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Thai govt revokes Thaksin's passports, citing 'damaging' interview

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by law it should have been done before 8 years,

but his lovely sister and GVt didn't do his duty,

Now finally it's done,

and he have another crime on him which my get him another 10 years Bangkok Hilton !

Well done !! PM

Lese Majeste charges may be pressed by the current regime, however I rather suspect Thaksin does not envisage the current regime being in power, or at least being in a position to ever press charges should (when) he return.

The current regime is very clearly playing for keeps, so Thaksin is as well. The winner will be the one who commands the support of the people, either at the polls or on the streets. Which will it be? Thaksin seems pretty confident.

The winner will be the one who commands the support of the people, either at the polls or on the streets. Which will it be? Thaksin seems pretty confident.

You are correct that Thaksin is ready to plunge Thailand into civil war to regain his power. He doesn't care about Thai people. He has stolen from them and created havoc pitting Northern/Northeastern Thais against Bangkok/Southern Thais all in the pursuit of his own PERSONAL goals. He is a user/abuser but since he is a narcissist, he cannot see the damage to others he causes. Robert Mugabe is to be proud of him.

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>>Due to Thailand’s strict lese majeste law, which criminalizes insulting the monarchy, Khaosod English is unable to elaborate on the comments he made in the interview.<< Quote

What a stupid and sad old man Mr T is!!

Even a farang arrived yesterday would know better than to insult the institution.................

What took so long? They could and should have done it the day he became a wanted man and fugitive from justice.


You are all asking the wrong question......

They took away 2 out of his 3 Thai passports, so there is one left :-)

How much is any of you guys going to bet that the one left is his diplomatic passport......??


Link, please.


I think the time is near when he will be coming home and his red army will be waiting and there is very little the official army will be able to do.

Merely wishful thinking. Yes the red army is still around, but luckily fairly peaceful at the moment. As for Thaksin, if you miss him that much, you better go look for him in the desert because the guy will never come back to Thailand (alive). It's game over for the Shins.

I'm assuming he has a drawer full of passports. Isn't he a UAE citizen by now. Why would he need his Thai ones? Planning on coming back to the home country soon? I doubt it.


The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.

Well, well. The one who always starts with an insult is back. Lunatics in an asylum often claim everyone else is crazy but them too. Makes them think they're not insane.

You don't want to know or care that his sister and cousin abused their powers and illegally issued passports to him when in office? So you don't mind the Shins lying, cheating and breaking laws when in power? Ignoring the inconvenient truth - a trait of the Shins, their lackeys and those who want to pretend they are really democracy loving champions of the poor.

How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?

Why Thailand didn't cancel these passports earlier and why they don't seek extradition on all those outstanding charges and conviction is something they'll regret. The criminal will always push and push, looking for the knee jerk reaction which he hopes his PR boys will exploit.

"How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?".

Baerboxer, so, the BBC and AFP are biased towards Thaksin, and Thaksin's PR lobbying machine has managed to convince people that he's a socialist heroe ?? We can claim that Fox News caters for a certain type of American people, and we can claim that newspapers like the Sun, Daily Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian (newspapers from Britain) are biased towards whatever target audience that they have. We can claim that the Nation Newspaper caters for anti-Thaksintes who read English. Fine.

But, the BBC ?? What is the BBC's target audience ? The BBC is paid for by the British public, and this means that it is not tailored towards right-wing or left-wing groups. Does Thaksin pay the BBC, in order to get a positive image ? Surely, not. Has the BBC been fooled by Thaksin's PR machine ? Is that why the BBC (according to certain people on ThaiVisa) is biased towards him ?

Man, if the Nation Newspaper ever gets closed down because of stuff that it prints, well, fair enough, I would not be that worried. It's not that good a newspaper, anyway. BUT, but if the BBC was to ever be removed from Thailand, well, I would be worried for Thailand. Very worried. We all will be, including everybody on ThaiVisa. That's because we all know that the BBC tries to give a fair and balanced report on things. It is accurate and reasonable. And no, I don't think that the British government tries to secretly control the content on the BBC.

Do you even watch the BBC news these days ?. It is absolutely terrible : they have someone setting an agenda then they all push towards it. They never actually lie, they omit key facts to leave the viewer with a distorted impression. You have to go online and find out for yourself then it becomes clear.

And as for Mr Head : I am amazed at the bias in his reports. Lies by omission are lies just the same. A bit of research on the web shows he is obviously a Thaksin crony - the BBC should have pulled him out after the Les Majeste affair in 2008. I wonder why he is still here : it's certainly not to expose the truth or any other sound journalistic principles. He would be more suited to reporting for The Sun where truth is always optional.

The BBC is England's version of the American Fox. If I recall correctly they backed the red shirts in 2010. My big question is what took them so long to pull his passports? Even jayboy knows they were illegal.


His sister when PM and his number 1 cousin when Foreign Minister specially opened the foreign ministry, which was closed due to the appalling floods, so a new one could be issued. Cousin then hand delivered it to him for his birthday in Dubai.

Was that illegal - yes. Did the Ombudsman question it - yes. Did Yingluck and lackey cousin ever answer - no. Did anyone check to see who paid for the passport, all the costs associated with the FM delivering it etc - probably not.

Let's see, a known convicted criminal fugitive, wanted on 15 more serious charges for which warrants are out, openly meets with said criminal and presents new passports to him as a birthday present. So much for PTP respecting the law.

And still, the Shin boiler boys will be on, declaring Thaksin, Yingluck and the clan never ever did anything wrong, because they are above the law and entitled to use the country as they see fit. The Shins certainly think so,

Why they've never cancelled these before, or followed up on the Ombudsman's questions - who knows.

The crazies continue to rant and froth about how Thaksin got his passports.I have no idea and care even less.I would be quite surprised if he could not find some way to continue his travels - but the subject is of not much interest to me.

The thread however is about something his different, namely his speech in Korea which obviously hit a nerve and profoundly upset the Junta - prompting them to take action which could have been taken at least a year ago if it was just a question of nobbling Thaksin

So what exactly was it that upset their delicate senstivities? It seems it was the suggestion that the coup was long planned by the army (Lawks a mercy, fetch the smelling salts) in liaison with old established elites and Suthep.Since in general terms this is of course the most credible general explanation It's easy enough to understand the coupsters' rage.The trouble is that the evidence is rather overwheming not least including Suthep's own admission he co-ordinated matters with Prayuth for many months.The lese majeste charge is more puzzling because a sane person's reading of Thaksin's speech would find no possible reference.However we are not here dealing with entirely sane people and as the BBC"s Jonathan Head recently pointed out the reactionary right in Thailand is akin to a cult.One can only conclude the LM charge is in connection to Thaksin's reference to individual Privy Councillors playing politics (which we know from Wikileaks and other sources they have).If this is the case it is yet further evidence that the LM law needs to be restricted to its true purpose and not exploited by soldiers and politicians.

Well, well. The one who always starts with an insult is back. Lunatics in an asylum often claim everyone else is crazy but them too. Makes them think they're not insane.

You don't want to know or care that his sister and cousin abused their powers and illegally issued passports to him when in office? So you don't mind the Shins lying, cheating and breaking laws when in power? Ignoring the inconvenient truth - a trait of the Shins, their lackeys and those who want to pretend they are really democracy loving champions of the poor.

How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?

Why Thailand didn't cancel these passports earlier and why they don't seek extradition on all those outstanding charges and conviction is something they'll regret. The criminal will always push and push, looking for the knee jerk reaction which he hopes his PR boys will exploit.

"How come Mr. Head never ever points out that Thaksin is wanted on 15 more serious charges; or that these passports were illegally issued; or that Yingluck and her cousin refused to answer repeated questions from the Ombudsman. Thaksin is a convicted criminal and proven liar. Why is he always shown is such a good light by journalists like Mr. Head or AFP. Could it be that billionaire elitist Thaksin and his PR lobbying machine have managed to convince the impressionable, by whatever means, that he and the Shin clan are working class socialist heroes rather than a gang of immoral exploiters?".

Baerboxer, so, the BBC and AFP are biased towards Thaksin, and Thaksin's PR lobbying machine has managed to convince people that he's a socialist heroe ?? We can claim that Fox News caters for a certain type of American people, and we can claim that newspapers like the Sun, Daily Telegraph, the Times, the Guardian (newspapers from Britain) are biased towards whatever target audience that they have. We can claim that the Nation Newspaper caters for anti-Thaksintes who read English. Fine.

But, the BBC ?? What is the BBC's target audience ? The BBC is paid for by the British public, and this means that it is not tailored towards right-wing or left-wing groups. Does Thaksin pay the BBC, in order to get a positive image ? Surely, not. Has the BBC been fooled by Thaksin's PR machine ? Is that why the BBC (according to certain people on ThaiVisa) is biased towards him ?

Man, if the Nation Newspaper ever gets closed down because of stuff that it prints, well, fair enough, I would not be that worried. It's not that good a newspaper, anyway. BUT, but if the BBC was to ever be removed from Thailand, well, I would be worried for Thailand. Very worried. We all will be, including everybody on ThaiVisa. That's because we all know that the BBC tries to give a fair and balanced report on things. It is accurate and reasonable. And no, I don't think that the British government tries to secretly control the content on the BBC.

You think the BBC neutral? Go back over say 10-20 years and see how many times they've been involved in accusations of political bias. Always in one direction funnily enough.

It's often not what they say, but what they choose to leave out or repeatedly misquote. Take Head and AFP. How many times do you read the lie "Thaksin was overthrown by a coup in 2006". Miss out the bit he was a self appointed illegal caretaker PM at the time. Same as they don't mention his party were in power when he was convicted of breaking the law, which he's never denied by the way. Then we have Head's interviews with Yingluck where he's all doe eyed and asks nothing controversial - ignoring the illegally issued passports, her constant lies, her non appearance in parliament, etc etc. Hardly an investigative journalist. His visit to a "red village" where saint Thaksin changed the lives of all was portrayed as a fairy story - which it was of course. But he took part and never challenged anything.

Is it their detest for the old guard elites, there susceptibility to lobbyists, there strong wish for some real hero who will represent the poor people, or other reasons - I really don't know. But I do know what I read and how skewed Head and AFP are in their reporting.


>>Thaksin has seldom commented on political affairs in public over the past year, but the former PM made waves last week after he told a South Korean news channel that the 2014 coup makers were helped by Thailand's traditional elites.<< Quote

True, but hardly breaking news??

The good news:

With a 112 hanging over his head, Mr T will never return to Thailand!!

True JOC bit their are more ramifications to this that are not being said. Without a passport he would be evicted from his haven and sent here. Or he would be forced to seek political asylum putting him "in effect" the same shoes as Snowden.

No comparison. Snowden isn't a billionaire.

It's one thing to be a middle-class nobody from the US, and quite another thing to be a member of the global elite. Different set of rules. Wink wink whistling.gif He'll be back in Dubai in time for tea and biscuits.


Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

As a Thai citizen, he doesn't need any passport to enter Thailand.

Bubum! Have they removed his citizenship? I haven't heard anything to that effect. Thing is, it's academic because he has no intention of returning here as long as the military/amart/judiciary is so powerful. He knows there'll; be a laser on his forehead even as he steps off the aircraft.

I still find it hard, by the way, to understand how anyone ousted by a military coup can be branded a criminal by some people on here but those carrying out the treacherous act be put on a pedestal. I know who's passport I'd revoke.


I think the time is near when he will be coming home and his red army will be waiting and there is very little the official army will be able to do.

Merely wishful thinking. Yes the red army is still around, but luckily fairly peaceful at the moment. As for Thaksin, if you miss him that much, you better go look for him in the desert because the guy will never come back to Thailand (alive). It's game over for the Shins.

I wouldn't put my shirt on that statement if I were you. Although I think it's more wishful thinking on your part than anything else.


Taksin isnt stupid, this was probably a well calculated attempt to get himself in the media again, infact its the second time in 2 weeks he has made a stir - its his gameplay!

Passport revoked? do you think he cares anymore? he can get residency elsewhere and can travel freely if he pleases, money talks.

Taksin isnt stupid,

Why would you want to prove a negative? Sure he's stupid and demonstrably so. He stupidly and voluntarily gave up two governments by dissolving Parliament and not winning the vote afterwards.

Now that he has stupidly added Lese Majesty charges against himself, he can never return to Thailand as no government can amnesty Lese Majesty. The passport is a minor detail and he already can live pretty much where he wants to. His position is NOT improved by his well calculated attempt to get himself in the media again, infact its the second time in 2 weeks he has made a stir - its his gameplay! In fact, it is a fiasco from his point of view no matter how you try to 'spin' it. Not only is he stupid but he is reckless: (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.


Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Any country that has a commercial or strategic interests in Thailand has known for a long time how corrupt Thaksin is.

He may have won elections but his personal credibility is zero.Lies, lies and lies

''Judge, it was an honest mistake I and my wife hid millions of baht in my maid and driver's names for years, it's true, moving the money in and out of their accounts....., nothing to do with stock manipulation... no really it was all a mistake!''.

Liar from the word go .


You might be surprised at the number of mainstream western govts who would probably put more weight on the fact that he was elected rather than the perceptions of his "personal credibility" in the view of a segment of Thai society


There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.


There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.

You validated his post.


Does he not have one (or two) from a banana republic???

By the way this does not make him stateless, it just means that the privileges that his passport bestow upon him will not be honoured, and many countries will be notified of that, I am sure if he wishes to return to Thailand he will be sent Emergency Travel Documents.

I'm guessing one of the banana republics was Thailand .

Once you get outside Thailand, the anti-Thaksin venom dissipates to near zero. There are likely many countries who would view Thaksin as a victim of the corrupt political system in Thailand and would allow him entry.

Excuse me... but TS was the heart and soul of corruption. He was the PM you know, you might call him a victim of his own political and economic corruption. Poor little billionaire baby. My heart weeps.

Political corruption in Thailand neither began nor ended with Thaksin

True. Merely another paid-up lifetime subscriber (at the Premier Club Member level).


There are two bad guys here!!

Thaksin: A criminal on the run, who should be serving his sentence in jail. And be tried in court on 15 other charges against him.

Prayut: A self appointed PM using fictive LM charges to get at his political opponents (not for the first time)

But one thing do the both have in common: They are political dinosaurs!!


Personally I don't think this is a smart move. He is now an exile who was overthrown by an illegal military coup who will spouting the charges were political etc etc. He will now take the gloves off as he can play to a Worldwide stage now he is an 'exile'. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's aetting up a government in exile. Prayuth has totally played into Thaksin's hands now. Silly person, Thailand and it's junta will now really be under the international spotlight.

Keep up the red mantra. He is free to return at any time with or without a passport. As a fugitive criminal he is not entitled to a passport from this country. nor can he claim that as a passport holder there are not serious charges and a conviction waiting him.

wow, you hear something you don't like or disagree with and instead of saying why you think my opinion is msitaken you start with "red Mantra" b/s. I'm not shouting any mantra, I'm just saying what I think. Doesn't mean I'm right, it means it's what I think. He was overthrown by an illegal coup, this is the crux of the matter as far as the west is concerned. Nothing else. Get back to your Chang.

halloween, I'm guilty, also. We really should stop trying to confuse Alwyn with the facts as his mind is already made up. What he thinks is more important to him than verifiable facts and it makes him lash out when confronted with facts, e.g. Get back to your Chang.


Taksin isnt stupid, this was probably a well calculated attempt to get himself in the media again, infact its the second time in 2 weeks he has made a stir - its his gameplay!

Passport revoked? do you think he cares anymore? he can get residency elsewhere and can travel freely if he pleases, money talks.

Taksin isnt stupid,

Why would you want to prove a negative? Sure he's stupid and demonstrably so. He stupidly and voluntarily gave up two governments by dissolving Parliament and not winning the vote afterwards.

Now that he has stupidly added Lese Majesty charges against himself, he can never return to Thailand as no government can amnesty Lese Majesty. The passport is a minor detail and he already can live pretty much where he wants to. His position is NOT improved by his well calculated attempt to get himself in the media again, infact its the second time in 2 weeks he has made a stir - its his gameplay! In fact, it is a fiasco from his point of view no matter how you try to 'spin' it. Not only is he stupid but he is reckless: (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.

more BS from you... it's really boring


too many posts for me to read so apologies if I'm repeating.

A crook who plundered the country loses passports, nepotism returns them. He then has them revoked by the Junta why, because of his corrupt and criminal activity while he was PM of Thailand, no apparently not. It is because he said bad things about the PM that made the PM sad and angry.

Not only did you not read the posts from the thread but, apparently, you failed to read the OP which said nothing about Thaksin's comments regarding the PM but DID, however, refer to a breach of the LM law. Read/reread the forum rules for understanding how the LM law governs speech in Thailand.


Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

As a Thai citizen, he doesn't need any passport to enter Thailand.

Ya right...if he comes by bus. Try getting on an international flight without "any passport".


Re. "... the interview contained "some elements that may damage the national security, reputation, and dignity of Thailand."

Thailand's reputation and dignity has already been damaged by allowing a convicted criminal and fugitive from justice to keep two Thai passport ... one of them a diplomatic passport ... for the past couple of years.


There are 2 clearly discernible groups on ThaiVisa....The vehemently ant-Thaksin camp who seem to regard politics in the same way as one might support a football team.........and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history.

One has to say that the lack of thought by the anti-Thaksin camp is blatantly apparent when one becomes aware of their main tenet; that anyone who disagrees with their mouth-frothingly simplistic points of view must be pro-Thaksin....a premise that unfortunately compels them to fall flat on their face at the first fence of any meaningful discussion

and the other camp, those who understand, or at least try to understand Thai politics and history. who are a bunch of Thaksin sycophants and boot-licks. There, fixed it for you.

You validated his post.

Reading comprehension is not your forte, is it?

No, my reading comprehension in fine. I think that, in your haste to respond to every post , you are ultimately confusing yourself.


Taksin isnt stupid, this was probably a well calculated attempt to get himself in the media again, infact its the second time in 2 weeks he has made a stir - its his gameplay!

Passport revoked? do you think he cares anymore? he can get residency elsewhere and can travel freely if he pleases, money talks.

Taksin isnt stupid,

Why would you want to prove a negative? Sure he's stupid and demonstrably so. He stupidly and voluntarily gave up two governments by dissolving Parliament and not winning the vote afterwards.

Now that he has stupidly added Lese Majesty charges against himself, he can never return to Thailand as no government can amnesty Lese Majesty. The passport is a minor detail and he already can live pretty much where he wants to. His position is NOT improved by his well calculated attempt to get himself in the media again, infact its the second time in 2 weeks he has made a stir - its his gameplay! In fact, it is a fiasco from his point of view no matter how you try to 'spin' it. Not only is he stupid but he is reckless: (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.

more BS from you... it's really boring

Do you care to point out which part(s) of my post is BS or are you just trolling? As for your being bored, it is not my mission to entertain you.


To Plutojames88, I think you've said your stuff to make us giggle a bit, a send up of the conspiracy theorists ?? smile.png

I'm now going to say, that I reckon that Thaksin IS actually (secretly) backed by the USA. Remember, America has constantly backed whatever leaders in whatever areas, America has constantly 'meddled' in other countries' situations. Let's put it this way, if America (the West) was to not support Thaksin, well, Thaksin really would be a person would no power or influence, he really would be irrelevant.

As if you actually know.


Well guess Thaksin S won't be to concerned about losing his Thai passport. I suspect his PR team will now have a field day publicizing to the world the reasoning cited by the General for this action. Illustrates even further to the free world what this current General thinks about free speech, irrespective of what various people think about Thaksin.

if he would travell back to thailand, he would need a passport,

but now he would have to use his Montenogro or Columbia passport -

for this passports he will need a Visa !!

Which Ambassy will give him a Visa ??

or can the aircontroll allow his plain to land if he have not the correct passport - visa ??

No worries. The Thai government will be very happy to let him enter the country.

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