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Thai gamblers 'who lost all stuck in Poipet'

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A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

A behaviour choice? You obviously haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps it was still a behaviour choice in 1980 but in 2015 the scientific community unanimously know that gambling is like any other disease; not a free choice

True that addictions to gambling, alcoholism, and drugs are diseases.

That means that people who start using drugs or alcohol, or who start gambling, have a chance of getting addicted to it.

The best way to avoid people getting addicted to gambling would therefore be to keep them away from opportunities to gamble.

So I guess we can agree that opening casions would be a bad decision (as it would also be a bad decision to open crack dens or smoking rooms) as it makes it more likely people will try it out and get addicted.

Of course gambling is illegal now but it still happens. But by legalizing it is more likely that more people will visit a casino at least once than when there are no casinos because not everybody is willing to go to illegal gambling dens (or they don't know where to find them).

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Ok speaking as a first person on the subject. People will gamble no matter what. Even in Las Vegas where I'm from. But if casino's where allowed to open here it would create more jobs for Thai's. But it would need to regulate the way it operates concerning gamblers. And the taxes and licenseing fees would have to be high enough to discourage operaters who lack experience in the business. Now on the flipside revenue gererated could support a huge amount of projects much needed in Thailand. But all in all it could be a good thing if done and managed right


"Surachai or Hia Paeh, 46, who regularly goes to Poipet to gamble, said Thai gamblers spent up to Bt1 billion a day in Cambodian casinos"

And where does this regular gambler base his calculations on? Does he spend his complete days in Poipet keeping track of how much thousands of Thai citizens spend in many casinos spread over the country (not sure how to do that by yourself, seems like an impossible job to me), or more likely, is he making up numbers in the hope he won't have to travel so far in the future anymore for the gambling?


Ok speaking as a first person on the subject. People will gamble no matter what. Even in Las Vegas where I'm from. But if casino's where allowed to open here it would create more jobs for Thai's. But it would need to regulate the way it operates concerning gamblers. And the taxes and licenseing fees would have to be high enough to discourage operaters who lack experience in the business. Now on the flipside revenue gererated could support a huge amount of projects much needed in Thailand. But all in all it could be a good thing if done and managed right

Guess that last sentence makes you a strong advocate against casinos in Thailand smile.png


Many Thais here in Esaan are addicted to hi-lo. They play every day and borrow money from the loan sharks to sustain their gambling. The debt collectors roam this village every day collecting. Some of the neighbors kept coming to this house wanting to borrow money. I finally put a sign on the door, much to my gf's chagrin that reads "don't ask to borrow money". Problem solved.

attachicon.gifDon't ask to borrow money.jpg

Have you had any of the anger, in various ways, to indicate ' how dare you refuse to lend us money ? '

I've had it a couple of times as if they're doing me a favour by allowing me to part with money that will never be returned.

Haven't had any anger demonstrated toward me about it other than my gf when I taped it to the door. I'm thinking about adding "I don't want to buy land" because many times when a boy gets married the mom comes around wanting to sell land in order to buy the bride for her son..


Casinos aren't there to attract the poor, who will continue to gamble in card schools, hi-lo games and the underground lottery. That won't change, whatever the decision.

As a way of increasing tourism revenue, that all important source of money for Thailand, well-located casinos would work; they would create jobs both inside the casinos and in nearby hotels restaurants etc. I'm fully in favour of casinos provided a foreign passport needs to be produced for admittance and there's an expensive, infallible membership scheme for locals.

Though I think they will be rather empty if they impose a a European dress-code. cheesy.gif

But on a more serous note, all that money spent in Cambodian casinos is money leaving Thailand, if the casinos were in Thailand, tax on their income could be ring-fenced to tackle Thailand's gambling addiction problem.

You are nether going to stop gambling, but by legalising it, it can be controlled.


Anyone,who believes gambling or alcoholism is a disease so

WRONG in so many ways. Cancer is a disease...gambling and

Alcoholism are behaviors. The DRUNKS want everyone to

Believe it's a disease, gives them ANOTHER EXCUSE why

They abused their families, children, ran out on the bills and

don't have to even look at their selfish behavior...Always,have

Beer money, food for the kids. "I have a disease". Selfish,

Greedy, me first, bastards, THE LOT !




Ok speaking as a first person on the subject. People will gamble no matter what. Even in Las Vegas where I'm from. But if casino's where allowed to open here it would create more jobs for Thai's. But it would need to regulate the way it operates concerning gamblers. And the taxes and licenseing fees would have to be high enough to discourage operaters who lack experience in the business. Now on the flipside revenue gererated could support a huge amount of projects much needed in Thailand. But all in all it could be a good thing if done and managed right

Agree. If gambling is done right and well regulated, it could be a huge financial benefit. Thailand could do what South Korea and Singapore have done to limit locals from gambling away their grocery money. If the goal is mostly to siphon money from the millions of degenerate Chinese gamblers, then there is certainly a way to do it without harming the local populace.


Haven't had any anger demonstrated toward me about it other than my gf when I taped it to the door. I'm thinking about adding "I don't want to buy land" because many times when a boy gets married the mom comes around wanting to sell land in order to buy the bride for her son..

You could try translating "droit du seigneur" into Thai, but I'm not sure it would discourage them.


A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

Since when has eating been an addiction?

No-one has ever "cured himself of cancer by his free will", many people stop gambling when they actually want to do so though.


A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

Some drugs are physically addictive and once addicted, the body gives the victim a hard time making a choice, alcoholism, gambling, obesity ARE a matter of choice.

'"I've always had a problem with my weight"

Yeah, but you've never had a problem with putting food in your mouth.

Comparing cancer sufferers to weak willed people who make poor choices, is horse shit.


A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

Yes! And obsessive compulsive disorder is a "behavior choice". Just stop washing your hands. And Tourettes Syndrome is a "behavior choice". Just stop blinking. And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a "behavior choice". Just stop crying. And Parkinson's Disease is a "behavior choice". Just stop shaking your hands. And depression is a "behavior choice". And dyslexia. And stuttering. And you know what else is a "behavior choice"? Being a dick. So stop being a dick.

Here's a definition of disease: "disease dis·ease (dĭ-zēz') n. A pathological condition of a body part, an organ, or a system resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms."

OCD, Parkinson;s, Tourettes syndrome, some forms of depression, dyslexia etc probably are neurologically based, so would qualify as diseases. PTSD, some depressions, and possibly stuttering are psychological conditions and can be dealt with through therapy and medication.

If a gambler, heroin addict or a drunk were placed in solitary confinement they could not perform behaviors that you call a disease. May have some physical withdrawal for heroin and booze, but once clean of those symtoms there is no physical evidence of those "diseases". There may be a genetic predisposition for those behaviors, granted. Counseling and therapy could possibly help teach how to use decision making and life choices more productively. Being a responsible adult involves making decisions, hopefully ones that don't harm self or others. AA works for some people because they have a group that supports them making better choices, but the biggest step is deciding "I have a problem and I need to attend to it".

Place someone with cancer in solitary and the disease just keeps on progressing, same as others I thought qualify as diseases. Saying a behavior a person could control if they acted responsibly is a disease is a cop out and an insult to those who have real physical diseases.

And posting "And you know what else is a "behavior choice"?Being a dick. So stop being a dick." is an attack on myself as a person, but forum should be about respecting different viewpoints without cheap shots.


legalize gambling, regulate it and shut down all illegal gambling dens

it's a no brainer - more jobs, more income just look at Singapore and Macau etc.


"Surachai or Hia Paeh, 46, who regularly goes to Poipet to gamble, said Thai gamblers spent up to Bt1 billion a day in Cambodian casinos, adding that this money could be spent at home and the tax revenue could be used to help the poor"

Oh yes, I see now, the reason why so many Police Chiefs, Generals and high ranking politicians are

behind the legalization of Casinos in Thailand. Thanks for clearing up any misconceptions I had. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifthumbsup.gif


What a strange report.

The article starts out seeming to make an argument by those supporting Thai casinos that it would be better to have casinos in Thailand, so Thais wouldn't be left stranded abroad such as in Cambodia.

But instead, to anyone with a brain, it's actually making the argument that there are Thais who are so addicted and vulnerable to gambling, and unable to control themselves, that they'd lose all their possessions and even pawn their passports in order to feed the addiction.

If that's the way Thais respond to gambling, then it's probably better that the Thai government doesn't make it even easier (by providing more convenient local access) for its citizens to bring their lives to ruin.


Many Thais here in Esaan are addicted to hi-lo. They play every day and borrow money from the loan sharks to sustain their gambling. The debt collectors roam this village every day collecting. Some of the neighbors kept coming to this house wanting to borrow money. I finally put a sign on the door, much to my gf's chagrin that reads "don't ask to borrow money". Problem solved.

attachicon.gifDon't ask to borrow money.jpg

Have you had any of the anger, in various ways, to indicate ' how dare you refuse to lend us money ? '

I've had it a couple of times as if they're doing me a favour by allowing me to part with money that will never be returned.

Yes I have!

A Thai friend of mine, (known her 25 years who has worked in Japan and other countries outside Thailand) , said to me in Bangkok the other week,

" The problem with Thai people is the want to borrow your money and then they get angry when you want it back! "

I thought that was spot on!


Make a change for casinos. I don't see why they can't be legal if not regulated. I think a gambling license must be obtained before being allowed to gamble. Before the applicant registers he must provide a bank statement/salary showing his values and earnings. Allow between 5-%50 of the salary be permitted for gambling. Then they must provide their 'gambling license' before being allowed to play. Once they hit their limit, their card is frozen until they can play again next month. Gambling can be fun, but not when you lose everything like my father did when I was young lol.

But in reality, people will just resort to illegal gambling.


Those who want to gamble in Thailand will find a way to do it, whether legal or not. And it will never be legalized in Thailand because those who run the illegal casinos - the untouchables, those in power who are supposed to uphold the law - would lose their billions. End of debate.


Some news article lines simply make no sense....absolute nonsense, like "Cambodia might lobby against the proposal as it stands to lose out". Really? Since when does one country lobby against a casino starting up in another country......er' which international law shall we refer to?? The quality of articles in several Thai publications makes me vomit.


A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

A behaviour choice? You obviously haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps it was still a behaviour choice in 1980 but in 2015 the scientific community unanimously know that gambling is like any other disease; not a free choice
But the cancer analogy is absolute <deleted> bull shit... so nobody as ever stopped gambling, stop being so <deleted> weak. Flame on...

I stopped gambling after being addicted for about 7/8 years when I was teenager(in the 80's) and I am not a weak person as you make out. I was doing my A-levels back then. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to stop for people who are not as strong willed or maybe even challenged or simple minded? Must be a hell. People like you who put addictions down to being weak instead of an illness or perhaps an error in the DNA are also challenged in a way. You can't seem to understand that not everybody is as wonderful and strong as you

A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

A behaviour choice? You obviously haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps it was still a behaviour choice in 1980 but in 2015 the scientific community unanimously know that gambling is like any other disease; not a free choice
But the cancer analogy is absolute <deleted> bull shit... so nobody as ever stopped gambling, stop being so <deleted> weak. Flame on...

I stopped gambling after being addicted for about 7/8 years when I was teenager(in the 80's) and I am not a weak person as you make out. I was doing my A-levels back then. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to stop for people who are not as strong willed or maybe even challenged or simple minded? Must be a hell. People like you who put addictions down to being weak instead of an illness or perhaps an error in the DNA are also challenged in a way. You can't seem to understand that not everybody is as wonderful and strong as you

Strong people take it on the chin, hold their hands up and say "I'm responsible for......"

Weak people blame everything and everybody else.

"It's not my fault, it's in my DNA" or "it's not my fault, it's an illness". Pathetic.

And being "strong" is not superior intellect or physical prowess.

Let's move on from the strong and weak debate and talk logic.

What's logical about gambling all your money away? Not being able to pay bills or buy food. Cheating and lying to cover your illogical behaviour.

With your A level education it took 7/8 years to realise that gambling (as an addiction) is a fools game?


A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

I used to play cards for money years ago but only in a small way but I don't bother anymore. I also beat the "addiction" called smoking (5 times actually) and the last cigarette I smoked was in 1970 and I did that the hard way by simply stopping of my own free will.

I guess that gives me the right (according to you) to cast stones.

I am against casinos in Thailand for the simple reason of the corruption that will be involved. the amounts of money will be vast and the temptation will be there to skim it off at all levels.

If Thais want to gamble then they will, legally or illegally, abroad or in Thailand.

For the Thais who, allegedly, gambled everything away including their passports I have NO sympathy. If you are stupid eneough to carry on without ensuring that you keep your passport, mobile phone, and enough money for a bus ride home, something to eat and drink on the way. Tuffo crappo as they say in the Italian army.

Your problem, you got yourself there, you get yourself out.

A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

A behaviour choice? You obviously haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps it was still a behaviour choice in 1980 but in 2015 the scientific community unanimously know that gambling is like any other disease; not a free choice
But the cancer analogy is absolute <deleted> bull shit... so nobody as ever stopped gambling, stop being so <deleted> weak. Flame on...

I stopped gambling after being addicted for about 7/8 years when I was teenager(in the 80's) and I am not a weak person as you make out. I was doing my A-levels back then. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to stop for people who are not as strong willed or maybe even challenged or simple minded? Must be a hell. People like you who put addictions down to being weak instead of an illness or perhaps an error in the DNA are also challenged in a way. You can't seem to understand that not everybody is as wonderful and strong as you

Strong people take it on the chin, hold their hands up and say "I'm responsible for......"

Weak people blame everything and everybody else.

"It's not my fault, it's in my DNA" or "it's not my fault, it's an illness". Pathetic.

And being "strong" is not superior intellect or physical prowess.

Let's move on from the strong and weak debate and talk logic.

What's logical about gambling all your money away? Not being able to pay bills or buy food. Cheating and lying to cover your illogical behaviour.

With your A level education it took 7/8 years to realise that gambling (as an addiction) is a fools game?

Difficult to explain to people like yourself Sean. You remind me of my dad. Because you are a strong person you look down on weak people. You just can't understand why they are weak.

Let me try to explain again.

Some people can fight off addictions easier than others. There is no logic to it. Why are some guys billionaires while others work their behinds off all their days? You could say that the billionaire is stronger than the weak worker, but this is not the case. It also has nothing to do with choices. It has to do with luck, connections and determination.

Gamblers know that gambling is a fools game but the attraction to it overpowers their mind and makes them forget about all the consequences.

The attraction is too strong. No different than a junkie to booze or drugs.

Yes, they are weak and most have poor discipline records but it doesn't mean they are less than you.

Any addiction has a powerful hold on the weak willed. More and more doctors are now saying that gambling is an impulse control disorder that the compulsive gambler has no control over, but still you know better than them. Please give us some evidence or credentials to support your logic.

It's because of people like you who automatically always compare people to each other and condemn them if they are not the same that this planet is in dire straits mate.

Chill out a bit and allow some people to be different, even weaker. Remember Hitler's logic mate? He also believed that his ubermensch society had no place for the weak. Is that what you mean when you call ill and weak people pathetic?

I haven't gambled for decades now and don't even miss it, so somehow I did find the power within myself to stop. Without help that was.

I was 12 when I started gambling and yet you judge me for not being 'smart' enough and pathetic. Nuff said


Any further info on these alleged women that have lost all and hang around the casinos to give sexual favors to tourists? Unbelievable, pics or it never happened.

jaidam, stop telling people to put up pictures. What you're doing will basically encourage a load of men to deliberately turn up there, to look for these desperate women, and to have sex with them. Exploitation of such women IS wrong.

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