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New Rules Extension of Stay

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Today l visited CW to apply for Extension of Stay (retirement) having obtained a letter from my Bank and updated my pass book yesterday. l was informed that the pass book must show an entry up to the date of application, the previous day is not acceptable. l was told to go to the bank (same building) and make a deposit or withdrawal then up-date the book and make a new copy of the last page. When l asked what was the reason for this the reply was "l could have withdrawn the money after obtaining the letter this was required to show the money was in the account on the day of the application" What will they think of next. This rule applies if the account is a normal savings account, if its a long/fixed term deposit account they will accept it because withdrawals are not allowed.

It just makes it more difficult having to up-date and copy on the day of application especially if you want to get in the queue early before 8.30

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Nothing new here. Been same way for years.

If you want to arrive early, then you have to accept the extra step of making a transaction and updating your passbook on the day.

Quite why Immigration thinks you're likely to withdraw all the money from your account the previous day, I just don't know. It does seem rather ludicrous.

Incidentally, a fixed deposit account which does not allow withdrawals is not acceptable; you must be able to withdraw the money any time (albeit with loss of interest). That said, with such an account (at least in my experience) I haven't been asked to make a token withdrawal on the day.

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If you make a deposit or withdrawal, the last amount on the bank book and the amount on the bank letter will no longer match. I thought that it was required that they always match exactly.

Edited by Jingthing
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If you make a deposit or withdrawal, the last amount on the bank book and the amount on the bank letter will no longer match. I thought that it was required that they always match exactly.

When I first had to make a transaction on the application day because I had got the book updated and a letter the day before (a few years back) they accepted the new book total which was 100b more than the letter without needing a new letter.

I know now so always get the letter, fixed acc on the morning of the day I apply.

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If they don't match, I suppose a higher number would be better than a lower number, but this still confuses me as I thought exact matching was required. Anyway I don't use Bangkok, different offices different schticks ... so good luck.

Edited by Jingthing
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I guess you could always deposit 100 thb and then withdraw 100 thb... Then update book...

Although if you have exactly amount needed for extension ... Don't withdraw 100thb and then deposit 100 thb...

Or your done for.. If balance drops under the required amount for even a second... Need to releasing funds

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Since when do they require showing money in the bank for an extension of stay?

Since a long time already, if it's for retirement either show 800k or 65k of income or a combination of both Edited by MJCM
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Since when do they require showing money in the bank for an extension of stay?

Since always when using a bank method for annual retirement extensions:

There are three choices to qualify:

1- Based on income letter from embassy, 65K per month

2- Based on 800K in a Thai bank seasoned two months for first extension, three months for subsequent

3- Based on a combination of income letter plus Thai bank account totally at least 800K (no bank seasoning required except at some provincial offices)

Edited by Jingthing
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Since when do they require showing money in the bank for an extension of stay?

Since a long time already, if it's for retirement either show 800k or 65k of income or a combination of both

Sorry, didn't see the retirement in the OP. THX.

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Did my Retirement extension of stay today. Started off, went to bank got confirmation and required photo copies of bank book, Went into Jomtien Immigration, On entry they checked my paperwork then got a ticket for the extension of stay desk, No waiting I was seen immediately, Girl checked all my photo copied documents and form, Take my 1900 bhat , Collect passport tomorrow. Excellent service up to yet from Jomtien Immigration. Love the new set up they have.

I always try to miss Mondays and I never try to be first in, get their after 10.00

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Latest reports are that Jomtien does NOT require same day bank book update and application. Actually, in my long experience they have NEVER required that. Basically you can get your letter the day before or even earlier and update your book same day of course, and match the balance. Will be accepted unless not recent enough.

Edited by Jingthing
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whistling.gif This is not a new procedure.

I was asked to do the same thing in October 2011 when I did my first (initial) annual retirement extension in CW.

They haven't asked for that since however.

It is just something they occasionally do but not a new thing.

In CW there are bank branches on the ground floor, you can get an updated, same day, bank letter there for 100 or 200 Baht depending on the Bank you use printed on a computer form which will be accepted upstairs for an update application now

The 100 baht update process therefore is rarely used now. Instead they may ask you to go downstairs and get a new bank letter dated the same day.

It is up to the immigration officer to decide whether they want "further clarification " or not in any case.

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whistling.gif This is not a new procedure.

I was asked to do the same thing in October 2011 when I did my first (initial) annual retirement extension in CW.

They haven't asked for that since however.

It is just something they occasionally do but not a new thing.

In CW there are bank branches on the ground floor, you can get an updated, same day, bank letter there for 100 or 200 Baht depending on the Bank you use printed on a computer form which will be accepted upstairs for an update application now

The 100 baht update process therefore is rarely used now. Instead they may ask you to go downstairs and get a new bank letter dated the same day.

It is up to the immigration officer to decide whether they want "further clarification " or not in any case.

You are missing the point: it isn't the bank letter that is being asked to be updated on the same day- it is the bank book!

You must have an updated entry in your bank book showing the amount in it on the day you apply. The letter does not need to be the same day and the OP did not say he was asked for this!

There is nothing at all new about this requirement despite what the OP wrongly suggests, it has been a requirement at Chaengwattana for many years: bank letter from day before OK, bank book update from day before not OK.

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You misunderstand. What IMA_FARANG is saying is that if the bank letter is dated the same day as your application, showing your bank book may not be required at the discretion of the officer processing your extension application.

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You misunderstand. What IMA_FARANG is saying is that if the bank letter is dated the same day as your application, showing your bank book may not be required at the discretion of the officer processing your extension application.

Uh, the bank letter doesn't include seasoning information, so surely the officer will always need to see the bank book.

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I suspect the thinking is that you actually getting account updated on date of application proves you have access to the money yourself - a letter of the previous day does not prove more than money was in your name - not that you had fee access to the passbook and could withdraw it. Might help weed out a few of the loan you money for visa firms; and at least make it a bit more difficult.

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Immigration nightmares and horror stories..

I believe they have much to do with what immigration office you go to and how the officer you are dealing with deal with is interpreting the law on the day you are there. In some cases, your attitude can be a major factor as well.

Admittedly, my visa is a Non O married to Thai visa and not a retirement visa, but

All year I have been reading stories of people who have had their income letter rejected and had to provide bank records to get their extension approved for married or retired visas.

I went in to apply for my extension yesterday and came prepared to provide both.

As on every previous occasion when I have applied for an extension, the officer happily approved my income letter and never even mentioned providing any bank records.

I have never had a problem getting an extension.

It is very routine now, just copy the previous years forms and records update the dates and get a new income letter and photos of the family at the house.

Maybe I am just lucky to live where I do and have a nice and helpful immigration office and officers to deal with.

I think seeing the same officers every 90 days is a good thing. I feel we know each other, have a good working relationship, and cooperate with each other.

I believe I will pass on the online 90 day reporting.

P.S. I was not told to come back in a month to find out if my extension was approved or not. I was told to come back in a month to get my attention...just like I was last year!

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You misunderstand. What IMA_FARANG is saying is that if the bank letter is dated the same day as your application, showing your bank book may not be required at the discretion of the officer processing your extension application.

Uh, the bank letter doesn't include seasoning information, so surely the officer will always need to see the bank book.

FWIW my bank letters always show total relationship balances as of the first day of each of the prior three months, as well as the balance as of the date of the letter.

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  • 2 months later...

If you make a deposit or withdrawal, the last amount on the bank book and the amount on the bank letter will no longer match. I thought that it was required that they always match exactly.

When I first had to make a transaction on the application day because I had got the book updated and a letter the day before (a few years back) they accepted the new book total which was 100b more than the letter without needing a new letter.

I know now so always get the letter, fixed acc on the morning of the day I apply.

I ran into this same issue when I did my retirement extension renewal at BKK Chaengwattana a couple of weeks ago.

I actually used the monthly income method for my real application. But I also did all the bank paperwork and process for doing a combo method, just in case I ever wanted to do that in the future.

That morning, first thing, I went to my bank branch in the basement of the Government building and did a small ATM withdrawal, and then updated by bank passbook accordingly. Then when the branch opened at 8:30 am, I went inside and paid for a bank statement letter.

However, when the bank gave me the letter, it didn't reflect my account balance as of that morning, for some reason, but instead showed my balance as of the end of the prior day -- which of course didn't match either the updated passbook or my ATM receipt from that morning.

So later, upstairs at Immigration, after they completed my extension based on monthly income, I showed all my bank stuff to the Immigration supervisor just as an inquiry. I thought, the prior day balance bank statement letter was going to cause a big problem. But at least the supervisor whom I was dealing with, didn't seem to mind and said no problem. As long as the bank passbook itself was updated that same day and had whatever seasoning period was required.

I guess I don't understand, why the bank branch in CW couldn't produce an account statement showing a balance as of the same date that they issue the letter. But, if Immigration is OK with that, why should I care... My worry is, if I ever go to actually use the combo method, when I do, I'll get an Immigration supervisor who says NO...the bank letter has to show the account balance as of TODAY!

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It was Krungsri at CW.

I should add, the bank account I was using was an interest earning savings account, not a fixed account, so the balance could change all during the period, including the day of my application, but it always stayed above the combo amount I was claiming with 3 months seasoning.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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There is nothing at all new about this requirement despite what the OP wrongly suggests, it has been a requirement at Chaengwattana for many years: bank letter from day before OK, bank book update from day before not OK.

Perhaps that's why my Immigration supervisor at CW said she had no problem with a bank letter dated that day, the day of my application, that nonetheless showed my account balance as of the end of the prior day, and that being a different balance from my passbook update.

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Since when do they require showing money in the bank for an extension of stay?

It has never been required from my immigration office either.

I guess some guys just picked the wrong place to live.

As noted above, you're not REQUIRED to have money in a Thai bank in order to get a retirement extension in Bangkok...

Unless, you choose the bank deposits method or the bank deposits+monthly income combo method as your means of satisfying Immigration's financial requirement.

If you don't want to put or show money in a Thai bank, you can equally well satisfy the financial requirement by showing at least 65,000 baht in monthly income via a Consulate-issued income affidavit.

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