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The terrorism the US is turning a blind eye to

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From Wikipedia "In the meantime, the international community adopted a series of sectoral conventions that define and criminalize various types of terrorist activities. In addition, since 1994, the United Nations General Assembly has condemned terrorist acts using the following political description of terrorism: "Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them."[6]" Whether a lone wolf terrorist or not, Roof is a terrorist. Boy the racists have sure come out of the woodwork on this, doing anything and everything to mangle, demean, change the subject to where it looks like black people are the problem, not racist America. After all, white folks must be defended in general while they blame everything on blacks, especially Obama who has done absolutely nothing to invite a "race war" or black toward white hatred. Hell, he wouldn't have to do anything to get blacks to hate whites, history alone does that. That little prick was a racist terrorist, period.

The post is worth revisiting whether one had initially read it or not.

Concisely and well done it is.

(Saved me a lot of carrying on about it smile.png )

Yes, because it supports your narrative or agenda even though it was selective and misleading. So I guess I'll be the one "carrying on" about it.

Poster sgtsabai neglects to identify the Wikipedia site he quoted (Definitions of terrorism), which clearly states the article's position on the definition of terrorism in the very first paragraph:

"There is neither an academic nor an accurate legal consensus regarding the definition of the term terrorism. Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions. Moreover, governments have been reluctant to formulate an agreed upon, legally binding definition. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term is politically and emotionally charged."

I have already identified that Wikipedia entry in a post yesterday, June 21 at 11:32 here and stated in my post:

"There is not an agreed-upon definition of "terrorism ..." and continued on by identifying the very same Wiki entry.

Incidentally, the Wiki entry is extensive and contains a table with the opinions of 18 seemingly substantial individuals, from 1997 to 2008, as to the "definition of terrorism". The opinions vary greatly.

I don't have a motive whether to see an act of violence be labeled as terrorism or not. Those decisions are well above my pay grade and I suspect are often being made on political grounds.

We should be questioning at least one - the attack by Major Hassan at Fort Hood (2009 Fort Hood shootiing - Wiki):

"The U.S. government declined requests from survivors and family members of the slain to categorize the Fort Hood shooting as an act of terrorism, or motivated by militant Islamic religious convictions."


You know nothing about my country or its people.

Racism and prejudice are not endemic in the American people, the vast majority of whom are tolerant, if not loving.

Racism and hate is screamed from the rooftops, however, by our divisive government spokespersons, including the President, and very much so by western media, permeating both the journalistic and "entertainment" industries like the stench of rotted flesh on cloth. These people are the ones who are deliberately, methodically, seeking to incite us to hate each other, and so to commit violence against each other.

Either you have been brainwashed, or you know this, and are too trying to brainwash the masses.

So I take it that what I read about slavery and the Ku klux Klan is all in the imagination of some writers.

Europeans introduced slavery in the Americas long before their was a United States. You forgot to mention the Black Painters or the fact England was an ally to south during the civil war or the centuries of servitude in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world and in some places still going on.

Europeans did not introduce slavery in the Americas. It was common practice among firs nations people

long before Europeans arrived.


many people are wondering why law enforcement officials were still sticking to the same word and not calling the act what it is - domestic terrorism.

Of course it is domestic terrorism. But it is quite disingenuous of the Nation to piously point the finger at the US when many people are wondering why the Thai law enforcement officials will not call what is happening in South Thailand domestic terrorism. First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly how to remove the speck out of others' eyes.

Of course the actions in the south were consider as Terrorism, I'm assuming you are referring to the insurgency? If so that news has been beaten to death.

Why so defensive over an editorial piece unless what was written was not accurate?


"Whether Racist or not there is a big problem and much reason to be leery of a group which makes up less than 26% of the population and does 65% of the crimes."

Can you provide a reference for such profound insight?

African Americans make up less than 15% of US population but are not responsible for 65% of the crimes, that honor goes to whites per FBI data:


Maybe educate yourself instead spreading lies commonly thrown about by right wing talking heads.

As you said; blacks at 15% of the population do not commit the majority of the crime; but they are committing a vastly higher percentage of violent crime based on their percentage of residents. Black-on-white violent crime in particular dwarfs that of white-on-black. It is you that needs to do some research.


FBI data(2013) provided in the link clearly shows white-on-white crime as leading source of crime in US yet rely on an infographic from 2010 with no credible source.


"Whether Racist or not there is a big problem and much reason to be leery of a group which makes up less than 26% of the population and does 65% of the crimes."

Can you provide a reference for such profound insight?

African Americans make up less than 15% of US population but are not responsible for 65% of the crimes, that honor goes to whites per FBI data:


Maybe educate yourself instead spreading lies commonly thrown about by right wing talking heads.

As you said; blacks at 15% of the population do not commit the majority of the crime; but they are committing a vastly higher percentage of violent crime based on their percentage of residents. Black-on-white violent crime in particular dwarfs that of white-on-black. It is you that needs to do some research.


FBI data(2013) provided in the link clearly shows white-on-white crime as leading source of crime in US yet rely on an infographic from 2010 with no credible source.


Dylann Roof -- white terrorist.

It's bizarre that telegraphing this basic truth is so hard in white majority USA!


White Terrorism Is as Old as America

In America’s contemporary imagination, terrorism is foreign and brown. Those terrorists do not have complex motivations. We do not urge one another to reserve judgment until we search through their Facebook histories or interview their friends. We do not trot out psychologists to analyze their mental states. We know immediately why they kill. But a white terrorist is an enigma. A white terrorist has no history, no context, no origin. He is forever unknowable. His very existence is unspeakable. We see him, but we pretend we cannot. He is a ghost floating in the night.


Before Charleston’s Church Shooting, a Long History of Attacks

In the coming days, the world will find out more about Dylann Storm Roof and his state of mind. But to dismiss him as simply a troubled young man is to disregard history. For 198 years, angry whites have attacked Emanuel A.M.E. and its congregation, and when its leaders have fused faith with political activism, white vigilantes have used terror to silence its ministers and mute its message of progress and hope. Denmark Vesey’s story should never be forgotten — nor should the tragedy of June 17.

I find it interesting the the guy's manifesto (even if he didn't write it, still confirms his thought processes as hosted on his website) is heavily interlaced with hatred of Jews, yet so far as I can ascertain minimal mention of this in the media.

Yeah, hating both is very old school racism. The new version seems to drop the anti-semitism but retains the visceral, dismissive, haughty and frightened attitude toward blacks. Ah, I'm getting nostalgic for the days when the great triumvirate was hugely popular: "Blacks, Jews and communists" - all conjoined trying to destroy western civilization and defile the purity of our women.


Can a killing not just be called a killing, or do people just enjoy the protests and destruction every time a black person is killed, do white people get killed in the US as well or not, cos I don't see the protesting, he did not like blacks and killed them, so lets treat it as that, a murderer, does the colour matter, and terrorist attack well that's for each and everyone to their own opinion,

would you be saying the same if the situation was reversed? Whites are murdered, raped and victims of violent black crime every day in America ; usually with little or no media attention or politicians expressing their remorse or asking why this is taking place. White-on-black crime ( when it happens) gets all the media attention with the political whores ( no offense to sex workers) all crying and whining about racism. Whites are far more likely to victims of black criminals than the reverse case; yet those who depend on television for their news would obviously not know this fact.

well said and such a very true fact


Can a killing not just be called a killing, or do people just enjoy the protests and destruction every time a black person is killed, do white people get killed in the US as well or not, cos I don't see the protesting, he did not like blacks and killed them, so lets treat it as that, a murderer, does the colour matter, and terrorist attack well that's for each and everyone to their own opinion,

would you be saying the same if the situation was reversed?

If it was reversed you would not even hear about it, don't be a fool if you think it goes 2 ways, it dont


It was a terrorist attack, no if and or butts, yes that is deliberate. How about the white doctors killed by terrorists? No outcry there from the white population. Now for those white apologists, well maybe you are just a tad bid sympathetic or maybe even racist. Had it been black or muslim on "white" oh, oh my the country would be up in arms.


In my personal experience, and there are many instances of such, the blacks in the United States exercise just as much extreme racism and any other ethnic group, and it is just as disgusting and distasteful, regardless of which group practices it.

I believe it...especially racism towards Asian-Americans. You won't see the media labeling it as racism, though.

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