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Three farang girls seen high on laughing gas on Koh Phi Phi

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It may be legal but it's stupid. A lot of people die from that. I think it excludes oxygen from the system.

Nitrous Oxide as the name suggests is a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. It is administered in the health system as a mild and quickly dissipating pain reliever, as such, it's virtually useless. I find it difficult to imagine that anyone or anything could get "high" by using it. If the girls really were "high", I would be looking for some other substance, perhaps inside, outside or on the ballon.

Nitrous Oxide does get you high for a very short time - that's why it is also known as 'laughing gas'. It is extremely common at festivals in the west, and is openly sold in balloons like the OP, since it is legal.

I had loads of it at hospital when they were pulling a displaced fractured humerus back into better alignment, definitely a pain killer (and quite a strong one) cos I couldn't feel a thing, but also a very noticeable high on top of the pain killing aspect.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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It's laughing gas, not heroin - I personally wouldn't give a crap. In fact I'd share it.

This viewpoint that 'girls should act with more decorum than boys' is simply misogyny.

I think both should act with decorum. I have seen a lot of people male, female, old, young, and in between act without it in Thailand over the years.

Seriously though, the behaviour of these three girls and its potential to "tarnish" Thailand's so-called reputation pales in comparison with that of the three young male football players from Leicester on a "goodwill tour" from a week before. I find it really difficult to get worked up about frigging laughing gas being used by a few young idiotic tourists on an already despoiled Thai island.

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I would be more worried about the other drug these girls are on . Probably a mix of alcohol and drugs and then they top it with laughing gas to get that out of body experience that they think is so cool .

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Hippie crack!!

Its ubiquitous in the UK festival scene. Not a personal fav of mine but its mostly harmless.. back in the 80s when we played gigs at Battle Hospital in Reading the Docs & Nurses would bring a massive bottle in and leave it turned on - no one died, people laughed, things got a little strange (very little) .

Its being "banned" in the UK along with all other so called "legal highs" - Tories hate the idea of folk enjoying themselves - I suppose that allowing untested, uncontrolled psychoactive substances to be sold is stupid, but all the good ones are illegal.

Why do t.wats think they can tell people which drugs they can or cannot have?

As Jimi Hendrix once said. I'm the one that's got to die when its time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.

Edited by MrTee
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Why shouldn't us Western women go on holiday to Thailand?

Oh, sorry. We don't buy sex. Or have to. Nor do we feel so insignificant in our home countries, that we have to fly half way around the world to get our leg over. Us Western women go to Thailand to have a beach holiday and have fun.

Well, i would rather be lying there getting a giggle from a balloon than having sex with any of the so called Men i have seen around and about in Thailand flaunting their manliness.

Enjoy your giggle and sidewalk then, strong confident woman

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200฿ per balloon is a huge rip-off and the only real dangers of NO2 are increased risk of miscarriage, damage to lung tissue by freezing if you're dumb enough to suck it straight out of a tank and asphyxiation if you strap an airtight mask over your nose and mouth and pass out. More injuries occur from people doing it standing up, getting dizzy and falling over than from the gas itself.

I'd bet there have been as many deaths from people inhaling NO2 out of balloons as there have been from people smoking cannabis. Zero.

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200฿ per balloon is a huge rip-off and the only real dangers of NO2 are increased risk of miscarriage, damage to lung tissue by freezing if you're dumb enough to suck it straight out of a tank and asphyxiation if you strap an airtight mask over your nose and mouth and pass out. More injuries occur from people doing it standing up, getting dizzy and falling over than from the gas itself.

I'd bet there have been as many deaths from people inhaling NO2 out of balloons as there have been from people smoking cannabis. Zero.

While I don't condone it - you're right its mostly harmless..

The problem with hippie crack is the thousands of little green metal bottles that are left all over the place after the laughing is done. Damn hippies always festering on about the environment then smoking their bongs and making a mess.

As Johnny Rotten once said. Never trust a hippe!

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Something else for the power that be to impose another ฿2000 fine for. Excellent job. Keep it up. Girls Gone Wild (on nitrous oxide). The moral turpitude of Western youth. OMG! coffee1.gif

By the way...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Why is this considered news?

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200฿ per balloon is a huge rip-off and the only real dangers of NO2 are increased risk of miscarriage, damage to lung tissue by freezing if you're dumb enough to suck it straight out of a tank and asphyxiation if you strap an airtight mask over your nose and mouth and pass out. More injuries occur from people doing it standing up, getting dizzy and falling over than from the gas itself.

I'd bet there have been as many deaths from people inhaling NO2 out of balloons as there have been from people smoking cannabis. Zero.

I wonder how many Thai taxi drivers high on NO2 would feel the need to hack their passengers to death with machetes. Hummmm. Zero.

I'm thinking legalize NO2 and cannabis and outlaw alcohol.

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These people are on holiday for christ sake. They are not engaging in criminality so where is the problem?

I've done nitrous a lot and the effects last a minute tops. Those shills saying you can die from it are talking pure BS and believe drug war propaganda hook line and sinker

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It may be legal but it's stupid. A lot of people die from that. I think it excludes oxygen from the system.

If you want to talk about legal but stupid, how about sorting out the Thai roads. Makes people inhaling laughing gas seem so trivial.

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Why is this news? Why do people bother? Since when did n2o kill anyone? (unless they put on a mask with no oxygen and left it on.. But duh.. )
n2o might not be the healthiest thing you can consume on this planet, but it sure ain't a big deal...

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It may be legal but it's stupid. A lot of people die from that. I think it excludes oxygen from the system.

Daddy Neversure says, "stop, naughty naughty girls, you are not allowed to have fun at aged 20..."

"Get home.to bed, no supper for you girls"

Give them a break mate, they are young, their (young) friends will ask them what they did in Thailand...."er, went to bed early, drank cocoa"

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It simply is what it is guys, farang ( including most of us Expats now staying in LOS at a most later stage of our life's) comes to Thailand to get crazy and loose it a bit...

Leave the damn kids alone and let them enjoy their young lives... If something bad happens to them....well we all have been through some growing up don't you think ?.??

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Studies shows that there are 2 main possible bad side effects of Nitrous Oxide;

1. Apoptosis, which is the death of brain particularly in the regions responsible for learning and memory.

2. Myeloneuropathy risk of heart attacks, issues with bone marrow production, and intense nausea.

Most deaths from inhaling nitrous oxide are due to head trauma injuries from passing out and falling down.*

Well, at least they have the faculties to do it while lying down...so that eradictes the possibility of dying in the most common fashion.*

"The online social networkers said the photos....had affected the image of Phi Phi that is popular for its natural beauty."

Truth is, beer bars lined the road in Phi Phi...there's nothing 'nature' to it.

The beer bars though, had indeed becomes 'natural' to tourist populated destination in Thailand.

Dumbass-head-in-the-butt social concerns, raised by the morons of Manager Online...lol.

Go and hug a tree, offer free hugs, and pick up the litters strewn all over Phi Phi!

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Who cares if someone used something that is legal? People who object to this must have some major megalomaniac problems.

It is very confronting for some people to see someone else having a really good time.

Just as well they weren't naked . . . .

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At the risk of repeating myself and duplicating other posts, N20 is like other incapacitating drugs like booze, and also lethal.


So, is it responsible to wait around until someone dies in Thailand? (Can't find a story....yet!). Guaranteed to happen before the end of the year.

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Here's one for both the Thai bashers and the young and the stupid bashers.

There's a 24-year old British Masters student banged up in Malaysia along with some others, for posing naked on top of Mount Kinabalu. Nothing would have happened except there was an earthquake a few days later that caused some local fatalities. A local headman, after being made aware of the nude snapshots on social media, wanted them arrested as their licentious act had upset the spirits and caused the earthquake. The Malaysian officials, ever quick to appease their Sabah brethren, also threatened a 3-month 'public indecency' charge on the lot.

Fast forward 48-hours and the tourists have been identified and arrested, the 24-year old mentioned above was arrested at KL airport as she was ready to leave the country. The Sabah village chief simply wants a fine of 10 buffalo's levied for his 'spiritual disturbance' but there's no confirmation that the real authorities will proceed with their more serious charges yet.

So, that's what happens when youthful exuberance gets out on the public domain. We were all young sometimes and even I did a naked bungy jump during Spring Break. But as beetlejuice alludes, there wasn't about 100 smartphones filming my 'stupid is' prank and posting it on social media... and I never got arrested either (but it was close).

Respect for the culture in which you are traveling goes way beyond the ubiquitous 'don't touch heads' and 'take your shoes off' admonishments and one would hope that the 'young and the witless' would use their portable internet resources to learn a bit more about their exotic travel destinations beyond the best ways to get drunk and high.

But if they must misbehave, please desist on sharing it with your internet 'friends'.

Edited by NanLaew
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At the risk of repeating myself and duplicating other posts, N20 is like other incapacitating drugs like booze, and also lethal.


So, is it responsible to wait around until someone dies in Thailand? (Can't find a story....yet!). Guaranteed to happen before the end of the year.

Breathing is lethal in the long run. Drinking too much water is lethal. Eating extreme amounts of protein can be very dangerous. Taking a shower can be lethal. Walking on the side walk can be lethal. If one person would "miraculously" die from this it would be like someone winning lottery, getting striken by lightning and Thailand turning into republic the exact same moment.

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Must have been a slow day for the news reporters in Ko Phi Phi.

Here is something you don't read everyday:

The number of tourists visiting the island every year is so high that Ko Phi Phi's coral reefs and marine fauna have suffered major damage as a result.

Tourist inhaling Nitrous Oxide, affecting the coral reefs and marine fauna?. ...Could be due to lack of oxygen in their (the tourists) system.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Of course, the fauna and coral reefs need little or no oxygen.

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I see the usual sensible comments and then the crass ones.

Laughing gas may be a legal substance but as at least one person has pointed out, it's stupid to risk your life by inhaling it.

The parents of these people who may have to pick up the pieces one day might say that little Pippa overdosed on laughing gas or something worse. The reality is that they would not have overdosed on anything because there is no dosage for such idiocy.

Anaesthetists study for over a decade to be allowed to be in charge of stuff like that and here's three little girls lying on the pavement just asking for trouble. Send them home now for their own good.

Wrong, There is no excessive danger in using nitrous oxide and it can be given without an aneathetist present, On the ward we used it ( entonox ) for painful dressings and there wasn't even a requirement to have a dr's order.

Read about it on Wikipedia- it's quite interesting. Been used for recreational purposes since 1799.

It's you who is very wrong..read #62

Also, nitous oxide has been used by people committing suicide.sad.png

Any gas can be used to commit suicide- just put a bag over your head and pipe in the gas for long enough to die of oxygen deprivation. Even pure oxygen will kill you by removing the impulse to breathe. Sucking on a balloon for a few minutes is different.

As for that article- the usual hysteria from the usual suspects.

Tried it last year in Phi Phi - instant, bellyaching laugh as though I'd just seen the funniest thing ever.

Next day though, NOT a laughing matter. LMAO - I don't know if this stuff kills you but you'll WANT to die if you mix it with alcohol. Wow that was a hangover...

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