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Clinton kicks off 2016 bid, embracing chance to make history

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Clinton kicks off 2016 bid, embracing chance to make history
LISA LERER, Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton formally kicked off her presidential campaign on Saturday with an enthusiastic embrace of her potential to become the first woman to win the White House, asking supporters gathered at her first major outdoor rally to join her in building an America "where we don't leave anyone out, or anyone behind."

With the downtown New York skyline and new World Trade Center over her shoulder, Clinton offered herself as a fierce advocate for those still struggling to recover from the Great Recession.

She promised to carry on the liberal legacies of President Barack Obama, and former Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Bill Clinton, her husband, saying "real and lasting prosperity must be built by all and shared by all."

While Clinton ended her first campaign for president in 2008 by conceding she and her backers "weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling," she vowed Saturday to push ahead toward an "America where a father can tell his daughter: Yes, you can be anything you want to be — even president of the United States."

"I think you know by now that I've been called many things by many people," Clinton said to cheers and laughter from the crowd of roughly 5,500 gathering on Roosevelt Island in the East River. "Quitter is not one of them."

Clinton is the dominant front-runner for the nomination in a race that also includes Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee.

The 67-year-old former secretary of state, first lady and Democratic senator from New York did not make her gender a core element in 2008, but it provided the cap to the first major speech of her 2016 bid.

"I will be the youngest woman president in the history of the United States. And the first grandmother as well," she said.

Two months after starting her campaign with a simple video that showed her only briefly, Clinton outlined a broad vision intended to attract the coalition of young and minority voters that propelled Obama to two victories. It was her first major campaign speech after she spent weeks in intimate listening sessions in early voting states.

In her roughly 45-minute speech, Clinton laid out a wish list of Democratic policies: universal pre-kindergarten education, increased regulation of the financial industry, paid sick leave and equal pay for women, a path to citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally, campaign finance reform and a ban on discrimination against gay people and their families.

In doing so, Clinton tried to cast the 2016 election as a choice about the economic future of the middle class. The Republican candidates, she said, want to give Wall Street banks free reign, take away health insurance, "turn their backs" on gay people and ignore the science of climate change.

Republican candidates jumped on Clinton's decision to cite her ties to Obama and were trying to raise money off the speech almost as soon as it ended. In an email appeal asking for donations, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry wrote, "We want to look toward a brighter future, not backward at the failed policies of the Obama-Clinton years."

As part of an effort to reintroduce herself to the public, Clinton stressed her career of advocacy — a calling she said was inspired by her mother's difficult upbringing.

After the rally, she headed to Iowa, whose caucuses lead off the state-by-state nominating contests, for a campaign event Saturday night. In a tour of early voting states, she will focus on her relationship with her mother and her father's background as a veteran and small businessman.

Clinton's aides said she plans to give a policy address almost every week during the summer and fall.

New York has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the country, so Clinton's remarks here could foreshadow a campaign that will draw contrasts with rivals over who best can provide for the country's economic security.

Yet the Clinton family's financial history makes some in her party skeptical of her populist credentials. Both Clintons have earned millions in speaking fees, including some from Wall Street banks, and daughter Chelsea and her husband have worked at hedge funds.

Clinton spoke about foreign policy for the first time in any significant detail since returning to presidential politics.

As Obama's first secretary of state, Clinton said she stood up to Russian leader Vladimir Putin and was in the White House Situation Room the night Osama bin Laden was killed.

Here, too, Clinton tried to set herself apart from the more than dozen Republicans who plan to run and have focused, early in the campaign, on the threats the nation faces overseas. On Monday, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is expected to formally declare his candidacy at a Miami rally.

"There are a lot of trouble spots in the world, but there's a lot of good news out there, too," Clinton said.

Clinton remained silent on some issues of critical importance to the Democratic base, most notably a Pacific Rim trade pact backed by Obama but opposed by organized labor, liberals and others who say it will cost the U.S. jobs.

The omission didn't go unnoticed in Iowa and New Hampshire, where Sanders and O'Malley were campaigning.

Both are against the trade deal, and Sanders again hammered Clinton for refusing to say where she stood while touting his support from organized labor.

"I want to say this: The president is dead wrong on this issue, but he has come out for it," Sanders said. "Most Democrats in the Congress are against it. But I don't understand how you don't have a position on this issue."


Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey in Des Moines, Iowa, and Kathleen Ronayne in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-14

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"real and lasting prosperity must be built by all and shared by all."

Ah. I'll vote for her. $1 million per speech and big donations to a private foundation for everyone. thumbsup.gif


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

Your oppinion sucks, LOL. tongue.png


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

Although Obama has proved to be disappointing, he's been a massive improvement on his predecessor!


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

Although Obama has proved to be disappointing, he's been a massive improvement on his predecessor!

Even Yingluck would have been an improvement on his predecssor. wink.png


Forget her politics it's all about Hillary for me, she makes my skin crawl.

Years back an American commentator said if it came to warmth and compassion he'd rather snuggle up to a rattlesnake.


The mention of Clinton on TV and the teabaggers go into a frenzy. Better get use to it, boys.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mitt Romney is planning on saving the world by maneuvering to accept the nomination at the GOP convention. He doesn't realize we haven't forgotten the "47%" speech, a classic. Ann will have her 1st Lady title, one way or the other. Lindsey Graham is talking blasphemy, saying the GOP needs to open itself to the young, women, minorities, etc. Good luck with that, Blanche DuBois.

There is blood in the water and with 17+ candidates...they have to go at each other. The most right wing will get the nod from the delusional base.

And then it's over.


The only thing she has going for her is being the first woman President.

She can't run on her accomplishments since she has none.

Since this is about Hillary, let me pose a question to the liberals on board...

Name her accomplishments in any of her positions.

If there are any, then name any of them she could have attained if her name was still Hillary Rodham.


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

Although Obama has proved to be disappointing, he's been a massive improvement on his predecessor!

a hotdog would be am improvement ...


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

Your oppinion sucks, LOL. tongue.png

I had a rare sighting of an oppinion just yesterday as it was crossing a road. Nearly ran it down! I guess I should have.


The mention of Clinton on TV and the teabaggers go into a frenzy. Better get use to it, boys.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mitt Romney is planning on saving the world by maneuvering to accept the nomination at the GOP convention. He doesn't realize we haven't forgotten the "47%" speech, a classic. Ann will have her 1st Lady title, one way or the other. Lindsey Graham is talking blasphemy, saying the GOP needs to open itself to the young, women, minorities, etc. Good luck with that, Blanche DuBois.

There is blood in the water and with 17+ candidates...they have to go at each other. The most right wing will get the nod from the delusional base.

And then it's over.

What's over?

The wild government party at the taxpayer's expense? Eighteen Trillion in debt? Interminable golfing and vacations? Inedible school lunches? The ISIS aggression in Syria and Iraq? The World because it will vaporize into a steaming sphere of CO2 and water vapor? The deadly violence and crime rampant in Democratic-controlled urban centers? The NFL playoffs?

Can you be a little more specific?


IMHO this lady is old news..............yesterday's woman,with enough baggage to charge excess on her next flight.

Elizabeth warren would be my pick,i wish she would run for the presidency.


In a speech that only allowed followers in to see her they set up for the 7500 people that they planned to be there. Only a little over 2000 did and the camera had to stay away from the vary large empty areas with tv screens set up for the people that never came - many stations void the rules a panned the empty areas many times. The turn out was around 2 out of 7

Most the cheering came and went according to the cue cards held up. As most things Hillery it was a bought and paid for stage show peice to re hash the same old same old. I was disaapointed she didn't bring out anything about the vest right wing that is out to get her. How do you really sell multi million dollar poor victum status without that.

The other party may have 17 running but it would seem the dems would really like to wait and see who is really running in their party.


OMG....More Political Bu.. Sh..!! I never want to see another

Clinton or Bush in the White House in my life time....and I plan

To live a very,long time!!!

Did n't like bill(i did n't have sex)clinton?

The last decent president was dwight eisenhower,but then things were easier just after WW2.

Everyone new their place,not anymore.


The only thing she has going for her is being the first woman President.

She can't run on her accomplishments since she has none.

Since this is about Hillary, let me pose a question to the liberals on board...

Name her accomplishments in any of her positions.

If there are any, then name any of them she could have attained if her name was still Hillary Rodham.

I can't identify as a liberal (or even stomach them), but maybe I can help them out:

Accomplishments as Hillary Rodham Clinton in positions:

Assisted in concocting a masterpiece of financial subterfuge.

Performing miracles with email obfuscation and FOIA evasion.

Very successful at avoiding testifying under oath, but can put on a pretty dramatic show in Congress.

She's a worst-selling author with her Hard Choices memoir.

Mastering giving really boring speeches with really bizarre, phony ethnic accents.

She was instrumental in turning an entire country into an anarchical mayhem.

So far has avoided being indicted for Federal law violations (at a minimum)

Too many to list, really.

Accomplishment as Hillary Rodham:

Marrying B.J. Clinton

The list of her fabulous accomplishments can go on and on ... especially if she gets elected.


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

You must really hate America.


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

Your oppinion sucks, LOL. tongue.png

my opinion is insulted !! and challenges you to a duel

Lemon meringue pies at 20 paces. tongue.png

Meet me outside the saloon at sunrise , bring your own pie.

and could you please bring me one too

also could you please spot me a few paces my throwing arm hurts and my eyesight is not what it used to be

PS: I am a late riser, if I am not there, please hit your self in the face with one of the pieslaugh.png

but don't eat my pie, I will have later

Ohh, ohh, wait,,, if you cant find lemon Meringue pie, coconut custard is good too

ohh yea, and to keep this on topic, Clinton probably likes pie too, I mean who doesn'tlaugh.png


I think she was smart to invoke FDR.

I think baby boomers heard great things about him from their parents.

Even tea party freaks like their social security.

The memory of FDR doesn't excite like Obama did and Hillary will never excite either.

She's not going for excite.

She's going for boring and familiar.

She's trying to use her age as a strength and that has worked before.

Depending on who the republicans put up, her chances still remain excellent.

Also, let's face, the next president is going to be another WAR president.

Like FDR.

Also, while she wasn't the greatest Secretary of State ever, she wasn't the worse either, and foreign relations experience is important now ... and the republicans don't have it.


Clinton laid out a wish list of Democratic policies: universal pre-kindergarten education, increased regulation of the financial industry, paid sick leave and equal pay for women, wink, wink, nod, nod.


Hillary Clinton has long positioned herself as a champion of equal pay for women. Ironically, new reports show that the former Secretary of State is, herself, part of the problem. During her time in the U.S. Senate, Clinton paid women in her office 72 cents for each dollar paid to men, according to a report by Washington Free Beacon. Analyzing data obtained from official Senate expenditure reports, Free Beacon concluded that the median annual salary for female staffers was $15,708.38 less than the median salary for men, between 2002 to 2008. That’s about a 28 percent gender wage gap:


She's a pro business democrat. Any lefty rhetoric now is to help with the democratic party base in the primary. I think most democrats realize that. She is to the right of Obama, both domestically and on foreign policy.


Not again......

Let's make history everyone.... First lady president...

Last tinme it was Let's make history everyone..... First BLAVCK president.

Look how that turned out.

Probably the world's most racist elections based on skin colour and nothing to do with competency or ability. Now you will get more of the same, based on 'making history' and nothing else.

Turned out pretty good in my oppinion

You must really hate America.

No, only Oklahoma University football fanstongue.png


I think she was smart to invoke FDR.

I think baby boomers heard great things about him from their parents.

Even tea party freaks like their social security.

The memory of FDR doesn't excite like Obama did and Hillary will never excite either.

She's not going for excite.

She's going for boring and familiar.

She's trying to use her age as a strength and that has worked before.

Depending on who the republicans put up, her chances still remain excellent.

Also, let's face, the next president is going to be another WAR president.

Like FDR.

Also, while she wasn't the greatest Secretary of State ever, she wasn't the worse either, and foreign relations experience is important now ... and the republicans don't have it.

She's going after the Fox News demographic.


The average age of Fox News viewers is 68 and a majority of them are politically conservative and white
  • Nielsen TV data through mid-Januaray shows that the average age of Fox viewers is 68

Also, she is clearly a traditional politician and she is going to play all the traditional politician games. Americans say they don't like that and sometimes elect candidates who put on a show that they are different. But they are never different ... asserting you're not a classic politician is another political trick. Like I said, Hillary is betting on boring (yes it's hold your nose time) and I have a weird feeling that's what American voters are going to go for this time. Before Obama it would have been a big exciting deal to elect the first woman president. But Obama being the first black was much bigger. So now electing the first woman is kind of BORING.

Fits with my theory ... she's coasting on BORING ... I think into the white house.


I think she was smart to invoke FDR.

I think baby boomers heard great things about him from their parents.

Even tea party freaks like their social security.

The memory of FDR doesn't excite like Obama did and Hillary will never excite either.

She's not going for excite.

She's going for boring and familiar.

She's trying to use her age as a strength and that has worked before.

Depending on who the republicans put up, her chances still remain excellent.

Also, let's face, the next president is going to be another WAR president.

Like FDR.

Also, while she wasn't the greatest Secretary of State ever, she wasn't the worse either, and foreign relations experience is important now ... and the republicans don't have it.


You don't think baby boomers can read history?

You think Tea Party movement members are freaks?

"She's going for the boring and familiar" - emphasis on boring. (Is Machiavellian really boring?)

Age won't fly in my book. Constructive experience, regardless of age, has more chance with me.

You imply that a particular Republican candidate will lower her chances. She hasn't even been nominated.

The next President is going to be another "WAR" President because the current one was not capable.

Foreign relations "Bad" experiences won't cut it with a lot of people.

Lack of foreign relations experience didn't deter Obama's election, did it? (and we see the results)

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