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Rohingya migrants protest food ban in living quarters

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I am really getting sick and tired to discuss with people, who obviously are full of hate, intolerance or downright stupidity!

But quitting is letting the morons win, so...here we go!

a) Rohingas nowadays are from Myanmar, as they have lived there for decades and generations.

b ) Myanmar has stripped them of almost all (citizen or human) rights and is treating them like lesser human beings!

c) No, they don't deserve that, simply for the fact, that they are Muslim!

d) "Sending them back" will most likely get them killed or at least in inhumane conditions.

e) No, they don't deserve that, because some Arab flew a plane into a building!

f) Although they are now in a "camp" in Thailand, does not mean, they have to put up with all the sh1t thrown at them. Explain to me, why they are not allowed to eat their food inside their barracks and I might follow your argument. Right now, I can not!

g) Yes, they don't eat pork and might request food according to their religion! They should have it "their" way! There is no need to ad insult to injury, unless, you would do that to EVERYBODY: feef beef to Hindhi, non- kosher food to Jews. But I don't see wht something that is done on every <deleted> plane, can obviously not be done in a refugee- camp! Or are you telling diabethis- patients, that they can have Coke, but no water?

h) None of the people in these camps have (presumably) bombed anyone, beheaded anyone, set anyone on fire, is a member of ISIS or Al Quaehda. Just because one white supremesist bombs an abortion clinic, that doesn't mean all white people are anti-abortion or supremacists.

Great News DM07 !! ............ please see post # 94

I would say you can stop preaching now because they are going home .. good news thumbsup.gif

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Linzz, you'll be happy to know I just heard on Aljazera TV that the illegal boat people 727 total are being taken back to Bangladesh & Rohingya state by the Myanmar Navy.

Great news !! they are going back .... it's about time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the Myanmar and Bangladesh governments change their ways then great. But they won't, so I'm not and they will be forced to flee again


I am really getting sick and tired to discuss with people, who obviously are full of hate, intolerance or downright stupidity!

But quitting is letting the morons win, so...here we go!

a) Rohingas nowadays are from Myanmar, as they have lived there for decades and generations.

b ) Myanmar has stripped them of almost all (citizen or human) rights and is treating them like lesser human beings!

c) No, they don't deserve that, simply for the fact, that they are Muslim!

d) "Sending them back" will most likely get them killed or at least in inhumane conditions.

e) No, they don't deserve that, because some Arab flew a plane into a building!

f) Although they are now in a "camp" in Thailand, does not mean, they have to put up with all the sh1t thrown at them. Explain to me, why they are not allowed to eat their food inside their barracks and I might follow your argument. Right now, I can not!

g) Yes, they don't eat pork and might request food according to their religion! They should have it "their" way! There is no need to ad insult to injury, unless, you would do that to EVERYBODY: feef beef to Hindhi, non- kosher food to Jews. But I don't see wht something that is done on every <deleted> plane, can obviously not be done in a refugee- camp! Or are you telling diabethis- patients, that they can have Coke, but no water?

h) None of the people in these camps have (presumably) bombed anyone, beheaded anyone, set anyone on fire, is a member of ISIS or Al Quaehda. Just because one white supremesist bombs an abortion clinic, that doesn't mean all white people are anti-abortion or supremacists.

Great News DM07 !! ............ please see post # 94

I would say you can stop preaching now because they are going home .. good news thumbsup.gif

Actually Steven100 I don't take you seriously anymore because I don't think like serious discussion; you're just completely blind or you just enjoy winding people up. You need to do something about this.


Linzz, you'll be happy to know I just heard on Aljazera TV that the illegal boat people 727 total are being taken back to Bangladesh & Rohingya state by the Myanmar Navy.

Great news !! they are going back .... it's about time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!! You don't watch that MUSLIM channel Al jazeera do you?? cheesy.gif


Linzz, you'll be happy to know I just heard on Aljazera TV that the illegal boat people 727 total are being taken back to Bangladesh & Rohingya state by the Myanmar Navy.

Great news !! they are going back .... it's about time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!! You don't watch that MUSLIM channel Al jazeera do you?? cheesy.gif

Aljazeera is ok sometimes ... they have good documentaries.

Anyway , it wouldn't matter if these illegal boat people were Chinese, Spanish, Christians, Catholics or whoever .... it's just the fact that they are illegal immigrants and other countries should not be expected to take care of them and foot the bill because they want to live in a nicer place.

But, having said that ... we are humanitarians and we must take care of less fortunate ... feed & water them and take them back.

I'm glad they are being looked after and taken care of because it is difficult for them in the sea.

So my guess is they will all be returned to they native continent / country as soon as they are all well enough. I think this is good for them and good for the other countries.


The lot saying "Oh they should be grateful", aren't you the lot that moan and bitch if something trivial encroaches on your nice first world life - a taxi refuses to pick you up, a Thai person takes the wrong order etc. etc. and you are throwing your toys out of the pram. But hey, they are brown, poor and the wrong religion so let's rag on them. And at least they have the balls to stand up and actually fight back.


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

Utter nonsense.

Muslims are part of the population of most countries including this one.

The vast majority are as much a part of the communities they reside in as any faith.

Muslims are part of the problem in most countries, that's why nobody wants this lot. They are not part of the communities they reside in at all but separate themselves as the Koran instructs them not to make friends of the unbelievers. Did they integrate in Mayamar? NO

Lets see, the Rohingya community has been in Burma or at least that region for a millennia and are as integrated a part of that disparate country as any cultural group.

I live in Bangkok, lots of Muslims here and never had a problem. I've lived in communities in the UK and Africa and the Muslims there were no more a pain in the ass than anyone else.

Yeah there are extremists just as there are Christian, Jewish and all other faith zealots. There are also racists, bigots and islamaphobes in most countries.

Bigots are everywhere you look but you don't judge everyone because of their actions.

Except for bigots of another stripe of course.

Indeed. In close proximity to our spread there are many Thai Muslims living peaceably cheek by jowl with Buddhist neighbours. My experience of them is that they are friendly, quiet and law abiding.

I am really getting sick and tired to discuss with people, who obviously are full of hate, intolerance or downright stupidity!

But quitting is letting the morons win, so...here we go!

a) Rohingas nowadays are from Myanmar, as they have lived there for decades and generations.

b ) Myanmar has stripped them of almost all (citizen or human) rights and is treating them like lesser human beings!

c) No, they don't deserve that, simply for the fact, that they are Muslim!

d) "Sending them back" will most likely get them killed or at least in inhumane conditions.

e) No, they don't deserve that, because some Arab flew a plane into a building!

f) Although they are now in a "camp" in Thailand, does not mean, they have to put up with all the sh1t thrown at them. Explain to me, why they are not allowed to eat their food inside their barracks and I might follow your argument. Right now, I can not!

g) Yes, they don't eat pork and might request food according to their religion! They should have it "their" way! There is no need to ad insult to injury, unless, you would do that to EVERYBODY: feef beef to Hindhi, non- kosher food to Jews. But I don't see wht something that is done on every <deleted> plane, can obviously not be done in a refugee- camp! Or are you telling diabethis- patients, that they can have Coke, but no water?

h) None of the people in these camps have (presumably) bombed anyone, beheaded anyone, set anyone on fire, is a member of ISIS or Al Quaehda. Just because one white supremesist bombs an abortion clinic, that doesn't mean all white people are anti-abortion or supremacists.

I would suggest you have never spent any time in Myanmar. It is not Muslims who are being persecuted. Muslims are generally accepted, as are Buddhist, Hindu, etc. it is Rohinga people who are not wanted.


Not really surprised by this food issue & their behavior. Given time the authorities will start to realize what a mess they have themselves in for.

Why do you think a boat load of 742 have been taken to an undisclosed location by the authorities. My guess is they will soon be sent back to Bangladesh.

Does anyone seriously think that Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia want the added burden and costs associated with having these illegal immigrants on their shores. ?

As I have said all along, feed them and water them then back to Bangladesh or India or wherever they originated from. Most are Bangalis so Bangladesh is their birth place.

My guess is they will soon be sent back to Bangladesh.

Ah Linzz & DM07, guess I was correct ..... whistling.gif


If they don't want to be there and do not appreciate what is being done for them send them home, I have said it before Muslim, Islamic what ever the correct terminology cannot , will not assimilate, it has been proven in every country they have been lucky enough to be accepted in. When will the world see this for what it is......

Yeah...same with the native Americans!

They never accepted gracefully the blankets, infected with smallpocks!

The OP gives no idea about what was exactly going on and the anti- muslim brigade is out in big numbers!

Er, excuse me, do WE go around chopping peoples heads off?...no, didn't think so...
Neither have these people.
Give them freedom and it won't take them long

I am really getting sick and tired to discuss with people, who obviously are full of hate, intolerance or downright stupidity!

But quitting is letting the morons win, so...here we go!

a) Rohingas nowadays are from Myanmar, as they have lived there for decades and generations.

b ) Myanmar has stripped them of almost all (citizen or human) rights and is treating them like lesser human beings!

c) No, they don't deserve that, simply for the fact, that they are Muslim!

d) "Sending them back" will most likely get them killed or at least in inhumane conditions.

e) No, they don't deserve that, because some Arab flew a plane into a building!

f) Although they are now in a "camp" in Thailand, does not mean, they have to put up with all the sh1t thrown at them. Explain to me, why they are not allowed to eat their food inside their barracks and I might follow your argument. Right now, I can not!

g) Yes, they don't eat pork and might request food according to their religion! They should have it "their" way! There is no need to ad insult to injury, unless, you would do that to EVERYBODY: feef beef to Hindhi, non- kosher food to Jews. But I don't see wht something that is done on every <deleted> plane, can obviously not be done in a refugee- camp! Or are you telling diabethis- patients, that they can have Coke, but no water?

h) None of the people in these camps have (presumably) bombed anyone, beheaded anyone, set anyone on fire, is a member of ISIS or Al Quaehda. Just because one white supremesist bombs an abortion clinic, that doesn't mean all white people are anti-abortion or supremacists.

I would suggest you have never spent any time in Myanmar. It is not Muslims who are being persecuted. Muslims are generally accepted, as are Buddhist, Hindu, etc. it is Rohinga people who are not wanted.

Um hello, Rohingya people are Muslim

What are the Rohingya beliefs?

The Rohingya practice Sunni Islam, the largest sect of the Islam religion, with components of Sufism -- a Muslim movement described as Islamic mysticism that starkly contrasts against Taliban ideology.

Why is there conflict between the Rohingya and the Buddhist majority?

There are deep religious and racial tensions between the two ethnic groups, according to Lex Rieffel, a senior fellow at Brookings Institute and an expert on Southeast Asia. The Buddhist majority says the Rohingya are not indigenous to Rakhine State and thus should be denied citizenship. This tension has escalated into widespread violence in recent years, killing and displacing thousands. The United Nations has reported routine and deliberate human-rights violations in the country. An estimated 810,000 people in northern Rakhine State are currently without citizenship and nearly 100,000 persecuted Rohingya have fled the country all together, according to recent data. As of 2013, Myanmar -- a country formerly known as Burma -- had a low level of human development, ranking 150 out of 187 countries total, according to the Human Development Index.

Myanmar’s Parliament is considering passing legislation that would bar Rohingya from voting in next year’s elections. The government recently announced that the Rohingya can become official Myanmar citizens, but only if they agree to be registered under another ethnicity.



No problems with Muslims in Thailand then, if you stick your head in the sand

Really, what problems have you had with Muslims in Bangkok?

Or where you reside in Thailand if not Bangkok?

Or any of the areas outside of the South where the violence is based upon many issues, religion being one, but by no means the central or primary one.

maybe a good idea if you have a few hundred come live in your house...but don't come crying when they lock you out your house, threatening to smash all your windows if you don't leave....
Er, excuse me, do WE go around chopping peoples heads off?...no, didn't think so...
Neither have these people.
Give them freedom and it won't take them long


Er, excuse me, do WE go around chopping peoples heads off?...no, didn't think so...
Neither have these people.
Give them freedom and it won't take them long
US Campaign For Burma
"On January 13, 2014, Rakhine mobs and security forces entered Du Chee Yar Tan, Maungdaw Township, and slaughtered over 40 Rohingya. A UN report confirms the gruesome deaths – severed heads of at least 10 Rohingya, some children, were found bobbing in a water tank."
Looks like it's not just extremist Muslims at work then

No problems with Muslims in Thailand then, if you stick your head in the sand

Really, what problems have you had with Muslims in Bangkok?

Or where you reside in Thailand if not Bangkok?

Or any of the areas outside of the South where the violence is based upon many issues, religion being one, but by no means the central or primary one.

maybe a good idea if you have a few hundred come live in your house...but don't come crying when they lock you out your house, threatening to smash all your windows if you don't leave....

No the good idea would be to treat these people like decent human beings, as genuine refugees fleeing terror and persecution in their home country of Burma.

Better still would be to stop hating people because of their faith or colour or ethnic background.

Not just the Burmese govt that could learn that lesson.


A few particularly nasty posts have been removed. This thread is getting very far off-topic. The topic is not religion. It is about migrants protesting conditions in a detention camp.

Continued off-topic, inflammatory posts will result in suspensions.


No problems with Muslims in Thailand then, if you stick your head in the sand

Really, what problems have you had with Muslims in Bangkok?

Or where you reside in Thailand if not Bangkok?

Or any of the areas outside of the South where the violence is based upon many issues, religion being one, but by no means the central or primary one.

maybe a good idea if you have a few hundred come live in your house...but don't come crying when they lock you out your house, threatening to smash all your windows if you don't leave....

When is that going to happen? Whose house is large enough? So you would not be upset if a few hundred Buddists come live in your house? Only Muslims? A few hundred anybodies would be too much for me


Next they will be demanding prayer rooms, toilets facing away from Mecca, Korans and of course halal everything, they never change. They love to play the victim, but the truth is very different.

Off topic and inflammatory post


Could a covered outdoor area be established where they can cook their own stuff, add spices, whatever? Just some concrete shelf/tables, with a corrugated shed roof might suffice.

Are the Rohinga provided with food by the Thai authorities? Are Americans (or some western entity) paying for shelter and food? There are details we don't know. If Thais are cooking food for Rohinga, then it's somewhat understandable (but maybe not justified) that they're unhappy with the food on offer. Yes, of course, I know the adage 'beggers can't be choosers' - but come on, Thai cooked food must be quite bland for Rohinga. It might just be pure starch (also known as Thai rice) and not much else.


Er, excuse me, do WE go around chopping peoples heads off?...no, didn't think so...
Neither have these people.
Give them freedom and it won't take them long

US Campaign For Burma

"On January 13, 2014, Rakhine mobs and security forces entered Du Chee Yar Tan, Maungdaw Township, and slaughtered over 40 Rohingya. A UN report confirms the gruesome deaths severed heads of at least 10 Rohingya, some children, were found bobbing in a water tank."

Looks like it's not just extremist Muslims at work then

Wow, no wonder they want to get out of Dodge....probably because they kept on breaking windows!!


No problems with Muslims in Thailand then, if you stick your head in the sand

Really, what problems have you had with Muslims in Bangkok?

Or where you reside in Thailand if not Bangkok?

Or any of the areas outside of the South where the violence is based upon many issues, religion being one, but by no means the central or primary one.

maybe a good idea if you have a few hundred come live in your house...but don't come crying when they lock you out your house, threatening to smash all your windows if you don't leave....

No the good idea would be to treat these people like decent human beings, as genuine refugees fleeing terror and persecution in their home country of Burma.

Better still would be to stop hating people because of their faith or colour or ethnic background.

Not just the Burmese govt that could learn that lesson.

So you don't want them living in YOUR back yard then? I wonder why

No problems with Muslims in Thailand then, if you stick your head in the sand

Really, what problems have you had with Muslims in Bangkok?

Or where you reside in Thailand if not Bangkok?

Or any of the areas outside of the South where the violence is based upon many issues, religion being one, but by no means the central or primary one.

maybe a good idea if you have a few hundred come live in your house...but don't come crying when they lock you out your house, threatening to smash all your windows if you don't leave....

When is that going to happen? Whose house is large enough? So you would not be upset if a few hundred Buddists come live in your house? Only Muslims? A few hundred anybodies would be too much for me

Before you spout off too much, we have MORE than hundred in MY house....a 90 room apartment block, i'd say most, if not all are bhuddist...

Next they will be demanding prayer rooms, toilets facing away from Mecca, Korans and of course halal everything, they never change. They love to play the victim, but the truth is very different.

Your wisdom, erudition, sagacity, compassion and intelligence is truly beyond measure.

Will they be wanting toilet paper as well as the right to life ??

No the good idea would be to treat these people like decent human beings, as genuine refugees fleeing terror and persecution in their home country of Burma.

Better still would be to stop hating people because of their faith or colour or ethnic background.

Not just the Burmese govt that could learn that lesson.

So you don't want them living in YOUR back yard then? I wonder why

Lived in Muslim communities all my adult life, in Africa, the UK, the Middle East. Never had a real problem.

Perhaps that's why I don't possess your ignorance of the reality of living in a community that has Muslims.

Or your prejudices.

maybe a good idea if you have a few hundred come live in your house...but don't come crying when they lock you out your house, threatening to smash all your windows if you don't leave....

When is that going to happen? Whose house is large enough? So you would not be upset if a few hundred Buddists come live in your house? Only Muslims? A few hundred anybodies would be too much for me

Before you spout off too much, we have MORE than hundred in MY house....a 90 room apartment block, i'd say most, if not all are bhuddist...

If you are the landlord then you have chosen to house that many because it pays. If you are just a fellow tenant then you live alongside Buddists quite happily as I live alongside Muslims just the same and no one has smashed my windows or tried to take over my house, which you said would happen.Clearly you need to think more deeply before you spout off too much.


send them to Syria

I'm going to step out of the box for a moment, apart from all the mistreatment these people are suffering and the abuse by certain people who are exploiting them for money - would they honestly be happy anywhere, I for one would not like them living next door to me

You infer by your statement that you are better than "them."

I rarely give advice - but consider letting others blow your horn.

When we bend over and spread the cheeks, everyone is the same..coffee1.gif more or less


NIMBY ( Not in MY neighborhood)


I am really getting sick and tired to discuss with people, who obviously are full of hate, intolerance or downright stupidity!

But quitting is letting the morons win, so...here we go!

a) Rohingas nowadays are from Myanmar, as they have lived there for decades and generations.

b ) Myanmar has stripped them of almost all (citizen or human) rights and is treating them like lesser human beings!

c) No, they don't deserve that, simply for the fact, that they are Muslim!

d) "Sending them back" will most likely get them killed or at least in inhumane conditions.

e) No, they don't deserve that, because some Arab flew a plane into a building!

f) Although they are now in a "camp" in Thailand, does not mean, they have to put up with all the sh1t thrown at them. Explain to me, why they are not allowed to eat their food inside their barracks and I might follow your argument. Right now, I can not!

g) Yes, they don't eat pork and might request food according to their religion! They should have it "their" way! There is no need to ad insult to injury, unless, you would do that to EVERYBODY: feef beef to Hindhi, non- kosher food to Jews. But I don't see wht something that is done on every <deleted> plane, can obviously not be done in a refugee- camp! Or are you telling diabethis- patients, that they can have Coke, but no water?

h) None of the people in these camps have (presumably) bombed anyone, beheaded anyone, set anyone on fire, is a member of ISIS or Al Quaehda. Just because one white supremesist bombs an abortion clinic, that doesn't mean all white people are anti-abortion or supremacists.

I would suggest you have never spent any time in Myanmar. It is not Muslims who are being persecuted. Muslims are generally accepted, as are Buddhist, Hindu, etc. it is Rohinga people who are not wanted.

Um hello, Rohingya people are Muslim

What are the Rohingya beliefs?

The Rohingya practice Sunni Islam, the largest sect of the Islam religion, with components of Sufism -- a Muslim movement described as Islamic mysticism that starkly contrasts against Taliban ideology.

Why is there conflict between the Rohingya and the Buddhist majority?

There are deep religious and racial tensions between the two ethnic groups, according to Lex Rieffel, a senior fellow at Brookings Institute and an expert on Southeast Asia. The Buddhist majority says the Rohingya are not indigenous to Rakhine State and thus should be denied citizenship. This tension has escalated into widespread violence in recent years, killing and displacing thousands. The United Nations has reported routine and deliberate human-rights violations in the country. An estimated 810,000 people in northern Rakhine State are currently without citizenship and nearly 100,000 persecuted Rohingya have fled the country all together, according to recent data. As of 2013, Myanmar -- a country formerly known as Burma -- had a low level of human development, ranking 150 out of 187 countries total, according to the Human Development Index.

Myanmar’s Parliament is considering passing legislation that would bar Rohingya from voting in next year’s elections. The government recently announced that the Rohingya can become official Myanmar citizens, but only if they agree to be registered under another ethnicity.


Honestly speaking: that bullenscheiss was not worth an answer!


I am really getting sick and tired to discuss with people, who obviously are full of hate, intolerance or downright stupidity!

But quitting is letting the morons win, so...here we go!

a) Rohingas nowadays are from Myanmar, as they have lived there for decades and generations.

b ) Myanmar has stripped them of almost all (citizen or human) rights and is treating them like lesser human beings!

c) No, they don't deserve that, simply for the fact, that they are Muslim!

d) "Sending them back" will most likely get them killed or at least in inhumane conditions.

e) No, they don't deserve that, because some Arab flew a plane into a building!

f) Although they are now in a "camp" in Thailand, does not mean, they have to put up with all the sh1t thrown at them. Explain to me, why they are not allowed to eat their food inside their barracks and I might follow your argument. Right now, I can not!

g) Yes, they don't eat pork and might request food according to their religion! They should have it "their" way! There is no need to ad insult to injury, unless, you would do that to EVERYBODY: feef beef to Hindhi, non- kosher food to Jews. But I don't see wht something that is done on every <deleted> plane, can obviously not be done in a refugee- camp! Or are you telling diabethis- patients, that they can have Coke, but no water?

h) None of the people in these camps have (presumably) bombed anyone, beheaded anyone, set anyone on fire, is a member of ISIS or Al Quaehda. Just because one white supremesist bombs an abortion clinic, that doesn't mean all white people are anti-abortion or supremacists.

I would suggest you have never spent any time in Myanmar. It is not Muslims who are being persecuted. Muslims are generally accepted, as are Buddhist, Hindu, etc. it is Rohinga people who are not wanted.

Um hello, Rohingya people are Muslim

What are the Rohingya beliefs?

The Rohingya practice Sunni Islam, the largest sect of the Islam religion, with components of Sufism -- a Muslim movement described as Islamic mysticism that starkly contrasts against Taliban ideology.

Why is there conflict between the Rohingya and the Buddhist majority?

There are deep religious and racial tensions between the two ethnic groups, according to Lex Rieffel, a senior fellow at Brookings Institute and an expert on Southeast Asia. The Buddhist majority says the Rohingya are not indigenous to Rakhine State and thus should be denied citizenship. This tension has escalated into widespread violence in recent years, killing and displacing thousands. The United Nations has reported routine and deliberate human-rights violations in the country. An estimated 810,000 people in northern Rakhine State are currently without citizenship and nearly 100,000 persecuted Rohingya have fled the country all together, according to recent data. As of 2013, Myanmar -- a country formerly known as Burma -- had a low level of human development, ranking 150 out of 187 countries total, according to the Human Development Index.

Myanmar’s Parliament is considering passing legislation that would bar Rohingya from voting in next year’s elections. The government recently announced that the Rohingya can become official Myanmar citizens, but only if they agree to be registered under another ethnicity.


Honestly speaking: that bullenscheiss was not worth an answer!

Yeah you're right, it takes time to research this stuff but I actually think some people never read.

They are disappointed angry bitter souls either through their own fault or even possibly not, but the result is the same.

They lash out against perceived enemies and love to beat their chests and act so very tough because they're xenophobic and insecure.

Some of the statements on here are absolutely foul even though this site is controlled.

Any constructed arguments are derived from prejudice which they presume is fact simply because everyone of their ilk says it's true.

Dig a little deeper and you will find there is never any real desire to back up their statements with fact because they're too lazy to do any real research and they are comfortable with how they think. If they did then they might have to change their minds and that place is just too confusing and scary to go there.


Back in the day it was Russian communists that were hated and vilified, at the end of the cold war a new foe was required, we have it Muslims.

Now Russian commie bstads are history the non thinking pack needs someone else to hunt down and are spurned on by the media and the propagandists whose manufactured hate is required for The War on Terror their own people.

Given the racism and xenophobia of their hosts the Rohingya people are probably more than a little uncomfortable in the camp. They are also most assuredly suffering severe psychological damage as a result of their experiences.

Experiences inflicted by unthinking, uncaring haters. Similar if not the same as those who who inhibit the dark and empty spaces of this forum.

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