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The US$9 billion man? Donald Trump set to announce 2016 plans


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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

Yes, the people on the losing end of the deal have a unique and productive perspective. I was crushed, therefore... how absurd. In life there are losers and winners, however this is debatable because for many years now no one excels in American education and rises to the top of the class for merit, everyone gets a badge or atta boy for trying alone. In the real world, people are consumed in business. There is no altruism and the mere suggestion that there should be reflects an utter bankruptcy. Surely those who were loses to Trump did not intent to split their profits with him...

Years ago Trump lost everything and rebuilt the entire empire, alone! The only known crime Trump has committed is his hair!

Since the remainder of your pejoratives stem from a dysfunctional premise, I will not respond.

doing a little homework by googling "Donald Trump defaults" might change your mind.

I followed your suggestion and googled. As it loaded I considered my response if some real ugly stuff popped up I was unaware of. I would concede the point but I did not find any. I did not even probe deeper than the links page on google because businesses defaulting on debt does not in any way suggest moral turpitude or criminality; it suggests a business defaulting on debt. For many business, while undesirable, this may be a necessary means of forcing restructure, buying time, or cashing out toward insolvency. I am not an MBA guy but numerous businesses rise and fall. I think it would be fair to say more fail then succeed, which would make Trump's inexorable recovery and rise from such setbacks more notable.

Indeed, after writing above I decided to probe more deeply into one of the google searches you referenced:

"Sources familiar with the talks said Trump's announcement that he would not pay Castle bondholders was part of his tactics for negotiating with bankers." http://articles.philly.com/1990-06-16/news/25911557_1_trump-shuttle-airline-donald-trump-trump-castle

This was suggested in a previous post of mine where I noted he took a beating earlier in life and bounced back, suggesting a very able and determined business acumen, irrespective of that gawd awful hair! Any moral or ethical thumping Trump could suffer should be placed in the context of which all Americans suffer, even though the numbers are staggeringly different. Average US household incomes have taken a dramatic setback in recent years, debt and defaults in the US are as frightening, there is virtually no middle class savings, and a majority of citizens live paycheck to paycheck. That the debt collection agencies are growing markedly testifies to this widespread defaulting. That business may have been associated with bankruptcy is itself not an indicator of anything other than business model failure. Bankruptcy in America, 7 or 11, is without predudice. It is a viable option for liquidation or reorganization. That Trump failed in an Airline venture, Vodka, or other things, gives indicators of his tenacity not his failings, IMO.

Its true I like Trump but I like him for the very reasons others throw mud at him- he is a business man and we sorely need one. He is a renegade of sorts, and surely we need someone who at least indicates they will buck the tide of the inexorable march to tyranny/socialist/fascism and utter economic decay. I like him even because of his absurd hair- it takes man of immeasurable courage to go out in public with a doormat on his head. I guess when you have his money it no longer matters. I could compare him with other potential candidates but having already stated clearly I like Trump its easy to imagine what I would say about others.

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Oh, come on.

He's a xenophobe on steroids.

Electing him would be MAD.

Americans might be stupid, but THAT stupid?

Come on now.

They voted for George W twice. Doesn't get more stupid than that.

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This is truly very good, really super excellent.

The American people see the whole of the contemporary Republican Party.

It is the Republican Party Regressive Era (2000-?). It is on display again for all to see from now till 12 months from now, from which the Republican party will never recover. Not ever.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

It's going to be at least 8 years of GOP reign with control of both houses.

America will become strong again which is good for all. Hopefully all the damage inflicted by the failed Obama foreign policy can be quickly restored. The total screw up of the mid-east; the Russia rest; the pivot to asia etc. etc.

Not arguing with you Canman but I fear this is the same merry go round we have been on for a few generations now, and nothing changes. Watching the GOP push extra-legislative powers to a president who has widely sounded his dismay with the existing lawmaking provisions, is revealing the GOP for the duplicitous body they are. I detest the American Progressive movement, not democrats per se, this is true. But it does not follow that I, like a generation or two before me, therefore embrace the GOP. I see the GOP now as instrumental in the same slow degradation of America as the new leftist democratic party/progressives. It is true, what is said, that democrat? Republican? 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. Same ole same ole.

I am horrified by the structural changes that have been inflicted upon America these past years but see little hope the GOP will change anything. And so history suggests I am correct- 3 steps to the left, 1 step to the right, 2 steps to the left, 1 step to the right... and the US slips further into leftist dystopia each year, never seeming to ever achieve a re-anchoring of previous imperatives or traditional values and policies.

I would lastly add this trade agreement is a regional debacle that will enable the infliction of laws without local representation, under the fallacious notion that Article 6 treaty making provisions are also authorized to supersede constitution law, and the Bill of Rights. This is an argument extended back to the Dulles brothers, that through whatever gymnastics required a treaty entered into becomes supreme law irrespective of that which is supersedes; of course this huge hole was not overlooked by the framers, it was simply an unimaginable possibility. The entire premise of the constitution and Bill of Rights are otherwise expressed clearly, leaving no back-doors. It is this mechanism I fear most immediately by granting Obama a fast track authority. He has simply demonstrated zero moderation in transforming American in a negative manner.

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When Donald Trump announced that he's running for president Tuesday, the soundtrack at the Trump Tower event was Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World," which was played loudly and repeatedly. But afterward, Young said Trump had used the song without permission – and that he's a Bernie Sanders guy, anyway. source

Boomer's response: Alright Neil ! I'm a Bernie Sanders guy also!

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Oh, come on.

He's a xenophobe on steroids.

Electing him would be MAD.

Americans might be stupid, but THAT stupid?

Come on now.

I don't think he can be elected. I think he'll just stir the pot with contrary views. Contrary views are good because everything, not just PC things, should be on the table for consideration. I think he'll at least somewhat alter the national discussion.

Right now there really isn't much debate on real issues.

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Oh, come on.

He's a xenophobe on steroids.

Electing him would be MAD.

Americans might be stupid, but THAT stupid?

Come on now.

But surely nowhere near as mad as potentially electing a woman who has so many question marks hanging over her integrity?

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When Donald Trump announced that he's running for president Tuesday, the soundtrack at the Trump Tower event was Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World," which was played loudly and repeatedly. But afterward, Young said Trump had used the song without permission – and that he's a Bernie Sanders guy, anyway. source

Boomer's response: Alright Neil ! I'm a Bernie Sanders guy also!

http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/donald-trumps-team-hit-back-at-neil-young/ar-AAbHtF4 They say they paid for, and received permission. Apparently someone is conveniently omitting details. But, not having the facts has never stopped ignorant rants, especially here on TV.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I don't see how he could do any worse than the community organizer has the past six and a half years.

Edited by beechguy
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If you had nearly doubled the national debt during just the last 7+ years and had that money to spend you'd be looking pretty good too. The problem is that some day someone else will have to reckon with it. Drunken sailor comes to mind.

It is called paying the bills that were run up by the previous administration.

What is the deficit now compared to 7 years ago because it is that which matters. The deficit, not the debt.

The deficit is where it is, because Obama stuck his foot in his mouth, and got a sequester deal he didn't want. As to the debt. sure, not a problem until interest rate go up 2-3% or more. Do you really think everyone is going to hold rates at near zero forever?

Also, often mentioned, is that the two wars from Bush caused an economic problem. Can someone explain how AIG, GM, Freddie, Fannie, etc. had such problems because of those wars?

Again, not a fan of Trump, but I'm pretty sure the guy can add and subtract, unlike the current administration.

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Sir Donald speaks plainly...unobstructed by political correctness or worries about offending lobbyist....

He is not likely to succumb to big money bankers, financiers, or Wall Street...

He has a proven track record of successful business ventures...which of course requires negotiating powers...

His biggest draw back would be a dysfunctional Congress who may block his efforts should he be elected...


wait and see...his straight talk no non-sense message will resonate with many US citizens disgruntled with the government...

Let me so to speak rain on the parade by noting a Fox poll found 59% of Republicans said they would never vote for the Donald for the R party nomination for prez.

So I'd say it's really a bad sign when Faux punts you downfield and deep besides.


Obama grills Trump at WH Correspondent's Dinner while Trump sweats in audience


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This is truly very good, really super excellent.

The American people see the whole of the contemporary Republican Party.

It is the Republican Party Regressive Era (2000-?). It is on display again for all to see from now till 12 months from now, from which the Republican party will never recover. Not ever.

GOP = Gone Old Party.

It's going to be at least 8 years of GOP reign with control of both houses.

America will become strong again which is good for all. Hopefully all the damage inflicted by the failed Obama foreign policy can be quickly restored. The total screw up of the mid-east; the Russia rest; the pivot to asia etc. etc.

Not arguing with you Canman but I fear this is the same merry go round we have been on for a few generations now, and nothing changes. Watching the GOP push extra-legislative powers to a president who has widely sounded his dismay with the existing lawmaking provisions, is revealing the GOP for the duplicitous body they are. I detest the American Progressive movement, not democrats per se, this is true. But it does not follow that I, like a generation or two before me, therefore embrace the GOP. I see the GOP now as instrumental in the same slow degradation of America as the new leftist democratic party/progressives. It is true, what is said, that democrat? Republican? 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other. Same ole same ole.

I am horrified by the structural changes that have been inflicted upon America these past years but see little hope the GOP will change anything. And so history suggests I am correct- 3 steps to the left, 1 step to the right, 2 steps to the left, 1 step to the right... and the US slips further into leftist dystopia each year, never seeming to ever achieve a re-anchoring of previous imperatives or traditional values and policies.

I would lastly add this trade agreement is a regional debacle that will enable the infliction of laws without local representation, under the fallacious notion that Article 6 treaty making provisions are also authorized to supersede constitution law, and the Bill of Rights. This is an argument extended back to the Dulles brothers, that through whatever gymnastics required a treaty entered into becomes supreme law irrespective of that which is supersedes; of course this huge hole was not overlooked by the framers, it was simply an unimaginable possibility. The entire premise of the constitution and Bill of Rights are otherwise expressed clearly, leaving no back-doors. It is this mechanism I fear most immediately by granting Obama a fast track authority. He has simply demonstrated zero moderation in transforming American in a negative manner.

It is this mechanism I fear most immediately by granting Obama a fast track authority.

Every president since FDR has had more or less reduced trade authority (fast track) and the republic has not collapsed, the incessant and dark predictions of some not withstanding.

Donald Trump btw is the south end of a northbound horse so I can't wait for the first debate debacle followed by all the rest of 'em. It will be amusing to see how Trump's few supporters will figure how to spin that.

Imagine the Donald presiding over 3.8 million square miles of real estate called the United States of America laugh.png . Maybe he'll sell Texas to California at Florida prices after he auctions off the White House. cheesy.gif


Edited by Publicus
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Let me so to speak rain on the parade by noting a Fox poll found 59% of Republicans said they would never vote for the Donald for the R party nomination for prez.

This fella would be your common or garden Republican voter. He does not seem in favor of Trump

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The Donald , Dickey Branson ,or anyone got Money will always be a target for Malcontents .You see this a lot on T VISA. MURDER SOMEONE WITH A NICE CAR , and the bleaters never mention the Victim, just money. A fair Dictator is the way to go

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The 'show me the long form!' guy propels himself to a bigger stage. The guy who's earlier casino investment would have gone belly-up, if his daddy had not come in and given him a million dollars cash. Late night talk show hosts are ecstatic at the news. Run Donald run, and don't forget to speak your mind - ha ha ha ha.

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The difference between Trump and other candidates is that he has enough money to sell himself off to himself and not lose a dime. Every Republican candidates thus far are so corrupt that they would be willing to pay out of their own pocket to keep the poor, poor.

[edit] So corrupt as to as to be willing to sell themselves for the pleasure of doing so.

Edited by notmyself
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This thread is really inrteresting.

Donald Trump has zero chance of becoming the Repupblican nominee for President yet the mere mention of his name brings out all you liberals with your attack pieces, references to everything in his past life and an almost humorous attempt at being serious.

The Republicans aren't taking him seriously. Only the liberals.

Keep it coming guys. This is too entertaining to slow down now.

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When Donald Trump announced that he's running for president Tuesday, the soundtrack at the Trump Tower event was Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World," which was played loudly and repeatedly. But afterward, Young said Trump had used the song without permission – and that he's a Bernie Sanders guy, anyway. source

Boomer's response: Alright Neil ! I'm a Bernie Sanders guy also!

http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/donald-trumps-team-hit-back-at-neil-young/ar-AAbHtF4 They say they paid for, and received permission. Apparently someone is conveniently omitting details. But, not having the facts has never stopped ignorant rants, especially here on TV.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I don't see how he could do any worse than the community organizer has the past six and a half years.

What facts? Neil young's team declared he was not authorized to use it, Trump's team said they were authorized but won't use it again.

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This thread is really inrteresting.

Donald Trump has zero chance of becoming the Repupblican nominee for President yet the mere mention of his name brings out all you liberals with your attack pieces, references to everything in his past life and an almost humorous attempt at being serious.

The Republicans aren't taking him seriously. Only the liberals.

Keep it coming guys. This is too entertaining to slow down now.

You really think anyone's taking Trump seriously? The Dems/Liberals love the fact that Trump is running because it again shows the type of out-of-touch wackos that populate the GOP. They secretly wish that Trump would win the nomination, but they know it won't happen.

As for my personal opinion, I think Trump is a pompous, self-absorbed, greedy, delusional, egotistical, spoiled brat and all-around d$$khead. And those are his good points.

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More than ten years ago I watched an interview with Trump on TV and he was hot under the collar about international trade. He was really upset that the US had a free trade agreement with China that was enriching them while exporting US jobs.

Right now there is trade legislation that is stalled in congress with the Democrats wanting to protect US jobs and the Republicans being for the free trade. If nothing else this is one thing I agree with Trump on, and where I highly disagree with Republicans.

Say what we will, Trump is the one who has proved he can run a business and motivate people. Most of the rest of the candidates are usually lawyers who can't tie their own shoes.

Normally proof of ability does not include being given to but losing it all and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given yet again. Granted, he has held onto it for a little while this time, hardly the best example of a sucess story though. Only in America, the rest of the world laugh at him and the Americans for being so gulible as to actually believe that this bankrupt old fool is what success looks like, some even seem to think he is a self made man. Funny stuff, at least he does motivate people to make comedy at his expense.

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This thread is really inrteresting.

Donald Trump has zero chance of becoming the Repupblican nominee for President yet the mere mention of his name brings out all you liberals with your attack pieces, references to everything in his past life and an almost humorous attempt at being serious.

The Republicans aren't taking him seriously. Only the liberals.

Keep it coming guys. This is too entertaining to slow down now.

You really think anyone's taking Trump seriously? The Dems/Liberals love the fact that Trump is running because it again shows the type of out-of-touch wackos that populate the GOP. They secretly wish that Trump would win the nomination, but they know it won't happen.

As for my personal opinion, I think Trump is a pompous, self-absorbed, greedy, delusional, egotistical, spoiled brat and all-around d$$khead. And those are his good points.

The liberals love it because it is taking the daily news away from the slow speed train wreck that is the Hillary Clinton campaign.

You left out another of his good points. He also has lots of money.

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More than ten years ago I watched an interview with Trump on TV and he was hot under the collar about international trade. He was really upset that the US had a free trade agreement with China that was enriching them while exporting US jobs.

Right now there is trade legislation that is stalled in congress with the Democrats wanting to protect US jobs and the Republicans being for the free trade. If nothing else this is one thing I agree with Trump on, and where I highly disagree with Republicans.

Say what we will, Trump is the one who has proved he can run a business and motivate people. Most of the rest of the candidates are usually lawyers who can't tie their own shoes.

Normally proof of ability does not include being given to but losing it all and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given yet again. Granted, he has held onto it for a little while this time, hardly the best example of a sucess story though. Only in America, the rest of the world laugh at him and the Americans for being so gulible as to actually believe that this bankrupt old fool is what success looks like, some even seem to think he is a self made man. Funny stuff, at least he does motivate people to make comedy at his expense.

Hey, I have a great idea. Let's elect a Harvard law school graduate that has never held anything but a government job in his life.

Oops. Been there, done that.


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When Donald Trump announced that he's running for president Tuesday, the soundtrack at the Trump Tower event was Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World," which was played loudly and repeatedly. But afterward, Young said Trump had used the song without permission and that he's a Bernie Sanders guy, anyway. source

Boomer's response: Alright Neil ! I'm a Bernie Sanders guy also!

http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/news/donald-trumps-team-hit-back-at-neil-young/ar-AAbHtF4 They say they paid for, and received permission. Apparently someone is conveniently omitting details. But, not having the facts has never stopped ignorant rants, especially here on TV.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I don't see how he could do any worse than the community organizer has the past six and a half years.

Though I admit to having bought into his nonsense and rhetoric the first time around, I had my doubts, I kind of thought Blundering Barry would have made a very effective leader of the Illinois division of the Boy Scouts. But, leader of the free world? Talk about being in over ones head!

But Trump? The man is a hooligan, a charlatan, and a megalomaniacal super freak. And that hair! Nobody as unphotogenic as he is, will ever again get elected.

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Yes the Left is out in full attack mode against a curiosity named Trump - kill kill kill the the political chances of Trump -- never discuss the issues he raises - that would be too sane.

The one best thing about Trump being in the President Primary race (if he actually stays in it for more than a few weeks) is that Trump will raise issues and questions that will make the media news coverage despite the Liberal-Left favorable bias of the American news media. And such coverage will be discussed at many levels.

Trump gets to put other candidates in the race - both Republicans and Democrats in the position of having to make statements about issues and answer questions that the Dems and Repubs have previously teamed up to mutually ignore. Thus one reason Trump is despised by the GOP/RNC

So - for once - a good thing about big money being in a Presidential race.

By the way ... Trump will not - as others have said - be nominated by the Republicans ...

The Republican Elitist RINO Establishment will ride their chosen nag named Jeb right into the dirt on the track. The so called leadership of the Republican Party - GOP/RNC and the American Chamber of Commerce are in lock step and are determined to deliver another loser such as Dole, McCain and Romney -- Trump's name will not even be discussed in the halls of the GOP/RNC except when using expletives.

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Oh, come on.

He's a xenophobe on steroids.

Electing him would be MAD.

Americans might be stupid, but THAT stupid?

Come on now.

They voted for George W twice. Doesn't get more stupid than that.

Wrong again Linky. The American people pegged out the stupid meter when they voted for Obama twice. OMG!

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My guess is the GOP is horrified he is running as:

1. He typifies the worst elements of the right in the US (many think the worst elements in the US period).

2. He will get all the publicity as long as he stays in (probably not long)

3. He will keep a more serious candidate (if there is such a thing) from the TV debates as the networks say they will only allow the 10 highest polling candidates to take part.

Edited by phuketandsee
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More than ten years ago I watched an interview with Trump on TV and he was hot under the collar about international trade. He was really upset that the US had a free trade agreement with China that was enriching them while exporting US jobs.

Right now there is trade legislation that is stalled in congress with the Democrats wanting to protect US jobs and the Republicans being for the free trade. If nothing else this is one thing I agree with Trump on, and where I highly disagree with Republicans.

Say what we will, Trump is the one who has proved he can run a business and motivate people. Most of the rest of the candidates are usually lawyers who can't tie their own shoes.

Normally proof of ability does not include being given to but losing it all and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given yet again. Granted, he has held onto it for a little while this time, hardly the best example of a sucess story though. Only in America, the rest of the world laugh at him and the Americans for being so gulible as to actually believe that this bankrupt old fool is what success looks like, some even seem to think he is a self made man. Funny stuff, at least he does motivate people to make comedy at his expense.

Hey, I have a great idea. Let's elect a Harvard law school graduate that has never held anything but a government job in his life.

Oops. Been there, done that.


Oh yes, the enormous value of life experience brought by someone born with a silver spoon who also brings the great work experience of being bankrupted four times. Perhaps they will know how to deal with it when they bankrupt the country as they knew how to deal with it when they bankrupted their own company, right? Oh wait, they were bailed out by the state.

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