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Premier League stars' racist orgy shame caught on camera during Thailand end of season tour

Lite Beer

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There is an old maxim that says 'what goes on on tour stays on tour'. Neglect that and you're toast. For young (so-called) professional footballers to act so stupidly, film their activities with sound, and then send the vids to their mates - well they deserve all the vitriol they get for letting down their host owners, their club, and their supporters, let alone a broader English society.

The club should have made it abundantly clear to all the tour group that any behaviour that brought discredit to the club and their hosts would result in disciplinary action, possibly dismissal. If they did that, the players should pay the forfeit of losing their jobs.

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It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

Before readers of this forum get the idea that they can come to Thailand and get away with pedophilia and taking drugs, I would like to point out that in fact that pedophilia has for some time been on the wane in SE Asia, including Thailand. Foreigners who come to Thailand with drug taking and under-age sex in mind are highly likely to find themselves behind bars following a sting stitch-up. Criminals who are likely to offer such services will be only too happy to shop such tourists to the police so they can get brownie points as it makes the police look good (and no Thai person was involved).

We may not like the motivation that leads us to this result or the fact that well-connected Thais get off while foreigners do not but it has probably brought at least under-age sex offences down to levels that are below that found in certain parts of the EU.

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As mentioned earlier these 3 can't really expect diciplinary action until THIEFA has its house in order.

Team owner is a Thai billionaire who is probably pretty embarrassed. I suspect he may not wait...

Must be mortified being from a country where Thais dislike Indians often citing the reason as they 'smell' and Burmese of course for no reason at all, as well as describing blacks as a confectionery bar. Not to mention 'falang' and bird shit banded about every day all over the kingdom. I don't think Thai business owners need to be embarrassed about footballers shagging girls, they are not monks after all.

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news must be slow in uk to bring this up which happened 6 months ago 3 young lads getiing there rocks off in bkk,there is about 3 planes a day landing in Bangkok,with quite a few young lads on hoping or doing the same thing,i should well think.

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Why are poeple calling these young lads as white trash or as garbage......they were merely exposing what thainess is all about......these thais girls were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money...which is a common daily occurence in thailand.

..............."were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money"........................

Nobody, whether they are prostitutes or not, should have their bodies, dignity or respect abused, no matter who is the buyer and how much money is involved.

I hope all the foreigners in Thailand don't think the same as you. coffee1.gif

If you read the UK press reports, the sex angle is uncontroversial and played up purely for titillation. The "outrage" is about the racism, as professional football paints itself as being free of racist attitudes.

You may be right about the UK press reports, bb, I don't read them, ever. I will take your word for it though as you seem to be a straight shooter.

But my comment was directed at Nick167's low class post. thumbsup.gif

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news must be slow in uk to bring this up which happened 6 months ago 3 young lads getiing there rocks off in bkk,there is about 3 planes a day landing in Bangkok,with quite a few young lads on hoping or doing the same thing,i should well think.

It happened two days ago, and the outrage is not about them getting their rocks off - it's about the extreme degradation and disrespect they showed whilst doing so, combined with the fact that they are on a paid for tour representing one of the most well known families in Thailand that have been trying to build the club as a brand within Thailand.

Watch the uncut video if you wish, this isn't a bit of fun, it was very nasty abuse and insult laden humiliation. Unless you think a 20 year old spoilt little brat calling a woman ugly, a slit eye, and demanding that she 'chew my shit' whilst his friends laugh along is perfectly fine behaviour for what is basically an employee of King Power on a business trip. And thinking filming the whole thing wouldn't get out. Complete and utter vile little pricks, none of whom deserve to wear the shirt.

All three are lucky they got out of the country without being arrested, or lynched.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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The 2 videos I have seen have gone viral on Twitter in Thailand, with many awful comments about these 3 scumbags which not the least surprising.

You would have thought that a Premier League team coming here would have been briefed about the do's and don't in Thailand, particularly when they are supposedly the ambassadors of this Thai owned club.

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The 2 videos I have seen have gone viral on Twitter in Thailand, with many awful comments about these 3 scumbags which not the least surprising.

You would have thought that a Premier League team coming here would have been briefed about the do's and don't in Thailand, particularly when they are supposedly the ambassadors of this Thai owned club.

I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened sooner with PL teams coming here. Kind of ironic the one teams players that got caught were the ones whose team have very strong links in Thailand.

I have zero sympathy for these lads. Yes we were all young once and boys wikl be boys but they were here on professional duty. They can have their own deprived antics in their free time. And maybe not be dumb enough to film it next time.

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Anyone seen anything in The Thai newspapers about this , Not one Thai paper carrying this on Newsnow and that included BKK post and Nation ?

Three Leicester City players who it is claimed appeared in a racist sex tape have apologised for their behaviour.

Footage apparently showing development squad members Tom Hopper, Adam Smith and James Pearson - son of manager Nigel Pearson - was obtained by theSunday Mirror.

One of the men in the video, which was shot in Thailand, can be heard using a racist insult against a woman.

The club said they would be conducting a formal process of investigation.

A club statement said: "The board of Leicester City is deeply concerned about an incident involving three of our young professionals during a recent trip to Thailand.

"Following a preliminary meeting in consultation with the three players earlier today, the players involved in the incident are now returning to the UK, in advance of the rest of the squad.

Full Article http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leicestershire-32950519

This bit I found amusing

"The club are in a "strategic partnership" with the Tourism Authority of Thailand, and the Amazing Thailand branding appears on the back of player's strips."

When I looked yesterday, the original Daily Mirror story in the OP was all over the Thai language press eg Thairath. Manager etc

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Why are poeple calling these young lads as white trash or as garbage......they were merely exposing what thainess is all about......these thais girls were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money...which is a common daily occurence in thailand.

..............."were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money"........................

Nobody, whether they are prostitutes or not, should have their bodies, dignity or respect abused, no matter who is the buyer and how much money is involved.

I hope all the foreigners in Thailand don't think the same as you. coffee1.gif

If you read the UK press reports, the sex angle is uncontroversial and played up purely for titillation. The "outrage" is about the racism, as professional football paints itself as being free of racist attitudes.

You're lucky not to have seen the uncensored version then. More to this than a racial insult - these 3, one in particular, are proper nasty little abusive pieces of shit. Gone today I hope.

I just listened to the full thing and was shocked to hear what the girls were saying. How his penis was small and flaccid lol

I even got involved on a Thai website saying that if they call us farang and not khon farang and use that such annoying pronoun "mun"(yes the one they use for animals and farang), then how can they complain about getting similar remarks. Thais are the most racist country on earth and this is a joke hearing some Thais complain about racism.

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I just listened to the full thing and was shocked to hear what the girls were saying. How his penis was small and flaccid lol

I even got involved on a Thai website saying that if they call us farang and not khon farang and use that such annoying pronoun "mun"(yes the one they use for animals and farang), then how can they complain about getting similar remarks. Thais are the most racist country on earth and this is a joke hearing some Thais complain about racism.

Plenty of racists everywhere. These are professional footballers and professional football is commmitted

to "kicking racism out of football". Hence the problem.

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It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

Your attitudes and the amount of likes received for your comments, now typifies the majority of opinions running on a daily basis in these forums. Rarely does anyone receive likes for being complimentary and portraying Thailand in a good light. It is no wonder the Thais fear letting us gain any footholds here.

Have the heard the old saying; money speaks all languages? Most illicit activities are available anywhere in the world for those who have the money; Thailand is not exclusive in that department.

Unlike as regarded in the western perspective, the sex industry in Thailand is not prevalent, it`s only there for those who seek it out, the same as in many other countries. It is possible to live in Thailand for decades and never see a bar or sex establishments by simply avoiding certain areas. They could have made a similar video anywhere in the world, just happens that in this case, it`s Thailand.

These so-called premier league stars abused their advantage of having money and fame and in turn have discredited their football club, Britain and Thailand. Totally unprofessional and complete madness considering what these young idiots have at stake here. I sincerely hope this costs them millions and puts an end to what would have been a prosperous career.

You obviously dont get our much, if you think the sex industry isn't that prevalent. Every village has a brothel for christs sake.

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I do not give a Damn about legal or illegal sex with Thai Ladies, I believe they should be treated with some respect, after all is said and done they are still human beings and the Johns who use them are no better than they are.

Not a lot to ask, be civil !! Some men come here and act like a dog in a meat house.

I am no prude, but I was taught to respect women.

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If they are "Young Professionals", Then act like it !!

Anyone seen anything in The Thai newspapers about this , Not one Thai paper carrying this on Newsnow and that included BKK post and Nation ?

Three Leicester City players who it is claimed appeared in a racist sex tape have apologised for their behaviour.

Footage apparently showing development squad members Tom Hopper, Adam Smith and James Pearson - son of manager Nigel Pearson - was obtained by theSunday Mirror.

One of the men in the video, which was shot in Thailand, can be heard using a racist insult against a woman.

The club said they would be conducting a formal process of investigation.

A club statement said: "The board of Leicester City is deeply concerned about an incident involving three of our young professionals during a recent trip to Thailand.

"Following a preliminary meeting in consultation with the three players earlier today, the players involved in the incident are now returning to the UK, in advance of the rest of the squad.

Full Article http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leicestershire-32950519

This bit I found amusing

"The club are in a "strategic partnership" with the Tourism Authority of Thailand, and the Amazing Thailand branding appears on the back of player's strips."

When I looked yesterday, the original Daily Mirror story in the OP was all over the Thai language press eg Thairath. Manager etc

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I do not give a Damn about legal or illegal sex with Thai Ladies, I believe they should be treated with some respect, after all is said and done they are still human beings and the Johns who use them are no better than they are.

Not a lot to ask, be civil !! Some men come here and act like a dog in a meat house.

I am no prude, but I was taught to respect women.

See my posts, we are on the same wavelength.

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They're big kids with gallons of testosterone, who can run up and down a 100 meter field and kick an inflated ball - who also make obscene amounts of money for their ball kicking. ......and we expect them to be upstanding citizens? Come on, get real.

They are not expected to racially abuse women. Racism is supposed to have been kicked out of football.

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They're big kids with gallons of testosterone, who can run up and down a 100 meter field and kick an inflated ball - who also make obscene amounts of money for their ball kicking. ......and we expect them to be upstanding citizens? Come on, get real.

They are not expected to racially abuse women. Racism is supposed to have been kicked out of football.

What they say while fooling around off the football pitch shouldn't concern us. They're paid to play football not to be ambassadors for decency. You want decency, go watch The Sound of Music.

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Outside of the whole young footballer angle, is that they are from the same nation as many other normal tourists, and these abusive videos do tarnish the image of English visitors as a whole.

It isn't like a big sudden change, but these kind of sick videos etc. do gradually add up in the host nation's subconscious minds, and while consciously they will still treat me as an individual Englishwoman, there will always be this subconscious catalogue of ugly caveman behaviour associated with my nation. I find myself saying "we're not all like that!" a lot more frequently these days, sadly.

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