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Yingluck, Surapong could face charges relating to Thaksin passports

Lite Beer

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What are the red fans so uppitty about ?

The crime was carried out in broad daylight for all to see, who cares how long it takes for justice to be done.

( I notice their comments are getting more and more desperate, and soon you will hear click - click - click and then they will throw the empty gun at their detractors.............................. cheesy.gif )

What about the crimes taking place in the dark of night? I am going to rush out and get a set of those night vision googles.

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Nothing but a witch-hunt!!

And the NACC are politically neutral.................cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

They have had 4 years to indict them, and sure it is a pure coincidence it is happening now??

Sure Yingluck and Surapong should face the music, but this stinks !!

Well in 3 of those years, it just wasn't going to happen for bloody obvious reasons. Even a clear cut case of perjury saw Tarit squirming to change the definition of perjury.

As for the last 12 months, it seems there were bigger crimes to investigate. The good news is that this one is a slam dunk, hopefully with the emphasis on the slammer.

Yeah, bigger crimes to investigate, right. And how is that working out? How bloody blind does one have to be to not understand that the coup, the BS reformation talk and everything since, especially your 'bigger crimes', are nothing more than smoke and mirrors to attempt to distract from the single mindedness of destroying a family the power grabbers fear with jealousy for trying to lead all Thais toward a common goal.

The common goal being President (for life) Thaksin Shinawatra.

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I don't pretend to know the law on this matter at the time of the issue of the passports, what I do see is a lot of petty revenge attacks from a junta that seems to think it is there for the long haul , I remind the Junta that your actions in some quarters could provoke a response at a later date just the same as you are doing now , you (The Junta) keep telling everyone to live in harmony and be happy, but in some quarters you could be regarded as BS artists of major proportions , vendettas are all very well , counter productive ones to the well being of a country in the future , are not coffee1.gif

5555.No party will take on the Army and the man they represent.When pollies fail to run a country and civil war is looming it is good the Army steps in and provides the best stability for years.Politics in this country needs a complete cleanup and that takes time.

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My MIL rarely talks...not that kind of a person.

Yesterday I heard her chatter away happily to anyone who would listen about the Thaksin passport issue.

And yes we are in the deepest, darkest Isaan village.

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Nothing but a witch-hunt!!

And the NACC are politically neutral.................cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

They have had 4 years to indict them, and sure it is a pure coincidence it is happening now??

Sure Yingluck and Surapong should face the music, but this stinks !!

So you think they should have filed the charges against them while both Yingluck and Surapong were in office ?.

How stupid do you think they are ?. If they didn't lose their jobs, they would have had red thugs outside their house and a grenade through the front door if they didn't stop.

How easy life must be shouting from an armchair all day.

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My MIL rarely talks...not that kind of a person.

Yesterday I heard her chatter away happily to anyone who would listen about the Thaksin passport issue.

And yes we are in the deepest, darkest Isaan village.

I should add that the said MIL is Thai and has had her feet on the ground here for 75 years.

A lot longer than any of the expat experts posting here.

She also has a brain and a very sharp wit, contrary to what many posters many think of female Thai ladies.

She hasn't been fooled at all by the political nonsense of the last twenty years.

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Love threads like this!!

All the anti-Thaksin posters are out in full force! Repeating all the usual mantras. Group-hugs all around!!

Cross-"liking" each others master-class posts. Call Mr T an a**e and you post will become "popular" !

You must all have suffered very badly under the various Shin governments!!

I take it must be something personal, since most you don't give a sh*t about the Thai population (almost 16 million voted for Mr T as their favorite thief), judged by the normally high number of posts filled with Thai bashing!

................."All the anti-Thaksin posters are out in full force!".....................

JOC, you crazy attack dog, what the heck are you talking about ? Half of the comments you make are based on attacking Thaksin, and you get lots of "likes" for them.

Sometimes I think you have a split personality. facepalm.gif

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Love threads like this!!

All the anti-Thaksin posters are out in full force! Repeating all the usual mantras. Group-hugs all around!!

Cross-"liking" each others master-class posts. Call Mr T an a**e and you post will become "popular" !

You must all have suffered very badly under the various Shin governments!!

I take it must be something personal, since most you don't give a sh*t about the Thai population (almost 16 million voted for Mr T as their favorite thief), judged by the normally high number of posts filled with Thai bashing!

So tell us. what leads you to defend an obvious blatant crime and abuse of office with ridiculous claims?

Is it something to do with the military? Was your daddy a marine who beat you, or did a soldier steal your girlfriend?

What leads you to abandon the natural moral position of despising a wealthy man who deludes and steals from the poor and ignorant?

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What are the red fans so uppitty about ?

The crime was carried out in broad daylight for all to see, who cares how long it takes for justice to be done.

( I notice their comments are getting more and more desperate, and soon you will hear click - click - click and then they will throw the empty gun at their detractors.............................. cheesy.gif )

What about the crimes taking place in the dark of night? I am going to rush out and get a set of those night vision googles.

Sorry elgordo38, I should have mentioned the crimes committed during the night hours, like trying to rush the amnesty law through.

Yes, those night vision goggles would have come in handy. thumbsup.gif

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The whole family Thaksin family are totally corrupt and crooked....

A disgrace to being Thai.

The sooner they are ALL brought to justice ( regardless of their wealth! ) the better.

They laugh and use the Thai people ....

especially the poor in Issan who they care nothing about....

apart from buying their votes at 300 Baht a time at the voting tables! ( Seen that many times)

Choose your word for them ...FAKE---PHONEY....CONNIVING....CRAFTY... MANIPULATIVE.....??

My view is that there should not be an Election for many years or until the Issan people realise that the

Thaksin clan are totally and only for THEMSELVES!!.

Before would just remove all the work the good General now the PM has done.

Stick to it and forget an election for a few years......any sooner and the corrupt thieves are just waiting to pounce!

Edited by English 1
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Nothing but a witch-hunt!!

And the NACC are politically neutral.................cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

They have had 4 years to indict them, and sure it is a pure coincidence it is happening now??

Sure Yingluck and Surapong should face the music, but this stinks !!

Well in 3 of those years, it just wasn't going to happen for bloody obvious reasons. Even a clear cut case of perjury saw Tarit squirming to change the definition of perjury.

As for the last 12 months, it seems there were bigger crimes to investigate. The good news is that this one is a slam dunk, hopefully with the emphasis on the slammer.

Looks like they are finally burring the Shins too bad YL had to get caught up in it. But then again dear brother is responsible.

No country in the world would give a convicted criminal a passport. One that tried to bribe judges among other things. That shows a total lack of respect for the law. Then it got hand delivered to him by Surapong that is not normal procedure and I hope Surapong does time for it.

As for JOC.. how to indict with the PTP in power.. with a Tarit that lied and others.. no way now they can do it because judges don't have to fear for their lives (red rabble is under control for the time being) So now justice can be done.

no country ?? where you live ?

sure you can get 10, if you have the small change to pay for the document !

Ask Kim !!

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Kim Dae Jung. Convicted and sentenced to death, who subsequently became President of South Korea. I presume he had a diplomatic passport.

I would also assume his conviction had been wiped before he got the passport.

Let's not start moving the goalposts, old chap. I answered the question.


Good old Bob Mugabe is a convicted criminal too, and a regular visitor to Thailand. Another one with a passport, then...

Using Zimbabwe and North Korea as the standard bearer? Next.

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Ever since Thaksin got his passports back there was a groundswell of opinion that both Yingluck and her FM had acted well outside the law and yet nothing was done. Now the new sheriff in town is going to right the wrongs. If this sad country had any hope at all this action would have been done a long time ago.

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Nothing but a witch-hunt!!

And the NACC are politically neutral.................cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

They have had 4 years to indict them, and sure it is a pure coincidence it is happening now??

Sure Yingluck and Surapong should face the music, but this stinks !!

About time they stopped hunting for witches and concentrated on the real problems here.

IMHO, the world-beating 500 deaths on roads EACH WEEK can be prevented by getting the police to do their job and stop pussy-footing around with 100baht fines.

The country might be proud of the fact that they were never colonised by a foreign country, but they might have learned a thing or two.

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Mr Baboon, there is differences between those and Mr T.

Kim stayed back to serve his sentence and was given an exile.

'With the intervention of the United States government,[11] the sentence was commuted to 20 years in prison and later he was given exile to the U.S. Kim temporarily settled in Boston and taught at Harvard University as a visiting professor to the Center for International Affairs.'

Bob Mugabe was a political prisoner in Rhodesia for more than 10 years between 1964 and 1974 and also stayed back to serve his prison terms.

Mr T ran and stay away and did a self imposed exile after he was convicted of a criminal offence.

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Mr Baboon, there is differences between those and Mr T.

Kim stayed back to serve his sentence and was given an exile.

'With the intervention of the United States government,[11] the sentence was commuted to 20 years in prison and later he was given exile to the U.S. Kim temporarily settled in Boston and taught at Harvard University as a visiting professor to the Center for International Affairs.'

Bob Mugabe was a political prisoner in Rhodesia for more than 10 years between 1964 and 1974 and also stayed back to serve his prison terms.

Mr T ran and stay away and did a self imposed exile after he was convicted of a criminal offence.

The question was whether a convicted criminal has received a passport, later changed to diplomatic passport. No mention was made to the nature of the convictions and the answer is 'yes', inconvenient though that may be for the poster in question.

Erich Honecker is another one, by the way...

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Mr Dave_Boo,

The section you are referring to is '

U.S. Code § 2714 - Denial of passports to certain convicted drug traffickers

There are many other reasons that the US Govt can revoke passport

CFR 51.60 - Denial and restriction of passports.
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The people with the money behind Prayut have it in for Mr T, and they just can't let go.

One day, they'll regret this, Mr T has the power of the people - something money doesn't always usurp.

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V is for vendetta, vicious vitriol and violence.

Thaksin provides a nice side story while bigger issues are neglected. You know, stuff like the economy, the airline sector, the southern insurgency, the out of control corruption in Phuket and Surat Thani, and the deteriorating foreign affairs climate with the risk of sanctions increasing every day.

Sure, have fun chasing the bogeyman who was once used as a rallying target for cup supporters. Now, no one except the most vindictive and petty are obsessed with Thaksin. This is because they have nothing else. They have failed to deliver on their promises of ending corruption and of "fixing" things. Nothing has really improved in Thailand since the military took over.

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What are the red fans so uppitty about ?

The crime was carried out in broad daylight for all to see, who cares how long it takes for justice to be done.

( I notice their comments are getting more and more desperate, and soon you will hear click - click - click and then they will throw the empty gun at their detractors.............................. cheesy.gif )

YL, when in Mongolia, told the world what she thought about the trumped-up yellow charges against her brother.

As far as they & the largest section of the Thai electorate were concerned, the charges are illegitimate.

And what do you think was bribing of the judges acceptable or not ? The cake box incident.

Just shows that YL thinks bribing judges is ok.

"YL, when in Mongolia, told the world what she thought about the trumped-up yellow charges against her brother. "

What charges are you referring to?

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Mr bheard, Mr T's power of the people is waning.

I had been here for more than 30 years. Many of the village people and my family people were ardent supporters of Mr T, from the beginning, especially supporting the TRT party including Mr Chamlong S. Many of them would agreed that Mr T was doing a good job in the economic of the country.

The support begins to wane when people knows the blatant abuse of power Mr T uses to enrich himself and his family. This is because people can access to better info now with the internet. Many that we know does not support him now but also acknowledges that there is no politician that is clean.

There is always the died hard on both sides. The difficult part is the percentage in the middle and how wide is this. How many percent changes is anybodies guess.

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A passport is issued by your home country, and is used as a document that means the place from where you came is where they must accept you back. A Visa is permission to enter a country.

Passport: To go home
Visa: To go abroad.

I think a lot of people get those the other way around. So if Thailand revokes a passport from a Thai, something doesn't quite fit in this story.

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This constant witchhunt is getting ridiculous if I were her I would run they are out to get her and wont stop until they do

No way she can get a fair trial here with the current administration

uneducated trolling..you seem to condone criminal acts you should be ok when you move over here..

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V is for vendetta, vicious vitriol and violence.

Thaksin provides a nice side story while bigger issues are neglected. You know, stuff like the economy, the airline sector, the southern insurgency, the out of control corruption in Phuket and Surat Thani, and the deteriorating foreign affairs climate with the risk of sanctions increasing every day.

Sure, have fun chasing the bogeyman who was once used as a rallying target for cup supporters. Now, no one except the most vindictive and petty are obsessed with Thaksin. This is because they have nothing else. They have failed to deliver on their promises of ending corruption and of "fixing" things. Nothing has really improved in Thailand since the military took over.

why so bitter.has it got worse.???...enlighten me.with your knowledge,.you do realize there are different ministries dont you..

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What are the red fans so uppitty about ?

The crime was carried out in broad daylight for all to see, who cares how long it takes for justice to be done.

( I notice their comments are getting more and more desperate, and soon you will hear click - click - click and then they will throw the empty gun at their detractors.............................. cheesy.gif )

YL, when in Mongolia, told the world what she thought about the trumped-up yellow charges against her brother.

As far as they & the largest section of the Thai electorate were concerned, the charges are illegitimate.

just like her you mean, or are you talking about yourself. maybe you are a love child of the man himself and are simply after some attention like most of his sycophants........

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