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Graft buster axes Somsak for unusual wealth


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What exactly have the 'axed' him from as per the headline - he doesn't appear to be doing anything at the moment and the charges related to something that happened 15 years ago.

He's another potential leader of PTP and potential future PM-substitute that's being taken out of the race before it starts. Oak's not old enough yet and doesn't have the brains for it anyway.

Not really. He's been washed up for some time and it is highly unlikely the PTP would embrace CTP. They are the group who agreed to support Abhisit allowing him to become PM. In return they were part of the coalition government.

As for Oak, he will never be accepted by the rank and file. Nor does he want to be in politics. He has a lovely girlfriend and is trying to succeed in the business world. After what happened to his auntie, he knows what vendettas are has better things to do in life than argue with kwai.

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What exactly have the 'axed' him from as per the headline - he doesn't appear to be doing anything at the moment and the charges related to something that happened 15 years ago.

He's another potential leader of PTP and potential future PM-substitute that's being taken out of the race before it starts. Oak's not old enough yet and doesn't have the brains for it anyway.

Not really. He's been washed up for some time and it is highly unlikely the PTP would embrace CTP. They are the group who agreed to support Abhisit allowing him to become PM. In return they were part of the coalition government.

As for Oak, he will never be accepted by the rank and file. Nor does he want to be in politics. He has a lovely girlfriend and is trying to succeed in the business world. After what happened to his auntie, he knows what vendettas are has better things to do in life than argue with kwai.

CTP were in coalition with the PTP government.

Does Oak express his feelings to you personally, or did you get that touching news from a PR handout?

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I am stumped. THB 16 million is a relatively modest sum of money. How is it a man in his position could not account for how he came by this? Have to beleive there is something going on here that is not being said.

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I have said it before , and I will say it again. I do not believe that there is

a single high ranking government official that could withstand a full

investigation into why they have many million baht on a salary that is

peanuts. Not one........ They would have to throw the entire Thai

government into jail if they investigated everyone. So of course they

will not. So a few sacrificial lambs will be thrown to the wolves, and the

government can pat itself on the back for its " massive" corruption

crackdown... What a joke.

But it make for in interesting development. First off, contact all the major

banks and get a list of all people that have say 10 million baht in accounts.

Then index that list against a list of all government officials and see what

you come up with. Then do the same with property above a certain value,

except this time, index it across not only government officials, but against

all their family members too. While these corrupt dirt bags cannot figure

out off shore banking, they do know how to hide assets in the names of

relatives.Then again do the same thing for shares of companies held in

the Thai stock market.

So you are shown to hold 100 million baht in accounts, and your salary

is 50,000 baht a month, time to be called in for some " splaining " ( reference

to I Love Lucy show). First to be called in would Plodrasop, and then

Chalerm.....and then.......and then......

Agreed with you,.....just one thing.....Not all Thai politicians are or were corrupt. most are for sure.

The ex prime minister Chuan Leekpai was widely known for been the most honest Thai politician ever....when he left office he had only +/- 2 million Bath....Respect !!!

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