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A Meal to Remember...Pern's.

Frank James

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Thanks Nancy, I guess I am misinformed as I said I might have the details wrong, thanks for the info. Maybe it had the sane name but was before they changed the concept to a Mediterranean and a wine bar. But the point of the story is still valid. Every place and even owner ( or both) can have a bad day, but they should owned up to it, actually I feel owed an apology when they were given a chance to correct a mistake and showed no interest to but happily accepted payment. Maybe Pern can explain when and what changed with the name etc. if he contacts me smile.png

(feel free to point out this thread to him if he hasn't already seen it)

Btw I have had lots of mashed potatoes here, they do grow locally after all, some pretty good, some not so, most somewhere in between. I don't see why if they are listed on the menu one shouldn't expect them on the plate when it arrives too. "True" no?? biggrin.png

If Brian said he'd do something different the "next time", it probably was because he didn't have the ability to deliver mash potatoes that particular evening, the item you ordered was the evening special and every one was made the same way.Junglechef, do you realistically expect someone to contact you to discuss every supposed slight four years after the fact just because you chose to discuss it on the internet? Especially over something like whether there was mashed potatoes vs. fried potatoes atop a Shepherd's pie? Esp, since that item is no longer on the menu at the restaurant in question.

Chiang Mai must be full of restaurants I don't know about that are capable of delivering flawlessly prepared western food if this particular meal still remains front-and-center as being especially bad after all these years.

No one is expecting flawless execution of meals every time. All restaurants have problems from time-to-time. How well they handle those situations can make the difference between having repeat customers and having ex-customers who will remember your screw-up years later. Might not be fair, but that's business.

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Since when did a 'Shepherd's Pie' come with fried potatoes? One would hope it at least had a lamb filling. :)

Dave (Dukes) answers any critique and follows through on corrective action when fault is found in any of his restaurants. Can't see why other notable establishments operated by farangs can't do the same. It's good customer relations, good for business when fault is SEEN to be corrected.

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Dave (Dukes) answers any critique and follows through on corrective action when fault is found in any of his restaurants. Can't see why other notable establishments operated by farangs can't do the same. It's good customer relations, good for business when fault is SEEN to be corrected.

Well, that just goes to show how everyone's experience is different. One of the last times I was at Duke's (the one next to the river), I tried to order a glass of Whiskey for Mrs. Awk's mother. I ordered it from the waitress, and we waited. After waiting a long time, I asked the same waitress again. And then I asked again. The restaurant was not particularly busy, so it was easy to ask her.

After asking for the third time, and still waiting, I finally I went over to what I assumed was Mr. Duke himself, sitting nearby. After him conforming that he was indeed Mr. Duke, I told him that I'd asked for a glass of whiskey three times now, and was still waiting. Mr. Duke told me it would probably arrive "soon", and went back to whatever it is he was doing (chatting with someone I think it was), and we went back to waiting. Eventually, the glass did arrive.

That must have been 4-5 years ago now, and just shows how easy it is to remember a bad meal, bad service, or in general, any bad experience at a restaurant one before used to frequent semi-regularly.

The response Junglechef got at Pern's was obviously moronic. Up until that point in this thread, I was planing on going to Pern's for dinner one of these days. As I often eat at Salsa kitchen next door to Pern's because it's in a good location for me, I might even have become a regular customer at Pern's too. So now Pern's has lost two customers.

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Dave (Dukes) answers any critique and follows through on corrective action when fault is found in any of his restaurants. Can't see why other notable establishments operated by farangs can't do the same. It's good customer relations, good for business when fault is SEEN to be corrected.

Well, that just goes to show how everyone's experience is different. One of the last times I was at Duke's (the one next to the river), I tried to order a glass of Whiskey for Mrs. Awk's mother. I ordered it from the waitress, and we waited. After waiting a long time, I asked the same waitress again. And then I asked again. The restaurant was not particularly busy, so it was easy to ask her.

After asking for the third time, and still waiting, I finally I went over to what I assumed was Mr. Duke himself, sitting nearby. After him conforming that he was indeed Mr. Duke, I told him that I'd asked for a glass of whiskey three times now, and was still waiting. Mr. Duke told me it would probably arrive "soon", and went back to whatever it is he was doing (chatting with someone I think it was), and we went back to waiting. Eventually, the glass did arrive.

That must have been 4-5 years ago now, and just shows how easy it is to remember a bad meal, bad service, or in general, any bad experience at a restaurant one before used to frequent semi-regularly.

The response Junglechef got at Pern's was obviously moronic. Up until that point in this thread, I was planing on going to Pern's for dinner one of these days. As I often eat at Salsa kitchen next door to Pern's because it's in a good location for me, I might even have become a regular customer at Pern's too. So now Pern's has lost two customers.

what a bonous that is,im sure the regulars of perns are heaving a sigh of relief,that there will be two less complainers,and troublemakers,interuputing,there evening meal.
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I can't believe this thread is still alive. I'm almost sorry I started it, seeing some of the weird posts it has acquired. The "gay" stuff...the comparison to other "better" places...the shepherds pie tragedy...the "mumbling guitarist," etc.

I'm saving up to go have another great steak at Pern's, as soon as possible. Mr. Pern, whom (who? I always get that wrong!) I have met, is a very classy gentleman. The staff are attentive and friendly, and the cuisine is superb. There are many non-steak items to choose from, at reasonable prices. Maybe I am too easy to please, but pleased, I am.

I have had four fine meals there, and hope to have a few more. Running a restaurant in this city can be a tough way to make a baht. I feel this one deserves favorable mention.

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Thanks Nancy, I guess I am misinformed as I said I might have the details wrong, thanks for the info. Maybe it had the sane name but was before they changed the concept to a Mediterranean and a wine bar. But the point of the story is still valid. Every place and even owner ( or both) can have a bad day, but they should owned up to it, actually I feel owed an apology when they were given a chance to correct a mistake and showed no interest to but happily accepted payment. Maybe Pern can explain when and what changed with the name etc. if he contacts me smile.png

(feel free to point out this thread to him if he hasn't already seen it)

Btw I have had lots of mashed potatoes here, they do grow locally after all, some pretty good, some not so, most somewhere in between. I don't see why if they are listed on the menu one shouldn't expect them on the plate when it arrives too. "True" no?? biggrin.png

If Brian said he'd do something different the "next time", it probably was because he didn't have the ability to deliver mash potatoes that particular evening, the item you ordered was the evening special and every one was made the same way.Junglechef, do you realistically expect someone to contact you to discuss every supposed slight four years after the fact just because you chose to discuss it on the internet? Especially over something like whether there was mashed potatoes vs. fried potatoes atop a Shepherd's pie? Esp, since that item is no longer on the menu at the restaurant in question.

Chiang Mai must be full of restaurants I don't know about that are capable of delivering flawlessly prepared western food if this particular meal still remains front-and-center as being especially bad after all these years.

Dearest Nancy,

That's utter nonsense, he could of offered to change it for something else on the menu right then and there. Not tough luck and expect me to pay for his mistake.

Did I say I expected him to respond? No, I said "If Pern would like to".

Do I think it's the right thing to do when given a chance no matter how long, esp. as he didn't put a time limit on him making it up to me (in his words), yes. No time like the present.

When I owned restaurants I cherished every opportunity to make my customers happy, esp to undo a wrong. If it was pork served to a Muslim or fried potatoes serve to someone who for medical reasons shouldn't eat that, what's it matter. If someone was served something they were told they were not ordering that should be enough.

As for it not being on the menu anymore, what can I reply, especially as you yourself (wrongly by the way) said it was an evening special, I'm almost (but don't worry for those who know my posts smile.png ) at a lost for words at this point.

I don't expect flawless meals, but do expect truth in menu and trying to fix a mistake, not too much to ask for in my estimation.

But it was no big deal, I just mentioned my experience, just as it is no big deal for him to contact me. I guess he's the boss and I'm just the lowly customer in that line of thinking. Not how I want to be treated thank you very much.

As for my memory, I have no problem that I can recall details from the past, sorry you also find fault in that.

But as you say a "supposed slight' I can only interpret it as you don't believe me (and perhaps that I also have some other agenda like some people on this thread which I sure hope not!). I have always respected what you post and wonder why you think I'm not honest with you in return.

Yours Truly,


As for the some of the other comments, how I am a trouble maker is beyond me. Not a push over, most certainly.

As for losing another customer, yes that seems to be true, all the more reason to have dealt with this then or at least now and I would have posted how he politely got got back to me etc etc. But he didn't (perhaps he hasn't seen this but by now it seems like one of his loyal customers would have pointed it out).

Seems my 25 yrs experience owning restaurants has taught me some things that are proving to be right even here.

I have no hard feelings for Brian (or Nancy - I'm just like that smile.png ), I don't even know him besides a few words so many years ago, nor Pern's Restaurant. Just my experience there was not to my liking and I won't return. If he never had said those rather outrageous words "next time" I probably would have forgotten it in a year to two - rolleyes.gif

So what's for lunch?

Edited by junglechef
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what a bonous that is,im sure the regulars of perns are heaving a sigh of relief,that there will be two less complainers,and troublemakers,interuputing,there evening meal.

And it's precisely that sentiment - as communicated by the actions of the restaurateur - that led to the posts on this thread.

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I won't comment on the right or wrong of the actions, but I will say that Brian has just had to expand the seating area of his restaurant to handle the increase in business. You can' please all of the people all of the time, but it appears that he pleases enough of the people most of the time to run a profitable business. Damn good food there too!

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I can't believe this thread is still alive. I'm almost sorry I started it, seeing some of the weird posts it has acquired. The "gay" stuff...the comparison to other "better" places...the shepherds pie tragedy...the "mumbling guitarist," etc.

I'm saving up to go have another great steak at Pern's, as soon as possible. Mr. Pern, whom (who? I always get that wrong!) I have met, is a very classy gentleman. The staff are attentive and friendly, and the cuisine is superb. There are many non-steak items to choose from, at reasonable prices. Maybe I am too easy to please, but pleased, I am.

I have had four fine meals there, and hope to have a few more. Running a restaurant in this city can be a tough way to make a baht. I feel this one deserves favorable mention.

Brian is a nice guy, let's leave it at that.

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I won't comment on the right or wrong of the actions, but I will say that Brian has just had to expand the seating area of his restaurant to handle the increase in business. You can' please all of the people all of the time, but it appears that he pleases enough of the people most of the time to run a profitable business. Damn good food there too!

If you are referring to the tables outside....there have been tables outside since I can remember (getting the wait staff to venture out there is another story.)

He recently added a (rather unfortunate) façade to the outdoor patio but I'm pretty sure that was to keep people from parking their motorbikes on the sidewalk in front prior to the opening hours and blocking the entrance.

Edited by TheAppletons
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I won't comment on the right or wrong of the actions, but I will say that Brian has just had to expand the seating area of his restaurant to handle the increase in business. You can' please all of the people all of the time, but it appears that he pleases enough of the people most of the time to run a profitable business. Damn good food there too!

If you are referring to the tables outside....there have been tables outside since I can remember (getting the wait staff to venture out there is another story.)

He recently added a (rather unfortunate) façade to the outdoor patio but I'm pretty sure that was to keep people from parking their motorbikes on the sidewalk in front prior to the opening hours and blocking the entrance.

think he mentioned to me many months ago,he had trouble with the tremendous amount of traffic doing the illegal u turn in front of his restaurant as he had a few bangs to his frontage,maybe its a barrier of sorts,??
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I can't believe this thread is still alive. I'm almost sorry I started it, seeing some of the weird posts it has acquired. The "gay" stuff...the comparison to other "better" places...the shepherds pie tragedy...the "mumbling guitarist," etc.

I'm saving up to go have another great steak at Pern's, as soon as possible. Mr. Pern, whom (who? I always get that wrong!) I have met, is a very classy gentleman. The staff are attentive and friendly, and the cuisine is superb. There are many non-steak items to choose from, at reasonable prices. Maybe I am too easy to please, but pleased, I am.

I have had four fine meals there, and hope to have a few more. Running a restaurant in this city can be a tough way to make a baht. I feel this one deserves favorable mention.

Brian is a nice guy, let's leave it at that.

Yes, he is a nice guy, but, yes, leave it at that. coffee1.gif

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I had another delicious meal of braised lamb at Pern's during the week.

The outdoor entertainment was fascinating! Watching the poor Nimmanheiman farmers, driving their enormous 4WD tanks trying to do illegal U-turns in less than three attempts, and blocking off Huay Keow Rd at the same time.

Better than Thai TV (television that is).

Possibly the new outdoor alterations were for the smokers who can't indulge indoors. The new wall wouldn't be much use against 3 tonnes of Toyota.


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I won't comment on the right or wrong of the actions, but I will say that Brian has just had to expand the seating area of his restaurant to handle the increase in business. You can' please all of the people all of the time, but it appears that he pleases enough of the people most of the time to run a profitable business. Damn good food there too!

If you are referring to the tables outside....there have been tables outside since I can remember (getting the wait staff to venture out there is another story.)

He recently added a (rather unfortunate) façade to the outdoor patio but I'm pretty sure that was to keep people from parking their motorbikes on the sidewalk in front prior to the opening hours and blocking the entrance.

Yes, I was referring to the tables outside. Previously there was seating for four people at two round tables.

Now there is seating for 12 or more people, tripling the outdoor seating capacity.

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you know what they say, better bad publicity then no publicity.

Will be checking out Perns today.


Perhaps if your a reality star but by no means if your running a business especially a restaurant that survives on word of mouth.

Hope you enjoy your dinner smile.png

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poor perns a poster puts on a genuine comment about a nice meal,and a nice venue,and the place gets absoutley labasted b

y some pathetic comments,shepards pie one takes the biscuit though,how do you guys survive.mashed spuds in Thailand, and at a Spanish restaurant.duh.

So do comments about different experiences at the restaurant in question have to be approved by someone in advance? Are only positive comments permitted or should one be honest in sharing one's experience with other the TVF members, whether that experience is positive or negative?

Depends on sponsorship status.

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you know what they say, better bad publicity then no publicity.

Will be checking out Perns today.


you wont be disappointed,though its a few months since ive been to perns,I can still rember the excellent food, and service,and the ambiance overall,plus the genial host.

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