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Sek Loso gives his wife a Bt17-million goodbye kiss

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Sek Loso gives his wife a Bt17-million goodbye kiss
The Nation


Sek Loso posted photos of himself and his divorce decree on Facebook.

BANGKOK: -- Seksan "Sek Loso" Sukpimai's three million followers on Faceook already know this, but we might as well get it out there for general consumption.

The rock star has divorced his wife, Wipakorn "Karn" Sukpimai, after a 23-year ride on a matrimonial rollercoaster. The end doesn't look particularly "amicable", and certainly not painless, with photos posted of both of them in tears.

Sek remains unabashedly devoted to the social media, however, keeping his fans posted on breaking (-up) news as it develops. On Thursday he posted a picture of him embedded in a battalion of reporters, and followed that up with a shot of the actually divorce decree, presented "proudly" and captioned "Done." Next there was a photo of him sitting in a car (he's out of there!) with the equivocal message, "No regrets. I only feel sorry for the kids."

Several hours of music-and-business-related posts ensued, and then Sek whipped out the divorce paper again and said, "If you hate each other, the marriage-registration form doesn't mean anything. Likewise, if you love each other, the divorce paper means nothing." And that bit of wisdom earned more than 93,000 "likes".

Sek and Karn even posed together and fielded reporters' questions while getting their umbilical cord snipped at the Bangkhen district office. Asked if she had any regrets, Karn was quite firm: "No." Mind you, she's getting a very comforting bundle in their settlement, of which more in a moment.

She occasionally started to get a little hot under the collar, but the stoically calm Sek changed the subject each time to fend off a public battle. "So there are no hard feelings left?" they were asked. Sek said no, though he's miffed at the people who've been giving her advice and support. "Who?" she demanded. "There's no one!" He immediately backed off, but Karn didn't, insisting it's his crowd that's caused all the trouble. "Okay, I get it," he said, meeker than we've ever seen him.

He's meek and he's a lot less rich than he used to be. Sek is giving Karn Bt150,000 to continue raising their three kids, plus Bt100,000 a year for each of them in a savings account, plus Bt7,000 from every concert he performs until the day he dies, plus a house worth Bt8 million and Bt4 million to redecorate it. He's also handing over another Bt3 million for her to spend as she wishes, and he's repaying the Bt2 million she spent while they were separated.

Well, Bt2 million is the working figure at least. "Two million? I spent almost Bt10 million!" she protested, right there in public. "We'll talk about it later," Sek replied coolly. "When my energy-drink business starts earning money, I'll give you some. Or you can come and help me run the business!"

Well, he'd better hope his energy-drink business starts earning money very soon, and very well, because he's next heading to criminal court to answer a charge of defamation filed by Dr Angun Patragorn, deputy director of the Thanyarak Institute where Sek did rehab, who took umbrage at something Sek said about him that can't be (legally) repeated here.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/life/Sek-Loso-gives-his-wife-a-Bt17-million-goodbye-kis-30262675.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-20

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