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Thaksin may avoid losing his police rank, Somyot says


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To add one more, very simple reason to the obvious textbook conspiracy at hand:

The already before mentioned "Little Red Book" of Mr. T. also contains a lot of information, evidence and proofs about the criminal behaviour/deeds of high ranking officials in all branches.
Mr. T. doesn't have to come back personally, to create a much bigger circus for many of the the state approved criminals.

The actual state servants in power prefer looking corrupt, inept, stupid, <fill in whatever you want> to being exposed to proofs of their criminality. They will never risk to open this can of worms. Worms hate sunshine.

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All he's has to do is say he is forced by law to strip Thaksin of his rank. He is left with no option.

At the moment, he should be accused of negligence and not performing his duty.

If Thaksin does not lose his rank due to Somyot it should be gently pointed out to Somyot that he will lose HIS rank, pension and perks instead. Someone should also whisper S44 in his ear.

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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

He is correct to ignore the frenzy.....but what are the proper procedures that you imply he is following by stonewalling?

Apparently, it's proper procedure to ignore six and a half years worth of police commission after police commission having determined, unanimously, to strip his rank in accordance with all police procedures.

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How embarrassing for him. It never ceases to amaze me how easily some Thai men will stand up and do something shameful right in front of you because they have some other agenda which they view as more important (always money or power).

Never confuse 'Face' with 'Honour'. There is none of the latter here.

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I'm sure a police rank is the least of Thaksin's concerns.

Any thread with "Thaksin' included in the headline usually bring a torrent of vitriol. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and so am I.

The way I see it, Mr Thaksin was the previously, elected Prime Minister. Democratic elections in other words. The Political movement he ushered in, also won subsequent Democratic elections.......Thereby being a major threat to anti-democrats who are only Democratic if they win elections. He had to be eliminated and his Political enemies did just that, using the Judiciary as cover.

The minor legality they utilized is minuscule compared to the matter-of-course illegalities of their own people.

The anti-democrats are working hard to put this electoral genie and political reality back in the bottle. Their cascade of Thaksin demonization and Yingluck persecution is an indication of that...Sure to be parroted in Posts following this one, in addition to those attacking the messenger.

Without being sidetracked into the paranoia of the electorally fearful anti-Democrats regarding Mr. Thaksin, all that applies in my opinion is the legacy he left.....His electoral success has a sound basis. It is generally felt that after Thaksin assumed electoral power, things improved tremendously for a huge segment of the electorate..That has never been said of Politicians on the other side of the political divide....His and his people's electoral appeal has a sound basis therefore. The anti-democrats need to destroy that legacy and bury it in their own attacks, using the judiciary as a means of trying to legitimize their political posturing. They love the word 'fugitive' and use it at every opportunity. They must do this or be forever in the Political wilderness. In part trying to say money bought that success. Thereby conveniently separating electoral legitimacy from good Democratic practices and denigrating the voting public at the same time....A two-fer.

Alright, let the venom generated by the anti democratic political demonization machine and kill-the-messenger stuff commence.

I feel sorry for you ... and you have the cheek to call yourself Bannum... Long live the King..! blink.png

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To add one more, very simple reason to the obvious textbook conspiracy at hand:

The already before mentioned "Little Red Book" of Mr. T. also contains a lot of information, evidence and proofs about the criminal behaviour/deeds of high ranking officials in all branches.

Mr. T. doesn't have to come back personally, to create a much bigger circus for many of the the state approved criminals.

The actual state servants in power prefer looking corrupt, inept, stupid, <fill in whatever you want> to being exposed to proofs of their criminality. They will never risk to open this can of worms. Worms hate sunshine.

Ooooooo...delicious conspiracy theory that has a lot of merit.

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Somyot is quite the diplomat, readying himself for a plummy job in the next Thaksin cabinet. Thing is, his future boss is famous for not keeping his end of the deal, throwing his pawns under the bus, and making fools of his supporters. For the ambitious Somyot it can only end one way, in tears.

What!! Thaksin cabinet!! Do me a favour!!

His clan are history in Thailand, he is an also ran, a non-entity, a thief and a murderer!!

Do you have these delusions often (along with the owners of the 6 likes) - the number as I write this?

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Perhaps there are matters more than the eyes can see. Somyot was appointed by Prayuth to be the hatchet man of the police corruption especially those ally with Thaksin and also aimed to go after Thaksin. If he has a change of heart, it is not his decision. Looks like a handshake in the background.

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Your missing the point, it is for the greater good if Somyot strips Mr T he sets a precedent in which bent senior coppers can be stripped of their rank and privilege just for the small point of being caught being naughty...Somyot is taking one for the team here what a team player he is.....

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I'm sure a police rank is the least of Thaksin's concerns.

Any thread with "Thaksin' included in the headline usually bring a torrent of vitriol. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and so am I.

The way I see it, Mr Thaksin was the previously, elected Prime Minister. Democratic elections in other words. The Political movement he ushered in, also won subsequent Democratic elections.......Thereby being a major threat to anti-democrats who are only Democratic if they win elections. He had to be eliminated and his Political enemies did just that, using the Judiciary as cover.

The minor legality they utilized is minuscule compared to the matter-of-course illegalities of their own people.

The anti-democrats are working hard to put this electoral genie and political reality back in the bottle. Their cascade of Thaksin demonization and Yingluck persecution is an indication of that...Sure to be parroted in Posts following this one, in addition to those attacking the messenger.

Without being sidetracked into the paranoia of the electorally fearful anti-Democrats regarding Mr. Thaksin, all that applies in my opinion is the legacy he left.....His electoral success has a sound basis. It is generally felt that after Thaksin assumed electoral power, things improved tremendously for a huge segment of the electorate..That has never been said of Politicians on the other side of the political divide....His and his people's electoral appeal has a sound basis therefore. The anti-democrats need to destroy that legacy and bury it in their own attacks, using the judiciary as a means of trying to legitimize their political posturing. They love the word 'fugitive' and use it at every opportunity. They must do this or be forever in the Political wilderness. In part trying to say money bought that success. Thereby conveniently separating electoral legitimacy from good Democratic practices and denigrating the voting public at the same time....A two-fer.

Alright, let the venom generated by the anti democratic political demonization machine and kill-the-messenger stuff commence.

What's your 'day job, fiction writer?

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I'm sure a police rank is the least of Thaksin's concerns.

Any thread with "Thaksin' included in the headline usually bring a torrent of vitriol. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and so am I.

The way I see it, Mr Thaksin was the previously, elected Prime Minister. Democratic elections in other words. The Political movement he ushered in, also won subsequent Democratic elections.......Thereby being a major threat to anti-democrats who are only Democratic if they win elections. He had to be eliminated and his Political enemies did just that, using the Judiciary as cover.

The minor legality they utilized is minuscule compared to the matter-of-course illegalities of their own people.

The anti-democrats are working hard to put this electoral genie and political reality back in the bottle. Their cascade of Thaksin demonization and Yingluck persecution is an indication of that...Sure to be parroted in Posts following this one, in addition to those attacking the messenger.

Without being sidetracked into the paranoia of the electorally fearful anti-Democrats regarding Mr. Thaksin, all that applies in my opinion is the legacy he left.....His electoral success has a sound basis. It is generally felt that after Thaksin assumed electoral power, things improved tremendously for a huge segment of the electorate..That has never been said of Politicians on the other side of the political divide....His and his people's electoral appeal has a sound basis therefore. The anti-democrats need to destroy that legacy and bury it in their own attacks, using the judiciary as a means of trying to legitimize their political posturing. They love the word 'fugitive' and use it at every opportunity. They must do this or be forever in the Political wilderness. In part trying to say money bought that success. Thereby conveniently separating electoral legitimacy from good Democratic practices and denigrating the voting public at the same time....A two-fer.

Alright, let the venom generated by the anti democratic political demonization machine and kill-the-messenger stuff commence.

Yes, yes, yes. We know. The man's practically a saint. <yawn>


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Everything is possible if the people of Thailand want to srip Thaskin of his Police rank, he's a wanted known fugitive but certain people it seems are still sh*t scared of him and his cronies and while this continues Thaskin will continue to laugh and crack his whip and cause political problems whithin Thailand for years to come...There needs to be an end of this ongoing problem with Thaskin but it seems it may go on for years while Thaskin causes problems for his country whilst living in exile...TIT...

exile is not the correct term

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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

What clear-cut procedures are they again please ??...............you lose your job if you have been found guilty and sentenced ----government and other officers of government. No passport. awaiting trial for was it---? 14 more charges ??

His dung stirring during the last 4 years---and you think he should be allowed to keep it along with the so called chief of police.

first insist he is stripped---second strip the police chief of his rank for not doing his duty to the country.

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I'm sure a police rank is the least of Thaksin's concerns.

Any thread with "Thaksin' included in the headline usually bring a torrent of vitriol. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and so am I.

The way I see it, Mr Thaksin was the previously, elected Prime Minister. Democratic elections in other words. The Political movement he ushered in, also won subsequent Democratic elections.......Thereby being a major threat to anti-democrats who are only Democratic if they win elections. He had to be eliminated and his Political enemies did just that, using the Judiciary as cover.

The minor legality they utilized is minuscule compared to the matter-of-course illegalities of their own people.

The anti-democrats are working hard to put this electoral genie and political reality back in the bottle. Their cascade of Thaksin demonization and Yingluck persecution is an indication of that...Sure to be parroted in Posts following this one, in addition to those attacking the messenger.

Without being sidetracked into the paranoia of the electorally fearful anti-Democrats regarding Mr. Thaksin, all that applies in my opinion is the legacy he left.....His electoral success has a sound basis. It is generally felt that after Thaksin assumed electoral power, things improved tremendously for a huge segment of the electorate..That has never been said of Politicians on the other side of the political divide....His and his people's electoral appeal has a sound basis therefore. The anti-democrats need to destroy that legacy and bury it in their own attacks, using the judiciary as a means of trying to legitimize their political posturing. They love the word 'fugitive' and use it at every opportunity. They must do this or be forever in the Political wilderness. In part trying to say money bought that success. Thereby conveniently separating electoral legitimacy from good Democratic practices and denigrating the voting public at the same time....A two-fer.

Alright, let the venom generated by the anti democratic political demonization machine and kill-the-messenger stuff commence.

Alright, let the venom generated by the anti democratic political demonization machine and kill-the-messenger stuff commence.

Ah, proof that you are trolling. Sorry for you but your posts are too ridiculous for even people new to Thailand to believe. You're really beginning to bore.


Now don't be hasty, my dear Ramet. Banhim might be right. I can imagine that apart from the 'Thai face' issue Thaksin isn't really worried about his inactive police rank. The revocation of the Thai passport was much more bothersome. Why, he even had to go get new pages for his other country passport and he had to go himself. The waste of time for a busy business chap like him. rolleyes.gif

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"IT MAY NOT be possible to strip fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra of his police rank during the current term, the national police chief said Monday."

With all due respect, National Police Chief Somyot, could you please explain yourself? If 'may not' that suggest you see reason why 'may not'. Assuming you're not really into philosophy here. Also the 'current term' need elaboration. Does it refer to your term (as NPC), the term of NLA, while the NCPO is around, as long as TVF members protest, or any other possible term?

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Somyot is correct to follow procedures and ignore the frenzy.

Yes he is. He should also ensure the law is enforced fairly and impartially and all are treated the same.

He sent this back for one reason, the a second, now blames "procedures" without elaborating.

Does that look like following procedures or dodging the issue to you?

The same man was quick to step in and salute the exemplary police job regarding the Koh Tao murders. And add his weight to supporting the accused headman's son.

Perhaps there is a good reason why the millionaire (or is it billionaire) soon to retire police chief doesn't want to make the decision to strip the billionaire fugitive criminal of his former police rank?

We shall never know.

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Too much to ask WHY Thaksin may avoid losing his police rank???

The case for doing so looks very clear cut... so WHY?

Come on... read between the lines.... the guy want to retire in peace with his face well intact so he will not get payback down the line from some angry red shirts...

easy to see....

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Why do some foreigners care about whether a former Thai cop is stripped of his rank or not?

Oh come on, don't jump the queue.

We're still happily busy discussing whether or not it can be done and based on which rules or laws.

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They are friends so he cant... good on him..

Absolutely. Using the law against a friend, imagine. Tjeez, before you know it we have posters suggesting we do the same in the West. Only to help friends of course, not those who aren't.

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I'm sure a police rank is the least of Thaksin's concerns.

Any thread with "Thaksin' included in the headline usually bring a torrent of vitriol. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and so am I.

The way I see it, Mr Thaksin was the previously, elected Prime Minister. Democratic elections in other words. The Political movement he ushered in, also won subsequent Democratic elections.......Thereby being a major threat to anti-democrats who are only Democratic if they win elections. He had to be eliminated and his Political enemies did just that, using the Judiciary as cover.

The minor legality they utilized is minuscule compared to the matter-of-course illegalities of their own people.

The anti-democrats are working hard to put this electoral genie and political reality back in the bottle. Their cascade of Thaksin demonization and Yingluck persecution is an indication of that...Sure to be parroted in Posts following this one, in addition to those attacking the messenger.

Without being sidetracked into the paranoia of the electorally fearful anti-Democrats regarding Mr. Thaksin, all that applies in my opinion is the legacy he left.....His electoral success has a sound basis. It is generally felt that after Thaksin assumed electoral power, things improved tremendously for a huge segment of the electorate..That has never been said of Politicians on the other side of the political divide....His and his people's electoral appeal has a sound basis therefore. The anti-democrats need to destroy that legacy and bury it in their own attacks, using the judiciary as a means of trying to legitimize their political posturing. They love the word 'fugitive' and use it at every opportunity. They must do this or be forever in the Political wilderness. In part trying to say money bought that success. Thereby conveniently separating electoral legitimacy from good Democratic practices and denigrating the voting public at the same time....A two-fer.

Alright, let the venom generated by the anti democratic political demonization machine and kill-the-messenger stuff commence.

I feel sorry for you ... and you have the cheek to call yourself Bannum... Long live the King..! blink.png

Maybe Bannum spelt it incorrectly, he meant Barnum and ..... .

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Why do some foreigners care about whether a former Thai cop is stripped of his rank or not?

Simple. Because we have children and grandchildren here and for their sake want to see the law going through the correct process.

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So much farce in this concept of "face"...

What "face" can there possibly be in refusing to strip a convicted, sentenced fugitive of his rank with the POLICE (!), simply out of fear of reprisal some years down the road? Tell me you're afraid, or hope to he "rewarded" someday- I get that - but don't tell me about "face", not yours anyway. It's been bought & paid for, and you don't have it anymore.

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Why do some foreigners care about whether a former Thai cop is stripped of his rank or not?

Simple. Because we have children and grandchildren here and for their sake want to see the law going through the correct process.

Disingenuous answer. The reality is there's ABSOLUTELY NOTHING foreigners can do. I have a wife and a child here but I certainly don't let vacuous Thai politics and the perpetuation of a fuedal myth rent any space in my head. If it all goes pear-shaped; and it most certainly will, I will be focusing on what I CAN DO as a foreigner to protect my loved ones.

All you can do is advise, make viable contingency plans and make sure THEY understand their choices. Then accept their choices when they make them. Hoping that Thailand will suddenly embrace their own laws and things will get better in the lifetime of anyone posting here is not a viable alternative and a total waste of effort IMHO.

My ex-wife was born in Laos of a high-ranking Thai army officer and his Lao mia noi. When the Pathet Lao were rolling up the carpet, she and her siblings were offered a choice of staying in Laos or being being adopted into the father's family in Thailand. My ex- wife and her sister chose the latter. Their older brother stayed in Laos and apparently became a mid-level party functionary in the communist state. To each their own.

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