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For a while now, I have thought it may be fun to start a topic in the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy's " You might be a redneck if..." routine about life in Thailand.

There are things about life in Thailand that you do not find often in other places and I find many of them humorous.

I will start with a couple I have in mind and hope others will add theirs.

Let's try to make this a humorous thread and not another bashing one...o.k.?

Here are my first three:

You may be in Thailand if...... there is a roll of toilet paper on the table you are eating at, and no toilet paper in the bathroom!

You may be in Thailand if.....the police fine you for driving without a driver's licence and give you a letter stating that you can not be fined again for driving without a licence for the next 24 hours!

You may be in Thailand if....your wife refers to five different women as her grandmother!

What have you got to add?

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You may be in Thailand if while dining at a world class Italian Restaurant in a five star hotel your GF orders ketchup for her dish......and in looking around, she's not the only one.

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You maybe in Thailand if..........5 people riding motorcycle is normal and not a display team

You maybe in Thailand if..........people think that a fruit that smells like dog poop is the best thing since sliced bread

You maybe in Thailand if..........there are rules but..............not really, just guidelines to follow when not in a hurry

You maybe in Thailand if..........you see someone of the female looking persuasion but have a voice like Barry White

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You maybe in Thailand if - After working away for a month on arriving home you put 2 rolls of toilet paper in the freezer

You maybe in Thailand if - The following day you are looking for toilet paper out of the freezer to soothe the 2nd burn

You maybe in Thailand if - When the missus starts cooking it can be mistaken for tear gas with all the chilli vapours

You maybe in Thailand if - Going out for dinner can involve eating from various street vendors

You maybe in Thailand if - Half the cars parked anywhere have the windscreen wipers lifted up off the glass

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you see 3 legged dogs running around all over the place

you see attractive females, all with motorcycle scars

you see men that look better than many of the women

you see a man with no arms and legs, pushing a small bowl with his head on a busy Bangkok street

you see Thai women working on construction sites with bare feet - and plenty of boards with nails sticking out

you see farang hanging around outside 7-11's, drinking Large Chang beers

you see touts that turn from sycophants to vicious sharks

you see the truth

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you see 3 legged dogs running around all over the place

you see attractive females, all with motorcycle scars

you see men that look better than many of the women

you see a man with no arms and legs, pushing a small bowl with his head on a busy Bangkok street

you see Thai women working on construction sites with bare feet - and plenty of boards with nails sticking out

you see farang hanging around outside 7-11's, drinking Large Chang beers

you see touts that turn from sycophants to vicious sharks

you see the truth

What is a sycophant? A new style of trouser perhaps?

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you see 3 legged dogs running around all over the place

you see attractive females, all with motorcycle scars

you see men that look better than many of the women

you see a man with no arms and legs, pushing a small bowl with his head on a busy Bangkok street

you see Thai women working on construction sites with bare feet - and plenty of boards with nails sticking out

you see farang hanging around outside 7-11's, drinking Large Chang beers

you see touts that turn from sycophants to vicious sharks

you see the truth

What is a sycophant?

A psychopath mouth breather

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you may be Thailand if

you get on an an anonymous internet forum about Thailand and feel obligated to inject how things are in your native country at every opportunity and how things are bigger and better there and try and draw tenuous comparisons with Thailand

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Deleted all 12 items as this is supposed to be a light-hearted look at things, and should not cover things like mushroom pickers and cop killers "justice" or drivers on the roads.

Oh...one can stay...

When people in restaurants sit cross-legged on the chairs.

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You are definitely in Thailand when....You have a choice of closing the toilet door or dropping your pants, but not enough time to do both.

You are definitely in Thailand when.... you consider any less than four near-death experiences per kilometre travelled on the road to be somewhat of a slow day.

You are definitely in Thailand when.... you can recognise a European fresh of the boat before even the bar girls do.

You are definitely in Thailand when.... you can sit at an open bar and within 15 minutes you could have purchased everything you could possibly not want in the world from street hawkers.

You are definitely in Thailand when.... you profess to be an officianado of how to correctly use a bum gun without any splash back whatsoever.

You are definitely NOT in Thailand when...you desperately miss the aforementioned bum gun when completing your ablutions.

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You may be in Thailand if you see a huge truck driving up the hard shoulder of a motorway on the wrong side.

You may be in Thailand if you see a fat beer bellied, tattooed, facial haired, wife beater wearing Farang with a

beautiful young Thai girl about a third of his age holding his hand walking down the street.

You may be in Thailand if you see a market stall holder Thai person with a wad of money chasing someone and

shouting " you forgot your change".

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