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Clinton says US must face 'hard truths' about guns, race


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Guns dont kill, people do... - Sounds smart, but it isnt.

Its much easier for a average decent guy to pull the trigger when drunk, angry and tired than using a baseball bat. If there was no gun in front of him but only a baseball bat next to him, the dead people might be alive.

I dont know about this recent white guy kills 9 black case. But i hope some people stop yapping about black people being violent by nature for a while.

The black people who were killed in the church were not violent.

I don't understand all the negative black stuff that is being written in this thread.

Someone should say stop. It is an insult to the people who died.

This thread is about Hillary saying the US must face some hard truths about race and guns.

These are some of those hard truths. The liberal press won't report it but it is out there and should be addressed.

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The problem is negative racial stereotypes, not guns. America has a long history of killing black people without using guns.

I have seen more use of negative stereotypes on Thai Visa than I have ever witnessed anywhere. A. Thais, Americans, C. Old guys, D. Bar girls, C. Punters, E. Blacks, Asians ......you name it people discuss negative stereotypes about it.

What does an American racist look like? 1. He is not black and he is not educated. So that is the group America must attack first to stop the problem. The biggest problem in racism is lack of education. Does Gert Wilders have a bunch of college graduates as supporters?

Gert Wilders is a patriot standing up to the Islamic invasion of Europe that is not wanted by a majority of Europeans. It has been imposed on us by our corrupt elite class. Two years ago Le Monde published a survey in which 62% of French no longer felt at home in France due to the large number of immigrants who are not assimilating to our culture. The National Front is now the largest party in France despite its demonization in the MSM. France is near another revolution. As the African and Muslim tidal wave grows in the rest of Europe; the Gert Wilders will become as popular as Marine Le Pen is in France and leftist multiculuralists as despised as Hollande is now.

Wilders appeals mainly to 'poor white' voters, who feel betrayed by the mainstream parties, and feel the country is being sold out to immigrants. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders

What we would call rednecks in the USA and the people who support racism and anti black movements in general.

You have missed the entire thrust of this thread which "Clinton said we must face the hard truth about racism and guns."

From reading your posts I'd say you were a European racist posing as an American racist.

I think this is the wrong time for your ramblings as the country is in mourning for 9 people who were killed in church by a racist trying to start a race war.

Why don't you open another thread where you can preach your anti black and anti everything but European White people stuff.

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I'm from the UK and just citing facts.

Sometimes, facts can be inconvenient things, eh?

I have read similar statistical data over the years while sooner or later you come to realize that there are a percent of the people that are or will always be involved or caught up in criminal activities.

In the USA the data is fairly accurate while commonly unbiased and simply providing the figures needed to help understand how such social problems can be addressed and resolved.

The question I always ask is this :

If the white folk ( is that racist? ) were living in reverse roles as compared to the Blacks and the Hispanics and numerous other underprivileged ethnic groups living in America....would the crime statistics be the same or similar???

A good example being the social conditions suffered by some of the European ethnic groups struggling to survive at the turn of the century before the first world war in large developing cities such as New York and Chicago.

The Russians and Ukrainians and the Irish also...don't forget the Irish...and do not forget the Italians and their Mafia and the Jewish Mafia.....who developed a reputation as criminals while perpetrating the establishment of criminal organizations ( Gangs?) while the majority of the citizens in those ethnic groups had nothing to do with crime and criminal activities but still they grew up and lived and survived in harsh social and economic conditions...and had to live with the criticisms of the nation because they were guilty by association...so to speak.

Now it is the Blacks and Hispanics, more so than the whites, who suffer the harsh social and economic conditions.


The far right absolutely deny the history of race in the USA, from the 17th century to the present. The wingnuts want to discuss only the recent history, the post WW2 Era, as if that were all there is about it.

The right deny anything before that, to include the post Civil War KKK and its resurgence following WWOne. Isolating the history of racism in the US in this way allows the right to deny, deny, deny, and to try to refocus its own failures on black people themselves. Due to its denial of the country's history, the extreme racial right can absolve itself of the total picture and focus on its own terms on a fragment of the total history.

White panic, white denial: Hey white people: If we can get over our twisted relationship with the past, the future might actually be better

Bertha Gilbert, 22, is led away by police after she tried to enter a segregated lunch counter in Nashville, Tenn., on May 6, 1964. (Credit: AP)


Ninety percent of blacks consistently vote for the Democratic party because the right controls the Republican party and the vast majority of police are conservative or right wing Republicans, ever since the Richard Nixon "Southern Strategy" that turned the historically "Solid South" from the Democratic party to the Republican party as Red states. The Solid South has since been solid Red.

Fact is, the history of it post WW2 does not support the racial right and it documents why certain black communities consider it legitimate civil disobedience to reject the orders of the right wing police that are the most aggressive against them.

Several young civil rights protesters were attacked by police dogs on May 3, 1963 in downtown Birmingham. The young man in this picture was believed to be Ullman High School student Walter Gadsden, according to a 1963 Jet Magazine interview and local activist, Ullman classmate Ronald Jackson. (AP/Bill Hudson

“They Fight a Fire that Won’t go
Out.” Life. May 17, 1963, pg.26-7.
Chares Moore

Dude, stop living in the past. Serious, you know what kind of people live in the past don't you? You do realize that 1964 was 51 years ago. Heck, that was before I was born. Seems like only one or certain races and loser types hang on to things from that long ago as an excuse for what really is attributable to their own shortcomings, failures or just out right laziness. You posting up stuff and horrible pictures from 1964 speaks volumes about you and more about you than 2015.

The police continuum against black Americans is what the right wing avoid discussing, recognizing, confronting. For the right it is deny, deflect, deny. The continuum began in the 17th century and it continues to the present with very little relief or redress in sight.

Yes, there's a photo from Nashville, Tennessee.

The use of organized police forces against the black Civil Rights Movement irreparably harmed and damaged policing in the United States to this day. The cops then were the right winger cops, the offending cops today are the right wingers, and the cops in between have been the right wingers. The problem today is that the right wing cops are unstable burnouts who keep reaching for the gun.

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I'm from the UK and just citing facts.

Sometimes, facts can be inconvenient things, eh?

I have read similar statistical data over the years while sooner or later you come to realize that there are a percent of the people that are or will always be involved or caught up in criminal activities.

In the USA the data is fairly accurate while commonly unbiased and simply providing the figures needed to help understand how such social problems can be addressed and resolved.

The question I always ask is this :

If the white folk ( is that racist? ) were living in reverse roles as compared to the Blacks and the Hispanics and numerous other underprivileged ethnic groups living in America....would the crime statistics be the same or similar???

A good example being the social conditions suffered by some of the European ethnic groups struggling to survive at the turn of the century before the first world war in large developing cities such as New York and Chicago.

The Russians and Ukrainians and the Irish also...don't forget the Irish...and do not forget the Italians and their Mafia and the Jewish Mafia.....who developed a reputation as criminals while perpetrating the establishment of criminal organizations ( Gangs?) while the majority of the citizens in those ethnic groups had nothing to do with crime and criminal activities but still they grew up and lived and survived in harsh social and economic conditions...and had to live with the criticisms of the nation because they were guilty by association...so to speak.

Now it is the Blacks and Hispanics, more so than the whites, who suffer the harsh social and economic conditions.


The far right absolutely deny the history of race in the USA, from the 17th century to the present. The wingnuts want to discuss only the recent history, the post WW2 Era, as if that were all there is about it.

The right deny anything before that, to include the post Civil War KKK and its resurgence following WWOne. Isolating the history of racism in the US in this way allows the right to deny, deny, deny, and to try to refocus its own failures on black people themselves. Due to its denial of the country's history, the extreme racial right can absolve itself of the total picture and focus on its own terms on a fragment of the total history.

White panic, white denial: Hey white people: If we can get over our twisted relationship with the past, the future might actually be better

Bertha Gilbert, 22, is led away by police after she tried to enter a segregated lunch counter in Nashville, Tenn., on May 6, 1964.

(Credit: AP)


Ninety percent of blacks consistently vote for the Democratic party because the right controls the Republican party and the vast majority of police are conservative or right wing Republicans, ever since the Richard Nixon "Southern Strategy" that turned the historically "Solid South" from the Democratic party to the Republican party as Red states. The Solid South has since been solid Red.

Fact is, the history of it post WW2 does not support the racial right and it documents why certain black communities consider it legitimate civil disobedience to reject the orders of the right wing police that are the most aggressive against them.

Several young civil rights protesters were attacked by police dogs on May 3, 1963 in downtown Birmingham. The young man in this picture was believed to be Ullman High School student Walter Gadsden, according to a 1963 Jet Magazine interview and local activist, Ullman classmate Ronald Jackson. (AP/Bill Hudson

They Fight a Fire that Wont go

Out. Life. May 17, 1963, pg.26-7.

Chares Moore

Typical anti-European-American hatred; even if it is most likely self-hatred by a guilt-ridden white liberal indoctrinated by decades of Cultural Marxism to hate himself and his culture. The negative aspects of American history have been highlighted and emphasized since the 1960's in both media and academia. Even the very real crimes of slavery and the Kkk have been exagerated out of proportion. Many Americans today are unaware that less than 2% of Americans at the height of slavery ever held any slaves at all; or that slavery has been practiced all over the world by every race. Africans often sold their fellow Africans to Arab, European and Jewish slave-traders. Slavery is indeed a barbaric instiution; but it is hardly unique to Europeans or Americans and I have no personal guilt for this . Few European- Americans ever had slaves and most European immigration to America came after it was already ended. After slavery was ended during our Civil War blacks were indeed segregated and often mistreated in America ; but segregation and tribalism has been the norm throughout human history all over the planet. The number of blacks from the end of the Civil War until today increased dramatically; they were segregated but not slaughtered.. Even in the era of segregation they were in general far better off than their brothers in Africa and benefited from the advances in European-American technology and science. They have had not only full legal rights for the last 50 years; but preferential treatment in hiring and education. Even obama benefitted from this.

Typical anti-European-American hatred; even if it is most likely self-hatred by a guilt-ridden white liberal indoctrinated by decades of Cultural Marxism to hate himself and his culture

Right wing political pulp and extremist ideological spam.

The right cannot address the central issues of equality and human rights as presented by the European Enlightenment and as written into the US Constitution. The right avoids the deep racial history of the American experience because there is no justification of it, there are only apologies, qualifiers, excuses. It's easier for the right to attack gangbangers than to look in the mirror.

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The problem is negative racial stereotypes, not guns. America has a long history of killing black people without using guns.

I have seen more use of negative stereotypes on Thai Visa than I have ever witnessed anywhere. A. Thais, Americans, C. Old guys, D. Bar girls, C. Punters, E. Blacks, Asians ......you name it people discuss negative stereotypes about it.

What does an American racist look like? 1. He is not black and he is not educated. So that is the group America must attack first to stop the problem. The biggest problem in racism is lack of education. Does Gert Wilders have a bunch of college graduates as supporters?

Gert Wilders is a patriot standing up to the Islamic invasion of Europe that is not wanted by a majority of Europeans. It has been imposed on us by our corrupt elite class. Two years ago Le Monde published a survey in which 62% of French no longer felt at home in France due to the large number of immigrants who are not assimilating to our culture. The National Front is now the largest party in France despite its demonization in the MSM. France is near another revolution. As the African and Muslim tidal wave grows in the rest of Europe; the Gert Wilders will become as popular as Marine Le Pen is in France and leftist multiculuralists as despised as Hollande is now.

Wilders appeals mainly to 'poor white' voters, who feel betrayed by the mainstream parties, and feel the country is being sold out to immigrants. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders

What we would call rednecks in the USA and the people who support racism and anti black movements in general.

You have missed the entire thrust of this thread which "Clinton said we must face the hard truth about racism and guns."

From reading your posts I'd say you were a European racist posing as an American racist.

I think this is the wrong time for your ramblings as the country is in mourning for 9 people who were killed in church by a racist trying to start a race war.

Why don't you open another thread where you can preach your anti black and anti everything but European White people stuff.

I am both American and French and proud of both. It is you who brought up Geert Wilders ( twice) not me. I was very much on topic on this thread. The killing of these innocent people is indeed a tragedy which no decent person approves of. Yet it is the left that is exploiting this tragedy and others and stirring up a potential race war in America. This has been going on for some time now. We have president that meets regularly with an overt black racist like Al Sharpton in the White House as well as making numerous other race related stances offensive to the majority population and who has clearly made race relations far worse than they were 6 years ago. I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism. Per the "redneck" slur; it is typical behavior of leftists who don't fare well in debates or have the abilitity to make an intelligent argument on the subject being discussed despite the high opinion they have of themselves. Edited by Merzik
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I interpret the 2nd amendment differently. I see it as a way to be able to raise a militia quickly if a region is threatened. It was written at a time when there was a standing militia that was way too small to protect the colonies. Farmers had smoothbore guns for hunting and knew how to use them. If the Redcoats, for example, came marching nearby, the call out to farmers to grab their guns to assemble at the town square - would be made easier if all farmers were allowed to keep their guns handy. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with today's rapid-fire weapons, and the writers could not have foreseen the insanity that would prevail in centuries hence. It needs to be either drastically re-written or trashed.

You do realize the the Supreme Court disagrees with you? As recently as the case against Washington DC regarding its too strict gun laws, the SCOTUS ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. The SCOTUS tends to look at original intent, other writings of the founders at the time, and the use of the language at that time. Washington DC flat-out lost and had to reverse some of its gun restrictions.

"In a dramatic moment on the last day of this term, the Supreme Court declared... that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to self-defense and gun ownership."

District of Columbia v. Heller

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Rubbish. Nobody in their right mind approves of this hedious crime. Yet the leftist media in the USA is once again demonizing European-Americans as a group as a result of this tragedy. Everyday is white-guilt day in America. So it is worth pointing out that whites are far more likely to victims of violent crimes by blacks than the reverse case. The liberal MSM and Hollywood have been demonizing European-Americans and our history and culture for decades; and I will have none of this crap anymore. The same is being done in France; particularly with the socialists in power.

The liberal MSM

The "liberal MSM" are the mainstream media to mainstream America.

It's the "liberal MSM" to the fringe radical right only.

Dream on. Where do you conjure up your shit, anyway? coffee1.gif

"Talk about a tale of two cable news networks. With its 53rd consecutive quarter total audience win, Fox News Channel saw a 10% primetime rise among adults 25-54 in first-quarter 2015 over last year. In fact, with 321,000 on average among the 25-54s in primetime, Fox News thrashed rivals CNN (187,000) and MSNBC (132,000) with more news demo viewers than the other two combined, according to Nielsen."
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Let's call it what it is, after all of the untrue demonizing by the ultra-leftists on this forum. These ultra-leftist extremists have to demonize Fox News because that's all they have. Fox News is the mainstream media to middle America and it's obvious that it also terrifies the lefty loons.

The hatred and vitriol coming from Muslims, atheists, and other marginal minorities is so obvious it's palpable. They are the ones driving the real clown car.

Don't, however, let any facts get in the way of accurate polling. You leftist loons are the tiny minority. whistling.gif

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Rubbish. Nobody in their right mind approves of this hedious crime. Yet the leftist media in the USA is once again demonizing European-Americans as a group as a result of this tragedy. Everyday is white-guilt day in America. So it is worth pointing out that whites are far more likely to victims of violent crimes by blacks than the reverse case. The liberal MSM and Hollywood have been demonizing European-Americans and our history and culture for decades; and I will have none of this crap anymore. The same is being done in France; particularly with the socialists in power.

The liberal MSM

The "liberal MSM" are the mainstream media to mainstream America.

It's the "liberal MSM" to the fringe radical right only.

Dream on. Where do you conjure up your shit, anyway? coffee1.gif

"Talk about a tale of two cable news networks. With its 53rd consecutive quarter total audience win, Fox News Channel saw a 10% primetime rise among adults 25-54 in first-quarter 2015 over last year. In fact, with 321,000 on average among the 25-54s in primetime, Fox News thrashed rivals CNN (187,000) and MSNBC (132,000) with more news demo viewers than the other two combined, according to Nielsen."

Rupert Murdoch owns the company that makes the machines for Nielsen yet no one seems to care. wink.png

In the world beyond cable to include broadcast such as for example NBC and also radio, such as for instance NPR, Fox' ratings transmogrify into the incredibly shrunken and shriveled network, the network of the (dried) prunes.

Fox is also the least trusted network in the United States. The right likes to cite the fact Fox is the most trusted network, however, all the rest of us look at the fact I just cited, that Faux is the least trusted network among cable or broadcasting to include radio. Faux is at the top of each of the two lists which is admittedly quite a feat. It however has the oldest average viewing age of 'em all, at 68.

There's nothing mainstream about Fox either.

Faux is like HRC in that almost everyone knows 'em and already has their mind made up about each, which means Fox will spend the next 4 to 8 years continuing to be the Linus' blanket of the far right.

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Much of this is by the by in any case as the poor victims were African American though the same would happen even with a dozen or two white children such as in Sandy Hook. Much of the issue quite simply comes down to a matter of opinion. I would put the life of a child above owning a gun, but that is just my opinion. Incidents such as this church shooting or even Sandy Hook could happen daily or even five times daily but it doesn't matter, owning a gun will stall take precedent.

Much of the vomit spewed forth by gun fetishists indicate that more guns reduce gun crime. That illogic makes me want to cry.

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I'm from the UK and just citing facts.

Sometimes, facts can be inconvenient things, eh?

I have read similar statistical data over the years while sooner or later you come to realize that there are a percent of the people that are or will always be involved or caught up in criminal activities.

In the USA the data is fairly accurate while commonly unbiased and simply providing the figures needed to help understand how such social problems can be addressed and resolved.

The question I always ask is this :

If the white folk ( is that racist? ) were living in reverse roles as compared to the Blacks and the Hispanics and numerous other underprivileged ethnic groups living in America....would the crime statistics be the same or similar???

A good example being the social conditions suffered by some of the European ethnic groups struggling to survive at the turn of the century before the first world war in large developing cities such as New York and Chicago.

The Russians and Ukrainians and the Irish also...don't forget the Irish...and do not forget the Italians and their Mafia and the Jewish Mafia.....who developed a reputation as criminals while perpetrating the establishment of criminal organizations ( Gangs?) while the majority of the citizens in those ethnic groups had nothing to do with crime and criminal activities but still they grew up and lived and survived in harsh social and economic conditions...and had to live with the criticisms of the nation because they were guilty by association...so to speak.

Now it is the Blacks and Hispanics, more so than the whites, who suffer the harsh social and economic conditions.


The far right absolutely deny the history of race in the USA, from the 17th century to the present. The wingnuts want to discuss only the recent history, the post WW2 Era, as if that were all there is about it.

The right deny anything before that, to include the post Civil War KKK and its resurgence following WWOne. Isolating the history of racism in the US in this way allows the right to deny, deny, deny, and to try to refocus its own failures on black people themselves. Due to its denial of the country's history, the extreme racial right can absolve itself of the total picture and focus on its own terms on a fragment of the total history.

White panic, white denial: Hey white people: If we can get over our twisted relationship with the past, the future might actually be better

Bertha Gilbert, 22, is led away by police after she tried to enter a segregated lunch counter in Nashville, Tenn., on May 6, 1964.

(Credit: AP)


Ninety percent of blacks consistently vote for the Democratic party because the right controls the Republican party and the vast majority of police are conservative or right wing Republicans, ever since the Richard Nixon "Southern Strategy" that turned the historically "Solid South" from the Democratic party to the Republican party as Red states. The Solid South has since been solid Red.

Fact is, the history of it post WW2 does not support the racial right and it documents why certain black communities consider it legitimate civil disobedience to reject the orders of the right wing police that are the most aggressive against them.

Several young civil rights protesters were attacked by police dogs on May 3, 1963 in downtown Birmingham. The young man in this picture was believed to be Ullman High School student Walter Gadsden, according to a 1963 Jet Magazine interview and local activist, Ullman classmate Ronald Jackson. (AP/Bill Hudson

They Fight a Fire that Wont go

Out. Life. May 17, 1963, pg.26-7.

Chares Moore

Typical anti-European-American hatred; even if it is most likely self-hatred by a guilt-ridden white liberal indoctrinated by decades of Cultural Marxism to hate himself and his culture. The negative aspects of American history have been highlighted and emphasized since the 1960's in both media and academia. Even the very real crimes of slavery and the Kkk have been exagerated out of proportion. Many Americans today are unaware that less than 2% of Americans at the height of slavery ever held any slaves at all; or that slavery has been practiced all over the world by every race. Africans often sold their fellow Africans to Arab, European and Jewish slave-traders. Slavery is indeed a barbaric instiution; but it is hardly unique to Europeans or Americans and I have no personal guilt for this . Few European- Americans ever had slaves and most European immigration to America came after it was already ended. After slavery was ended during our Civil War blacks were indeed segregated and often mistreated in America ; but segregation and tribalism has been the norm throughout human history all over the planet. The number of blacks from the end of the Civil War until today increased dramatically; they were segregated but not slaughtered.. Even in the era of segregation they were in general far better off than their brothers in Africa and benefited from the advances in European-American technology and science. They have had not only full legal rights for the last 50 years; but preferential treatment in hiring and education. Even obama benefitted from this.

True...but the thread was not about slavery rather the thread posed the question:

If the roles were to be reversed then what percent of the crimes would be perpetrated by white folk who suffer racial injustices and live under the same abject poverty and dismal social conditions while continually been marginalized.

Would there be a high crime rate amongst the whites and more crimes perpetrated by whites if the white folk were the poor people in the world.


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The problem is negative racial stereotypes, not guns. America has a long history of killing black people without using guns.

I have seen more use of negative stereotypes on Thai Visa than I have ever witnessed anywhere. A. Thais, Americans, C. Old guys, D. Bar girls, C. Punters, E. Blacks, Asians ......you name it people discuss negative stereotypes about it.

What does an American racist look like? 1. He is not black and he is not educated. So that is the group America must attack first to stop the problem. The biggest problem in racism is lack of education. Does Gert Wilders have a bunch of college graduates as supporters?

Gert Wilders is a patriot standing up to the Islamic invasion of Europe that is not wanted by a majority of Europeans. It has been imposed on us by our corrupt elite class. Two years ago Le Monde published a survey in which 62% of French no longer felt at home in France due to the large number of immigrants who are not assimilating to our culture. The National Front is now the largest party in France despite its demonization in the MSM. France is near another revolution. As the African and Muslim tidal wave grows in the rest of Europe; the Gert Wilders will become as popular as Marine Le Pen is in France and leftist multiculuralists as despised as Hollande is now.

Wilders appeals mainly to 'poor white' voters, who feel betrayed by the mainstream parties, and feel the country is being sold out to immigrants. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders

What we would call rednecks in the USA and the people who support racism and anti black movements in general.

You have missed the entire thrust of this thread which "Clinton said we must face the hard truth about racism and guns."

From reading your posts I'd say you were a European racist posing as an American racist.

I think this is the wrong time for your ramblings as the country is in mourning for 9 people who were killed in church by a racist trying to start a race war.

Why don't you open another thread where you can preach your anti black and anti everything but European White people stuff.

I am both American and French and proud of both. It is you who brought up Geert Wilders ( twice) not me. I was very much on topic on this thread. The killing of these innocent people is indeed a tragedy which no decent person approves of. Yet it is the left that is exploiting this tragedy and others and stirring up a potential race war in America. This has been going on for some time now. We have president that meets regularly with an overt black racist like Al Sharpton in the White House as well as making numerous other race related stances offensive to the majority population and who has clearly made race relations far worse than they were 6 years ago. I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism. Per the "redneck" slur; it is typical behavior of leftists who don't fare well in debates or have the abilitity to make an intelligent argument on the subject being discussed despite the high opinion they have of themselves.

I like rednecks and think Neversure is a redneck and I agree with almost everything he has posted in this thread. You rub me the wrong way because of statements like, "I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism." LBJ and the great society was the start or the really big race problems and the war on drugs gave it an army of black ex cons. LBJ was white and so were the people who started the war on drugs.

I don't see a solution. Do you?

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I don't see a solution. Do you?

Mandatory gun ownership for every man, woman a child would reduce gun crime close to zero. Simple.

Mandatory gun ownership??? I would not want to be near any backfiring car....

actually PND's work much better

is everyone carried a Personal Nuclear Devise as deterrent towards crime....

I mean who would F#*k with you if it meant assured mutual destruction,

Edited by sirineou
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The problem is negative racial stereotypes, not guns. America has a long history of killing black people without using guns.

I have seen more use of negative stereotypes on Thai Visa than I have ever witnessed anywhere. A. Thais, Americans, C. Old guys, D. Bar girls, C. Punters, E. Blacks, Asians ......you name it people discuss negative stereotypes about it.

What does an American racist look like? 1. He is not black and he is not educated. So that is the group America must attack first to stop the problem. The biggest problem in racism is lack of education. Does Gert Wilders have a bunch of college graduates as supporters?
Gert Wilders is a patriot standing up to the Islamic invasion of Europe that is not wanted by a majority of Europeans. It has been imposed on us by our corrupt elite class. Two years ago Le Monde published a survey in which 62% of French no longer felt at home in France due to the large number of immigrants who are not assimilating to our culture. The National Front is now the largest party in France despite its demonization in the MSM. France is near another revolution. As the African and Muslim tidal wave grows in the rest of Europe; the Gert Wilders will become as popular as Marine Le Pen is in France and leftist multiculuralists as despised as Hollande is now.
Wilders appeals mainly to 'poor white' voters, who feel betrayed by the mainstream parties, and feel the country is being sold out to immigrants. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders

What we would call rednecks in the USA and the people who support racism and anti black movements in general.

You have missed the entire thrust of this thread which "Clinton said we must face the hard truth about racism and guns."

From reading your posts I'd say you were a European racist posing as an American racist.

I think this is the wrong time for your ramblings as the country is in mourning for 9 people who were killed in church by a racist trying to start a race war.

Why don't you open another thread where you can preach your anti black and anti everything but European White people stuff.
I am both American and French and proud of both. It is you who brought up Geert Wilders ( twice) not me. I was very much on topic on this thread. The killing of these innocent people is indeed a tragedy which no decent person approves of. Yet it is the left that is exploiting this tragedy and others and stirring up a potential race war in America. This has been going on for some time now. We have president that meets regularly with an overt black racist like Al Sharpton in the White House as well as making numerous other race related stances offensive to the majority population and who has clearly made race relations far worse than they were 6 years ago. I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism. Per the "redneck" slur; it is typical behavior of leftists who don't fare well in debates or have the abilitity to make an intelligent argument on the subject being discussed despite the high opinion they have of themselves.

I like rednecks and think Neversure is a redneck and I agree with almost everything he has posted in this thread. You rub me the wrong way because of statements like, "I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism." LBJ and the great society was the start or the really big race problems and the war on drugs gave it an army of black ex cons. LBJ was white and so were the people who started the war on drugs.

I don't see a solution. Do you?

Redneck has always been a degrogatory term even if some people now use it in the same manner the blacks do with the word nigger. It is a word synonymous with ignorance and stupidity and obviously reserved only for white people. I could care less if you like me or not; but when you make personal insults you certainly lose my respect.

Our serious race problems obviously did not begin with LBJ; as we fought a Civil War that was in large part a result of this . I would agree however that LBJ's Welfare State was not the solution to black people's economic situation or their general well-being. It only exasperated their problems. Nor did it improve relations between whites and blacks. As I mentioned in a previous post; the Welfare State drove black fathers out of the house and the boys in particular paid a heavy price for this. I also mentioned the need to reform drug laws for all of us. It appears as if we might agree on this issue as well.
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I don't see a solution. Do you?

Mandatory gun ownership for every man, woman a child would reduce gun crime close to zero. Simple.

I recognize your sarcasm but nobody believes everyone in America should be armed. Certainly not the drugged-up loon in Charleston. There are obviously individuals who don't need to have weapons due to their mental health or criminal history. This individual strikes out in both respects. I do like the Swiss and American model where the citizens have the right to own weapons if they are responsible. It is a right that can be lost by ones mental health or criminal behavior. There is some downside to this model but several advantages that outweigh them. An armed citizery is a real deterrent to any government tyranny directed against its own people and to foreign invasion by a hostile military. An invasion of either Switzerland or America would be a daunting task for any army.

Edited by Merzik
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I don't see a solution. Do you?

Mandatory gun ownership for every man, woman a child would reduce gun crime close to zero. Simple.

I recognize your sarcasm but nobody believes everyone in America should be armed. Certainly not the drugged-up loon in Charleston. There are obviously individuals who don't need to have weapons due to their mental health or criminal history. This individual strikes out in both respects. I do like the Swiss and American model where the citizens have the right to own weapons if they are held to be responsible. There is some downside to this model but several advantages that outweigh them. An armed citizery is a real deterrent to any government tyranny directed against its own people and to foreign invasion by a hostile military. An invasion of either Switzerland or America would be a daunting task for any army.

It is not sarcasm.

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I don't see a solution. Do you?

Mandatory gun ownership for every man, woman a child would reduce gun crime close to zero. Simple.

I recognize your sarcasm but nobody believes everyone in America should be armed. Certainly not the drugged-up loon in Charleston. There are obviously individuals who don't need to have weapons due to their mental health or criminal history. This individual strikes out in both respects. I do like the Swiss and American model where the citizens have the right to own weapons if they are held to be responsible. There is some downside to this model but several advantages that outweigh them. An armed citizery is a real deterrent to any government tyranny directed against its own people and to foreign invasion by a hostile military. An invasion of either Switzerland or America would be a daunting task for any army.

It is not sarcasm.

I really doubt that. 555

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Faux is at the top of each of the two lists which is admittedly quite a feat. It however has the oldest average viewing age of 'em all, at 68.

The average viewing age of CNN and MSBC is 64. Old people like watching the news.

And this figure can only go up !

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i don't understand why a country with a lot of believers of the bible: you shall not kill

needs that many guns.

"Thou shall not murder" is a more accurate translation. The Bible is full of God-endorsed wars and acceptable killings. Whether one agrees with them or not.

The 2nd Amendment was written to protect the citizens from any government in the future that might become tyrannical. The wording of 2nd Amendment itself is a bit ambiguous and brief; yet the Founding Fathers were all very clear in all of their writings that the citizens be armed for this reason.

it was thou shall not kill until the 17th century. they changed it later because it wasn't helpfull in some cases like having an army. another example of manipulating the bible for their own good
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I like rednecks and think Neversure is a redneck and I agree with almost everything he has posted in this thread. You rub me the wrong way because of statements like, "I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism." LBJ and the great society was the start or the really big race problems and the war on drugs gave it an army of black ex cons. LBJ was white and so were the people who started the war on drugs.

I don't see a solution. Do you?

Redneck has always been a degrogatory term even if some people now use it in the same manner the blacks do with the word nigger. It is a word synonymous with ignorance and stupidity and obviously reserved only for white people. I could care less if you like me or not; but when you make personal insults you certainly lose my respect.

Our serious race problems obviously did not begin with LBJ; as we fought a Civil War that was in large part a result of this . I would agree however that LBJ's Welfare State was not the solution to black people's economic situation or their general well-being. It only exasperated their problems. Nor did it improve relations between whites and blacks. As I mentioned in a previous post; the Welfare State drove black fathers out of the house and the boys in particular paid a heavy price for this. I also mentioned the need to reform drug laws for all of us. It appears as if we might agree on this issue as well.

Our serious race problems did begin with LBJ because he destroyed the last bastion of hope, the black family. It is difficult to know another culture I can understand that. Maybe in song you will find enlightenment about the true meaning of some American words.

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I like rednecks and think Neversure is a redneck and I agree with almost everything he has posted in this thread. You rub me the wrong way because of statements like, "I have indeed been critical of black-on-white violence because of the current leftist media attacks on the European majority population of America and the left's continuous victimization and unwarranted claims of blacks having such a terrible life in the US because of white racism." LBJ and the great society was the start or the really big race problems and the war on drugs gave it an army of black ex cons. LBJ was white and so were the people who started the war on drugs.

I don't see a solution. Do you?

Redneck has always been a degrogatory term even if some people now use it in the same manner the blacks do with the word nigger. It is a word synonymous with ignorance and stupidity and obviously reserved only for white people. I could care less if you like me or not; but when you make personal insults you certainly lose my respect.

Our serious race problems obviously did not begin with LBJ; as we fought a Civil War that was in large part a result of this . I would agree however that LBJ's Welfare State was not the solution to black people's economic situation or their general well-being. It only exasperated their problems. Nor did it improve relations between whites and blacks. As I mentioned in a previous post; the Welfare State drove black fathers out of the house and the boys in particular paid a heavy price for this. I also mentioned the need to reform drug laws for all of us. It appears as if we might agree on this issue as well.

Our serious race problems did begin with LBJ because he destroyed the last bastion of hope, the black family. It is difficult to know another culture I can understand that. Maybe in song you will find enlightenment about the true meaning of some American words.

We essentially agree on LBJ and his destruction of the black family. Yet this was hardly the beginiing of this problem; only another tragic chapter. Like I said redneck is used like nigger in certain circumstances as humor. Call a big black buck a nigger that you don't know and see what happens ( assuming you're white) Same with calling a white man you don't know a redneck; it is a slur and unless in the contex of a joke will be understood as such . It is a great song btw; and obviously meant to be humorous. 555

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Will the punk's dad be in trouble, for giving his kid a gun? is that a legal issue?

It has been reported by his grandfather and uncle that his family gave him cash for his birthday. He went out and bought the gun on his own.

"According to Roof’s grandfather and Meeks, the man's family gave him money for his birthday this past April, which it is believed he used to purchase a .45-caliber Glock pistol. (Roof said at his first court appearance on Friday he was not employed."


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Max, thanks for that but please don't lump liberals. I'm no liar and I can assure you I am very, very "liberal".

Sorry you felt that I was lumping liberals and that you where somewhere in the lump.

I was addressing Pinot, of course.

And, I guess, you are one of the liberals who does not lie. Thanks for letting us know.

How you took my "not unusual" to apply to you or to anyone else, specifically, is beyond me.

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