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Additional purchase of affordable 9 MM pistols now permitted for police

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Not for long! I'm not a betting man but the trade deal that is being bantered around in Congress right now the One that they will not let anyone read, I'm betting it has firearm bans in it across the board! Get ready for civil war American gun owners will balk at this new treaty and handing over thier firearms!

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Do the Keystone Cops have to buy their own guns and bullets, Jeez what a shambles!!

They have to buy most of there own equipments, <most have44 calibers.anyway.


Not for long! I'm not a betting man but the trade deal that is being bantered around in Congress right now the One that they will not let anyone read, I'm betting it has firearm bans in it across the board! Get ready for civil war American gun owners will balk at this new treaty and handing over thier firearms!

Oh dear...


Expect a glut of 9mm Sig on the black market sometime soon.

They might just give those to their 16 year old wayward sons!


If the police can have this for 'Personal self defense', And so what can we legally own and carry for our self defense?

Your ATM card with its PIN number written on it.


Why do the regular Police need guns? By all means have a few highly trained officers available for emergency situations, but the average local "bobby" will probably never ever need one. All police officers should have communication skills training which would equip them to deal with the public far better than waving a gun. Violence breeds violence and weapons breed weapons.


Why do the regular Police need guns? By all means have a few highly trained officers available for emergency situations, but the average local "bobby" will probably never ever need one. All police officers should have communication skills training which would equip them to deal with the public far better than waving a gun. Violence breeds violence and weapons breed weapons.

Take some time to observe the way that the ordinary fine upstanding regular policeman interacts with the general public and look at their haughty attitude.

Armed cockerels.

They don't need guns, they want them.


Even if the RTP were provided with everything they needed/wanted it would not make one iota of difference to the collection of 'tea money'. Corruption and extortion are in their DNA.


Sig Saucer, LOL. How about Sig Sauer.

Those must be subsidized. That price is very low for a Sig. A low price pistol would cost about 2/3 of a Sig and still be a very good gun.

No these are 'Sig Saucer',

Usual Chinese mis-named copies.

Sig Saucer from Shenzhen....


If the police can have this for 'Personal self defense', And so what can we legally own and carry for our self defense?

Anything you want, as long as you get a licence for it, just as a police officer has to do.

Really! Anyone can get a firearms licence in Thailand.. Tell us more?

any Thai, not anyone.


If the police can have this for 'Personal self defense', And so what can we legally own and carry for our self defense?

Anything you want, as long as you get a licence for it, just as a police officer has to do.

Really! Anyone can get a firearms licence in Thailand.. Tell us more?

any Thai, not anyone.

I'm not even sure "any Thai" could get a licence for a semi auto 9mm hand gun!


I was standing next to copper, waiting to cross the road, this weekend. I looked down at his pistol, prominent in a natty black nylon and velcro ipen holster, carried high on his right hip. There was rust on the slide. No point in buying an expensive hand gun if you let it go rusty!


I was standing next to copper, waiting to cross the road, this weekend. I looked down at his pistol, prominent in a natty black nylon and velcro ipen holster, carried high on his right hip. There was rust on the slide. No point in buying an expensive hand gun if you let it go rusty!

Maybe it was an original 1911!


Not for long! I'm not a betting man but the trade deal that is being bantered around in Congress right now the One that they will not let anyone read, I'm betting it has firearm bans in it across the board! Get ready for civil war American gun owners will balk at this new treaty and handing over thier firearms!

I'm not a betting man either but I'll sure take that bet pal!


I was standing next to copper, waiting to cross the road, this weekend. I looked down at his pistol, prominent in a natty black nylon and velcro ipen holster, carried high on his right hip. There was rust on the slide. No point in buying an expensive hand gun if you let it go rusty!

Maybe it was an original 1911!

Certainly looked like it hadn't seen a cleaning kit since then!


Do the Keystone Cops have to buy their own guns and bullets, Jeez what a shambles!!

It's even worse than that. OK they may have the chance to buy " quality " guns, but from what I've seen they tend to buy cheap bullets, which can misfire, get jammed in the barrel etc.

Bullet Thai and Thai Arms pretty much have the market locked down. I doubt cops can afford imported brands (and even those are very limited in selection). That said, I've never had a misfire or jam with local ammo, not bad considering they are almost entirely manufactured reloads. Pure profit.


Given Khun Somyot's recent comments and potentially souring relationship with the military Government that a large push for arming police on the cheap is a good idea.....


I'm not even sure "any Thai" could get a licence for a semi auto 9mm hand gun!

Its fairly easy for a Thai to get a permit to have a firearm to keep at home. To get a permit to carry with you is a lot harder.

Most of the guns on the Thai black market are police supplied. Crazy situation.


Why do the regular Police need guns? By all means have a few highly trained officers available for emergency situations, but the average local "bobby" will probably never ever need one. All police officers should have communication skills training which would equip them to deal with the public far better than waving a gun. Violence breeds violence and weapons breed weapons.

When criminals stop carrying firearms I would imagine the police will too!

"Violence breeds violence and weapons breed weapons." That is a stupid comment. Firearms are made out of steel and plastic, they can't breed!

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