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Decomposed corpse found on hill near Patong could be tourist: authorities

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Decomposed corpse found on hill near Patong could be tourist: authorities
Eakkapop Thongtub


PHUKET: Police and forensic experts are searching for clues to help them identify skeletal remains discovered in thick grass on a remote hillside outside of Patong this afternoon.

The corpse belonged to a male between 170 and 175cm tall and who had perished no less than one month ago.

Locals discovered the remains about 20 metres up from Phrabaramee Rd Soi 3, on the Omsin hill, or about 1km from the Government Savings (Omsin) junction.

The corpse was dressed in a white T-shirt, long white pants, black rubber sandles and sunglasses. Next to the remains were a half-full bottle of spirits and a backpack in which police found pharmecuticals that could not immediately be identified.

There were no identity documents found on or near the remains. The remains have been collected and are being examined by forensic experts at Patong hospital. Meanwhile, police are reviewing missing persons reports of both foreigners and locals.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/decomposed-corpse-found-on-hill-near-patong-could-be-tourist-authorities-52655.php

-- Phuket News 2015-06-08


If it was a tourist you would have thought that someone from his home country would have noticed he was missing and never came home from his Thailand holiday.


Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth.

Sex can be seen from the pelvis.

This is stuff that should be taught to the police. Would take about half an hour.


Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth.

Sex can be seen from the pelvis.

This is stuff that should be taught to the police. Would take about half an hour.

The article clearly states that the corpse was a male and gives an approximate height.

The race does not necessarily indicate whether it was a local or a tourist.


The only locals are Thais. Dentition is different for Asians and Caucasians.

If it is an Asian skeleton, then, I agree that it could be local, or tourist.

If Caucasian, then it ain't a local.


but, don't the domestic Thai forensics make clams they can tell the difference between a Thai, and anyone else?

Thais are supposedly superior to and separable from the Mongols, malay stock, falangs. This should narrow it down a bit.

and, just say it was a falang, and a resident, they could not refer to it as a tourist anyhow...


RIP to the poor soul - hope that he will be identified so that some missing person's relatives can find closure, a luxury that many others will never have...


Got to love this headline. Corpse could be tourist because they found a bottle of spirits and some unknown drugs. Why not could be Thai!


I am not an expert on tropical forensics, but from whats left of the skeelton, looks like at least 4-5 months to me. And as far as the "tourist debate" why not a Thai on hoilday or Farang living in Phuket. Tourist is a subjective term.


but, don't the domestic Thai forensics make clams they can tell the difference between a Thai, and anyone else?

Thais are supposedly superior to and separable from the Mongols, malay stock, falangs. This should narrow it down a bit.

and, just say it was a falang, and a resident, they could not refer to it as a tourist anyhow...

Provided a forensic investigation are applied, then yes!

However, I'm unsure how the RTP qualifies Forensic's to be applied in cases of death of an unknown.

In February, while taking a break after an early run with my dogs at a park in Udon Thani. My dogs were distracted and started to barked incessantly towards the direction of the man-made lake.

It was before sunrise and visibility not clear enough. But I can somehow surmised there's something floating there.

As soon as the first rays of light dawned, I saw a body. I immediately called the police and the rescue foundation guys came within 5 minutes.

For the next hour, they had managed to pulled it out of the water and laid it to rest near the water edge.

Rigor mortis has set in and it appears that he could have died from drowning while swimming in the lake (Strictly Prohibited) in the late hours of the evening or anytime during the night, in his boxer shorts.

I'm no expert, but he's definitely not Asian in size (more than 6 foot in height and big). Closed cropped hair thus I cannot determined the hair colour but the features are definitely not Asian. There was a latin insription tattooed on his left side torso.

Police came 2 hours later, acknowledging me as the caller then go about having a happy conversation with the rescue workers.

Then instructed them to load the body to leave. I saw that the drowned guy was wearing a gold necklace and bracelet. No attempt to locate his belongings near the vicinity nor the area circumference of the lake.

I had to asked the police what's next? His answer was, "Su-are...su-are (sure...sure) he drink many and swimming. I think farang."

Questioned about trying to locate his belongings, "No more...su-are people take leaow."...Hmm.

Months after, I did check with the police about it as it wasn't in the local news nor was there a missing person's report.

Nobody knows about the case and as if, it never happened. End of story!

Whoever he was I can only say RIP, and RIP to the guy in this story.


If it was a tourist you would have thought that someone from his home country would have noticed he was missing and never came home from his Thailand holiday.

Why do you think he was not reported as missing by people abroad or here in Thailand. Only recently I watched a video on TV asking for help for a family who are seeking to know if anybody might know the whereabouts of their Father who is about 4 months missing. Last seen heading off for a game of golf (in Phuket I think) with his 4 friends. Hos motorbike was discovered lately near Surin.


another mystery death to solve its more likely a tourist no money no hope and decided to end it all hence the medication but I could be wrong it could be something totally different.


If it was a tourist you would have thought that someone from his home country would have noticed he was missing and never came home from his Thailand holiday.

They find everything that makes him look bad, yet no kind of papers, money, documents etc, oh well here goes


If it was a tourist you would have thought that someone from his home country would have noticed he was missing and never came home from his Thailand holiday.

There's been a few gone missing recently. The Bib's are trying to see if they have filled their quota of suicides.


Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth.

Sex can be seen from the pelvis.

This is stuff that should be taught to the police. Would take about half an hour.

Police are police, not forensic scientists, what you described is nor their job and just imagine the outcry from the monitors of the police force on this forum if a police officer dared to give an opinion along the lines you mentioned!


They need to get the forensic people on the job ASAP as it will take some time to do. However if they are in a hurry, let the forensic people from Koh Tao ( Death Island) do the job as they can do whatever is needed in 24 hours.


Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth.

Sex can be seen from the pelvis.

This is stuff that should be taught to the police. Would take about half an hour.

Police are police, not forensic scientists, what you described is nor their job and just imagine the outcry from the monitors of the police force on this forum if a police officer dared to give an opinion along the lines you mentioned!

From the article, the remains are being examined now by the forensic Police. So please wait for their findings. They have not yet finished their work.


Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth.

Sex can be seen from the pelvis.

This is stuff that should be taught to the police. Would take about half an hour.

This is schoolboy stuff. Difficult to get wrong.

Why would anyone object to more information?

Foremost, we have to understand how the RTP operates and how culture somehow diluted it to a point which it morphed into a sub-culture.

It's not entirely a textbook applied operation. But rather, an assimilation of a very complex 'Uniform' donning culture which involves hierarchical deferences, intricate systems , appointment based responsibilities, vocations, units, divisions, sub-divisions and etc.

Each of the above are further clouded by misinterpretations, exploitation, and complacency. Subsequently, rendering the lines of SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures), responsibilty, transparency and professional ethics to be blurred or ceased to exist.

What's elementary to us, "the Holmes', are not totally oblivious to them.

It's the 'CULPABILITY' with making a judgement call that could be erroneous.

As questioned to one,

"...it not my job, I cannot do...hap (have) department do.

I do can but make many people not happy. Becot it their job...so they do it, not me!

If I say wrong then all my boss shamed, I must carefull carefully ".

I'm not justifying their attitude nor saying they did it right.

But trying to understand them, their 'professionalism' and especially, their personal thought process is a dark bottomless pit. Unfathomable!

Just my humble observations and opinion.



The remains have been collected and are being examined by forensic experts at Patong hospital. Meanwhile, police are reviewing missing persons reports of both foreigners and locals.--OP

Guys even in The USA -UK etc...you don't go out on a limb before you get the forensic report...even when they arrest someone at the scene of a crime in the UK , he is a person of interest (or helping us with our inquires ) until they actually charge him.

I know the police here aren't up to the CSI---Scotland yard standard --its a third world country--but don't you guys get a little bit tired of the farang superiority postings.

Any forensic scientist with basic training can tell whether it is Asian, Caucasian, or African by the skull and particularly by the teeth Would take about half an hour---kareanbravo

Can you tell a person's race from his or her skull?---Racial classification is an inexact science, if that's even the right word for it. Forensic anthropologists never make definitive ancestry pronouncements. They say a bone is "consistent with" European ancestry or "likely" of Asian ancestry. And practitioners say it takes years of experience to achieve mastery,--- http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2011/01/alas_poor_yorick_or_is_it_othello.html

Maybe if you have that 30 minutes to spare between lunch tomorrow KeranBravo --you can pop over show them how its done----with a farang around bound to be wrapped up in no time.


I didn't say skull. I said dentition, especially incisors which is located in the skull.

Asian (known scientifically as mongoloid) have spade shaped incisors. Caucasians do not.

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