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The US$9 billion man? Donald Trump set to announce 2016 plans


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More than ten years ago I watched an interview with Trump on TV and he was hot under the collar about international trade. He was really upset that the US had a free trade agreement with China that was enriching them while exporting US jobs.

Right now there is trade legislation that is stalled in congress with the Democrats wanting to protect US jobs and the Republicans being for the free trade. If nothing else this is one thing I agree with Trump on, and where I highly disagree with Republicans.

Say what we will, Trump is the one who has proved he can run a business and motivate people. Most of the rest of the candidates are usually lawyers who can't tie their own shoes.

Normally proof of ability does not include being given to but losing it all and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given yet again. Granted, he has held onto it for a little while this time, hardly the best example of a sucess story though. Only in America, the rest of the world laugh at him and the Americans for being so gulible as to actually believe that this bankrupt old fool is what success looks like, some even seem to think he is a self made man. Funny stuff, at least he does motivate people to make comedy at his expense.

Hey, I have a great idea. Let's elect a Harvard law school graduate that has never held anything but a government job in his life.

Oops. Been there, done that.


Oh yes, the enormous value of life experience brought by someone born with a silver spoon who also brings the great work experience of being bankrupted four times. Perhaps they will know how to deal with it when they bankrupt the country as they knew how to deal with it when they bankrupted their own company, right? Oh wait, they were bailed out by the state.

The country is already bankrupt.

Perhaps it is time to put somebody in the Oval Office that knows how to pull a company, or nation, out of bankruptcy.

The current guy has no clue when to put the shovel down and stop digging the hole.

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My guess is the GOP is horrified he is running as:

1. He typifies the worst elements of the right in the US (many think the worst elements in the US period).

2. He will get all the publicity as long as he stays in (probably not long)

3. He will keep a more serious candidate (if there is such a thing) from the TV debates as the networks say they will only allow the 10 highest polling candidates to take part.

Yeah more "serious" stuff like the general republican candidate consensus of disbelief of the "theory" of evolution and denial of the role of man in climate change. Uh huh. Sure thing.

One of the interesting arguments being made for the Donald is that he is so rich that he is incorruptible. Remember long ago, that's what so many people said about THAKSIN? gigglem.gif

Edited by Jingthing
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Normally proof of ability does not include being given to but losing it all and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given to again and then losing it again and then being given yet again. Granted, he has held onto it for a little while this time, hardly the best example of a sucess story though. Only in America, the rest of the world laugh at him and the Americans for being so gulible as to actually believe that this bankrupt old fool is what success looks like, some even seem to think he is a self made man. Funny stuff, at least he does motivate people to make comedy at his expense.

Hey, I have a great idea. Let's elect a Harvard law school graduate that has never held anything but a government job in his life.

Oops. Been there, done that.


Oh yes, the enormous value of life experience brought by someone born with a silver spoon who also brings the great work experience of being bankrupted four times. Perhaps they will know how to deal with it when they bankrupt the country as they knew how to deal with it when they bankrupted their own company, right? Oh wait, they were bailed out by the state.

The country is already bankrupt.

Perhaps it is time to put somebody in the Oval Office that knows how to pull a company, or nation, out of bankruptcy.

The current guy has no clue when to put the shovel down and stop digging the hole.

That's a fine idea, rules out Trump though as all he knows is how to be bailed out, he has never worked out to how to pull a company out of bankrupcy himself, he has relied on state handouts everytime.

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This thread is really inrteresting.

Donald Trump has zero chance of becoming the Repupblican nominee for President yet the mere mention of his name brings out all you liberals with your attack pieces, references to everything in his past life and an almost humorous attempt at being serious.

The Republicans aren't taking him seriously. Only the liberals.

Keep it coming guys. This is too entertaining to slow down now.

Yes, but he's hard-core Republican, and hearing him express himself, is hearing much of what Republicans are about. If Republicans really don't like him, they can tell him to get off the stage. Also, being filthy rich, enables a big-mouthed person a lot of leverage. If had 9 billion dollars to spend and wanted to convice the world that there are, for example, no diseases in Africa, I could get a lot of mileage - on talk-shows, magazine articles, TV specials, etc. Trump is the poster boy for the adage: Money Talks.

Other Republican candidates ARE taking him seriously if, for not other reason, his pockets are so deep, that it compels other candidates to dig for more money to stay abreast of Trump's campaign.

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He is a crime Lord. He absolutely refuses to do a real estate deal unless it crushes the guy across the table in the closing room. I was in real estate in NY many years ago and heard this directly from guys who did deals with him. He is ruthless and heartless. Dishonest to the very core. And the hair? What a superfreak. What a goon. What a lightweight. Other than his cash, does anyone take this circus clown seriously?

Yes, the people on the losing end of the deal have a unique and productive perspective. I was crushed, therefore... how absurd. In life there are losers and winners, however this is debatable because for many years now no one excels in American education and rises to the top of the class for merit, everyone gets a badge or atta boy for trying alone. In the real world, people are consumed in business. There is no altruism and the mere suggestion that there should be reflects an utter bankruptcy. Surely those who were loses to Trump did not intent to split their profits with him...

Years ago Trump lost everything and rebuilt the entire empire, alone! The only known crime Trump has committed is his hair!

Since the remainder of your pejoratives stem from a dysfunctional premise, I will not respond.

doing a little homework by googling "Donald Trump defaults" might change your mind.

I followed your suggestion and googled. As it loaded I considered my response if some real ugly stuff popped up I was unaware of. I would concede the point but I did not find any. I did not even probe deeper than the links page on google because businesses defaulting on debt does not in any way suggest moral turpitude or criminality; it suggests a business defaulting on debt. For many business, while undesirable, this may be a necessary means of forcing restructure, buying time, or cashing out toward insolvency. I am not an MBA guy but numerous businesses rise and fall. I think it would be fair to say more fail then succeed, which would make Trump's inexorable recovery and rise from such setbacks more notable.

Indeed, after writing above I decided to probe more deeply into one of the google searches you referenced:

"Sources familiar with the talks said Trump's announcement that he would not pay Castle bondholders was part of his tactics for negotiating with bankers." http://articles.philly.com/1990-06-16/news/25911557_1_trump-shuttle-airline-donald-trump-trump-castle

This was suggested in a previous post of mine where I noted he took a beating earlier in life and bounced back, suggesting a very able and determined business acumen, irrespective of that gawd awful hair! Any moral or ethical thumping Trump could suffer should be placed in the context of which all Americans suffer, even though the numbers are staggeringly different. Average US household incomes have taken a dramatic setback in recent years, debt and defaults in the US are as frightening, there is virtually no middle class savings, and a majority of citizens live paycheck to paycheck. That the debt collection agencies are growing markedly testifies to this widespread defaulting. That business may have been associated with bankruptcy is itself not an indicator of anything other than business model failure. Bankruptcy in America, 7 or 11, is without predudice. It is a viable option for liquidation or reorganization. That Trump failed in an Airline venture, Vodka, or other things, gives indicators of his tenacity not his failings, IMO.

Its true I like Trump but I like him for the very reasons others throw mud at him- he is a business man and we sorely need one. He is a renegade of sorts, and surely we need someone who at least indicates they will buck the tide of the inexorable march to tyranny/socialist/fascism and utter economic decay. I like him even because of his absurd hair- it takes man of immeasurable courage to go out in public with a doormat on his head. I guess when you have his money it no longer matters. I could compare him with other potential candidates but having already stated clearly I like Trump its easy to imagine what I would say about others.

Just a small example of how ridiculous this man is. He is beyond a charicature of a candidate. I believe Latinos in general bring so much to the table. They work their asses off, contribute far more on taxes than they are able to take back from the system, and are generally reliable, honest, and willing to do work Americans have no interest in,

Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” the business mogul said.

Ecstatic internet gleefully quips about Donald Trump's presidential speech

Such claims were “absurd”, said Lisa Navarrete, a spokeswoman for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organisation.

“This is a man who has a pathological need for attention,” said Navarrete. “I look at him as a two-year-old who will say a naughty word to get their parents’ attention. That’s what he’s doing.”

Trump has toyed with running for president since the 1980s. He has said he was considering a bid during almost every election cycle since 2000. Tuesday’s event at Trump Tower represents the first time he has fully outlined his policies and political beliefs.

He aimed specific ire at Mexico, claiming he would build a “great, great wall” on the Mexican-American border, and accusing the country of sending “not the right people” to the US.

“The US has become a dumping ground for everyone else’s problems,” he said.

Navarrete said the claim that Mexicans seeking work in America were rapists was “offensive”.

“This is an exceedingly silly man, who has no idea what he’s talking about,” she said.

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The Republicans aren't taking him seriously. Only the liberals.

Actually they are, because if Fox do what they said they'd do and rely on polls, he'll be taking a debate spot off a serious candidate.

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I followed your suggestion and googled. As it loaded I considered my response if some real ugly stuff popped up I was unaware of. I would concede the point but I did not find any. I did not even probe deeper than the links page on google because businesses defaulting on debt does not in any way suggest moral turpitude or criminality; it suggests a business defaulting on debt. For many business, while undesirable, this may be a necessary means of forcing restructure, buying time, or cashing out toward insolvency. I am not an MBA guy but numerous businesses rise and fall. I think it would be fair to say more fail then succeed, which would make Trump's inexorable recovery and rise from such setbacks more notable.

Indeed, after writing above I decided to probe more deeply into one of the google searches you referenced:

"Sources familiar with the talks said Trump's announcement that he would not pay Castle bondholders was part of his tactics for negotiating with bankers." http://articles.philly.com/1990-06-16/news/25911557_1_trump-shuttle-airline-donald-trump-trump-castle

This was suggested in a previous post of mine where I noted he took a beating earlier in life and bounced back, suggesting a very able and determined business acumen, irrespective of that gawd awful hair! Any moral or ethical thumping Trump could suffer should be placed in the context of which all Americans suffer, even though the numbers are staggeringly different. Average US household incomes have taken a dramatic setback in recent years, debt and defaults in the US are as frightening, there is virtually no middle class savings, and a majority of citizens live paycheck to paycheck. That the debt collection agencies are growing markedly testifies to this widespread defaulting. That business may have been associated with bankruptcy is itself not an indicator of anything other than business model failure. Bankruptcy in America, 7 or 11, is without predudice. It is a viable option for liquidation or reorganization. That Trump failed in an Airline venture, Vodka, or other things, gives indicators of his tenacity not his failings, IMO.

Its true I like Trump but I like him for the very reasons others throw mud at him- he is a business man and we sorely need one. He is a renegade of sorts, and surely we need someone who at least indicates they will buck the tide of the inexorable march to tyranny/socialist/fascism and utter economic decay. I like him even because of his absurd hair- it takes man of immeasurable courage to go out in public with a doormat on his head. I guess when you have his money it no longer matters. I could compare him with other potential candidates but having already stated clearly I like Trump its easy to imagine what I would say about others.

Just a small example of how ridiculous this man is. He is beyond a charicature of a candidate. I believe Latinos in general bring so much to the table. They work their asses off, contribute far more on taxes than they are able to take back from the system, and are generally reliable, honest, and willing to do work Americans have no interest in,

Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” the business mogul said.

Ecstatic internet gleefully quips about Donald Trump's presidential speech

Such claims were “absurd”, said Lisa Navarrete, a spokeswoman for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organisation.

“This is a man who has a pathological need for attention,” said Navarrete. “I look at him as a two-year-old who will say a naughty word to get their parents’ attention. That’s what he’s doing.”

Trump has toyed with running for president since the 1980s. He has said he was considering a bid during almost every election cycle since 2000. Tuesday’s event at Trump Tower represents the first time he has fully outlined his policies and political beliefs.

He aimed specific ire at Mexico, claiming he would build a “great, great wall” on the Mexican-American border, and accusing the country of sending “not the right people” to the US.

“The US has become a dumping ground for everyone else’s problems,” he said.

Navarrete said the claim that Mexicans seeking work in America were rapists was “offensive”.

“This is an exceedingly silly man, who has no idea what he’s talking about,” she said.

We are on different wave lengths regarding this, though some of what you say about Trump is valid. La Raza is a radical progressive.. no, not correct- socialist collectivist group who's platform is basically "Ten [More] Days That Shook The World." Anything that comes out of their mouth is demonstrably tortured contrary to the values enshrined in a Constitutional Republic. So, I kindly beg to remove La Raza from the table.

There is a Ross Perot like quality about Trump that begs the caricature you suggest; I agree. Before I protest some points you make regarding the Latino population let me just state that without the Latino population the US would never be able to survive as a nation state because of its inability to replace its worker population with sufficient offspring. The replacement rate is sufficiently below what is required. Latinos bring that number well above. However, it will not be an American state that survives, if those like La Raza have their way, it too will be a caricature [of its former self].

Illegal immigrants are... illegal! The dilution of that reality is a symptom of the overall degradation of anything of any value in America any longer. All its institutions, laws, mores, and traditional fabric have been shat upon, variously enforced, or otherwise made irrelevant by ignoring laws and processes. In every other nation on earth immigration laws are enforced and violation is a crime. Why? Because every nation in history realizes that this procedure/law is required to ensure both the soundness of life for its citizens and indeed, its survival. You may believe Latinos bring more to the table, in taxes, other, than they take back from the system but this is fraudulent and not supported by numbers and facts. The majority of illegals in the US live around or below the poverty threshold so working and paying taxes or not, they are receiving more back when they file taxes then when they pay, EIC, etc. Add to this the abundant programs in place for folks in this income range and your belief is soundly trumped. It is not untrue that many Latinos work, work hard, and do work that many lazy Americans refuse to do any longer but this is a net transfer of wealth to corporations as the system is subsidizing them with public assistance in too numerous to count examples.

Without question the people fleeing Latin America are not the middle class, the well to do, etc., they are those who are looking for an opportunity- redistribution. Yes, there are many who want a better life, economic prosperity, etc., but massive movements of people have never been deemed to be legitimate when economy alone was the motivation for migration. Without question the invasion facilitated by the President of the United States is treasonous, seditious, and overwhelmingly dumps violent and other offenders in American streets. To whitewash this takes great deceit or mental gymnastics.

The US has become a dumping ground for everyone else's problems, and people. The US really does have little regard from its enemies or its allies. The US really is not feared, respected, or even admired much any longer. The US is on the losing end of about every trade deal that has happened lately. The US really is in the process of the greatest transfers of wealth in the history of the world. The US really does leverage its posterity to put "a chicken in every pot" today. Again, anything La Raza says should not be taken with a grain of sand but dismissed out of hand. Your personal protests against Trump have far more value to me than some redistributionist clown. In many ways, you are not incorrect about the image of Trump in a candidate lineup on stage. Does he make a mockery of the whole process? Does he force topics that would otherwise not be addressed?

The fact is whatever the process is that launches and elects presidents it is sick, twisted, a media echo chamber, and rarely addresses substantive issues in a manner that holds the candidate accountable. The election process in America is a farce and most Americans believe it is nearly pointless to even participate. Regardless of their voices its always the same crap, the same inexorable march to transferring jobs and wealth abroad, the same slow degradation of values and beliefs and institutions. It is refreshing to have someone provoke thought even if it is agitation. A man who cites La Raza would not likely vote republican in any event. I would think therefore that you would be elated about Trump entering the arena, the DNC was. Perhaps I read you wrong on this regard.

The American border needs to be impenetrable. The immigration process needs to not be slanted with special accommodation for those who break the law, damaging the dreams and needs of numerous others throughout the world who follow the State Department rules and follow the law. I would vote for Trump and if I would not do so because of his inherent genius I would certainly do so as an alternative to the sick, twisted likes of warmongers like Clinton, Bush, et al. Dear god, are we serious? (I am not stating I will vote for Trump). The fact that a 3rd Bush and a second Clinton even think its right to run for president demonstrates such a disintegration of any meaningful society. I believed for a long time the USA would cease to be but unlike most other empires and nations who took generations I am shocked it is happening in a relatively short, single life span. I am serious; your points are valid and meaningful in the way you state them, even if I disagree. La Raza does not make your case stronger.

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Trump knows down deep he won't get the nod from the Republican candidate. But he loves shouting opinions from soapboxes, so he'll keep showing up for the grandstanding. Imagine being married to the guy: The pizza delivery boy couldn't leave the front door, because Trump would be giving a long-winded speech to him.

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I followed your suggestion and googled. As it loaded I considered my response if some real ugly stuff popped up I was unaware of. I would concede the point but I did not find any. I did not even probe deeper than the links page on google because businesses defaulting on debt does not in any way suggest moral turpitude or criminality; it suggests a business defaulting on debt. For many business, while undesirable, this may be a necessary means of forcing restructure, buying time, or cashing out toward insolvency. I am not an MBA guy but numerous businesses rise and fall. I think it would be fair to say more fail then succeed, which would make Trump's inexorable recovery and rise from such setbacks more notable.

Indeed, after writing above I decided to probe more deeply into one of the google searches you referenced:

"Sources familiar with the talks said Trump's announcement that he would not pay Castle bondholders was part of his tactics for negotiating with bankers." http://articles.philly.com/1990-06-16/news/25911557_1_trump-shuttle-airline-donald-trump-trump-castle

This was suggested in a previous post of mine where I noted he took a beating earlier in life and bounced back, suggesting a very able and determined business acumen, irrespective of that gawd awful hair! Any moral or ethical thumping Trump could suffer should be placed in the context of which all Americans suffer, even though the numbers are staggeringly different. Average US household incomes have taken a dramatic setback in recent years, debt and defaults in the US are as frightening, there is virtually no middle class savings, and a majority of citizens live paycheck to paycheck. That the debt collection agencies are growing markedly testifies to this widespread defaulting. That business may have been associated with bankruptcy is itself not an indicator of anything other than business model failure. Bankruptcy in America, 7 or 11, is without predudice. It is a viable option for liquidation or reorganization. That Trump failed in an Airline venture, Vodka, or other things, gives indicators of his tenacity not his failings, IMO.

Its true I like Trump but I like him for the very reasons others throw mud at him- he is a business man and we sorely need one. He is a renegade of sorts, and surely we need someone who at least indicates they will buck the tide of the inexorable march to tyranny/socialist/fascism and utter economic decay. I like him even because of his absurd hair- it takes man of immeasurable courage to go out in public with a doormat on his head. I guess when you have his money it no longer matters. I could compare him with other potential candidates but having already stated clearly I like Trump its easy to imagine what I would say about others.

Just a small example of how ridiculous this man is. He is beyond a charicature of a candidate. I believe Latinos in general bring so much to the table. They work their asses off, contribute far more on taxes than they are able to take back from the system, and are generally reliable, honest, and willing to do work Americans have no interest in,

Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” the business mogul said.

Ecstatic internet gleefully quips about Donald Trump's presidential speech

Such claims were “absurd”, said Lisa Navarrete, a spokeswoman for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organisation.

“This is a man who has a pathological need for attention,” said Navarrete. “I look at him as a two-year-old who will say a naughty word to get their parents’ attention. That’s what he’s doing.”

Trump has toyed with running for president since the 1980s. He has said he was considering a bid during almost every election cycle since 2000. Tuesday’s event at Trump Tower represents the first time he has fully outlined his policies and political beliefs.

He aimed specific ire at Mexico, claiming he would build a “great, great wall” on the Mexican-American border, and accusing the country of sending “not the right people” to the US.

“The US has become a dumping ground for everyone else’s problems,” he said.

Navarrete said the claim that Mexicans seeking work in America were rapists was “offensive”.

“This is an exceedingly silly man, who has no idea what he’s talking about,” she said.

We are on different wave lengths regarding this, though some of what you say about Trump is valid. La Raza is a radical progressive.. no, not correct- socialist collectivist group who's platform is basically "Ten [More] Days That Shook The World." Anything that comes out of their mouth is demonstrably tortured contrary to the values enshrined in a Constitutional Republic. So, I kindly beg to remove La Raza from the table.

There is a Ross Perot like quality about Trump that begs the caricature you suggest; I agree. Before I protest some points you make regarding the Latino population let me just state that without the Latino population the US would never be able to survive as a nation state because of its inability to replace its worker population with sufficient offspring. The replacement rate is sufficiently below what is required. Latinos bring that number well above. However, it will not be an American state that survives, if those like La Raza have their way, it too will be a caricature [of its former self].

Illegal immigrants are... illegal! The dilution of that reality is a symptom of the overall degradation of anything of any value in America any longer. All its institutions, laws, mores, and traditional fabric have been shat upon, variously enforced, or otherwise made irrelevant by ignoring laws and processes. In every other nation on earth immigration laws are enforced and violation is a crime. Why? Because every nation in history realizes that this procedure/law is required to ensure both the soundness of life for its citizens and indeed, its survival. You may believe Latinos bring more to the table, in taxes, other, than they take back from the system but this is fraudulent and not supported by numbers and facts. The majority of illegals in the US live around or below the poverty threshold so working and paying taxes or not, they are receiving more back when they file taxes then when they pay, EIC, etc. Add to this the abundant programs in place for folks in this income range and your belief is soundly trumped. It is not untrue that many Latinos work, work hard, and do work that many lazy Americans refuse to do any longer but this is a net transfer of wealth to corporations as the system is subsidizing them with public assistance in too numerous to count examples.

Without question the people fleeing Latin America are not the middle class, the well to do, etc., they are those who are looking for an opportunity- redistribution. Yes, there are many who want a better life, economic prosperity, etc., but massive movements of people have never been deemed to be legitimate when economy alone was the motivation for migration. Without question the invasion facilitated by the President of the United States is treasonous, seditious, and overwhelmingly dumps violent and other offenders in American streets. To whitewash this takes great deceit or mental gymnastics.

The US has become a dumping ground for everyone else's problems, and people. The US really does have little regard from its enemies or its allies. The US really is not feared, respected, or even admired much any longer. The US is on the losing end of about every trade deal that has happened lately. The US really is in the process of the greatest transfers of wealth in the history of the world. The US really does leverage its posterity to put "a chicken in every pot" today. Again, anything La Raza says should not be taken with a grain of sand but dismissed out of hand. Your personal protests against Trump have far more value to me than some redistributionist clown. In many ways, you are not incorrect about the image of Trump in a candidate lineup on stage. Does he make a mockery of the whole process? Does he force topics that would otherwise not be addressed?

The fact is whatever the process is that launches and elects presidents it is sick, twisted, a media echo chamber, and rarely addresses substantive issues in a manner that holds the candidate accountable. The election process in America is a farce and most Americans believe it is nearly pointless to even participate. Regardless of their voices its always the same crap, the same inexorable march to transferring jobs and wealth abroad, the same slow degradation of values and beliefs and institutions. It is refreshing to have someone provoke thought even if it is agitation. A man who cites La Raza would not likely vote republican in any event. I would think therefore that you would be elated about Trump entering the arena, the DNC was. Perhaps I read you wrong on this regard.

The American border needs to be impenetrable. The immigration process needs to not be slanted with special accommodation for those who break the law, damaging the dreams and needs of numerous others throughout the world who follow the State Department rules and follow the law. I would vote for Trump and if I would not do so because of his inherent genius I would certainly do so as an alternative to the sick, twisted likes of warmongers like Clinton, Bush, et al. Dear god, are we serious? (I am not stating I will vote for Trump). The fact that a 3rd Bush and a second Clinton even think its right to run for president demonstrates such a disintegration of any meaningful society. I believed for a long time the USA would cease to be but unlike most other empires and nations who took generations I am shocked it is happening in a relatively short, single life span. I am serious; your points are valid and meaningful in the way you state them, even if I disagree. La Raza does not make your case stronger.

Wow. Very thoughtful reply. I do agree with much of what you said. And though I have voted Democrat most of my life, I would not be opposed to voting Republican at all, if there was a candidate who had a modest amount of integrity, combined with intelligence and creativity. I like a maverick. I just don't like Trump on so many levels. More than likely I will sit out this next election, as I really and truly believe there is no one running that can make any difference. Though I do like the fact that Paul is not in lock step with his party. Both parties represent such an abhorrent lack of principles at this point, in my view. The fact that the current group are the only candidates willing to step into the ring, is evidence that this office no longer attracts the best and the brightest, nor people of nobility and honor.

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In 1992 I was, for reasons I cant recall, at a straw poll convention in Virginia. I will never forget the statement one speaker made. It left an impression on me. It was so brutally obvious. "Why we always given a choice of the lesser of two evils? If we are going to choose evil, what is the rationale for choosing the lesser?" At the heart of this is the futility and hopelessness that many feel with regard to actually making a difference in their own lives and that of the nation. Constantly, inexorably, America marches toward social, cultural, and economic suicide and we find ourselves utterly convinced we could do a better job than those clowns, and we are correct. We are further insulted by not having to choose the best of two options but to rationalize degrees of bad to make the best awful choice.

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Oh, come on.

He's a xenophobe on steroids.

Electing him would be MAD.

Americans might be stupid, but THAT stupid?

Come on now.

I agree with you on so many things but this one just doesn't pass the filter, for me.

Trump may be many things but a xenophobe is not one. By definition his concerns would need to be undue, unfounded, groundless, and his concerns about others and their actions with regard to American culture are valid. The issue is not with who they are rather what they are- with regard to American culture, economy, etc. This is pretty much the self preservation formula for every nation that has ever existed and now that America has abandoned this in favor of progressive camp fire fantasy kumbaya culture it is degrading at an unprecedented rate. This is not untoward, unreasonable observation, and it is not xenophobia. Xenophobia could be interpreted by schools and courts upholding Americans cannot wear US flag T Shirts to school on socialist Cinco de Mayo day as to not insult illegals... illegals!

Xenophobia? http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/02/27/not-safe-to-display-american-flag-in-american-high-school/


If my white family moved into your yard and began demanding access to your kitchen, and then your bedroom, and then your wife's wages, and then your children's nanny, and then the use of your car, then you pay for education, you would be pissed off; especially if they should never have gained access to your gated community. If you protested I would call you a racist. I would call you a xenophobe. It would mean virtually nothing as most people in America can no longer spell, but they can speak, and it would be a PC siren song to shut you down. Others would side with me. We would protest your not sharing, your not providing health care. I would label, isolate, hound, and disenfranchise you, the host. In fact, in America, in multiple forms, this scenario is not even metaphorical but actual. America is under attack and because those being invaded do not want to be sodomized by opportunists this does not constitute xenophobia, hate, ethnocentrism, or such other nonsense. It constitutes the charity of heart that has expired from want of too much emptying and the transition to government coercion to carry out more of the same under duress.

This was [is] the moment America was betrayed, began to truly bleed, and began to die! One may disagree with what I assert. It is therefore easy to determine if I am incorrect. If I am correct, as I believe, America will continue flushing down the toilet over the next 24 months; not the status quo intractable issues we face daily, but we actually begin the Coriolis effect of going down the actual toilet shortly. Soon the individual problems will pale beside their cumulative drain and degrading of life in the USA.

I differ with you on this point.



Even Washington objected to illegal squatters.








Edited by arjunadawn
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Good grief.....

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump is outpolling all other Republican candidates in New Hampshire except for Jeb Bush, according to a new survey released Tuesday.

In a poll fielded immediately after their presidential announcements last week, Bush earned 14% of the vote in the crowded GOP field, followed by Trump with 11%. Nearly a third of respondents said they were undecided.

The results from Suffolk University are the clearest indication yet that Trump, the billionaire with a penchant for bombastic rhetoric and unorthodox claims, is catching on with Republican voters early on in the cycle.

Edited by Chicog
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If he does not gain nomination send him to Australia, we desperately need a replacement for the idiot Tony Abbott! I mean Liberal and Republican is almost the same thing - err isn't it?

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If he does not gain nomination send him to Australia, we desperately need a replacement for the idiot Tony Abbott! I mean Liberal and Republican is almost the same thing - err isn't it?

Abbott stopped the boats. Good guy for that alone. I suppose you preferred the redheaded loser.

If you did get Trump you might regret it, as he has some good policies on the lazy and idle.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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