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Suthep to leave monkhood and return to activism


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Great news. The Mandela of the East will be back.

History will judge this man very favourably as being the stepping stone to a democracy that extends past the first principle called elections.

God Speed good man. Good speed.

Using violence and intimidation to disrupt an election and demanding an elected government step down for unspecified reforms to be made by unnamed people--is that your idea of a stepping stone to democracy?

Mandela spent decades in prison. If only that were true of Suthep.

yes demanding a murdering government step down ..im fine with that ..or were you fine with chalems terrorists killing protesters ..

Do you have evidence of government involvement in the deaths, or are you just hoping that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be mistaken for the truth?

Suthep and his minions used violence and intimidation to disrupt government and an election, and provoked a violent backlash. I assume that was his plan. There is no evidence that the government did anything other than attempt to contain the violence. Pathetic people in denial of their fondness for autocratic government are inventing fantasies to convince themselves they are on the right side.

Let's see, Thaksin's thug of choice, Chalerm, repeatedly warns protesters they can't be protected, and actually predicts they will be shot at and bombed. Low and behold his predictions are spot on. Even though he apparently has the gift to see the future he's unable to instruct the RTP to do anything about it. All while being in charge of the very generously funded CAPO.

When some assassins fell into the police hands, they were simply let go and swept under the carpet.

Do you have any evidence all, or any of the violence, was committed by any one group? If so share it.

Or carrying on pretending that the Shins don't use violence, didn't pay for the nightly attacks on their opponents. didn't intimidate judges, didn't cheer when their assassin's murdered children and were doing all they could to maintain law and order. Now that would be a pathetic pretense.

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Using violence and intimidation to disrupt an election and demanding an elected government step down for unspecified reforms to be made by unnamed people--is that your idea of a stepping stone to democracy?

Mandela spent decades in prison. If only that were true of Suthep.

yes demanding a murdering government step down ..im fine with that ..or were you fine with chalems terrorists killing protesters ..

Do you have evidence of government involvement in the deaths, or are you just hoping that if you repeat a lie often enough it will be mistaken for the truth?

Suthep and his minions used violence and intimidation to disrupt government and an election, and provoked a violent backlash. I assume that was his plan. There is no evidence that the government did anything other than attempt to contain the violence. Pathetic people in denial of their fondness for autocratic government are inventing fantasies to convince themselves they are on the right side.

Let's see, Thaksin's thug of choice, Chalerm, repeatedly warns protesters they can't be protected, and actually predicts they will be shot at and bombed. Low and behold his predictions are spot on. Even though he apparently has the gift to see the future he's unable to instruct the RTP to do anything about it. All while being in charge of the very generously funded CAPO.

When some assassins fell into the police hands, they were simply let go and swept under the carpet.

Do you have any evidence all, or any of the violence, was committed by any one group? If so share it.

Or carrying on pretending that the Shins don't use violence, didn't pay for the nightly attacks on their opponents. didn't intimidate judges, didn't cheer when their assassin's murdered children and were doing all they could to maintain law and order. Now that would be a pathetic pretense.

That's your idea of proof--one parliamentarian warns illegal protesters disrupting government that they can't be protected? Perhaps he was reminding them of the obvious, that when you generate anarchy there are no laws.

Assassins that fell into police hands? Did you mean either of these two incidents:



Obviously the RTP was doing something, and received a violent response:


"Do you have any evidence all, or any of the violence, was committed by any one group? If so share it."

Did I ever suggest that I did? I asked for evidence for the often repeated, and never substantiated, claim that the PTP government was complicit in the violence that Suthep's violent protest provoked.

"Or carrying on pretending that the Shins don't use violence, didn't pay for the nightly attacks on their opponents. didn't intimidate judges, didn't cheer when their assassin's murdered children and were doing all they could to maintain law and order. Now that would be a pathetic pretense."

I'm not pretending, I'm asking for evidence to support some outrageous claims and receiving none.

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History will not even remember his name and and hopefully one day he will be judged, in a court of law.

It's Phra Paphakaro. You could try writing it down a few dozen times if you have a problem remembering his name. Here I'll start you off, Phra Paphakaro, Phra Paphakaro..... No copy and pasting, it wouldn't be as beneficial.

snappy retort.. yawn

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... "He said he would support self-sufficiency communities projects, and model communities for married, poor couples who want to live meaningful, moral, and self-reliant lives as farmers.”

Awww... how sweet. Such care and concern for the poor and ignorant farming couples to have such a champion for their miserable self-reliance subsistence.

Meanwhile, the Bangkok hiso's can carry on wining and dining, wheeling and dealing, dodging taxes, tearing about in Ferraris' and killing cops and collecting gongs as they aspire to get into the upper inner circle where the cops and the army pays them for their promotions.

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OH the hate against someone who came out and led the people who were protesting against the abortion of the amnesty bill, he helped oust your lovely Yingluck so is evil.

If you really did some research into his background you would start to see the lies against him that emerge, even with all of these he has never backed down and ran always standing up for himself. How anyone can say he is hiding in a temple in Thailand in full view and has attended court hearings is beyond reason.

For a start check out the land deal he is vilified for and see who really got the land, you may be surprised that all but 11 of the 450 odd land titles went to poor farming families and only one of the 11 who were classed as having money was not involved in agriculture.

No I don't love him but I do love the truth and I see clearly most of the hate against him is based on lies.

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He had the guts to stand up to the criminal, animal family of the Shinawatra tribe and its lackeys, bully boys, thugs, thieves, money grabbers and hangers on.

Huh? Are you aware of the man's history?

If anyone has an entourage of lackeys, bully boys, thugs, thieves, money grabbers and hangers on, I expect that it is Suthep, the "Don" of the south.

But...He had the guts to stand up to the criminal, animal family of the Shinawatra tribe and its lackeys, bully boys, thugs, thieves, money grabbers and hangers on.

I don't like Suthep AT ALL. He is the kind of politician Thailand is better of without. Do you dare to say that about Thaksin?? but I applaud him for winning over Thaksin's propaganda machine and violent thugs.

And are you aware of Suthep's background and past corrupt deals, business, land ownership??

I dont like Thaksin AT ALL. He is a wily corrupt politician who has ALWAYS used wrong means to get democratically legally elected and then enrich himself and cronies, just like most politicians in the world.

Suthep, supported by very powerful vested interests who abused their position due to fear of losing out to Thaksin, used anarchy to throw him out.

Fair enough. But dont claim that one is holier than the other.

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Won't it be ironic if he meets the same fate as those red shirts he ordered to be picked off from afar by sharpshooters.


Ummm, Skytrain shooters, as in the photos...

Ummm, evidence suthep had anything to do with any shootings.

And by evidence I mean evidence, not "its obvious init"....

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OH the hate against someone who came out and led the people who were protesting against the abortion of the amnesty bill, he helped oust your lovely Yingluck so is evil.

If you really did some research into his background you would start to see the lies against him that emerge, even with all of these he has never backed down and ran always standing up for himself. How anyone can say he is hiding in a temple in Thailand in full view and has attended court hearings is beyond reason.

For a start check out the land deal he is vilified for and see who really got the land, you may be surprised that all but 11 of the 450 odd land titles went to poor farming families and only one of the 11 who were classed as having money was not involved in agriculture.

No I don't love him but I do love the truth and I see clearly most of the hate against him is based on lies.

Agree with what you are saying however they were protesting against the bill, not the abortion of it iirc.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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History will not even remember his name and and hopefully one day he will be judged, in a court of law.

You are wrong. He has a lot of admirers in this country. I think he is the sort of leader we need. I hope he will be the next Prime Minister

You seriously think he is the guy to reform the country and lead it out of corruption????????

You should take a minute and google this guy's past. Makes for some interesting reading. It's going to take more than a few months as a monk for this zebra to change his stripes.

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A shame that a year in the monkhood seems to have taught this cranky, xenophobic, crooked dinosaur nothing whatsoever.. Continues to be an indellible stain that belongs in a byegone era, shame nobody has told him

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OH the hate against someone who came out and led the people who were protesting against the abortion of the amnesty bill, he helped oust your lovely Yingluck so is evil.

If you really did some research into his background you would start to see the lies against him that emerge, even with all of these he has never backed down and ran always standing up for himself. How anyone can say he is hiding in a temple in Thailand in full view and has attended court hearings is beyond reason.

For a start check out the land deal he is vilified for and see who really got the land, you may be surprised that all but 11 of the 450 odd land titles went to poor farming families and only one of the 11 who were classed as having money was not involved in agriculture.

No I don't love him but I do love the truth and I see clearly most of the hate against him is based on lies.

Oh gosh Robby, I have just had an epiphany. Is it possible that they could all be lying about Thaksin's sins as well?

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Will he be able to walk around without his "ring" of safety?


Great picture, gives real meaning to the "Land of Smiles",

I would say that the "ring of safety" was more a spontaneous gesture than organised, they are smiling and happy, not the expressions you would get from professional bodyguards.


Edited by Basil B
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Won't it be ironic if he meets the same fate as those red shirts he ordered to be picked off from afar by sharpshooters.

Here it comes again.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if YOU came up with links or proof of your accusation?

I presume that having said quote "Won't it be ironic if he meets the same fate as those red shirts he ordered to be picked off from afar by sharpshooters."

that you can actually back up your words with the facts and proof.

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He had the guts to stand up to the criminal, animal family of the Shinawatra tribe and its lackeys, bully boys, thugs, thieves, money grabbers and hangers on.

Really? Well, it is the Thai people's choice on what they want....oops, if given any say in the matter......

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