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Pedophile Lawyer Laments Decline in Cases


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News by Khmer Times/Igor Kossov

PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – Dun Vibol occupies a rare – and very lucrative – legal niche: defending men accused of pedophilia.

Over the course of his career, he’s handled around 100 child cases, working mostly for foreigners, but also Cambodians.

Mr. Vibol started defending accused pedophiles in 2007, just a year into his career, when he was a hotshot rookie eager to tackle a challenging case. Since then, he has become an expert on sex-crime laws.

“It’s very hard to defend those people,” he said, referring to child molesters.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/12603/pedophile-lawyer-laments-decline-in-cases/

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Its a sad day when you can't rely on kiddy fiddlers to earn your crust.

Pop an add in the UK press for 70's celebs to go and hide out in Cambodia and Bob's your uncle.

More cash than you can spend in a lifetime.

Edited by Manbing
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Mr. Vibol is often up against NGO lawyers, who represent virtually all child abuse victims here. His strategy has featured assertions that his clients were set up by rapacious NGOs eager to catch a predator to win foreign donations – not help victims.

“NGOs know that the girl is a street prostitute, but they don’t bring her to the center for the government to take care of her,” he said. “They let her stay in the street and work as a prostitute.”


How long will it be before we start seeing the corrupt NGO's prosecuted and sent to prison for a long time.

There are enormous number of foreigners who have been setup and victimised,

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Its a sad day when you can't rely on kiddy fiddlers to earn your crust.

Pop an add in the UK press for 70's celebs to go and hide out in Cambodia and Bob's your uncle.

More cash than you can spend in a lifetime.

I strongly object to your use of the term kiddy fiddler. That is sanitizing what these low lifes are doing to children.

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Its a sad day when you can't rely on kiddy fiddlers to earn your crust.

Pop an add in the UK press for 70's celebs to go and hide out in Cambodia and Bob's your uncle.

More cash than you can spend in a lifetime.

I strongly object to your use of the term kiddy fiddler. That is sanitizing what these low lifes are doing to children.

Interesting you object to my pejorative terminology, but not to the previous poster 'jobsworth', who claims that the NGO's a setting up the paedophiles. As the victims are street prostitutes and therefore to some extent fair game.

Well done Circusman, you priorities are ridiculous. Kiddy fiddled isn't a term of endearment.

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Its a sad day when you can't rely on kiddy fiddlers to earn your crust.

Pop an add in the UK press for 70's celebs to go and hide out in Cambodia and Bob's your uncle.

More cash than you can spend in a lifetime.

I strongly object to your use of the term kiddy fiddler. That is sanitizing what these low lifes are doing to children.

Interesting you object to my pejorative terminology, but not to the previous poster 'jobsworth', who claims that the NGO's a setting up the paedophiles. As the victims are street prostitutes and therefore to some extent fair game.

Well done Circusman, you priorities are ridiculous. Kiddy fiddled isn't a term of endearment.

It sanitizes the act. Can't you understand what I'm saying ? Oh well, other will.

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There are a lot of NGO scams in Cambodia especially when it comes to kids ... easy money. And when I see NGO posters saying don't give money to the poor, give it to us and then see that the NGO HQ is a nice villa, and the head honcho drives the famous black Lexus SUV and has a staff of people working free ... well ... it destroys my faith in NGOs.

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Foreign pedophiles, the most lucrative source of income, are increasingly scarce, the lawyer said.

Only a self-serving, money grubbing lawyer would whine about a decrease in pedophile cases...

This truly shows where their hearts are...in people's bank accounts...

Edited by ggt
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Only a self-serving, money grubbing lawyer would whine about a decrease in pedophile cases...

Surely it depends upon why there's a decrease. If it's because police are increasingly taking backhanders not to prosecute, or police are just not interested in napping paedophiles, then that would be something to bemoan. Ditto if the sick perverts have moved on to another country where they're less likely to be caught/prosecuted.

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There are a lot of NGO scams in Cambodia especially when it comes to kids ... easy money. And when I see NGO posters saying don't give money to the poor, give it to us and then see that the NGO HQ is a nice villa, and the head honcho drives the famous black Lexus SUV and has a staff of people working free ... well ... it destroys my faith in NGOs.

All of the top restaurants in PP are supported by the NGO staffers, many of whom earn in excess of $200,000 annually, plus expenses. Some are doing good work. Some are nearly on the level of the pedophiles.

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Interesting you object to my pejorative terminology, but not to the previous poster 'jobsworth', who claims that the NGO's a setting up the paedophiles. As the victims are street prostitutes and therefore to some extent fair game.

Well done Circusman, you priorities are ridiculous. Kiddy fiddled isn't a term of endearment.

It sanitizes the act. Can't you understand what I'm saying ? Oh well, other will.

"Eye of the beholder", I would say. I find the term pretty descriptive & reprehensible. If you want to talk about "sanitized" phrases, "pedophile" (or paedophile) is pretty sanitized. Strictly speaking, it means lover or enthusiast of children when in fact the act is about abuse, domination, and self-gratification -- all the opposite of love.

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