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PayPal payment from Nigeria awaiting proof of postage from seller

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3 days ago, a person registered in eBay us want buy a watch outside eBay to save coasts after I confirmed

He wants I send a payment request 3 days nothing happen

Today a paypal email come

With seller adress Nigeria Lagos with this text

Users' Protection - ELIGIBLE

Payment status - PENDING 95% Complete - Awaiting proof of postage from seller.

Note: User Protection Policy (UPP) is applied, this payment will not clear or appear on your Paypal payment history until we confirm proof of postage. For reference purpose, send tracking number by replying to this payment confirmation.

I never see a 95 Procent Payment!

When I click on reply of this email

I see [email protected]

Buyers name is Tobi Williams , another scam , I not see any link to click on it

If this mail proberbly have a hidden virus script inside , then I should see this in the mail header right?

But in yahoo mail how I can open the mail header information?

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Sandman, don't click on a link in the email to go to paypal. Never do that as what the link says and where it takes you can be different.

You need to go to paypal via typing in the name and getting the link from google or just typing in paypal.com in the top of your browser and hitting enter.

Paypal and google are secure sites and start with https/: rather than just http:/ . Look for that any time you think a site should be secure such as those or your bank.

This is almost 100% a fraud somehow, so don't send any goods or money.

Edited by NeverSure
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Absolute scam, it is very easy to fake the source of an email - this is a fake one.

I used to work as an engineer for eBay (and from a user perspective was a 10k rep powerseller) - there is no such thing as 95% payment, or requiring proof of postage before releasing funds, or any scenario where something 'won't appear on your account until you post'

Delete, ignore, do not send.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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Without question a scam:

1. Nothing like “95% Completion” for a payment.

2. All payments always show in your PayPal history, also when pending.

3. PayPal never requests that you send information “by replying to this email”.

4. PayPal only want tracking number or similar incase of a user dispute, and this is handled via their web interface.

The intend is that you ship the thing to have a receipt that you can then use for the email reply, which will likely bounce, at which point it’s too late for you to stop the package.

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Oh Dear. Even after a decade of Nigerian scams I'm amazed people still fall for it, but....

I am an executor of a will in Lagos worth 1 Gazzilion $, but i don't have the $10K to do the administration. If you will help I'll give you 50% of the Gazzilion. Wire details to follow.....

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