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Thai govt not worried about foreign opinion on Prayut's power extension: Spokesman


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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...America has even supported some of those knuckle draggers and ignored their bypassing of democracy to push lucrative foreign business deals through.

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

We had six months of your protests, all about reforms and now we have had 13 months of your dear great leader. I still have to see a list of reforms they are going to tackle and much less have I seen action plans, strategies or anything to indicate that they are going to reform anything except their bank balances. Do you not think a year is long enough to come up with atleast a list of items they want to reform and broad guidelines on what they are planning to do. Have they conducted any community participation activities to determine what the people want to reform. Have they done anything on the reconciliation of this divided country, remember they had a plan for this which they never implemented. They cannot even come up with a working plan for the lottery, how can they solve the complex problems facing this country.

But I am the last one complaining as I want them in power for as long as it takes for the people of this country to learn their lesson about protests and coups. This one will be on the BKK middle class and they will also be the once that will suffer the most. Within a year they will be caught in a situation of growing unemployment (10% plus), rising bad debt, rising food prices/inflation (10% plus) and political fustrations. In the end the same group of people that brought them to power will take their power away.

Karma is a b...ch.

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Am I the only one that sees this photo?

The boy on the left of Prayut looks either extremely upset or moderately terrified.

No he look at the girl and has the ideas every boy in his age has....

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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...America has even supported some of those knuckle draggers and ignored their bypassing of democracy to push lucrative foreign business deals through.

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

We had six months of your protests, all about reforms and now we have had 13 months of your dear great leader. I still have to see a list of reforms they are going to tackle and much less have I seen action plans, strategies or anything to indicate that they are going to reform anything except their bank balances. Do you not think a year is long enough to come up with atleast a list of items they want to reform and broad guidelines on what they are planning to do. Have they conducted any community participation activities to determine what the people want to reform. Have they done anything on the reconciliation of this divided country, remember they had a plan for this which they never implemented. They cannot even come up with a working plan for the lottery, how can they solve the complex problems facing this country.

But I am the last one complaining as I want them in power for as long as it takes for the people of this country to learn their lesson about protests and coups. This one will be on the BKK middle class and they will also be the once that will suffer the most. Within a year they will be caught in a situation of growing unemployment (10% plus), rising bad debt, rising food prices/inflation (10% plus) and political fustrations. In the end the same group of people that brought them to power will take their power away.

Karma is a b...ch.

While everything is going too slow a lot is done already, alone the changes in the police force, fighting corruption everywhere, reclaiming stolen land....just there is no marketing blabla about it. And the strategic changes are really going too slow.

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"Sometimes, foreigners have to listen to Thai people's opinions," he said. "If foreigners disagree with some issues that are the desires of Thai people, to whom should we give more importance, fellow Thai people or foreigners?"

Listen to Thai people, then shut down the government they vote for. You will listen to no one.

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"Sometimes, foreigners have to listen to Thai people's opinions," he said. "If foreigners disagree with some issues that are the desires of Thai people, to whom should we give more importance, fellow Thai people or foreigners?"

Why exactly? Even YOU don't listen to 'Thai peoples' opinions', they're not allowed to express one for fear of having their attitudes adjusted. Some of the absolute anti farang crap being dished out regularly by this muppet is being swallowed by certain of the Thai populace and they're not the 'prai' disparaged so many times on this forum. From personal experience they are the already nationalistic Yellows. 'General Prayut says there's a farang hairdresser in Bangkok who charges 800k for a haircut'. general Prayut says that foreigners smell because they eat bread.' Ad infinitum I must listen to this shit from my ex university professor neighbour. My lowly taxi driver, on the other hand, laughs at him and asks when are these 'reforms' supposed to come into place haha! And BTW, I believe P cares very very much about what is thought of him both internationally and domestically. Fragile little egotist that he is.


Aperfect post to summarise this, errrrrrrrrr MAN

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Army Commander General Udomdej Sitabutr has insisted that the current government has no intention to stay in power as rumored

I'll stay on if people want me to: PM

Campaign to seek 2 more years for PM

Thailand's military government is not concerned with the international community's reaction to a proposal that junta chairman Gen. Prayuth Chan-och stay in power for two more years, a spokesperson said.

Prawit insists NCPO will strictly follow the roadmap to democracy

Make your choice coffee1.gif

There is none. I like the way the boy to his right is watching him out of the corner of his eye. Seems to be a God like glance hmm maybe suspicion? Is that Charlie Chan with a smirk on his face in the back row?The rose growers will benefit as there will be a huge market for the petals that will strewn at his feet. Kind of reminds me of the series "Happy Valley" Road maps to democracy? are these for sale anywhere so I can keep up to date on the journey there. Hope there are no roadblocks. Like most journeys it will not follow a straight line.

Edited by elgordo38
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I have no political agenda to push regarding Thailand. Red, yellow, polka-dots, they're all essentially as clever dumb and corrupted as each other.

If free and democratic elections were held tomorrow the country will be back in the same position it was prior to the coup in 3 years. And that's not to say I believe it's in any better position than it was than when the coup took place, other than the political violence has largely ceased.

The corruption and nepotism that has existed in Thailand throughout its democratic history (and before) is carrying on unabated as it always does, regardless of who is technically holding the reigns and what colours they're wearing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - the leader/s that will eventually bring Thailand out of the 3rd developing nation category have not been born yet. The current batch of leaders (political/military/officials/judges/police) merely appoint their progeny or those of the fellow elite and corrupt, and they will appoint their progeny, etcetera, etcetera, ad infinitum.

However, the youth of that second and third generation not from the privileged classes will eventually shake off the shackles as they become better educated, and politically and socially aware. Not because the ruling classes will educate them and listen to them, but because access to "the world" will eventually mean they will become less reliant on what they are told is "normal and accepted", and begin to test the rationale of their entire social structure.

It may be an unfortunate transition - if the elite don't realise what is happening and continue to defer any real social reform for the next 30-50 years, Thailand may well have its very own Révolution française.

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These guys are like a yo-yo always going up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down. I think you get the point.

Oath against corruption hmm they must have their fingers crossed behind their backs you know the hand not pointing at their heart.

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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...America has even supported some of those knuckle draggers and ignored their bypassing of democracy to push lucrative foreign business deals through.

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

You are totally insane! The frightening thing is that you are also a part of the dictator's propaganda bureau and probably believe some of what you spew out.

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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...America has even supported some of those knuckle draggers and ignored their bypassing of democracy to push lucrative foreign business deals through.

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

We had six months of your protests, all about reforms and now we have had 13 months of your dear great leader. I still have to see a list of reforms they are going to tackle and much less have I seen action plans, strategies or anything to indicate that they are going to reform anything except their bank balances. Do you not think a year is long enough to come up with atleast a list of items they want to reform and broad guidelines on what they are planning to do. Have they conducted any community participation activities to determine what the people want....

But I am the last one complaining as I want them in power for as long as it takes for the people of this country to learn their lesson about protests and coups. .....

Karma is a b...ch.

While everything is going too slow a lot is done already, alone the changes in the police force, fighting corruption everywhere, reclaiming stolen land....just there is no marketing blabla about it. And the strategic changes are really going too slow.

Busting a few bad cops is not reform.

Repossessing land is not reform.

These are reactions to systemic problems.

The root causes continue unabated.

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While everything is going too slow a lot is done already, alone the changes in the police force, fighting corruption everywhere, reclaiming stolen land....just there is no marketing blabla about it. And the strategic changes are really going too slow.

Why post false statements? How do you expect to be taken seriously if you intentionally repeatedly lie? Let's look at your claims in detail:

1. the changes in the police force What changes? There has been no restructuring or review of compensation and proceeds of revenue from fines and penalties.

2. fighting corruption everywhere Where?. Who has been arrested and charged? Can you name the many Thai official who has been charged based upon Thai initiated investigations? You cannot, because there have not been any. All we have heard about is a secret list of some corrupt land officials. The one person to be arrested, the Army General came because there were so many dead bodies, and the discovery of bank deposit slips in the man's name from the key trafficker, that there was an international outcry.

3. reclaiming stolen land Where? What land has been reclaimed? Not one Rai has been reclaimed. All of the reclamation attempts relate to activity commenced by the previous administration. The former government attempted to stop land encroachment on Phuket, but was thwarted by the local families and Suthep allies. The Bonanza action was not initiated by the current administration.

You say a lot has been done. Well, the reality si that not much has been done. The beaches were supposed to be cleaned of commercial activity. Patong Beach is worse than ever wuith the boats and jetskis taking over large parts of the beach.

Here's what Hua Hin is like. Jet skis parked on the beach and restaurants back in business.



I am not going to politely ask for you to back up your claim, because you have been asked before and have not done so. Therefore, I will now DEMAND that you back up your claims. If you cannot, stop making false statements and retract your false and misleading comment.

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Thailand is not concerned about foreign opinion about the government ?

Why is Thailand's government even raising the issue of a vote at some point in the distant future ? What is the incentive for Thailand to have some kind of schedule involving a vote in the future ? Basically, the West won't accept that Thailand is a democracy until there are elections. And that's why Thailand has to bring out this issue of a possible election in the future.

Yes, being recognised fully by the West. That would mean a return to full diplomatic and political links. And also less worries about the possible seafood ban and other bans.

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I have no political agenda to push regarding Thailand. Red, yellow, polka-dots, they're all essentially as clever dumb and corrupted as each other.

If free and democratic elections were held tomorrow the country will be back in the same position it was prior to the coup in 3 years. And that's not to say I believe it's in any better position than it was than when the coup took place, other than the political violence has largely ceased.

The corruption and nepotism that has existed in Thailand throughout its democratic history (and before) is carrying on unabated as it always does, regardless of who is technically holding the reigns and what colours they're wearing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - the leader/s that will eventually bring Thailand out of the 3rd developing nation category have not been born yet. The current batch of leaders (political/military/officials/judges/police) merely appoint their progeny or those of the fellow elite and corrupt, and they will appoint their progeny, etcetera, etcetera, ad infinitum.

However, the youth of that second and third generation not from the privileged classes will eventually shake off the shackles as they become better educated, and politically and socially aware. Not because the ruling classes will educate them and listen to them, but because access to "the world" will eventually mean they will become less reliant on what they are told is "normal and accepted", and begin to test the rationale of their entire social structure.

It may be an unfortunate transition - if the elite don't realise what is happening and continue to defer any real social reform for the next 30-50 years, Thailand may well have its very own Révolution française.

"if the elite don't realise what is happening and continue to defer any real social reform for the next 30-50 years, Thailand may well have its very own Révolution française."

Yes, the elite. Are the elite backing Thaksin and the red-shirts, OR, are they backing Abhisit and the yellow-shirts ??

And real social reform ? Social reform is suppose to improve life for Thailand's poor, these are the people who have an income of 11,000 baht per month, or less. These people, the masses, do they back Thaksin and the red-shirts, OR, do they back Abhisit and the yellow-shirts ??

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If he leave before everything is done, we'll have exactly the same again in 2-5 years.

Better stay 2-3 years longer and complete the task to ensure the guy from Montenegro won't come back again.

There will be always a guy from montenegro..

He is not staying to be sure that Thaksin cannot come back, he is staying for 2 main reasons : be sure that the wealthy stay wealthy and keep the poor and north population under its claw

The second one is taboo...

There maybe a third reason : he likes power

But he certainly not stay for his capacity to rule the country or solve the problems...

Just as an exemple : i am curious to see if the flood happen this year how he will handle the situation

Well the poor are now better of than before and he goes against a lot wealthy people at the moment. Thaksin ripped of the poor the worst in Thai recent history so it can get only better. The real wealthy win with Thaksin, Democrates or Prayuth. The bribe just everyone.....

As there will be always a guy from montenegro this country needs a solid strong constitution which can't be changed easily (which is standard in most countries) and independent police and justice. If that is done the next corrupt won't be able to stay in power for a long time.

(I think they'll fail but maybe there is some improvement)

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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...America has even supported some of those knuckle draggers and ignored their bypassing of democracy to push lucrative foreign business deals through.

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

We had six months of your protests, all about reforms and now we have had 13 months of your dear great leader. I still have to see a list of reforms they are going to tackle and much less have I seen action plans, strategies or anything to indicate that they are going to reform anything except their bank balances. Do you not think a year is long enough to come up with atleast a list of items they want to reform and broad guidelines on what they are planning to do. Have they conducted any community participation activities to determine what the people want....

But I am the last one complaining as I want them in power for as long as it takes for the people of this country to learn their lesson about protests and coups. .....

Karma is a b...ch.

While everything is going too slow a lot is done already, alone the changes in the police force, fighting corruption everywhere, reclaiming stolen land....just there is no marketing blabla about it. And the strategic changes are really going too slow.

Busting a few bad cops is not reform.

Repossessing land is not reform.

These are reactions to systemic problems.

The root causes continue unabated.

The main cause is that laws are not enforced because of systemic corruption is a root cause.

They fix that...removed the complete leadership of police and busting corruption whereever they find it.

I complete agree that it isn't enough but making a new constitution is addressing the rest.....just I am sure that they aren't brave enough to make real changes that set the system upside down.

So I kind of agree with you, they'll fail but they try and reducing the corruption to half of it for a limited time is better than nothing. So as longer as they stay in power as better.

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While everything is going too slow a lot is done already, alone the changes in the police force, fighting corruption everywhere, reclaiming stolen land....just there is no marketing blabla about it. And the strategic changes are really going too slow.

Why post false statements? How do you expect to be taken seriously if you intentionally repeatedly lie? Let's look at your claims in detail:

1. the changes in the police force What changes? There has been no restructuring or review of compensation and proceeds of revenue from fines and penalties.

2. fighting corruption everywhere Where?. Who has been arrested and charged? Can you name the many Thai official who has been charged based upon Thai initiated investigations? You cannot, because there have not been any. All we have heard about is a secret list of some corrupt land officials. The one person to be arrested, the Army General came because there were so many dead bodies, and the discovery of bank deposit slips in the man's name from the key trafficker, that there was an international outcry.

3. reclaiming stolen land Where? What land has been reclaimed? Not one Rai has been reclaimed. All of the reclamation attempts relate to activity commenced by the previous administration. The former government attempted to stop land encroachment on Phuket, but was thwarted by the local families and Suthep allies. The Bonanza action was not initiated by the current administration.

You say a lot has been done. Well, the reality si that not much has been done. The beaches were supposed to be cleaned of commercial activity. Patong Beach is worse than ever wuith the boats and jetskis taking over large parts of the beach.

Here's what Hua Hin is like. Jet skis parked on the beach and restaurants back in business.



I am not going to politely ask for you to back up your claim, because you have been asked before and have not done so. Therefore, I will now DEMAND that you back up your claims. If you cannot, stop making false statements and retract your false and misleading comment.

Do you read newspapers, sometimes?

you had for a time daily 5 police officials here, 10 officials there removed....hundreds of transfers.....I agree that isn't a structural fix and a transfer is not a punishment. The idea is to make the changes slow, as you can't change everywhere everything at the same time. I am not sure if he is right with this slow approach.

corruption: they have huge lists they are checking now and removing the people, also all the time in the news. Also I read from removing them but not punishment, so I partially agree. They go into the land departments and check which officials own huge land, check people who never paid a Baht tax but bought huge land, etc

Bonanza and many others (like in Ko Lippe) were not initiated by them, they are known since many years, but the previous governments protected them. Now the army support the reclaiming. Everyone know these cases.....

I am not saying all is wonderful and everything will be fixed now. I actually think it is all too slow and a shame, but it is 100 times more than in the previous governments (including Abhisits).

From the Jet Skies on the edge of the beach and some chairs I can't really read much into the government. Should they place soldiers on the beach and shoot some Jet Ski operators just to appear more active?

About Phuket I don't know. Suthep is the strong man of Surat, Phuket is a other province...

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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

The "Knuckle dragging savages" as you so oafishly put it, are Thai citizens unlike yourself, and so have far more goddam right than you to be part of the political framework of their own country. Who the hell do you think you are?
Edited by whaleboneman
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While everything is going too slow a lot is done already, alone the changes in the police force, fighting corruption everywhere, reclaiming stolen land....just there is no marketing blabla about it. And the strategic changes are really going too slow.

Why post false statements? How do you expect to be taken seriously if you intentionally repeatedly lie? Let's look at your claims in detail:

1. the changes in the police force What changes? There has been no restructuring or review of compensation and proceeds of revenue from fines and penalties.

2. fighting corruption everywhere Where?. Who has been arrested and charged? Can you name the many Thai official who has been charged based upon Thai initiated investigations? You cannot, because there have not been any. All we have heard about is a secret list of some corrupt land officials. The one person to be arrested, the Army General came because there were so many dead bodies, and the discovery of bank deposit slips in the man's name from the key trafficker, that there was an international outcry.

3. reclaiming stolen land Where? What land has been reclaimed? Not one Rai has been reclaimed. All of the reclamation attempts relate to activity commenced by the previous administration. The former government attempted to stop land encroachment on Phuket, but was thwarted by the local families and Suthep allies. The Bonanza action was not initiated by the current administration.

You say a lot has been done. Well, the reality si that not much has been done. The beaches were supposed to be cleaned of commercial activity. Patong Beach is worse than ever wuith the boats and jetskis taking over large parts of the beach.

Here's what Hua Hin is like. Jet skis parked on the beach and restaurants back in business.



I am not going to politely ask for you to back up your claim, because you have been asked before and have not done so. Therefore, I will now DEMAND that you back up your claims. If you cannot, stop making false statements and retract your false and misleading comment.

Do you read newspapers, sometimes?

you had for a time daily 5 police officials here, 10 officials there removed....hundreds of transfers.....I agree that isn't a structural fix and a transfer is not a punishment. The idea is to make the changes slow, as you can't change everywhere everything at the same time. I am not sure if he is right with this slow approach.

corruption: they have huge lists they are checking now and removing the people, also all the time in the news. Also I read from removing them but not punishment, so I partially agree. They go into the land departments and check which officials own huge land, check people who never paid a Baht tax but bought huge land, etc

Bonanza and many others (like in Ko Lippe) were not initiated by them, they are known since many years, but the previous governments protected them. Now the army support the reclaiming. Everyone know these cases.....

I am not saying all is wonderful and everything will be fixed now. I actually think it is all too slow and a shame, but it is 100 times more than in the previous governments (including Abhisits).

From the Jet Skies on the edge of the beach and some chairs I can't really read much into the government. Should they place soldiers on the beach and shoot some Jet Ski operators just to appear more active?

About Phuket I don't know. Suthep is the strong man of Surat, Phuket is a other province...


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If Thailand is serious about ending the last 10 years+ of political chaos, they must completely purge the knuckle-dragging savages that have embedded themselves in the political framework of the country...America has even supported some of those knuckle draggers and ignored their bypassing of democracy to push lucrative foreign business deals through.

Popular sentiment separated from the rule of law is simply another form of dangerous tyranny and thaksin's 7% hardcore followers prove daily that the country is far from ready for elections by continuing to call for them merely to take advantage of the fact that there are major flaws in the system easily exploited by criminal elements and foreign interests.

The majority (not the 7% majority) are sick and tired of coups ergo reform is desperately needed before elections so that democracy is never bypassed again by a certain group after elections or if it is the group is held to account by strong checks and balances.

If you hate coups you too would want reform before elections.

Should read "If you hate coups you too would want the army to refrain from staging them and let the democratic process continue unhindered".

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Brave words for a country that is totally dependant on foreigners in more ways than one.

ok so I couldn't thing of one......not being funny but I just couldn't

1. Credibility

2. Exports

3. Face

4. Tourism

5. Investments

etc etc etc

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If he leave before everything is done, we'll have exactly the same again in 2-5 years.

Better stay 2-3 years longer and complete the task to ensure the guy from Montenegro won't come back again.

There will be always a guy from montenegro..

He is not staying to be sure that Thaksin cannot come back, he is staying for 2 main reasons : be sure that the wealthy stay wealthy and keep the poor and north population under its claw

The second one is taboo...

There maybe a third reason : he likes power

But he certainly not stay for his capacity to rule the country or solve the problems...

Just as an exemple : i am curious to see if the flood happen this year how he will handle the situation

Well the poor are now better of than before and he goes against a lot wealthy people at the moment. Thaksin ripped of the poor the worst in Thai recent history so it can get only better. The real wealthy win with Thaksin, Democrates or Prayuth. The bribe just everyone.....

As there will be always a guy from montenegro this country needs a solid strong constitution which can't be changed easily (which is standard in most countries) and independent police and justice. If that is done the next corrupt won't be able to stay in power for a long time.

(I think they'll fail but maybe there is some improvement)

Thaksin ripped off the poor. *sigh*[emoji15]

Between 2000 and 2004, income in the poorest part of the country, the northeast, rose 40% while nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%.


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