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Site does seem down, but I'm watching right now on the PC app.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


That's weird Crossy. When I try the app. it says "No Internet Access" although ILikeHDTV is working on the same box.


Neither the Expat Android app or the web page connections you can use via a browser on Android for both Expat and 365 Sport are working.

However both Expat and 365 sport are working via their respective players on windows.

All Expat web pages come up as unavailable via both Windows and Android.


It's apparently been down a couple of hours and they are working on it, and hope it will be up and running within 1 hour...


I briefly got the 900THB package last night, then it went back to the 600THB channels I actually pay for. Was hoping they might have been giving me the extra channels for nothing as they seem worthless anyway.


I had Expat TV until a couple of months ago, but cancelled their service because it hardly ever worked smoothly, constantly freezing, often couldnt go to full screen ( on my laptop) and generally a poor service overall.

On the other hand, Ilikehd, its replacement for me is cheaper, has a much better range of channels ( but no catch up admittedly) and operates much more smoothly. Almost no freezing, buffering etc, which Expat TV was doing all the time.

For me, Expat TV, and even more so its "sister service", 365 Sport go no way to living up to their supposed reputation. Ilikehd is much better !!


I had Expat TV until a couple of months ago, but cancelled their service because it hardly ever worked smoothly, constantly freezing, often couldnt go to full screen ( on my laptop) and generally a poor service overall.

On the other hand, Ilikehd, its replacement for me is cheaper, has a much better range of channels ( but no catch up admittedly) and operates much more smoothly. Almost no freezing, buffering etc, which Expat TV was doing all the time.

For me, Expat TV, and even more so its "sister service", 365 Sport go no way to living up to their supposed reputation. Ilikehd is much better !!

Your hardware and/or connection is the issue Pat. I have expatTV on two machines in Pattaya and one up on the estate in Udon that all work flawlessly. I have even watched it on my laptop with a restaurant wifi connection in Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego and via a floating vsat internet connection while offshore Vietnam.


I know I have asked this before----- but because you are posting on Thai Visa you must be at least a little computer savvy----what can you get from these companies Ex-Pat etc that you can not get free on the internet 1 hour after its been released.?? (sometimes sooner) And it doesn't expire

I love Boxing so I get to watch all the fights---even the smaller venues......& all the under card.

The live UK football is a little to late for me---- so I pick the 2-3 matches that I want to watch while eating breakfast the next day---all the BBC Chanel 4 programs etc the same.....just watched "No Offense" yesterday as soon as it came out----good program

Enlighten me please if I am missing something here.

BTW ,, Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2548418/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

from the BBC is great acting IMO........ I usually wait until I have nearly all a series before I watch it----but got caught up with that one from the first episode.


Nope Sanuk, you are not missing anything.

Except the ability to fire it up, select from 19 channels of live (delayed by 5 minutes) UK TV (OK ABC Australia isn't UK) and up to 10 days of history on a single screen, click on what you want to watch and it just works. Select any programs you want to record (3 days future or already shown) and it will download them for you to watch later, all automagically.

No mucking around, no (or very little buffering), no hassle.

And it works on incredibly poor connections, 1 Mb hotel connections in India are no problem (a life saver if you don't like cricket).

I'll happily pay 16 Quid a month for that, it's way cheaper than TrueVisions and better programming.

Each to his own.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I certainly wont argue that it is probably better than True Visions Crossy..........it would certainly take a lot to be worse.

And if I lived in India-- I would possibly give it some consideration---but I live in Thailand, where most of the programs I would like to see are from the UK, & are screening at 3-4 am in the morning, so waking up to them --and there already there on the computer--which is linked to the TV--isn't a problem either---

The USA programs are much the same, time wise-- but for your 16 quid you don't even get to look at any of them do you ?

Or any of the large world events ? May-weather fight----No ? The Sky or BT Chanel football --No ? can you chose the AFL of your choice---or just take what Oz is showing on a certain Chanel ?

"Select any programs you want to record (3 days future"---- I don't think that's correct --you can not select any program Crossy can you---Are you saying that you could see the end of a program like BroadChurch 3 days ahead of everyone in England..........

And in addition you can only go back...how far ?....a week---2--3 ? ...so if you have missed out the beginning of a series you stumble over---bad luck.

Look I don't have an axe to grind with the Ex-Pat TV set up---- I genuinely wanted to know if I was missing out somewhere.... but I take your opening line to be correct Crossy

Nope Sanuk, you are not missing anything.----Crossy


Enlighten me please if I am missing something here.

Convenience. I'll happily fork out 600THB (I might think twice tho if they ever charge more and wont choose the 900THB pack) for ThaiExpatTV for the convenience of quickly starting a TV program from the start on my demand. It saves a lot of time and is a better experience than watching live TV where one has to follow the EPG to get the programs from start.


Enlighten me please if I am missing something here.

Convenience. I'll happily fork out 600THB (I might think twice tho if they ever charge more and wont choose the 900THB pack) for ThaiExpatTV for the convenience of quickly starting a TV program from the start on my demand. It saves a lot of time and is a better experience than watching live TV where one has to follow the EPG to get the programs from start.

That's what I was trying to say, evidently I used too many words.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

  • 3 months later...

Anybody missing channels in ThaiExpat.tv "UKTV" player on Friday, 9 October?

I found Al Jazeera missing in the program for recording programs. I can't find it in the "Channel selector" either. It has just disappeared on every computer where I have the program installed.

I do see it in the streaming software so the channel hasn't been removed from the service.

So far I haven't been able to get confirmation that this problem is just with my account or the software at the server.

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