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Confederate flag sets off debate in 2016 Republican class

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Right wing talking points, only, There is no defense of the Confederate Battle flag flying over government buildings. And exactly what was wrong with the New Deal? Remember it was the great USMC General Smedley Butler that blew the whistle of the RIGHT WING plutocrat coup. I believe you could say that was a credible threat from the right while in no way was the New Deal. You think the New Deal was bad, oh your true colors are showing. I don't know that Sharpton or Farrakhan are racist. I would suggest many of their comments come from have grown up in a white racist society. Did I suggest in anyway SD was in the south? No I didn't. I did say it one of the most racist places I have ever been if you are American Indian. The racists there are still white, just like the south only their racism is directed toward the Indians. One of the major problems with white racists is they can't even admit their racism to themselves but one of their favorite evasions is to try to turn the conversation to black racism.

Lol! every place I ever lived the folks would say I;m not racist but OUR indians are real bad indians, not like the indians in (fill in blank) town!! lol

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And that is exactly the way racist talk, "I'm not racist, but....... fill in the blanks". I spent some time with the Lakota, Black Elk, Crow Dog, and a few others in '73. The racism in that part of the country was in some ways worse than the white racism against blacks in the south. I have a couple of drops of Creek/Choctaw left in me. When I had to move back to SE Texass after a divorce from hell in New Mexico to start over it quickly became apparent that while the racism was not as in your face as it had been when I grew up there, underneath it was worse. That has all boiled to the top and the world can see the south for what it is and always has been. Confederate flag, voter suppression, the schools are more segregated now than they were 20 years ago. Trump and the rest of the clown bus are not merely pandering to the base, they are exactly what they seem, right wing, racist wackos.


And that is exactly the way racist talk, "I'm not racist, but....... fill in the blanks". I spent some time with the Lakota, Black Elk, Crow Dog, and a few others in '73. The racism in that part of the country was in some ways worse than the white racism against blacks in the south. I have a couple of drops of Creek/Choctaw left in me. When I had to move back to SE Texass after a divorce from hell in New Mexico to start over it quickly became apparent that while the racism was not as in your face as it had been when I grew up there, underneath it was worse. That has all boiled to the top and the world can see the south for what it is and always has been. Confederate flag, voter suppression, the schools are more segregated now than they were 20 years ago. Trump and the rest of the clown bus are not merely pandering to the base, they are exactly what they seem, right wing, racist wackos.

picked up a black hitchhiker outside lubbock in 1969. he was ravenous, hadnt had a meal in days, couldnt get a ride from anyone. he had rope burn scars around his neck! he ate our whole big box of san jose tomatoes!! lol



picked up a black hitchhiker outside lubbock in 1969. he was ravenous, hadnt had a meal in days, couldnt get a ride from anyone. he had rope burn scars around his neck! he ate our whole big box of san jose tomatoes!! lol

Hilarious. Got a good laugh out of this fairy tale. cheesy.gif



picked up a black hitchhiker outside lubbock in 1969. he was ravenous, hadnt had a meal in days, couldnt get a ride from anyone. he had rope burn scars around his neck! he ate our whole big box of san jose tomatoes!! lol

Hilarious. Got a good laugh out of this fairy tale. cheesy.gif

he didnt


Perhaps all right wingers aren't racist, but all those that I knew in the states, and I knew far too many being from the south, certainly were and I see nothing but racism time after time from the right wing on the internet and hate radio. I've yet to meet a right winger that wasn't racist, although I've certainly heard them try (try being the operative word) try to explain how they weren't. Hmmm, the color changes, perhaps you would care to elaborate on that point. I would like to learn who on the left you think is racist against whom. You might want to try to read this from someone that was raised in the south. The author was born in SD, one of the most racist states I have ever been in, if you are American Indian. I was there with the Lakota in '73. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/29/1374127/-What-Do-Conservatives-Want-When-They-Say-When-I-Want-My-Country-Back?detail=emailclassic . You are wrong, the flag is a symbol of hatred, slavery, oppression, and racism. It not about who on the right is racist and who isn't. Perhaps if there were any true conservatives left they would speak out against it, but not the right wing. With the exit of President Eisenhower, who btw was to the left of Obama, true conservatives left the house. Nixon, Regan, Cheney/Bush et all finished it off. Where has the clown car been in speaking out against Trump? I hear the sound of silence. Trump not a racist, oh give me a break, not a birther either, right?

Everyone of your posts is a fact-free rant of how horrible and racist white people are. First the South and now the North. You've made your point. What has Trump said that is racist? Mexico and Central America are sending the dregs of their society to El Norte. Not that they are all criminals ( apart from breaking immigration laws) or bad people. However when you fail to screen immigrants but allow anyone to waltz across the border and stay here who chooses to do so ; you end up with a high porportion of criminals and low-acheiving people who take far more than they contrubute to our society. You speak of your personal life; well after 26 years working in Los Angeles I've seen the result of this open-border policy and Trump is spot-on. Just a few statistics from the FBI:

"An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.

Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.[15]...."


Trump is telling the truth; but this offends liberals who are destroying this country with their ignorance, selfishness and deceit.


Perhaps all right wingers aren't racist, but all those that I knew in the states, and I knew far too many being from the south, certainly were and I see nothing but racism time after time from the right wing on the internet and hate radio. I've yet to meet a right winger that wasn't racist, although I've certainly heard them try (try being the operative word) try to explain how they weren't. Hmmm, the color changes, perhaps you would care to elaborate on that point. I would like to learn who on the left you think is racist against whom. You might want to try to read this from someone that was raised in the south. The author was born in SD, one of the most racist states I have ever been in, if you are American Indian. I was there with the Lakota in '73. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/29/1374127/-What-Do-Conservatives-Want-When-They-Say-When-I-Want-My-Country-Back?detail=emailclassic . You are wrong, the flag is a symbol of hatred, slavery, oppression, and racism. It not about who on the right is racist and who isn't. Perhaps if there were any true conservatives left they would speak out against it, but not the right wing. With the exit of President Eisenhower, who btw was to the left of Obama, true conservatives left the house. Nixon, Regan, Cheney/Bush et all finished it off. Where has the clown car been in speaking out against Trump? I hear the sound of silence. Trump not a racist, oh give me a break, not a birther either, right?

Everyone of your posts is a fact-free rant of how horrible and racist white people are. You've made your point. What has Trump said that is racist? Mexico and Central America are sending the dregs of their society to El Norte. Not that they are all criminals ( apart from breaking immigration laws) or bad people. However when you fail to screen immigrants but allow anyone to waltz across the border and stay here; you end up with a high porportion of criminals and low-acheiving people who take far more than they contrubute to our society. You speak of your personal life; well after 26 years working in Los Angeles I've seen the result of this open-border policy and Trump is spot-on. Just a few statistics from the FBI:

An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

"75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.

Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.[15]...."

Thrump is telling the truth; but this offends liberals who are destroying this country with their ignorance, selfishness and deceit.

trump didnt specify illegals


The political left of center in the USA has never constituted a danger or threat to the Constitution.

It has always been the political right in the United States that menaces the Constitution, from the slave owners of the Plantation economy and society in the South, to the KKK to McCarthyism, the John Birch Society, the National Rifle Association, to nutcase evangelicals who want to declare officially the USA is a Christian country; and many more on the radical extreme right.

The United States is not, never has been, a leftist society. It will never have or accept the Fabian socialism of the UK or even the democratic socialism of the west European left.

The one constant in the political-cultural history of the United States is the fending off of the political extreme right. The hauling down the Confederate Battle Rag from the South Carolina state capitol building grounds is yet another battle to harness and corral the far out extreme right, so I'll gladly take it and celebrate it.

The core challenge is that ideology is a brain disease and that it is the right wing of American society which has always had the fervor and fever of ideology as its defining characteristic. The opposite is pragmatism which the right cannot find because of its brainlock into ideology.

You wrote, "The political left of center in the USA has never constituted a danger or threat to the Constitution." In 1935-36, the Court struck down eight of FDR's New Deal programs, including the National Recovery Act (NRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). Public antijudicial sentiment intensified; many critics questioned the constitutionality of the concept of judicial review itself. As a result of this reaction, several constitutional amendments were introduced into Congress in 1936, including one that would require a two-thirds vote of the Court whenever an act of Congress was declared unconstitutional; another that would permit Congress to revalidate federal laws previously declared unconstitutional by repassing them with a two-thirds vote of both houses, and even one that would abolish altogether the Court's power to declare federal laws unconstitutional.


Sorry buy you are very wrong. Stop the nonsense. I doubt if any President attacked the constitution as much as FDR and he was the big daddy of liberals. The same percent of blacks are racists as white people but though the percent is the same the numbers change because of the totals of the population ethnicity. That's why it makes sense for Trump to play the race card and why the Democrats want illegal aliens to vote. It is not complicated; the Republicans want to win elections and steal your money and the Democrats want to win elections and steal your money. The Confederate flag is just a means to an end.

Nothing extra-constitutional came out of the New Deal. FDR followed constitutional procedures always, entirely, completely.

FDR won some and he lost some, but he was a constitutionalist through and through. During FDR's first term as president, the Supreme Court was dominated by political conservatives, Republicans; justices of the right sector, which FDR changed by normal processes of retirement throughout his presidency.

Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing.

I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since.

Wisconsin is Ground Zero for the Vast Rightwing Takeover



Perhaps all right wingers aren't racist, but all those that I knew in the states, and I knew far too many being from the south, certainly were and I see nothing but racism time after time from the right wing on the internet and hate radio. I've yet to meet a right winger that wasn't racist, although I've certainly heard them try (try being the operative word) try to explain how they weren't. Hmmm, the color changes, perhaps you would care to elaborate on that point. I would like to learn who on the left you think is racist against whom. You might want to try to read this from someone that was raised in the south. The author was born in SD, one of the most racist states I have ever been in, if you are American Indian. I was there with the Lakota in '73. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/29/1374127/-What-Do-Conservatives-Want-When-They-Say-When-I-Want-My-Country-Back?detail=emailclassic . You are wrong, the flag is a symbol of hatred, slavery, oppression, and racism. It not about who on the right is racist and who isn't. Perhaps if there were any true conservatives left they would speak out against it, but not the right wing. With the exit of President Eisenhower, who btw was to the left of Obama, true conservatives left the house. Nixon, Regan, Cheney/Bush et all finished it off. Where has the clown car been in speaking out against Trump? I hear the sound of silence. Trump not a racist, oh give me a break, not a birther either, right?

Everyone of your posts is a fact-free rant of how horrible and racist white people are. You've made your point. What has Trump said that is racist? Mexico and Central America are sending the dregs of their society to El Norte. Not that they are all criminals ( apart from breaking immigration laws) or bad people. However when you fail to screen immigrants but allow anyone to waltz across the border and stay here; you end up with a high porportion of criminals and low-acheiving people who take far more than they contrubute to our society. You speak of your personal life; well after 26 years working in Los Angeles I've seen the result of this open-border policy and Trump is spot-on. Just a few statistics from the FBI:

An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

"75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.

Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.[15]...."

Thrump is telling the truth; but this offends liberals who are destroying this country with their ignorance, selfishness and deceit.

trump didnt specify illegals

Shame on you; they are "undocumented immigrants" or "migrants". Do you seriously believe the political left is upset with Trump because of this distinction? They see every immigrant from south of the border ( legal or illegal) as legitimate and which have not only a right to be in this country but receive all the benefits of the Welfare State (until they are legalized) Few conservatives have a problem with some level of legal immigration; but it is clear that the era of needing large waves of low-skilled and poorly educated immigrants is long over. This isn't 1880 and population is large and our economy is in shambles . Even FDR ended the previous era of mass immigration during the last economic downturn of this degree. We need a limited number of skilled and educated immigrants and so even our legal immigration is not in accord with our nation's needs. However it is the illegal immigration that needs to be stopped in its entirety. Don't be naive; the present-day left is for open-borders and mass immigration and isn't concerned about any difference between legal and illegal immigrants. We are getting too many low-quality immigrants that take far more than they contribute. Americans are tired of this open-border and this actually includes most of the black population as well. Trump is spot-on.


Trump is a right wing wacko racist, of course racism seems to go hand and hand with right wing wackos that can't/wont' admit they are racist. No, the "left" does not support open borders, what a load of right wing crap. Good, decent people support immigration reform with a chance for those that are good, if illegal, citizens to become true citizens. No illegals cannot take advantage of the welfare system, what's left of it, another right wing fantasy. Of course many of the prisons, detention facilities, detention facilities meaning border patrol inhuman prisons were children and families are treated like crap, jails are filled with illegals, along with other poor and minorities. The private prison system needs the money so lock 'em up, lock 'em all up. As far as the story goes about the young black man, ever been to Lubbock, or is it is sometimes called "buttock"? I have. In 1970 I picked a young black man up on my way back from class in Beaumont one afternoon, just before dark. He had been trying to get a ride for hours, but he was stuck in Vidor, a notorious KKK headquarters. The KKK paraded in full "uniform" there and collected at major intersection. He is fortunate I came along. I have a bad feeling that once the sun set, it was going to set on him for good. I took him to my mom and dad's, got a good meal in him and a place to stay. Orange was just about as bad. A day later a redneck trucker tried to force my '70 Chevelle into the median of the freeway in Vidor, yea I could have easily outrun him, but that over/under shotgun I stuck out the window seemed quite convincing. He might have seen me pick up the black guy, or could have been he didn't like the "Another Vet for Peace" bumper sticker. I never was and still aren't into "peace, love, dope and good vibes". I am proud to say the KKK tried to target me, bunch of cowards. The Battle flag is going, going almost gone from government places like it should, remember it was resurrected to fight civil rights in the 60's. A museum is where it belongs along with all the troglodyte racists that support it.


Nothing extra-constitutional came out of the New Deal. FDR followed constitutional procedures always, entirely, completely.

FDR won some and he lost some, but he was a constitutionalist through and through. During FDR's first term as president, the Supreme Court was dominated by political conservatives, Republicans; justices of the right sector, which FDR changed by normal processes of retirement throughout his presidency.

Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing.

I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since.

Wisconsin is Ground Zero for the Vast Rightwing Takeover


Is this "Vast Rightwing Takeover" anything like Hillary's "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy"?

1. "Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing."

Nearly all of them supported by the Democrats that controlled the deep south, until recent history.

2. "I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since."

Actually Colescott disbanded the KKK after receiving a tax lien from the IRS in 1944, long after WWII erupted.

3. Actually FDR did attempt to pack the Supreme Court due to losing so many of his pet projects. It was voted down by Congress when he won the Social Security Act and the National Labor Relations Act. He wanted to increase the size from 9 Justices to 15.

IMHO Obama has been the biggest threat to the Constitution in my lifetime...and I was born during the FDR reign.


Yet another good samaritan saves a poor indigent black man from the ravages of Texas.

I gotta put my boots on. The BS is getting deep around here.


If you want to call me a liar, do it to my face, not while hiding behind a keyboard! This isn't a prison where you can bully prisoners. I don't know if he was indigent or not, he was hitchiking like many of us did back in those days. I worked with the Houston area Black Panthers also, you want to call me on that, do so. You are right about one thing though, Obama is a threat to the Constitution but not for reasons in your right wing fantasy world. He is a threat because he continued and codified the destruction begun by Cheney/Bush et al. He has prosecuted good citizens, whistle blowers that should have been given a medal. He refused to prosecute war criminals and refused to prosecute those that lied to Congres or fire them. He has enlarged the apy complex. Damn, I fell right into that old right wing trick of change the subject when they can't win on facts, good job.


You are precisely right. The absurd charges of right wing ideologues and their bakers' dozen Benghazi hearings are absurd. Criticise Obama for the crimes he is actually guilty of. Primarily, harbouring and failing to prosecute the torturers of the Bush crime family, he is in violation of The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (commonly known as the United Nations Convention against Torture). By violating a ratified treaty is also in violation of US law. For this alone the GOP could have impeached him, by the US own standard of international justice as established by the Nuremberg tribunal. Wonder why not?


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.


Perhaps all right wingers aren't racist, but all those that I knew in the states, and I knew far too many being from the south, certainly were and I see nothing but racism time after time from the right wing on the internet and hate radio. I've yet to meet a right winger that wasn't racist, although I've certainly heard them try (try being the operative word) try to explain how they weren't. Hmmm, the color changes, perhaps you would care to elaborate on that point. I would like to learn who on the left you think is racist against whom. You might want to try to read this from someone that was raised in the south. The author was born in SD, one of the most racist states I have ever been in, if you are American Indian. I was there with the Lakota in '73. https://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/29/1374127/-What-Do-Conservatives-Want-When-They-Say-When-I-Want-My-Country-Back?detail=emailclassic . You are wrong, the flag is a symbol of hatred, slavery, oppression, and racism. It not about who on the right is racist and who isn't. Perhaps if there were any true conservatives left they would speak out against it, but not the right wing. With the exit of President Eisenhower, who btw was to the left of Obama, true conservatives left the house. Nixon, Regan, Cheney/Bush et all finished it off. Where has the clown car been in speaking out against Trump? I hear the sound of silence. Trump not a racist, oh give me a break, not a birther either, right?

Everyone of your posts is a fact-free rant of how horrible and racist white people are. First the South and now the North. You've made your point. What has Trump said that is racist? Mexico and Central America are sending the dregs of their society to El Norte. Not that they are all criminals ( apart from breaking immigration laws) or bad people. However when you fail to screen immigrants but allow anyone to waltz across the border and stay here who chooses to do so ; you end up with a high porportion of criminals and low-acheiving people who take far more than they contrubute to our society. You speak of your personal life; well after 26 years working in Los Angeles I've seen the result of this open-border policy and Trump is spot-on. Just a few statistics from the FBI:

"An FBI crime study also shows heavy illegal alien involvement in criminal activity revealed these statistics:

75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.

Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.[15]...."


Trump is telling the truth; but this offends liberals who are destroying this country with their ignorance, selfishness and deceit.

Fact is immigrants in the USA are less likely to commit crime than are the native population.

The Politics of Immigration and Crime

Many, if not most, Americans believe that it is a crime to exist in the United States as anundocumented immigrant. These contemporary consequences have strong historical roots in xenophobic political discourse, which was often the buffer for major anti-immigrant policies excluding the flow of immigrants to the United States for several decades.
However, the association between crime and immigration exists solely in the political discourse; when researchersevaluate the available data, immigrants demonstrate the exact opposite trend (see Sampson 2010 for a review).
The weak (and generally non-existent) empirical relationship between immigration and crime isnevertheless rivaled by the persistent and overwhelming public opinion that immigrants do infact cause or, at the very least, increase the possibility of crime.

http://isites.harvar...ing chapter.pdf

Does Immigration Increase Crime?

Nationwide statistics suggest no impact on violent crime


Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime.



Nothing extra-constitutional came out of the New Deal. FDR followed constitutional procedures always, entirely, completely.

FDR won some and he lost some, but he was a constitutionalist through and through. During FDR's first term as president, the Supreme Court was dominated by political conservatives, Republicans; justices of the right sector, which FDR changed by normal processes of retirement throughout his presidency.

Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing.

I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since.

Wisconsin is Ground Zero for the Vast Rightwing Takeover


Is this "Vast Rightwing Takeover" anything like Hillary's "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy"?

1. "Not constitutional were slavery, secession, the clear and present danger of armed insurrection, Jim Crow laws, prayer in public schools, racially segregated public schools, mandatory pledge to the flag, a religious test of public officeholding, states denying benefits to new residents, teaching creationism in public schools, DOMA and much else cherished by the far out fright wing."

Nearly all of them supported by the Democrats that controlled the deep south, until recent history.

2. "I'd note that in 1939 KKK Grand Wizard James Colescott unsuccessfully tried to merge the KKK with the German-American Bund gang of fascists. When WW2 erupted for the USA, the KKK wisely disbanded. It ain't been the same since."

Actually Colescott disbanded the KKK after receiving a tax lien from the IRS in 1944, long after WWII erupted.

3. Actually FDR did attempt to pack the Supreme Court due to losing so many of his pet projects. It was voted down by Congress when he won the Social Security Act and the National Labor Relations Act. He wanted to increase the size from 9 Justices to 15.

IMHO Obama has been the biggest threat to the Constitution in my lifetime...and I was born during the FDR reign.

Is this "Vast Rightwing Takeover" anything like Hillary's "Vast Rightwing Conspiracy"?

Seems the statement from long ago resonates to the present with the same crowd that back then was hollering the zero nothing of Whitewater and all the rest of the zero nothing Clinton 'scandals.'

I anyway can go with the word 'vast.' wink.png

I mean, hey, here we are, and here are the rightwing, all the way over here in Thailand. coffee1.gif

Forever vast.


And 4F continues with the old right wing trick to "change the subject". Can't win on the facts, attack the person or change the subject. Keep trying there faux (not the) news, breitbart, etc. persons. The angry old white men racist troglodytes time is running out and while maybe not in my lifetime, America may just return to trying to be America instead of Amerika.


Why would one need a White Entertainment channel when every day is white entertainment/culture day?

What an idiot, next?

Lol, its the label, not the content.


And 4F continues with the old right wing trick to "change the subject". Can't win on the facts, attack the person or change the subject. Keep trying there faux (not the) news, breitbart, etc. persons. The angry old white men racist troglodytes time is running out and while maybe not in my lifetime, America may just return to trying to be America instead of Amerika.

Your a funny guy. You seem more angry than anyone else on here.


And 4F continues with the old right wing trick to "change the subject". Can't win on the facts, attack the person or change the subject. Keep trying there faux (not the) news, breitbart, etc. persons. The angry old white men racist troglodytes time is running out and while maybe not in my lifetime, America may just return to trying to be America instead of Amerika.



And either of your points are, oh yea, I forgot, can't win, change the subject, attack the person. Keep trying, the Battle flag is a racist symbol resurected to fight against civil rights in the 60's. Time for it to be in a museum along with the rest of the troglidytes.



Fact is immigrants in the USA are less likely to commit crime than are the native population.

The Politics of Immigration and Crime

Many, if not most, Americans believe that it is a crime to exist in the United States as anundocumented immigrant. These contemporary consequences have strong historical roots in xenophobic political discourse, which was often the buffer for major anti-immigrant policies excluding the flow of immigrants to the United States for several decades.
However, the association between crime and immigration exists solely in the political discourse; when researchersevaluate the available data, immigrants demonstrate the exact opposite trend (see Sampson 2010 for a review).
The weak (and generally non-existent) empirical relationship between immigration and crime isnevertheless rivaled by the persistent and overwhelming public opinion that immigrants do infact cause or, at the very least, increase the possibility of crime.

http://isites.harvar...ing chapter.pdf

Does Immigration Increase Crime?

Nationwide statistics suggest no impact on violent crime


Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime.


You claim: "Fact is immigrants in the USA are less likely to commit crime than are the native population."

I don't know that anybody on the forum is protesting immigrant crime.

What is being questioned are crimes committed by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

All three of your links fail to differentiate between all immigrants and illegal immigrants.

Legal immigrants follow the immigration laws to enter the country so by the very nature of their method of entry, one would assume they might be very law abiding.

Illegal immigrants not so much.

When you have something that says Illegal Immigrants have a lower crime rate than the native population, give us a call.


And the subject change rolls on.

I suppose all this is moving a little fast for you. I'll slow it down by not posting on this thread any more tonight.



Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.


Fair is fair. No more BET. Can you imagine if we had a White Entertainment Channel? No more yo MTV raps. Need more integration on the basketball courts and football fields. Equal integration on the PGA would make golf more fun to watch so I am all in. All black radio stations must now play 50% white music. All people of all races must pay the same amount of taxes. Flat tax for everyone. All people of all races must pay the same amount for health insurance.

On Facebook recently, there is a rash of black people taking pictures of themselves sipping their butt on the American flag saying it is racist. We are on a slippery slope with some people who will never be happy and will always look to blame others for their own failures rather than looking inward or accepting any responsibility.

Yes fair is fair. Cut the army spending down to 0 and start $2000 per month food stamps and $10000 per month medicaid for everyone.

That's truly fair if you want to get rid of BET and Rap. For that everyone will agree this is a fair compromise for All Americans.

But seriously you jest, you're just trying to be a crybaby



Fact is immigrants in the USA are less likely to commit crime than are the native population.

The Politics of Immigration and Crime

Many, if not most, Americans believe that it is a crime to exist in the United States as anundocumented immigrant. These contemporary consequences have strong historical roots in xenophobic political discourse, which was often the buffer for major anti-immigrant policies excluding the flow of immigrants to the United States for several decades.
However, the association between crime and immigration exists solely in the political discourse; when researchersevaluate the available data, immigrants demonstrate the exact opposite trend (see Sampson 2010 for a review).
The weak (and generally non-existent) empirical relationship between immigration and crime isnevertheless rivaled by the persistent and overwhelming public opinion that immigrants do infact cause or, at the very least, increase the possibility of crime.

http://isites.harvar...ing chapter.pdf

Does Immigration Increase Crime?

Nationwide statistics suggest no impact on violent crime


Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime.


You claim: "Fact is immigrants in the USA are less likely to commit crime than are the native population."

I don't know that anybody on the forum is protesting immigrant crime.

What is being questioned are crimes committed by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

All three of your links fail to differentiate between all immigrants and illegal immigrants.

Legal immigrants follow the immigration laws to enter the country so by the very nature of their method of entry, one would assume they might be very law abiding.

Illegal immigrants not so much.

When you have something that says Illegal Immigrants have a lower crime rate than the native population, give us a call.

When you have something that says Illegal Immigrants have a lower crime rate than the native population, give us a call.

You missed this from my post you quoted: Many, if not most, Americans believe that it is a crime to exist in the United States as an undocumented immigrant.

The term "undocumented immigrant" as unfamiliar as it is to the unhinged right, appears in the first sentence of the first source linked in my post. Which means you just got your call but you missed that too so check your working cell batteries.

Civil law governs immigration and immigrants. It always has, still does, always will. The radical right want to change that to criminalise a quota of immigrants identified by the extreme right itself. However, Americans will never criminalize immigration or immigrants. That's because to criminalize it would be, well, un-American.

Criminal law applies to everyone in the USA who violates it, to include all immigrants whether they are documented or undocumented.

Rebel Flag Rednecks Crash Their Trucks During Makeshift Hick Parade June 29, 2015


A bunch of Georgia rednecks decided to put together a parade of oversized trucks to fly the Confederate flag, reported RawStory. However, the participants experienced a little due justice.

During the rally, about three vehicles crashed into each other during the poorly executed parade. Thankfully, the wreck was a mere multi-car fender bender and no one was hurt, so it was just enough for a laugh and a little schadenfreude.


Watch the video here made by the Bro who happened upon the colorful event....language sensitive people should get their earplugs or click mute.....smile.png

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=1399c3ab74d0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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