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Supreme Court declares US-wide right to same-sex marriage

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

The bubonic plague is like the common cold compared to liberalism.

First a black president. Now this. Smelling salts aren't going to be enough for you when a woman is elected POTUS.

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There is a lot of baiting, bickering and off-topic posting going on. The thread is not about polygamy. Polygamists can fight their own fight. It's not about pedophilia or necrophilia -- in those case the other party can't give consent, at least not legally.

Stay on topic, please.

Edit: A post with oversized font has been removed.

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

I hope So! Thanks for your congratulations!

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The legacy of the Obama presidency has begun to take a definitive shape and it is looking good.

The right has lost big time in this and on a number of its important fronts.

Big time.

The right? There you go again. Right, left, political polarization and etc.

The fact is, most Americans are totally cool with this. It is just the out spoken weirdos (typically on both sides) that get all of the media circus attention.

This has zero to do with Obama legacy. The Supreme Court could give two cents less about his legacy.

I mean seriously, does Obama take credit for and do you give him credit for a sunny day at the beach during a vacation?

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

The bubonic plague is like the common cold compared to liberalism.

First a black president. Now this. Smelling salts aren't going to be enough for you when a woman is elected POTUS.

Candidly, I am so very upset we did not have Hillary back in 2008 instead of Obama. I really wanted Hillary, not Obama, but no way would I vote Republican especially the PTSD riddled John McCain and nut bag Sarah Pallin. I voted for and loved Obama in 2008 and was avid support of Obama in 2012. Events in 2013 changed that rapidly. The funny part is ignorant folks call me a racist because I criticize Obama when I actually voted for him and defended everything he did for 5 years until my eyes were opened.

But seriously, what the heck do you care and why do you feel the need to mess with people on issues like this when you don't live in the US and you are not impacted by the huge economic decision being made currently in the US? Answer is simple, but I would probably get mention hall for saying it.

Edited by F430murci
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Hey, lets just be thankfull the US is is waking up.

Waking up to what. Did you watch the Dukes of Hazard back in the 70s? The show made more fun of a fat dumb white guy politician and his idiot white guy cop than anything. So what the heck are you talking about. Are you implying that the Dukes of Hazard was racist?

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

The bubonic plague is like the common cold compared to liberalism.

First a black president. Now this. Smelling salts aren't going to be enough for you when a woman is elected POTUS.

Candidly, I am so very upset we did not have Hillary back in 2008 instead of Obama. I really wanted Hillary, not Obama, but no way would I vote Republican especially the PTSD riddled John McCain and nut bag Sarah Pallin.

But seriously, what the heck do you care and why do you feel the need to mess with people on issues like this when you don't live in the US and you are not impacted by the huge economic decision being made currently in the US? Answer is simple, but I would probably get mention hall for saying it.

Go on, don't hold back.

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

The bubonic plague is like the common cold compared to liberalism.

First a black president. Now this. Smelling salts aren't going to be enough for you when a woman is elected POTUS.

Candidly, I am so very upset we did not have Hillary back in 2008 instead of Obama. I really wanted Hillary, not Obama, but no way would I vote Republican especially the PTSD riddled John McCain and nut bag Sarah Pallin.

But seriously, what the heck do you care and why do you feel the need to mess with people on issues like this when you don't live in the US and you are not impacted by the huge economic decision being made currently in the US? Answer is simple, but I would probably get mention hall for saying it.

Go on, don't hold back.

Lol, "mention hall." You gotta love Apple products and error correction. Deep down inside we all know what and who we really are.

I have to say this site fascinates me because of the varying world views. I guess I had my head up my butt for many years because I just did not realize how bad some hated the US or how so many world wide balled the US for everything.

I always thought people in the US were somewhat liked as we are always there to offer assistance and money in times of crisis or natural disasters and are actually pretty good people through and through.

But again, why do you care so much about US politics, at least to the point you have to bait people about it.

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Not to forget, GLBT Americans and allies owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to the Abraham Lincoln of the American gay civil rights movement, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It's impossible to imagine this would have happened so quickly without his dedicated and inspired national leadership on GLBT civil rights issues.


Earlier cover the "The Advocate" a major gay politically oriented magazine. Obama is pictured on the LINCOLN memorial


Rainbow White House After the Historic Victory


At Niagara Falls. (U.S.-Canada border area)

Apt as CANADIANS showed the way to their slower southern neighbors. (We do try.)

Oh please. What did Obama really do that changed anything or sped up the process that would not have happened anyway. Are you one of those who would also give Obama credit for a beautiful mummy day at the beach during your vacation.

Obama is a mouth piece. The vast majority of the US and politicians in the US just don't listen to him any more. He would actually be more a speed bump on an issue such as this as opposed to expediting the process simply because most people just don't like him anymore.

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Wow, the liberals got their wish. Now men can legally marry other men. It seems they may be successful in getting South Carolina to stop flying the Confederate flag as well.

What's next, not allowing people to smoke (unless it's marijuana), no more fast food, unable to say God in school, make gun ownership illegal, and ban saying Merry Christmas (use Happy Holidays instead).

The bubonic plague is like the common cold compared to liberalism.
First a black president. Now this. Smelling salts aren't going to be enough for you when a woman is elected POTUS.

Candidly, I am so very upset we did not have Hillary back in 2008 instead of Obama. I really wanted Hillary, not Obama, but no way would I vote Republican especially the PTSD riddled John McCain and nut bag Sarah Pallin.

But seriously, what the heck do you care and why do you feel the need to mess with people on issues like this when you don't live in the US and you are not impacted by the huge economic decision being made currently in the US? Answer is simple, but I would probably get mention hall for saying it.

Go on, don't hold back.

Lol, "mention hall." You gotta love Apple products and error correction. Deep down inside we all know what and who we really are.

I have to say this site fascinates me because of the varying world views. I guess I had my head up my butt for many years because I just did not realize how bad some hated the US or how so many world wide balled the US for everything.

I always thought people in the US were somewhat liked as we are always there to offer assistance and money in times of crisis or natural disasters and are actually pretty good people through and through.

But again, why do you care so much about US politics, at least to the point you have to bait people about it.

Fascinating rant from a defamer.

What makes you think I don't like the US?
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No they didn't.

All current other restrictions do apply. DUH!

Next ...

Sorry, but where is that written?

What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.


This French Muzz was caught with 4 wives and 46 children and had been receiving a lot of welfare money. They might be on their way to the USA soon.

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What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.

Indeed. The Supremes have opened a real Pandora;s Box. Anyone who wants to get married in any configuration is justified now. If they do not allow it, SCOTUS are hypocrites.

I'm for marriage equality. If you want to marry your Golden Retriever because he loves you more than anyone else in the whole wide world, I respect your choice to marry him!

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No they didn't.

All current other restrictions do apply. DUH!

Next ...

Sorry, but where is that written?

What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.


This French Muzz was caught with 4 wives and 46 children and had been receiving a lot of welfare money. They might be on their way to the USA soon.

Two big differences, the amount received on welfare is capped in the United States and usually deducted from the cap if people are Able Bodied Working Adults without Employment and based on how much your income was in subsequent quarters before just like disability.

Second unlike France, in the United States women have VAWA and courts rule in their favor. They very simply just have to leave him, go to the police to press charges, and the court will make him pay child support for everyone or put him in Jail or maybe even cops will shoot him in the back just like South Carolina.

The best is if he has to live in a housing project with others, do you really think he can be a watchdog 24/7 from people that'll rape his wives and children or beat him up to steal their shoes and jackets. He doesn't seem remotely scary. That's why people are homeless.. they're scared to live in welfare housing because crimes are through the roof.

This is not Europe we're talking about, America: we have our advantages, and disadvantages.
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Right wing hysteria is predictable and just not at all unprecedented.

Utah for instance was not permitted by Washington to join the Union until it had put monogamy in to its proposed state constitution, which is of course what Utah did do.

The state of Utah.

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What if three or more consenting adults decide to get married? What is to stop them?

They have the same God given right to marry whomever they wish as a same sex couple does.

Following the reasoning of the Supreme Court, the number of grooms and brides should be immaterial.

Indeed. The Supremes have opened a real Pandora;s Box. Anyone who wants to get married in any configuration is justified now. If they do not allow it, SCOTUS are hypocrites.

I'm for marriage equality. If you want to marry your Golden Retriever because he loves you more than anyone else in the whole wide world, I respect your choice to marry him!

My five golden retrievers do seem to have quite a bit of affection for me, but there are five of them so which one would I choose?

It's immaterial anyway, since I am already married to one lone female of my very own species.

Just for the record, I do congratulate those that will now be able to get legally married to the person of their choosing. I still think it is a States Rights issue but the Supreme Court has spoken and I cannot foresee any sort of Constitutional amendment in the future to address the matter.

Before all of you get your knickers in a twist, NO, I am nt advocating any sort of amendment.

It is time to move on to another subject.

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The issue over gay marriage is a generational one for the most part. As was seen in Ireland recently the vote for gay marriage was notably strong in the younger generation and that is what carried the passage of the law. It was the same when the American military allowed gay men and women to serve openly. Younger people by in large had less problem with the issue than older officers and enlisted personnel. There does not seem to be much of a problem overall with that decision. Time will pass and the marriage issue will become a non-issue. I tend to feel that the government should not even be in the marriage business. As in many Asian countries people get married in whatever way they want and go into to the government office to register the union, thus providing a legal connection which provides those people with certain rights as far as next of kin, inheritance, etc. If that was the way things worked in America this would never have been an issue as "marriage" would not be something regulated by the government. The government should only be registering the union of two people for legal purposes not regulating marriage.

As for the tendency to paint all conservatives/Republicans against gay marriage that is a false idea. The Republican presidential candidates probably all have their own ideas on the issue but in order to pander to the far right conservative they base need to express being against the court decision (unfortunately so). Remember it was not until the last presidential election that Obama changed his tune on the subject and that was done purely for political reasons to get votes. Maybe he came around in his own mind and maybe he has not. Only he knows his own mind. All politicians tend to cater to a political base even when they might disagree personally with that base on various issues. It is the same for Republicans. I think there are many people who identify as conservative but do so because of the fiscal/monetary polices and out of control government while tending to be more liberal on many social issues. They are worried about the future of America when it seems like half the population is on some kind of government program and spending is putting future generations in debt beyond their control to pay it off. Gay marriage like abortion have been issues which the majority of Americans have little issue with and/or is low on the priority list, but are made a flash point by the far right and far left and seem to take priority in election campaigns. I am happy this issue is resolved and hopefully people can start talking about the real issues facing America. Actually I think this is a happy day for most Republican hopefuls. This is an issue they won't be forced to debate and they can hopefully talk about something more substantive. In five years this will all seem like ancient history. Those far right Christian ministers who have continually preached against gay marriage and fostered this hatred hopefully also will focus on doing good and helping others instead of ranting about gay marriage. Love Wins!

Edited by Trouble
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No, gay Americans knew all along that Obama had to lie to get elected for his first term opposing marriage equality. David Axelrod who would really know said as much. Gay Americans played along with the game for tactical reasons. Of course he had to explain it by saying he evolved.

Hillary Clinton is another matter. I think back then she REALLY was against marriage equality and now of course she presents as a GLBT rights advocate. So either she really evolved or she's playing a political game ... not sure it much matters as she'd have no political reason to become anti-gay.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not to forget, GLBT Americans and allies owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to the Abraham Lincoln of the American gay civil rights movement, President Barack Hussein Obama.

It's impossible to imagine this would have happened so quickly without his dedicated and inspired national leadership on GLBT civil rights issues.


Earlier cover the "The Advocate" a major gay politically oriented magazine. Obama is pictured on the LINCOLN memorial


Rainbow White House After the Historic Victory


At Niagara Falls. (U.S.-Canada border area)

Apt as CANADIANS showed the way to their slower southern neighbors. (We do try.)

It seems to me that you are giving too much credit to Obama when it was the Judicial Branch and the Supreme Court that made this happen, not the Executive Branch. in 2008 Obama stated the marriage is between a man and a woman. It was not until 2012 during and election year that Obama changed his tune. Whether he did this for political reasons or had a true change of heart only he knows. I personally believe it was based on political motivation. That being said I am happy he did come out publicly supporting the gay marriage issue and I hope he has genuinely seen the light. It was nice to have Obama's public statements, but it was not Obama pushing this that got it done. It was the people in the gay and lesbian community and their supporters that got this done and an independent Judicial branch that made this happen.

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Right wing hysteria is predictable and just not at all unprecedented.

Utah for instance was not permitted by Washington to join the Union until it had put monogamy in to its proposed state constitution, which is of course what Utah did do.

The state of Utah.

Right wing hysteria. Dude, you are starting sound like someone with a mental illness.

I do have to admit that I felt a whole bunch of sympathy for you when you said you were 70 years old. I kinfd of get where you are coming from which is a different place than my generation comes from regarding race relations.

Speaking of generations in Tennessee, in the past ten elections of the president, Tennessee ongoing generations voted R seven times and D three times. The D vote was for southern governors, Jimmy Carter in 1976 one time only, and for your main guy Counterfeit Bill, twice.

The Tennessee generations can't seem to get out of voting for the Republican Red South and unable to surpass voting for D southern governors but not for any other significant Democrats.

Yeah yeah, you voted twice for Barack Obama but you and I have been over that already, as you surely remember...you know, those erratic voting habits over the decades.

What, you cast your first ever vote for Ronald Reagan or some such....clap2.gif

I didn't vote to re-elect Carter but I didn't vote to elect RR either.

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Replying to Trouble:

This is inside baseball. I disagree with you strongly though. Obama's leadership was critical to the SPEED of this. The rate of the STATES allowing marriage equality greatly accelerated after Obama's second term and the fact that the MAJORITY of U.S. states already HAVE marriage equality made it SAFE for the supreme court to rule this way.

Let the historians work it out.

Axelrod writes that he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential campaign, even as Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full marriages.


Believe me, politically aware gay Americans understood this all along. We had to be patient and the payoff would be later. It worked!

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I'm in agreement with others; this a generational thing, even younger right wing Republicans will shrug their shoulders and turn to other things.

I can also believe there are quite a Republican politicians who have breathed a sigh of relief that the issue has been taken out of their hands, makes getting through a primary easier if your eyes are also on the general election.."I agree totally with you, moral abomination etc etc, but the SCOTUS have taken it out of my hand...next question?"

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It is your privilege to disagree. That does not make you right or me wrong. There was strong disappointment in Obama's remarks in 2008. I am happy that from Thailand you know the inside track of what is going on in the gay community here in the United States. Sorry but I see politicians as hypocrites, all of them of either party. If you prefer to see Obama on a pedestal as in the Lincoln Memorial, be my guest. I think it is a bit much. With your reasoning, it is like Obama influenced the Supreme Court justices rather than the justices using the law to reach their decision. I want to think this decision was reached based on the Constitution and the law not political necessity. You can worship Obama, a politician if you want to, I prefer to reason that the justices decided the decision based on the merits of the case, the constitution, and the law, NOT politics.

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I don't worship Obama (that's a sleazy personal insult) but credit where credit is due and unlike you, I think he deserves a lot of credit. (Note -- personally I preferred Hillary in 08.)

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I've gone from being a hippie, to a bit to the right (of hard left) in past decades. I was a bit uncomfortable with same-sex marriage, but am now ok with it. It's just as much as money-issue (s.security, inheritance, maternity-leave-from jobs, custody issues) as anything else. The man who sued, and got his case tried in the S.Court, was suing about having his name on the death certificate of his male marriage partner.

It'll mean a lot more people getting married, which will mean a lot more people getting divorced. Gay marriage begets gay divorce, gay child custody, gay alimony etc. There are new legal precedents to be set. It's a good day for the lawyers.

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No, gay Americans knew all along that Obama had to lie to get elected for his first term opposing marriage equality. David Axelrod who would really know said as much. Gay Americans played along with the game for tactical reasons. Of course he had to explain it by saying he evolved.

Hillary Clinton is another matter. I think back then she REALLY was against marriage equality and now of course she presents as a GLBT rights advocate. So either she really evolved or she's playing a political game ... not sure it much matters as she'd have no political reason to become anti-gay.

I dunno but she comes across as a faker who just wants power for power's sake. I think other activists who have more conviction about the progressive agenda can be more convincing and passionate than she is.

Her biggest advantage is she's bill clinton's wife. Her biggest disadvantage is she's not bill clinton. Bengazi isn't really an issue outside of the hardcore right wing and not likely to be an issue.

So it'll be interesting to see how the primary evolves. Given the options available of either blue or red, I totally see myself voting for her if she's the nominee.

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The people who will really feel this challenge is the Republican candidates for president. Now in their campaign speeches, when they make their vows about what they are going to do their first day in office, they will have to include:

repeal gay marriage

repeal affordable health care

ban abortion

initiate a 'boots on the ground' invasion of the Middle East

abolish environmental protection

ban any mention of climate change

abolish the IRS

And this is in addition to all the other burning issues on their lists of why the US is such trainwreck (if you want the trainwreck assessment elaborated upon, ask Ted Cruz).

Sounds like by the end of that first day in office they just might drop dead of exhaustion! Hey Republicans, be sure to pick a healthy VP candidate.

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Doesn't matter, they can promise it, vow to fight it endlessly, etc. Makes for great idiot bait. Reality will not be a hinderance -- how's that for a campaign slogan?

I really like that "my first day in office" line always brings a smile to my face. I'm waiting for someone to beat it with:
"My first day in office will be January 20th. There will be no taxpayer money wasted on inaugural parties. I will proceed to the Oval Office directly from the swearing in ceremonies and by midnight I will have accomplished (insert list of promises hear) and rescue this country from the disasterous state it is in." We can take bets on which one will be the first to say this, I say it'll be Ted Cruz.

Second favorite is "this is the most important election of our lifetime." Santorum really liked that one in 2012, but he never said why.

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Fascinating rant from a defamer.

What makes you think I don't like the US?

Do you know the definition of defamer or do you just like to throw around words you cannot define?

You don't answer questions.

You use terms you cannot define to criticize others.

You advocate for the absolute worst people on this planet, albeit in a very subtle and indirect manner.

On issues like this, you have not a stake in, you are a crap stirrer.

Scary the kind of people that troll the internet and perhaps recruit or brainwash the dumb or vulnerable to commit atrocious acts.

The fact is, some are just not good people and cause more harm than good in the world

Suck it up sunshine.

A non american is allowed to be interested in US politics.

Sorry if you, limp bizkit and your 'hottie wife' can't handle the fact.


Samrans's people.

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