? So you don't mind the Shins lying, cheating and breaking laws when in power? Ignoring the inconvenient truth - a trait of the Shins, their lackeys and those who want to pretend they are really democracy loving champions of the poor.

How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?

Why Thailand didn't cancel these passports earlier and why they don't seek extradition on all those outstanding charges and conviction is something they'll regret. The criminal will always push and push, looking for the knee jerk reaction which he hopes his PR boys will exploit.

"How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?".

Baerboxer, so, the BBC and AFP are biased towards Thaksin, and Thaksin's PR lobbying machine has managed to convince people that he's a socialist heroe ?? We can claim that Fox News caters for a certain type of American people, and we can claim that newspapers like the Sun, Daily Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian (newspapers from Britain) are biased towards whatever target audience that they have. We can claim that the Nation Newspaper caters for anti-Thaksintes who read English. Fine.

But, the BBC ?? What is the BBC's target audience ? The BBC is paid for by the British public, and this means that it is not tailored towards right-wing or left-wing groups. Does Thaksin pay the BBC, in order to get a positive image ? Surely, not. Has the BBC been fooled by Thaksin's PR machine ? Is that why the BBC (according to certain people on ThaiVisa) is biased towards him ?

Man, if the Nation Newspaper ever gets closed down because of stuff that it prints, well, fair enough, I would not be that worried. It's not that good a newspaper, anyway. BUT, but if the BBC was to ever be removed from Thailand, well, I would be worried for Thailand. Very worried. We all will be, including everybody on ThaiVisa. That's because we all know that the BBC tries to give a fair and balanced report on things. It is accurate and reasonable. And no, I don't think that the British government tries to secretly control the content on the BBC.

Do you even watch the BBC news these days ?. It is absolutely terrible : they have someone setting an agenda then they all push towards it. They never actually lie, they omit key facts to leave the viewer with a distorted impression. You have to go online and find out for yourself then it becomes clear.

And as for Mr Head : I am amazed at the bias in his reports. Lies by omission just the same. A bit of research on the web shows he is obviously a Thaksin crony - the BBC should have pulled him out after the Les Majeste affair in 2008. I wonder why he is still here : it's certainly not to expose the truth or any other sound journalistic principles. He would be more suited to reporting for The Sun where truth is always optional.

The BBC is England's version of the American Fox. If I recall correctly they backed the red shirts in 2010. My big question is what took them so long to pull his passports? Even jayboy knows they were illegal.

The BBC is far from Englands equivalent of Fox. It is an independent non commercial broadcasting corporation established by a royal charter. Many claim that in its domestic reporting lt leans left of centre, and there are concerns that in the recent UK election it was rather too supportive of the Labour Party. It may be argued that this bias carries over into its international reporting, it certainly seems to have a long standing love affair with Castro's Cuba, but it certainly does not take sides in Thailand's politics.

Mr Head, along with APF, are often reviled here because they do not say what many posters wish to hear. That is seen by some as proof positive that they are owned by....guess who? Thaksin.!

It's not a case of any news reporter saying what anyone wishes to hear or read. It's a case of a real reporter giving out all the facts, without their spin, and allowing people to make their own interpretation of the information.

Neither Head or AFP do this. They omit facts and inconvenient truths to steer people towards the view they personally want. I have no idea, nor particularly care, about AFP governance. The BBC is a different question. It has a duty to provide all the facts and correct information and not allow biased reporting such as Head's when it comes to the Shiniwatra family, their political vehicles and their behaviors.

I have no idea at his motivation behind this, only he knows that.


Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

False charges against anyone, for any reason, IS a bad thing. That's not justice. It is, however, abuse of power, and a flat out lie.

But you act as if that's perfectly fine, as long as it's against Thaksin.

Come on Just1Voice, are you trying to tell me you could look someone in the eye and say that everything Thaksin did was within the law and legal ?

His rap sheet is longer than Al Capone's.

He deserves everything he gets, what goes around comes around.

Take away the false charges you claim and he still has done enough to warrant a long stretch in the "crowbar motel".


False charges against anyone, for any reason, IS a bad thing. That's not justice. It is, however, abuse of power, and a flat out lie.

But you act as if that's perfectly fine, as long as it's against Thaksin.


So, if I'm reading you right, because of what he did in the past, it justifies an Illegal Junta pressing False Charges against him? If that's what you're saying, then you have a warped concept of justice.

As for his past, if there's proof, and I'm sure there is, then legally charge him, try to bring him to justice for them, then either convict or acquit according to the LAW.

Meanwhile, I'll stand by my statement that false charges against anyone, for any reason, is flat out wrong.

How would it make you feel if the mother of some 14-15 year old girl looked and you and thought "rich falang" and had her daughter go to the police and file sexual assault charges against you? And don't tell me that would or could never happen, because it did happen to a good friend of mine. It cost him over 500k to finally get his name cleared, and even then, he had to move to avoid the stigma that was now attached to him in the minds of the locals.

You're letting your hatred override your sense of actual justice, and that is never a good thing to happen.

You're letting your hatred override your sense of actual justice

Who said Thaksin will get justice? He certainly won't get justice in Thailand; Thailand doesn't hang murderers anyway. Benito Mussolini of Italy got justice. Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania got justice. Samuel K. Doe of Liberia got justice. No, Thaksin will be like Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, and Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran and will live out his days unpunished but in exile. He has his Billions of ill-gotten Dollars to comfort him, as did the others, so you should not feel too sorry for him.



Loath him or hate him the majority of Thai people Love him and whatever we all think one day he will return to his homeland !

Not true at all and typical hyperbole. There is a faction that is in fact infatuated with certain myths which surround him, but mostly it's just a matter of mere political preference based on populist policy. I might "prefer" the politician who says he's going to increase my COLA or other govt check - that doesn't mean I have a shrine to him in my living room.

'Not actually so sure his actual return - except in a horizontal position - is such a given either.


I don't wear knickers......

....Breaking News...

Rameitindallas goes commando

Note: In the US, knickers is short for knickerbockers which are pants that end just below the knee. They were worn primarily by boys. American footballers and baseball players wear them during the game.

Underwear for girls is called panty or panties and for men drawers, boxers (boxer shorts), or briefs (jockey shorts or tighty whities). I wear underwear and change it every day. Going 'commando' is unsanitary.

Do men in your country wear knickers?


Jolly educational being a member of Thai Visa isn't it!:)

Loath him or hate him the majority of Thai people Love him and whatever we all think one day he will return to his homeland !

Agreed...in a pine box...all bloated and decomposing.


All they need to do is put him on an international warrant and put him on the Interpol list. He wouldn't be able to fly anymore but I doubt they will do it.

Someone else blindly parrotting this fairy tale. Unless the country currently hosting him chooses to honor such a warrant and detain him for eventual extradition, nothing keeps him from boarding a private jet or private charter. He can fly back to Thailand or to any country that wiil accept him & ignore the warrant. Some carriers flagged in such non-observant countries might even be happy to board him, though I doubt his eliteness would ever descend to such a plebeian mode of travel.


Strangely the dscussion seems to focus more on the passport revokation, which is not really new, and not the WHY, whatever Thaksin is I m quite sure he is not far from the truth in this interview


Unlike Prayut, I suspect there is no words that leave

Thaksin's lips that are not carefully thought out. The

charges are of little consequence to him, as he plans

to return to power. So of course all the charges will

be dismissed once he is back in control. The final

battle will be taking place in five to seven years

when the big event happens. I will be long gone,

but it will be interesting to watch from afar..... For

now Thaksin is just biding his time, and having a

bit of fun with Prayut by needling him.

If you think every word that comes out of his mouth is well thought out you should check out the video where thaksin accidentally mentions people standing in line for 500 baht and someone stopped him.

However in this case he most likely did mean what he said and knew it would lead to charges being brought.


Irrespective of personal views on Taksin and his murderous history.

I find it quite disturbing that in terms of evidence indicating that he has done something wrong in this instance all we are presented with is an explanation of "reports of tarnished the countries image and threat to national security". A vaguer, more obtuse set of statements could not be harder to find. Yet many take these statements as proof that a crime has been committed and he is guilty. So much for due process?

So can we all now nod in agreement that we would accept that someones opinion is all that is required to allocate guilt. If the PM/Army/Police / Foreign Ministry think you did it. That thought is now fact and you are guilty.

If you agree with that, then apply the same principle to your life here in Thailand. The police think you have tarnished Thailand image as you posted something which they don't like on TVF, (the fact it was in the issan farming forum and was about growing chilies is irrelevant) - "Get the <deleted> out of Thailand is their response", and everyone on TVF types "yeah we never liked him anyway. He deserves it!". Who decides guilt and how was that conclusion reached. Personal dislike? And that is a sound basis for a country to be run on?

This is an absolute farce.


Irrespective of personal views on Taksin and his murderous history.

I find it quite disturbing that in terms of evidence indicating that he has done something wrong in this instance all we are presented with is an explanation of "reports of tarnished the countries image and threat to national security". A vaguer, more obtuse set of statements could not be harder to find. Yet many take these statements as proof that a crime has been committed and he is guilty. So much for due process?

So can we all now nod in agreement that we would accept that someones opinion is all that is required to allocate guilt. If the PM/Army/Police / Foreign Ministry think you did it. That thought is now fact and you are guilty.

If you agree with that, then apply the same principle to your life here in Thailand. The police think you have tarnished Thailand image as you posted something which they don't like on TVF, (the fact it was in the issan farming forum and was about growing chilies is irrelevant) - "Get the <deleted> out of Thailand is their response", and everyone on TVF types "yeah we never liked him anyway. He deserves it!". Who decides guilt and how was that conclusion reached. Personal dislike? And that is a sound basis for a country to be run on?

This is an absolute farce.

Thaksin just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

This time they have it on film not an opinion. the law is clear and he knows it well. for the last 15 years he has been trying to take the kings power away from him. He get's a big chance to help Thailand unite and in typical Thaksin fashion lets it go by. In the mean time adding to the. controversy

Yes indeed he is an absolute farce. Lucky for him he has stolen enough money to keep people on promoting him with false information.

As I said earlier it is surprising they didn't take it earlier. the man is a disgrace to humanity. He seeks out the weak minded people and the corrupt one's that he can buy for his support.


Loath him or hate him the majority of Thai people Love him and whatever we all think one day he will return to his homeland !

Really? Do you have figures or links to this gem of information.

Have you possibly been to the south of Thailand and asked this question or indeed have YOU done a survey of at least 1,000 people in every one of Thailands 77 provinces?

If not then what you have said may not be the truth as many people understand the truth.


Loath him or hate him the majority of Thai people Love him and whatever we all think one day he will return to his homeland !

Really? Do you have figures or links to this gem of information.

Have you possibly been to the south of Thailand and asked this question or indeed have YOU done a survey of at least 1,000 people in every one of Thailands 77 provinces?

If not then what you have said may not be the truth as many people understand the truth.

He is just posting to hear himself or he really is shall we say short in the -----------department.

If it had been the truth why did the majority of votes go against him. I have a hard time believing the posters here have any knowledge of math mush less common sense. The votes they got were not all for him many of them were probably for Yingluck. I am quite sure many of the voters voted with their lower head.

Besides He doesn't need a passport to come to Thailand he is a citizen of it.


Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

False charges against anyone, for any reason, IS a bad thing. That's not justice. It is, however, abuse of power, and a flat out lie.

But you act as if that's perfectly fine, as long as it's against Thaksin.

Come on Just1Voice, are you trying to tell me you could look someone in the eye and say that everything Thaksin did was within the law and legal ?

His rap sheet is longer than Al Capone's.

He deserves everything he gets, what goes around comes around.

Take away the false charges you claim and he still has done enough to warrant a long stretch in the "crowbar motel".

Do you see ANYTHING that I wrote that even suggested the things he did were legal? If you have read any of my 4k plus postings, you'll find plenty where I've slammed him, called him a liar and cheat and thief numerous times. I don't like the guy, I never have, but that still does not justify pressing bull s**t LM charges against him, and if you saw the interview he gave, that's exactly what the junta is doing. The guy needs to be brought back and stand trial for all the REAL things he has done, and I'd love to see it. But filing B.S. charges of L.M. against him, just because they can't think of anything else, is a load of horse manure.



Really to news? coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

ที่วางในคาสิโนต่างๆ มาเล่นในคอมพิวเตอร์ หรืออุปกรณ์ต่างๆเช่น มือถือและแท็บเล็ต ได้ที่นี่ royal1688 สล็อต

Surapong said Thaksin was no threat to the Kingdom and it was the right of every Thai to hold a Thai passport.

​And that right seems to be stand alone with no other obligations or responsibilities ... like facing charges against you in a court of law. Isn't that right Mr Surapong?

What a (insert derogatory noun here).


The current regime is very clearly playing for keeps, so Thaksin is as well. The winner will be the one who commands the support of the people, either at the polls or on the streets. Which will it be? Thaksin seems pretty confident.

It's a bugger when a crook can enter politics and then use politics to complete whitewash all his crimes, outstanding cases and probably all future ones too.

Trouble is, too many more educated worldly wise Thais about now. Not likely to put up with his lies, cheating and thieving so easily.

crook = Thaksin?


crook = Prayuth?

or both... whistling.gif

Poor, poor tb !

I have read your last few comments on this topic with much laughter.

They remind me of the bad guy in the movie or tv show who is firing his hand gun at the good guys and runs out of bullets, desperately keeps pulling the trigger, click - click - click but nothing, so as a final act of desperation he throws his hand gun at them !

Sorry,mate, but you have nothing left .

Hilarious ! Keep them comin' tb !

yawn, what ever.

which is the worse crime - abuse of power or treason? And does it even matter... coffee1.gif


The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

False charges against anyone, for any reason, IS a bad thing. That's not justice. It is, however, abuse of power, and a flat out lie.

But you act as if that's perfectly fine, as long as it's against Thaksin.

Come on Just1Voice, are you trying to tell me you could look someone in the eye and say that everything Thaksin did was within the law and legal ?

His rap sheet is longer than Al Capone's.

He deserves everything he gets, what goes around comes around.

Take away the false charges you claim and he still has done enough to warrant a long stretch in the "crowbar motel".

Do you see ANYTHING that I wrote that even suggested the things he did were legal? If you have read any of my 4k plus postings, you'll find plenty where I've slammed him, called him a liar and cheat and thief numerous times. I don't like the guy, I never have, but that still does not justify pressing bull s**t LM charges against him, and if you saw the interview he gave, that's exactly what the junta is doing. The guy needs to be brought back and stand trial for all the REAL things he has done, and I'd love to see it. But filing B.S. charges of L.M. against him, just because they can't think of anything else, is a load of horse manure.

Another of the 'I don't like Thaksin but.....' BSers.

It is not in any way false to accuse him of LM or take away his illegally gained passports. He accused the junta of following orders of the Privy Council - without any effort to provide evidence - in carrying out the coup. The charges have not been laid (yet) and it is a grey area whether it falls under the LM law.

Instead of jumping to conclusions, why not wait to see if the, for now accusation, does become legally in force.

BTW I agree with you about false charges and one of the many defects in the LM law (apart from being inheritantly wrong) is that any Thai can file a LM charge and the police are obliged to act upon it.


Reading all these comments makes me wonder how many of you actually saw the interview he gave? I did, and there was nothing, nada, zilch mentioned about the revered Family. He did, however, make comments in regards to the Privy Council. Let's face it, the guy is a crook, thief and liar, not to mention an ego maniac, but his current "counterpart" and current PM, isn't a hell of a lot better in my opinion. The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

The big difference is that the latter can slap an LM charge against Thaksin, even if it's false, and there's not a damn thing Thaksin can do about it.

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

To be fair I watched in and there were no direct references , I recall he said something that could be viewed, if you were looking for something and were extremely pedantic as a slight dig, I'll have to watch it again , these 2 posts reminded me off it

you should not watch TV,

you take the facts,

and that is, that he have stolen that country hundred of Billons of THB,

which people need bitter for their simple live !

Not to mention how many other court cases waiting for him !

If he is sooo clean, why he not come back ??

Take off your red filtered eye glasses !!


I wonder how much 'percentage' was due to the fact that he said how incompetent the current government leader was,, Lol

(ie: withdrawing his passport coz the current government leader feels humiliated and angry)..
it seems more like a personal reason,, rather than a national Security one.. !!!

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