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World Bank suggests Thailand improve the quality of its education

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if you buy a fried rice for 40,- and a bottle water for 12,

the vendor needs an calculator, to find out,

how much he have to return !!

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As a teacher here for many years I can tell you that very few Thai students have any desire to learn English.

Most of them think that the internet is Facebook, from primary to college students, I have never seen one use the internet for research or knowledge.

When you ask them what will they do on the weekend, they reply "Play Game."

To be fair, I've seen Thai university students research on the internet. Normally they will answer a question by cut and paste wikipedia - no additional comments!


if you buy a fried rice for 40,- and a bottle water for 12,

the vendor needs an calculator, to find out,

how much he have to return !!

Mathematics is more than mental arithmetic.


if you buy a fried rice for 40,- and a bottle water for 12,

the vendor needs an calculator, to find out,

how much he have to return !!

Mathematics is more than mental arithmetic.

The other day I got handed 45 baht change on a 65 baht bill I had paid with a 100 baht note. I love Thai math! rolleyes.gif


O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

The societies in the west work themselves to death trying to make the [fake] american dream come true.

The topic is about education.

If you don't like the American dream then please unhook from the internet and take a sledgehammer to your computer and stop being a hypocrite. You wouldn't want to take advantage of American education that brought you so many things.

Speaking of education, start a worldwide protest to stop American 12 year old kids from writing computer code. No wonder American kids grow up and outshine the world in technology.

Take a hammer to your cell phone or smartphone and communicate with smoke from a fire. Your thinking is stone age so you might as well live it.



Say what you like but properly trained and properly motivated Thai workers are the best skilled/semi skilled in SEA. Productivity measures across all our global factories show this in black and white. Better education is needed and will further elevate these capabilities. What really needs to change is the way Thai industry and services train, motivate and compensate their employees. The way it's done now is medieval. This hold back the potential of the country.


O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

The societies in the west work themselves to death trying to make the [fake] american dream come true.

The topic is about education.

If you don't like the American dream then please unhook from the internet and take a sledgehammer to your computer and stop being a hypocrite. You wouldn't want to take advantage of American education that brought you so many things.

Speaking of education, start a worldwide protest to stop American 12 year old kids from writing computer code. No wonder American kids grow up and outshine the world in technology.

Take a hammer to your cell phone or smartphone and communicate with smoke from a fire. Your thinking is stone age so you might as well live it.


The facts and numbers show the education systems that produce the best educated are: Finland, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan ... Canada, New Zealand. Does getting a good education guarantee success of a country or a perso .... no way. Education today is failing everyone. It's a product of the Industrial Revolution and at its core has changed little.

As a teacher here for many years I can tell you that very few Thai students have any desire to learn English.

Two of my three Thai brothers-in-law speak quite good English because they spent 5-6 years abroad. Of course to qualify for the trip abroad they had to demonstrate some English proficiency via TOEIC or similar exam.

They're now both back in Thailand and admit that their ability to do business in English has helped them make good money, but they still tell me they hated every minute of learning English in Thai primary and secondary schools.


During one of the coups years back, it was written into the Constitution for a 12 year education but the politicians took care of that. Went from 4 to 6 years.

It pays for the politicians to keep the constituents uneducated. They can tell them whatever they want and they are believed.

Kinda like Muslim Imams and interpreting the Kuran to the blind, cripple and stupid.


O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

The societies in the west work themselves to death trying to make the [fake] american dream come true.

The topic is about education.

If you don't like the American dream then please unhook from the internet and take a sledgehammer to your computer and stop being a hypocrite. You wouldn't want to take advantage of American education that brought you so many things.

Speaking of education, start a worldwide protest to stop American 12 year old kids from writing computer code. No wonder American kids grow up and outshine the world in technology.

Take a hammer to your cell phone or smartphone and communicate with smoke from a fire. Your thinking is stone age so you might as well live it.


I was educated in the American system well before it fell into decline. Maybe brain did too.

If you are too dense to see the decline of American education in statistics, how can you be sentient enough to condemn someone you know nothing about?


O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

The societies in the west work themselves to death trying to make the [fake] american dream come true.

The topic is about education.

If you don't like the American dream then please unhook from the internet and take a sledgehammer to your computer and stop being a hypocrite. You wouldn't want to take advantage of American education that brought you so many things.

Speaking of education, start a worldwide protest to stop American 12 year old kids from writing computer code. No wonder American kids grow up and outshine the world in technology.

Take a hammer to your cell phone or smartphone and communicate with smoke from a fire. Your thinking is stone age so you might as well live it.


This is EXACTLY the result of the kind of education I am talking about !

It is brainwashing pure and obviously very effective in the US as NONE of the stuff you say is even close to reality.

... you confirm EVERYTHING I wrote.

[... and no, I am not american. Actually I am not sure why this would be important. IQ has nothing to do with nationality.]


THe junta won't like that.......but they'll have to find a good translator first.......

Stupid post. The topic about the education system yet you have used it to bash the junta in your usual blunt manner.

Besides being off topic it is actually against forum rules.


The usual bunch of low iq Thai bashers this topic has attracted come across as products of a poor education system so they are well qualified to comment on this subject. (/sarc)


The facts and numbers show the education systems that produce the best educated are: Finland, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan ... Canada, New Zealand. Does getting a good education guarantee success of a country or a perso .... no way. Education today is failing everyone. It's a product of the Industrial Revolution and at its core has changed little.

And here you have one of the problems with the Thai education system and "educators".

As my grandmother used to say, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating".

As my grandfather used to say, "Those who can, do. Those who can't either teach it or work for the government". Obviously a lot of teachers also work for the government.

How can anyone say that countries have the best education system when they've never invented a transistor or a space ship or put a man on the moon or invented the modern rocket or an atom smasher or an internet or computer or smartphone or CPU or a Macintosh or a Windows or Linux operating system or 3D printing or a space telescope or a credit card or an air bag or a heart-lung machine or radar or video tape or a laser or a gamma camera or an integrated circuit or a weather satellite or a global satellite navigation system or a computer mouse or..

I could go on for pages. And pages.

One of the things that's wrong with Thai education is that it doesn't encourage students to think for themselves and certainly not to think outside the box.

Passing a test about it doesn't prove education. Being able to do it does.


Chance would be a fine thing. First you need to get a decent education for the teachers. The product of these Rajabhat colleges is rubbish. Until this is improved there is no hope that the general standard of education can improve.


Why would anybody listen to the world bank ?

Funded and misused by the US for global exploitation ... a bunch of financial criminals !

As long as "education" is not defined as "free thinking" and "gaining of knowledge"

compared to "brainwashing" what it is now, the whole discussion is just

a farce.

[this counts also for ALL western nations who think they have a good education system

where all that's left of it is a simple "brainwashing factory"]

Interestingly, we watched "Thrive" a documentary from 2011 about this sort of thing but with an even broader context. Has encouraged me to try and build sustainably on newly bought land on Mae Khong.

One sort of good thing about Thai Ed - I can teach how I want. I've spent most of my life in math education. Now instead of calling myself a math teacher, I consider myself, and continue to improve as, a facilitator of expression. My context just happens to mathematics.


O.K, so which countries do have a good education system in your opinion?

The societies in the west work themselves to death trying to make the [fake] american dream come true.

The topic is about education.

If you don't like the American dream then please unhook from the internet and take a sledgehammer to your computer and stop being a hypocrite. You wouldn't want to take advantage of American education that brought you so many things.

Speaking of education, start a worldwide protest to stop American 12 year old kids from writing computer code. No wonder American kids grow up and outshine the world in technology.

Take a hammer to your cell phone or smartphone and communicate with smoke from a fire. Your thinking is stone age so you might as well live it.


Watch Thrive, Zeitgeist..... Keep as open a mind as you can, and leave other possibilities open. Brains language was a bit strong. Consider any validity he might have in his message.


The correlation between education and success is positive, when last have any of the above commentators placed a foot inside a school ? You do entertain each other with your trite banter so " lead on Mc Duff".....55555


As a teacher here for many years I can tell you that very few Thai students have any desire to learn English.

Most of them think that the internet is Facebook, from primary to college students, I have never seen one use the internet for research or knowledge.

When you ask them what will they do on the weekend, they reply "Play Game."

You are so right. Years back I had a class of four adult ladies all work colleagues who spoke of ' playing Internet '.

They were completely lost when I suggested ' play or playing ' wasn't appropriate as it suggested games etc whereas ' going on, surfing, checking ' etc. sounded more adult, mature etc.

Well, guess who had it all wrong as they did indeed mean play !


Theoretically this could be done at no cost. Already Thai education spokespeople are claiming that Thailand spends more on education per capita than any other country (or something that sounds like that.) Just audit the education department a bit harder & see how many other 16 million baht houses were built during the last few administrations (all colors, please.) But they will be looking for billions, not just millions!! Just 80% of the budget reaching the schools, teachers & kids would make a huge difference. Methinks much more than 10-20% has been going AWOL for quite a time. Time to mend the leak(s).

P.S. The tablet debacle must account for a few bob.


he suggested that the quality of the Thai education should also be improved as well. clap2.gif

But, Thailand be best in the world, how can they speak bad like that....... wai2.gif

The new hub of "better than already best in the world". Way to go "Thainess."


World Bank suggests Thailand improve the quality of its education

Meanwhile in other news ... "Thailand increasing buffalo population"


Darn you!!! I was meant to think of that. Good one!!! 555 So, are the new little buffaloes going to be coming from the schools or the farms?


Being soon developed and on level with Singapore (according to the PM), I see no need to change anything...

Just wait and people will automatically grow a normal IQ. After all, we must never forget that they know best and foreigners are only useful for easy money.


I hope The World Bank know their statement is like punching a pillow ... Absolutely no effect at all since thais know everything best and foreigners just dont understand thai way ... 5555555555

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