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Small Windows symbol in task bar offering free upgrade to Windows 10.

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This morning I booted up my computer which has a genuine Windows 7 operating system.

There is a small Windows symbol appearing in the righthand side of the task bar.

Left clicking it opens up an offer to reserve a free upgrade to Windows 10.

Right clicking it gives you a menu of what the left click displays.

I don't see anywhere to deleted it, or decline the offer, which would remove this symbol from the task bar.

I'm not interested in Windows 10 at the moment, but in any case, seems strange it would be free.

Any idea how to remove this symbol?

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Looks like you installed KB3035583 win update.

This allows the 'nagware'

More general info on the ad http://www.winbeta.org/news/microsoft-begins-advertising-windows-10-windows-87-users-notifications-can-now-reserve-free

Info on KB 3035583 itself http://www.infoworld.com/article/2907472/operating-systems/windows-10-upgrade-nagware-patch-kb-3035583-now-marked-important-on-some-win7-pcs.html

Have not looked further into this (have not installed this update) but looks like you will have to uninstall KB3035583 to get rid of the icon.


Looks like you installed KB3035583 win update.

This allows the 'nagware'

More general info on the ad http://www.winbeta.org/news/microsoft-begins-advertising-windows-10-windows-87-users-notifications-can-now-reserve-free

Info on KB 3035583 itself http://www.infoworld.com/article/2907472/operating-systems/windows-10-upgrade-nagware-patch-kb-3035583-now-marked-important-on-some-win7-pcs.html

Have not looked further into this (have not installed this update) but looks like you will have to uninstall KB3035583 to get rid of the icon.

Thanks for your reply.

I did Google for information about this, before starting this thread.

I've never heard of nagware. It's more like PITAWARE (Pain In The Ass Ware) :)

Can you individually uninstall an update, or do you have to go back to a restore point, download Windows updates again and then uncheck update KB30355823?


KB30355823 ??? Sure??? Typo I am afraid.

No such.

-> KB3035583

See also in the provided links.

You can enter that in the search field of "installed updates".

The whole Windows 10 seems to be a "subscription trap".

Just deinstalled, restart (OF COURSE laugh.png ) and nag icon gone.

Quite sure: it will come back if you don't "hide" it from the list of available updates.

(I haven't read through the links)


Thanks to those who have replied.

I was a bit lazy with my "can you individually uninstall a windows update" question. Apologies.

I Googled it and came up with these instructions.


I uninstalled Windows Update KB3035583 and restarted my computer.

It did say, "Preparing to Configure Windows. Do not turn off your computer" for several minutes, which I thought strange for just a small update.

After the restart the Windows symbol in the task bar has gone.

Before uninstalling the update, I looked at its details and it was marked as a "recommended" update by Microsoft. Probably why I installed it. What a lie. :)


In Windows 7 I see it now as an "Optional" in the "Windows 7" category.

Right click, "Hide update" and done with it.


Thanks to the OP and all your answers thumbsup.gif

I also had the small Win10 icon appear this morning with no way to get rid of it. I was about to post a rant when I saw this tread which solved my problem and deflated the rant.

I HATE stuff being forced on me without the option to get rid of it post-4641-1156693976.gif


Yea, I hadn't noticed it either until reading this post...guess I got too many little icons on my task bar...but sure enough the little icon is now there.

Below is a snapshot of the first screen when clicking on the icon. For me, I'm not going to reserve a copy since everything I've read is the upgrade will be available to all for a year once it officially released. I do plan to update once it comes out, but I want to be more in control when I choose to download "and" install versus this reservation process which appears to automatically download Win 10 when it becomes available although you can still choose when to install it.

I would hate to install Win10 from day one and then find out some of my drivers/software still haven't been upgraded yet to work with Win10...I'll wait a little to ensure all my computer's drivers/software will work with Win10...see if my computer manufacturer possibly provides some driver/utility updates to ensure proper operation with Win10, etc. I've never, ever did an OS upgrade like from XP to Visa, Visa to Win 7, Win 7 to Win 8, etc., that didn't involve some driver/software/hardware compatibility issues....I expect going to Win10 will be no different no matter what Microsoft may say.



50/50 on topic what do i do i f i would like to try windows 10 ? or is this not recommended if when the time comes will the instillation be reversible and can i choose between 7 and 10 ??


Yea, I hadn't noticed it either until reading this post...guess I got too many little icons on my task bar...but sure enough the little icon is now there.

Below is a snapshot of the first screen when clicking on the icon. For me, I'm not going to reserve a copy since everything I've read is the upgrade will be available to all for a year once it officially released. I do plan to update once it comes out, but I want to be more in control when I choose to download "and" install versus this reservation process which appears to automatically download Win 10 when it becomes available although you can still choose when to install it.

I would hate to install Win10 from day one and then find out some of my drivers/software still haven't been upgraded yet to work with Win10...I'll wait a little to ensure all my computer's drivers/software will work with Win10...see if my computer manufacturer possibly provides some driver/utility updates to ensure proper operation with Win10, etc. I've never, ever did an OS upgrade like from XP to Visa, Visa to Win 7, Win 7 to Win 8, etc., that didn't involve some driver/software/hardware compatibility issues....I expect going to Win10 will be no different no matter what Microsoft may say.


Well, stupid me, I figured I would click the Reserve the Free Upgrade button because I figured it would then ask for some additional info to complete the reservation, but No, it basically said thanks it now reserved for download/install. It did ask if I wanted to do an email confirmation of skip the email confirmation which I skipped. Didn't see anywhere to "unreserve" what I had just did. Oh well, assuming it does automatically download it will indeed give plenty of warning & choice as to if and when to install---or not!

Now I know not to click the Reserve the Free Upgrade button on my other two computers.


I would hate to install Win10 from day one and then find out some of my drivers/software still haven't been upgraded yet to work with Win10...I'll wait a little to ensure all my computer's drivers/software will work with Win10...see if my computer manufacturer possibly provides some driver/utility updates to ensure proper operation with Win10, etc. I've never, ever did an OS upgrade like from XP to Visa, Visa to Win 7, Win 7 to Win 8, etc., that didn't involve some driver/software/hardware compatibility issues....I expect going to Win10 will be no different no matter what Microsoft may say.

Why don't you try the Technical Preview (which has drivers for just about every piece of legacy kit I've thrown at it, by the way)?


I would hate to install Win10 from day one and then find out some of my drivers/software still haven't been upgraded yet to work with Win10...I'll wait a little to ensure all my computer's drivers/software will work with Win10...see if my computer manufacturer possibly provides some driver/utility updates to ensure proper operation with Win10, etc. I've never, ever did an OS upgrade like from XP to Visa, Visa to Win 7, Win 7 to Win 8, etc., that didn't involve some driver/software/hardware compatibility issues....I expect going to Win10 will be no different no matter what Microsoft may say.

Why don't you try the Technical Preview (which has drivers for just about every piece of legacy kit I've thrown at it, by the way)?

Oh, my beta testing days of new software are far behind me....don't want to play with Beta, Technical Review, Overnight Release, or whatever warm & fuzzy name they want to give to software still in development. Good to hear your testing has shown legacy drivers are working....but I've heard that Siren Song before in other windows upgrades.


And after clicking the "Reserve your free upgrade" button, when clicking on the nagware window again, it does not show the upgrade button anymore...see below.

I think I will now try uninstall the KB3035583 and see what happens. If I can uninstall I expect the KB will just want to reinstall itself on the next Windows Check of for Updates....and I will let it just to see if the "Reserve your fee upgrade button reappears....if the button don't appear then something else has logged my desire to upgrade.



OK, I did uninstall KB3035583 no problem...the computer reboots itself and the Windows nagware icon is gone. Then I ran a Windows Check for Updates....the KB was identified as a Recommended install....I click to install...it installs now problem...then the Windows nagware icon reappears and when clicking it the pop up window looks just like above snapshot...that is, no "Reserve your free upgrade" button appears which tells me my previous choice/touching the stove to see if its hot has been logged/established somewhere else on Windows servers, my registry, or just somewhere else.

Microsoft better give me plenty of notice/choice on if I want to install Win 10 since apparently it will now automatically download. I'm concerned about it what Microsoft definition of Install it Straight Away or Pick a Time Convenient for You. If "Time" in this case being anytime during your current computer session otherwise we'll do it on your next reboot, then I don't like that at all.

Now if "Time" includes me also picking a future "date" like two months down the road to ease my fears of driver/software compatibility issues...then that's OK, but if Time means between your current session or wait until the next reboot, then that's not OK with me. I guess I could leave my computer on for two months through in trying to avoid a reboot--NOT!


WIll there be a pro version or is it just 1 version for all?

"Desktop users can choose between Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro, with Windows 10 Mobile aimed at phones, tablets, and other touchscreen devices. Then there is Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise for larger businesses and organizations. Finishing up with Windows Education for schools, and Windows 10 IoT Core for low-cost devices."


Anyone know if the Single Language (SL) version will go away or stay when Win 7 & 8 systems upgrade to Win 10? Like me, I have Win 8.1 SL English which limits you to one operating system language...and in my particular case a version of English which does not include US English. Whereas the non-SL version is not limited to a very limited set of operating system languages. Supposedly only SL versions are sold in certain parts of the world to help minimize piracy since Windows varies its pricing by region of the world. In my case after the upgrade will it still be Win 10 SL?

Edit: Well after posting above I did some googling and it appears SL versions of Win 10 Technical Preview Releases are occurring.


I think this wikepedia article gives a good overview of Windows 10, how the upgrade will occur, different editions, minimum system requirements, etc.

Also see Microsoft annouced today that 29 July 15 is now the official release date...was even in today's Bangkok Post....29 July 15 is not far down the road.

I expect there will be an explosion of Win 10 articles over the coming weeks/months with the official release date now established and so near.


Yee haa...I found another informative Win 10 upgrade page at Microsoft, especially the "Q&A" sublink on the page.

One of the Q&As explained how to cancel your reservation if desired. Snapshot of that Q&A below:


And I did cancel the reservation, then reserved it again, then cancelled it again, then reserved it again. So above does work. But above does leave out one step where you need to click the little three horizontal bar thingie in the upper left hand corner of the popup window to select View Confirmation to have the Cancel button to appear. I'm no longer mad at Microsoft since I can reserve and cancel at will...my choice.


I will rethink the whole thing.

Just read that the upgrade now offered through this channel will allow you to use Win10 free for the lifetime of the device.

Thats different from what I understood up to now (1 year free and then pay).


I will rethink the whole thing.

Just read that the upgrade now offered through this channel will allow you to use Win10 free for the lifetime of the device.

Thats different from what I understood up to now (1 year free and then pay).

The Q&As at the Microsoft webpage do a good job of answering a lot of my questions....I feel more comfortable now. You can get to the Q&A page by also right clicking the little windows icon in the task bar and then selecting "Getting to know Windows 10."


I would hate to install Win10 from day one and then find out some of my drivers/software still haven't been upgraded yet to work with Win10...I'll wait a little to ensure all my computer's drivers/software will work with Win10...see if my computer manufacturer possibly provides some driver/utility updates to ensure proper operation with Win10, etc. I've never, ever did an OS upgrade like from XP to Visa, Visa to Win 7, Win 7 to Win 8, etc., that didn't involve some driver/software/hardware compatibility issues....I expect going to Win10 will be no different no matter what Microsoft may say.

Why don't you try the Technical Preview (which has drivers for just about every piece of legacy kit I've thrown at it, by the way)?

Oh, my beta testing days of new software are far behind me....don't want to play with Beta, Technical Review, Overnight Release, or whatever warm & fuzzy name they want to give to software still in development. Good to hear your testing has shown legacy drivers are working....but I've heard that Siren Song before in other windows upgrades.

Agreed. Unless 10 will use 8.1 drivers, a guy could be out of luck. I posted here that when I bought my new laptop I didn't like 8 and formatted it and installed 7 only to discover that some hardware manufacturers hadn't made drivers for 7. The hardware was new. I had to restore to factory settings and start over.


OK, I did uninstall KB3035583 no problem...the computer reboots itself and the Windows nagware icon is gone. Then I ran a Windows Check for Updates....the KB was identified as a Recommended install....I click to install...it installs now problem...then the Windows nagware icon reappears and when clicking it the pop up window looks just like above snapshot...that is, no "Reserve your free upgrade" button appears which tells me my previous choice/touching the stove to see if its hot has been logged/established somewhere else on Windows servers, my registry, or just somewhere else.

Microsoft better give me plenty of notice/choice on if I want to install Win 10 since apparently it will now automatically download. I'm concerned about it what Microsoft definition of Install it Straight Away or Pick a Time Convenient for You. If "Time" in this case being anytime during your current computer session otherwise we'll do it on your next reboot, then I don't like that at all.

Now if "Time" includes me also picking a future "date" like two months down the road to ease my fears of driver/software compatibility issues...then that's OK, but if Time means between your current session or wait until the next reboot, then that's not OK with me. I guess I could leave my computer on for two months through in trying to avoid a reboot--NOT!

If you check for updates and see it, you can uncheck it, right-click on it and choose to hide it. That will just gray it out, giving you the option to unhide it later by right-clicking on it again. That's what I've done FWIW.


What's the downside in "reserving" the "free" Win 10 update? I don't get it. I'm got 8 now and I hate it compared to 7. I want 10. Why wouldn't I want 10 for free?


It's not clear to me if the "reserve" process will simply auto-upgrade an existing WIn7/Win8 system, or if it will downland and save the files (.ISO?) for a clean install. I want the latter so that I can be able to (1) do clean installs, (2) upgrade multiple computers without several lengthy (multi-GB) downloads, and (3) do clean re-installs later, if desired. A possible fly in that ointment might be if the existing Win7/Win8 Product Key won't activate a clean install, with Win10 Product Keys only available with a new download.


Reserving will begin downloading the files for Windows 10 onto your computer. I'm pretty certain that this is just so people can start trickling the downloads now so that the Microsoft servers don't get overwhelmed on release day with millions of people trying to download all at the same time.


Come on guys.... Do you think your concerns are unique? MS anticipated all of your questions.

Yes it's FREE. For the life of the device. Versions will be like for like. If you have Home Premium, that's what you get. Same for Pro.

You WILL be able to roll back.

This is the final version of Windows. There will be no Windows 11 or whatever. The OS will be updated as necessary, where necessary.

Anybody really concerned could have found out all the above, as the details have been available for the last month.

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