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Now the dust is begining to settle around the visa issue, it is clear that a lot more visas will have to be issued at overseas Thai consulates.

Can you now see the scene of all these people turning up at Thai consulates only to find that the consulates are closed for a week or so for staff to celebrate Songkran or some other local public holiday, so no 24hr visas issued.

Not only that but the only way to find out the exact opening dates is to front up and read a notice pinned on the front gate.

Of course you can always try for a VOA, that's if you can get the airline to accept you for fear of being fined heavily.

What a mess!!

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I met a chap on the aircraft to BKK in March 1999 who ran a business that involved him taking 12 trips to Thailand a year. He had a wife and a child in Bangkok.

As he made 12 trips a year Thai Airways gave him the 13th free.

I realize this is very much off-topic, but do you know if that 13th free ticket was just a bonus that Thai Airways gave him, or was it using his mileage to get the ticket, or what? I make more than 12 trips a year on Thai but so far haven't been offered a free ticket so would like to know how to go about asking for it if it's something that's standard for people like me.

Unless I am missing something, the airlines don't care if you are allowed in or not. All they care about is that you have an onward ticket so it is not at their expense to get should one be refused entry.

No, because just any onward ticket doesn't mean the person will be allowed to immediately use that onward ticket. Very often the onward ticket is for a specific date and cannot be changed, thus the person must either stay in Thailand until the onward ticket is used or forced to return from where they came immediately.

Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.


Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

so why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

surely 30 or 60 days is enough for a holiday - and thats what these tourist visa's are for.

if you are working or staying in thailand why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

so what do such people ( multiple tourist visa ) do for a living? how do they get money? one assumes its all illegal?

I can't believe how some +50yo are stupid and selfish ! :o

Did you read the previous messages ? No. Certainly no.

- Who are these guys ?

Exactly same guys as most of you, except one point : not yet 50yo...

- How do they get money?

Some are early retired. (40, 45 or 49yo :-( )

Some live from "big money" or "good investemnts" they have made before.

Most have lot of more money that the minimum riquirement for retirement visa.

- Why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

Not working, not 50yo and not married

- What these guys do in Thailand ?

Exactly the same things as you (retired guys) do.

We just want live here, in respect of thai laws et thailand people.

- Why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

We are NOT working and then do not want create a company for a working visa.

Tourist visa is the ONLY one we can use to stay in Thailand if not married and not 50yo.

Do you now understand (even if you are +50yo) what is the problem

with these new regulations ?

You are lucky because you are "old" and so not concerned by these changes,

but be carefull, you may probably be concerned by the next one... or the next one... or...


Spot on Pataya46 - I thought that as people got older they got wiser. These are two examples of idiots who have no idea what they are talking about. I don't think any Farang at present should be comfortable regarding their Visa status, as the current legislation appears to be changing daily, and making it more and more difficult.

These are the sort of selfish individuals that ruin society(I'm alright so go get ######ed), and it's a shame to see that there here too.

I am legal by the way - but that doesn't mean that I am not concerned by the ongoing developments.

Warrior -you're a prat :D


Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.

Where as before many on here looked down on us so called oldies and said we losers and only here for the young girls because we couldn't get a lady over seas. How the world changers.

Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

I understand there will be some problems for some, but in your heart of hearts, you knew you were bending the rules as you stepped on the buses that took you over the borders.

I wish you all luck in getting over your problems :o

Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.

Where as before many on here looked down on us so called oldies and said we losers and only here for the young girls because we couldn't get a lady over seas. How the world changers.

Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

I understand there will be some problems for some, but in your heart of hearts, you knew you were bending the rules as you stepped on the buses that took you over the borders.

I wish you all luck in getting over your problems :D

here here :D

Great posts, fellahs. Really helpful, insightful and perspicatious. We really must not meet up for a beer sometime.

listen sunshine - i have been coming here for over 25 years and have seen it all and heard it all. What is going on here is nothing new and largely consists of people trying to circumvent and abuse the system.

What surprises me the most is that some of the idiots that post on this forum boast about their achievements in getting around the system and post it as if no one official is watching or monitoring this forum!

People are watching and learning the ways that visa runners are using - so go ahead load the gun that will be used to stop the rorting of the system

Sitting in a bar having a beer listening to bar stool lawyers solving the problems of Thailand - NO THANKS


Can I add my thanks to Sunbelt for all his help and advice. It is much appreciated.

I too am legal, but like others here I am concerned and worried about the wider implications here - not just for those who are here already but for the potential impacts on business and tourism.

I work for a company that has one new 'member of staff' that these regulations will affect. She is a Japanese translator and we've so far been unable to get her a work permit because of the captial in the business in not sufficient for another work permit to be granted. Her role is crucial within the company - but I totally understand that she is the kind of person these regulations are aimed at.

So what happens? We can no longer use her, she returns to Japan, and our business suffers as a result - possibly with the loss of more staff (30+) because we are unable to deliver the service. That's not good for the Thai economy as a whole.

I am in favour, in principal at least, on the tightening of regulations but they need to be introduced in conjunction with a proper overhaul of the work permit issue too.



To my undrstanding nothing will change for Retirement&Marriage Visa, only this illegal visa-run-english-teacher workers will have problem with the new rules (after 90 days---go home :o )

so what do such people ( multiple tourist visa ) do for a living? how do they get money? one assumes its all illigal?

Probably the same thing retirees do for a living - absolutely nothing.

People rich enough to retire early through luck or working their arse off. Common if you are happy retiring somewhere cheap like Thailand.

People who have decided to check out of society for a few years and enjoy life now while they are young rather than work continuously until they are 50+ and spend their retirement recovering from a lifetime of servitude.

People on long service leave (is this just Australia, or do other countries give 6+ months paid leave for 10+ years continuous employment?)

There are also a large group of people who work offshore yet live here. Consultants, oil field workers, telecommuters, professional gamblers, stock market analysts, artists, writers, jornalists. And a lot of them would jump at the chance of being registered for Thai tax if it was at all possibly, as it is much cheaper than paying tax in most of our home countries.

Hi, can someone define visa and visa stamps... I currently travel to Thailand about every three months from Japan, but I have an american passport and currently as I understand it don't need and dont apply for a VISA to enter thailand... Every time I enter immigration does stamp my passport but I don't know if this is a defactor visa stamp or ???? Thanks, BD

you are entering Thaiand without a visa ....

if you come once every three months and stay 30 days or less you will not have any issue with this new interpretation/implementation of the law

I see everyone is asking “how does this change my life?” I can say from the looks of this it will change the Thais more than it does visa holders. The implementation of this for the Thais will be a nightmare. What they want and what they get most certainly will be different things. Just a few things they will encounter listed.

Angry Thai parents wanting to know where the native speaking English teachers they paid for are.

Inability to meet teaching mandates of having native speaking teachers.

Landlords suddenly faced with huge vacancies and inability to make mortgage payments setting off foreclosures.

Sudden end to the building boom and perhaps expected revenue for big ticket projects. Too many vacancies.

(Don’t forget Thaksin spent expected income out past 2010 so there is no backup cash to cushion this.)

It only took me two minutes to come up with that. All of the above translates to votes. This does not only effect Bangkok but all of Thailand including Thaksinland. The only question is who started this? Meaning who very literally just placed their life in danger with this decision. Was it in Immigration or higher up? When you know that you will get an idea of the life expectancy of this idea and perhaps the person who started it. I am quite sure money going out goes against Thai culture and beliefs.

There is a symbiotic relationship that is beneficial to both Thais and visa holders that is about to be interrupted.

:o:D:D Don't forget that the vote for TAX+SIN is the POOR PEOPLE. THEY do not give a shit if the wealthy people that own condos or apartments and send their kids to EXPENSIVE schools with Native English speaking teachers get angry or not. As a matter of fact it probably tickles the shit out of them. Haven't you been reading the papers ???? The educated people (ie. middle and upper class) do not like TAX+SIN and he is probably doing this to piss them off. They are only 10% of the population and do not vote for him. He needs to fund the populist programs that he sponsored so he cqn continue to get votes. Gain the favor of the poor by punishing the rich (except yopur friends of course). Hey if I was them i would be laughing. All these people think they are so HI-So !!!! Sending their kids to a school that cost over 5,000++++ baht per month while my whole income is only 4,000 baht. HAH Good for them losing their falang teachers.

hi all...

i am actually interested in what all these "multiple visa" applicants actually do in thailand... i mean for a living/money.

surely they can all be "retired"?

amarka :D

Hi amarka,

perhaps some are like me - I live and work in Singapore. I intend retiring to Thailand, and have already built a house in Thailand. I spend at least a week or two every month in Thailand; the Singapore business is my own and I am fortunate in being able to take lots of time off work. My wife is Thai, and often travels with me to Singapore. We also have an informally adopted niece living with us in Thailand, who we support. I have never worked here, and have not yet retired.

I am just one example, which I offer as I beleive your enquiry was genuine :o .

I am fortunate in that I have two options open to me - I am over 50 so can take retirement; or I can register my marriage (currently temple only) at the amphur and get a "supporting a Thai" visa.

But if I was a little younger, or without a Thai wife, it would make my position difficult. I am sure there are many who are considering Thailand as a retirement destination for the future, but in the meanwhile are trying a "toe in the water" with frequent visits and perhaps a house here.

Good luck to all :D and thanks to Sunbelt for the info... :D


I just try to figure out what the problem is. I bet a lot that all those Guy's who complain now about the new rules working or stay here more or less illegal.

It is the right of the Immigration to put the new rule in place and you can't blame them. There is no difference between Thailand, the US or Europe. If you don't have the right Visa, go out. If you work here get a work permit and if you don't have one, you illegal so go out.

If you stay here for a long time, get the correct Visa and everything is fine. If you can't afford the correct Visa or if you don't want go through the Visa Application whatsover, thats your personal problem.

Everyone who complain now about the rules should think about your Home country. If you stay in the US or Europe and the Immigration put a new law in place for all the people without proper Visa, I guess you would welcome this descision.

My personal Opinion is easy. If you wanna stay here, get the correct paper work and Visa together. If you can't or if you don't wan't to do that, well.....go elsewhere.

Thailand offer Visa for a lot of puposes, so it shoulnd't be any problem to get the correct Visa as long as you can proof why you would like to stay in Thailand.

What surprises me the most is that some of the idiots that post on this forum boast about their achievements in getting around the system and post it as if no one official is watching or monitoring this forum!

People are watching and learning the ways that visa runners are using - so go ahead load the gun that will be used to stop the rorting of the system

Sitting in a bar having a beer listening to bar stool lawyers solving the problems of Thailand - NO THANKS

one thing that amazes me is all the visa runners posting "just fly to penang and get tourist visa after tourist visa." ummmm... yeah right. they wouldnt have thought of that now would they. and if they didnt, congrats, you just spelled it out for 'em.

already word from penang is that they're not doing multiple entry tourist visas anymore. odds are, as sunbelt and others have pointed out, they'll probably get instructions shortly to be stingy with consecutive tourist visas.

to the "shape up or ship out" crowd--all well and good, but don't get *too* smug--do you really believe this process is rational, and has nothing to with playing to the (xenophobic) cheap seats? hope you're not the next ones in tears, but i'm sure you'll handle it with the dignity and aplomb with which you gloat over the misfortune of others.

everything has an upside, and here the upside may be a wonderful opportunity to pitch a sitcom about a farrang who marries a thai girl he doesn't know, in order to get a visa, and all the hilarity that ensues thereafter. especially the periodic visits from immigration officials to confirm the marriage.

I just try to figure out what the problem is. I bet a lot that all those Guy's who complain now about the new rules working or stay here more or less illegal.

It is the right of the Immigration to put the new rule in place and you can't blame them. There is no difference between Thailand, the US or Europe. If you don't have the right Visa, go out. If you work here get a work permit and if you don't have one, you illegal so go out.

If you stay here for a long time, get the correct Visa and everything is fine. If you can't afford the correct Visa or if you don't want go through the Visa Application whatsover, thats your personal problem.

Everyone who complain now about the rules should think about your Home country. If you stay in the US or Europe and the Immigration put a new law in place for all the people without proper Visa, I guess you would welcome this descision.

My personal Opinion is easy. If you wanna stay here, get the correct paper work and Visa together. If you can't or if you don't wan't to do that, well.....go elsewhere.

Thailand offer Visa for a lot of puposes, so it shoulnd't be any problem to get the correct Visa as long as you can proof why you would like to stay in Thailand.

well, i think people on both sides of this argument need to understand some of the situations involved.

on one side, there are people who seem to think they have a right to stay in thailand despite the fact that they're not thai citizens, and their attitude seems to be "how dare thailand treat me this way?" those same people seem to completely overlook the fact that there are some very unsavory foreigners living in thailand, and these rules will help thailand get rid of them.

on the other side, there are people who have been living here legally, by the rules, for many years. they have thai families and though they can get a "marriage visa" or "dependent visa," they havent' done so yet because they've never needed to. these aren't necessarily rich people, and they won't always be able to immediately make the bank deposit that they need to make... and if i were them, i'd personally feel very uncomfortable depositing into a thai bank... i'd feel much safer doing what most do... using a bank back in my home country and doing everything electronically. some of these people aren't in the country right now, and they can't return to see their families until they take care of this new mess. yes, every country changes its rules from time to time... but i'll tell you right now that your example of the US and UK isn't a perfect example: if a foreigner were living legally with his family in the USA, and his wife/children were US citizens, and the USA changed its rules, they wouldn't give him just a 15-day notice... he'd have YEARS to conform to the new rules before the US deported him, and likely he'd end up with full US citizenship long before he was deported.

there really are many aspects to this... it's not a simple "ha ha losers you deserved it... get your papers right or go home," nor is it a case that thailand has no right to do this or even that they're not doing something reasonable (i personally think the desire to reform their rules is a good idea, but that they've made many huge mistakes with their methodology that will hurt everybody, thai and foreigners).


hi all...

i am actually interested in what all these "multiple visa" applicants actually do in thailand... i mean for a living/money.

surely they can all be "retired"?

amarka :D

Hi amarka,

perhaps some are like me - I live and work in Singapore. I intend retiring to Thailand, and have already built a house in Thailand. I spend at least a week or two every month in Thailand; the Singapore business is my own and I am fortunate in being able to take lots of time off work. My wife is Thai, and often travels with me to Singapore. We also have an informally adopted niece living with us in Thailand, who we support. I have never worked here, and have not yet retired.

I am just one example, which I offer as I beleive your enquiry was genuine :o .

I am fortunate in that I have two options open to me - I am over 50 so can take retirement; or I can register my marriage (currently temple only) at the amphur and get a "supporting a Thai" visa.

But if I was a little younger, or without a Thai wife, it would make my position difficult. I am sure there are many who are considering Thailand as a retirement destination for the future, but in the meanwhile are trying a "toe in the water" with frequent visits and perhaps a house here.

Good luck to all :D and thanks to Sunbelt for the info... :D

There are probably thousands of tourists, and I mean genuine tourists, that winter in Thailand. I believe most of these do get the correct type of visa but many do arrive on the VOA system and do the visa run. These people often rent a bungalow long-term or even provide pretty good business for local smaller hotels and guesthouses. In theory they should be able to continue to do this if the tourist visas remain unaffected. BVut many of these people that have been coming here for years will be blissfully unaware of these new regulations and will be in for a big surprise when they arrive here. How is this news going to be communicated to these tourists?

Another point, slightly off-subject, but this is surely going to affect the TAT targets. I would guess that each entry and not each individual constitutes a new tourist. With numerous (I wouldn't like to guess the figure) people no longer entering the country twelve times during the year, the weekenders from neighbouring countries having their entries limited, people who can't be bothered to go to the Thai Embassy and pick up a visa and those who simply decide to give Thailand a miss altogether, how many entries are they going to miss out on?

Finally, and something I don't think has been mentioned yet, this is certainly going to increase the number of over-stayers. I am anticipating random passport checks on a regular basis around the areas where farangs congregate. Another dampener for Thailand's tourism if it happens and I'm sure it will.

on one side, there are people who seem to think they have a right to stay in thailand despite the fact that they're not thai citizens, and their attitude seems to be "how dare thailand treat me this way?" those same people seem to completely overlook the fact that there are some very unsavory foreigners living in thailand, and these rules will help thailand get rid of them.

To be honest, nobody has the right to stay anywhere without the correct papers and if some think "I'm the rich Onkel from the US and I spend Money here so I can stay here", then I must say sorry, that's wrong. :o

on the other side, there are people who have been living here legally, by the rules, for many years. they have thai families and though they can get a "marriage visa" or "dependent visa," they havent' done so yet because they've never needed to. these aren't necessarily rich people, and they won't always be able to immediately make the bank deposit that they need to make... and if i were them, i'd personally feel very uncomfortable depositing into a thai bank... i'd feel much safer doing what most do... using a bank back in my home country and doing everything electronically. some of these people aren't in the country right now, and they can't return to see their families until they take care of this new mess. yes, every country changes its rules from time to time... but i'll tell you right now that your example of the US and UK isn't a perfect example: if a foreigner were living legally with his family in the USA, and his wife/children were US citizens, and the USA changed its rules, they wouldn't give him just a 15-day notice... he'd have YEARS to conform to the new rules before the US deported him, and likely he'd end up with full US citizenship long before he was deported.

Well, easy answer. If they support someone or are married here, they should be able to proof that and get the right Visa. I know it's not simply as before but they should get it without problems. If they need to proof Money in the Bank and they haven't, well they some kind of unlucky, but they can't complain. Do you know what a Thaigirl need to get a Visa for Europe? Insurance, Money in the Bank and much more. Why should Farangs in Thailand live here without Insurance or Money?

Again, most people who complain about the new rules are either illegal workers or people who can't stay in there home countries for several reasons. Sure, this Guy's have some problems now, but are not the problems of the Immigration in Thailand.

All the other People either have a correct Visa / Work permit and if you don't ---> get one.


Classic Thai goverment logic.

Build the biggest most expensive airport in the region.

Promote it as a regional travel hub.

Then change the laws so that anybody landing

here for a night of rest and RnR,

before going to one of the spokes of the hub,

has NOW

been here 30 days for his over night pitstop....

Can come back for 2 more pass-throughs,

BUT then has been considered being here 90 DAYS...

and must use another hub to continue

hopping around the region.

I have seen these 90 day rules in europe,

in particular France, where I lived for 10 years.

The 90 days was considered cumulative day by day.

They were worrying about how many


yet as long as I left every 89 days and got stamped

coming back, not an issue with them.

I then got married and got a 10 year residency permit.

This Thai law is completely inept.

Likely 3 days of total consideration and an edict goes out.

Then go back and edit it, as roaring complaints come in.

The end of those is no where in sight either.

I can't see why Thailand can't look closely at the residency

and immigration control tactics and policy,

from many different countries and make something balanced,

that serves the country and it's OVER ALL GOALS.

Not just some short term jingoistic,

post John Mark Karr / Samui Bandido investment paranoia.

This seems the motivation behind it.

Too much embarissing international press lately,

making Thailand look bad.. so it MUST be ;


Lets boot a bunch out...

Lets prevent the golden goose from entering the country too often.

Lets promote Thailand as a tourist mecca and central sopt for visiting SE Asia,

but not make it possible for visiters to use Thailand

as a hub to visit the whole region.

Somebody shoots from the hip, and then asks the dead

if they are who they are suposed to be.

When they get no answer they asume all is well...

Sounds like our stressed out PM to me...

As usual one hand knows not, what the other is doing.

Just ignore that man behind the curtain,

and keep that pesky little dog away from him.

As they said in New Hampshire,

about people from Massachusetts.

"Leave your money, now go home."


Im sick of the attitude that some people are showing here. Its almost like they are very happy that some of us will now have problems. Rediculous

I agree, for a lot of people this is going to cause (already causing) much stress and inconvenience. Others should consider that instead of saying som nam na.

The following is copied from Wikipedia:

som nam na, can be interpreted as "you got what you deserved," "serves you right" or "I'm laughing at your bad luck."

In German it is called schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude is also referenced in the Simpsons episode "When Flanders Failed." Lisa accuses Homer of feeling schadenfreude when Homer gloats about Ned Flanders being on the verge of bankruptcy. Lisa asks Homer, "Dad, do you know what Schadenfreude is?", to which Homer replies in a sarcastic tone, "No, I do not know what Schadenfreude is. Please tell me because I'm dying to know." Lisa then explains "It's a German term for shameful joy, taking pleasure in the suffering of others." Homer responds with "Oh, come on, Lisa. I'm just glad to see him fall flat on his butt! He's usually all happy and comfortable, and surrounded by loved ones, and it makes me feel...what's the opposite of that shameful joy thing of yours?" "Sour grapes." "Boy, those Germans have a word for everything."

Taking pleasure in other suffering is so not cool. Best of luck to all types of visa holders, investors, etc.

he he, thanks for the mostly off-topic but great post. lightens things up.

as for my feelings on the rule changes...

in some casees, it hurts some guys who really don't deserve it. guys with thai spouses/kids who don't have enough money to qualify for marriage visas, guys who live in Laos and regularly buy things in thailand, and i'm sure others.

i'll also be impacted by these changes, but it isn't life-altering for me.

but i think "som nam na" really does apply to many (of course not all) of the people these new rules will impact... come on, all of us know some guys who live in thailand 30-days at a time, take jobs that Thais could do, and completely disrespect thai culture and not only live very "un-thai" lives, but they do it very indiscretely -- almost thumbing their noses at thai people.

well, those are the guys that thai people hate. and they ruined it for the rest of us. they made every foreigner a bigger target than they already were.

and you really can't blame a country for trying to clean up its obviously broken immigration laws. i think they've made some critical errors in the manner in which they're doing it, but i don't blame them for their intent, only how they're going about it.

The bangkok Post article that released this news mentioned 16,000 chinese and 14,000 Indians that are here under the VOA program. It also mentioned that it is assumed these 30,000 probably low income people are working in thailand illegally and taking jobs that thais could be doing. I agree with taking on the task 0f getting rid of these people. Of Course TAK+SIN could just be using that as an excuse to get rid of the Falangs he has hated since high school.

News from the new regulation:

This is coming from the Chief of Immigration.

1on this scheme and now will allow it.)

5.Now the news for frequent visitors: We have checked this upwards and backwards all day and it has been confirmed by a copy of the new regulation we have. If you have a visa on arrival more than three times in six months, you cannot come into Thailand without a visa from an Embassy/Consulate. When you enter Thailand, even if you are here just 1 hour, this counts as 30 days. If you come back 6 weeks later for 2 days, this again is 30 days. If you arrive a month later for 4 days, still counts as 30 days. When you leave, you cannot enter Thailand for 3.5 months without coming back with a visa. The reason is to force people who are supposed to have work permits to do so and pay tax.

Another example; you arrive for a week, this counts as 30 days, One month later 3 days and its 30 days, two months later and its for a two week period, still another 30 days. You can reenter Thailand in 6 weeks without having a visa.


Your best choice:

Get a multiple Non-Immigrant Visa:


Am I missing something here? The two examples cited above seem to describe the same circumstances, yet in the first it's stated that the person cannot come back until after 3.5 months, but the 2nd can after just 1.5 months.

??????????? :o

I see everyone is asking “how does this change my life?” I can say from the looks of this it will change the Thais more than it does visa holders. The implementation of this for the Thais will be a nightmare. What they want and what they get most certainly will be different things. Just a few things they will encounter listed.

Angry Thai parents wanting to know where the native speaking English teachers they paid for are.

Inability to meet teaching mandates of having native speaking teachers.

Landlords suddenly faced with huge vacancies and inability to make mortgage payments setting off foreclosures.

Sudden end to the building boom and perhaps expected revenue for big ticket projects. Too many vacancies.

(Don’t forget Thaksin spent expected income out past 2010 so there is no backup cash to cushion this.)

It only took me two minutes to come up with that. All of the above translates to votes. This does not only effect Bangkok but all of Thailand including Thaksinland. The only question is who started this? Meaning who very literally just placed their life in danger with this decision. Was it in Immigration or higher up? When you know that you will get an idea of the life expectancy of this idea and perhaps the person who started it. I am quite sure money going out goes against Thai culture and beliefs.

There is a symbiotic relationship that is beneficial to both Thais and visa holders that is about to be interrupted.

I would also like to add that a lot of Thai businesses will go belly up. I know many Thais who run dive ops in the Gulf and Andaman and they rely on foreign divers to teach. The shops can't afford to sponsor the dive master and rely on the visa run system to stay afloat. And it's not like a Thai can easily fill the position. How many Thais are certified divers, fluent in English and another language such as German,Swedish etc... And let's not forget all the associated businesses such as hotels,restaraunts, visa run companies,dive shop support staff......Smart move Taksin!

Just goto a Thai embassy/consulate overseas and get a single/double or triple entry. Easy. Then you can stay as a tourist for 3 months without having to leave. Every 3 months if on a single entry. Just go to another country and get another visa. Its not rocket science! Or am i wrong?

Ain't that easy. Many Thai embassies won't grant multiple entry visas.

I would also like to add that a lot of Thai businesses will go belly up. I know many Thais who run dive ops in the Gulf and Andaman and they rely on foreign divers to teach. The shops can't afford to sponsor the dive master and rely on the visa run system to stay afloat. And it's not like a Thai can easily fill the position. How many Thais are certified divers, fluent in English and another language such as German,Swedish etc... And let's not forget all the associated businesses such as hotels,restaraunts, visa run companies,dive shop support staff......Smart move Taksin!

Well, you are right, many Companies rely on foreign workers, BUT then they should take care of the correct paper work.

Can a company in the States or Europe employ someone without Work permit only because he speaks another Language or whatever? I don't think so.....

Every Chef in a German Thai Restaurant need to have a Work permit and if he don't he simply get arrested if the Government check out the place.


Well, easy answer. If they support someone or are married here, they should be able to proof that and get the right Visa. I know it's not simply as before but they should get it without problems. If they need to proof Money in the Bank and they haven't, well they some kind of unlucky, but they can't complain. Do you know what a Thaigirl need to get a Visa for Europe? Insurance, Money in the Bank and much more. Why should Farangs in Thailand live here without Insurance or Money?

:o Having money is ok. But the amount of money they require is a bit much. To qualify for the USA you only need 125% of poverty level. And that will allow your thai spouse to enter the USA forever and work. You only need to finalize your visa before the end of 2 years and that is mainly to guarantee you have been married to an american citizen the entire time. the 400k the thai system requires is what , 20 times poverty level ? And this has to be shown every year or you are kicked out. Seven days to leave the country. So stop trying to say the thai system is so liberal compared to the USA. :D


I would also like to add that a lot of Thai businesses will go belly up. I know many Thais who run dive ops in the Gulf and Andaman and they rely on foreign divers to teach. The shops can't afford to sponsor the dive master and rely on the visa run system to stay afloat. And it's not like a Thai can easily fill the position. How many Thais are certified divers, fluent in English and another language such as German,Swedish etc... And let's not forget all the associated businesses such as hotels,restaraunts, visa run companies,dive shop support staff......Smart move Taksin!

Well, you are right, many Companies rely on foreign workers, BUT then they should take care of the correct paper work.

Can a company in the States or Europe employ someone without Work permit only because he speaks another Language or whatever? I don't think so.....

Every Chef in a German Thai Restaurant need to have a Work permit and if he don't he simply get arrested if the Government check out the place.

In the USA your green card is your work permit. It also allows you to change employers whenever you like which is not the case here. Also if i need a person that speaks a special language and they are considered in short supply in the USA i can get a green card for someone that qualifies before they come to the USA.


Absolutely. If you have a Green Card you can do that and you have the correct paper work to do so.

The same happens in Thailand. Get the correct paper work and everything will be ok. But if companies employ some "Tourists" on a 30 Day entry Stamp or Tourist Visa, sorry but that's not the way it should be.....


What about for those of us who do not need visas.

How does this affect us?

I am Canadian, my understanding is I don't need a visa.

I will be returning to Thailand in 3 weeks so it would be great to understand all this.



News from the new regulation:

This is coming from the Chief of Immigration.

1.Retirement Visa extension. If you have a foreign married spouse who is a dependent they will be able to get this dependent visa now. ( change of what has been happing the last couple weeks)

2.Retirement visa extension: If you have children under 20. They will no longer be able to get a dependent visa based on you having an extension of stay on retirement. They want these kids to get it based on education so they go to school.

3..Investment Visa extension: Will no longer be available after Oct 1st for new applicants on 3 million Baht.

4. Investment visa extension. For existing extension of stay holders of 3 million Baht, we are now being told this will now be grandfathered in and they will be able to get the extension forever as long as they renew. (Yes I know reversal from several hours ago but the government is aware that people bought condos before on this scheme and now will allow it.)

5.Now the news for frequent visitors: We have checked this upwards and backwards all day and it has been confirmed by a copy of the new regulation we have. If you have a visa on arrival more than three times in six months, you cannot come into Thailand without a visa from an Embassy/Consulate. When you enter Thailand, even if you are here just 1 hour, this counts as 30 days. If you come back 6 weeks later for 2 days, this again is 30 days. If you arrive a month later for 4 days, still counts as 30 days. When you leave, you cannot enter Thailand for 3.5 months without coming back with a visa. The reason is to force people who are supposed to have work permits to do so and pay tax.

Another example; you arrive for a week, this counts as 30 days, One month later 3 days and its 30 days, two months later and its for a two week period, still another 30 days. You can reenter Thailand in 6 weeks without having a visa.

6.On extension of stay based support of a Thai national (Marriage visa), before if you applied for this extension of stay, you would get a 30 day consideration stamp. Once you return in 30 days you would get the one year extension. Now it will be the same as an extension of stay based on business with the norm of three 30 day consideration stamps. Immigration will go out and check to see if it’s a real marriage or a sham before issuing the one year.

7.On an extension of stay based on being a Monk. No dependents will be allowed to get an extension of stay based on being a dependent.



Your best choice:

Get a multiple Non-Immigrant Visa:


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