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Former British soldier jailed for 50 years in Thailand for drug dealing

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Quite possible, i am by no means an expert on it, just saying my personal experience of trying the variety of mentaphetamine based drugs are all very similar.

Don't get confused that just because the full chemical name of MDMA contains the word 'methamphetamine' that they are close in effects. There is no methamphetamine in MDMA - except when the pr**cks who make it cut it with that or other sh*t.

To give an analogy:

Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says 'I'd like a glass of H2O.' The second one says 'I'll have a glass of H2o too.' The second scientist died.

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Quite possible, i am by no means an expert on it, just saying my personal experience of trying the variety of mentaphetamine based drugs are all very similar.

Don't get confused that just because the full chemical name of MDMA contains the word 'methamphetamine' that they are close in effects. There is no methamphetamine in MDMA - except when the pr**cks who make it cut it with that or other sh*t.

To give an analogy:

Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says 'I'd like a glass of H2O.' The second one says 'I'll have a glass of H2o too.' The second scientist died.

I could not give two hoots what is in the name. I am just saying from personal experience they are very similar. Granted when i use them I am always drunk anyway, so that might have an baring on how i perceive their effects.


Quite possible, i am by no means an expert on it, just saying my personal experience of trying the variety of mentaphetamine based drugs are all very similar.

Don't get confused that just because the full chemical name of MDMA contains the word 'methamphetamine' that they are close in effects. There is no methamphetamine in MDMA - except when the pr**cks who make it cut it with that or other sh*t.

To give an analogy:

Two scientists walk into a bar. The first one says 'I'd like a glass of H2O.' The second one says 'I'll have a glass of H2o too.' The second scientist died.

I could not give two hoots what is in the name. I am just saying from personal experience they are very similar. Granted when i use them I am always drunk anyway, so that might have an baring on how i perceive their effects.

Very possibly, or you may have had adulterated pills., The point I was trying to make is that you are utterly and completely wrong to say they are virtually the same thing.


no ones mentioned the young and innocent these scum sell there drugs too,

giving them the first fix or two to get them hucked,

he new what he was doing and making good money,


no ones mentioned the young and innocent these scum sell there drugs too,

giving them the first fix or two to get them hucked,

he new what he was doing and making good money,

Em, it's E not heroin or meth. Calm your uninformed boots.


no ones mentioned the young and innocent these scum sell there drugs too,

giving them the first fix or two to get them hucked,

he new what he was doing and making good money,

Em, it's E not heroin or meth. Calm your uninformed boots.

What makes you such a professor on this subject?


no ones mentioned the young and innocent these scum sell there drugs too,

giving them the first fix or two to get them hucked,

he new what he was doing and making good money,

Em, it's E not heroin or meth. Calm your uninformed boots.

What makes you such a professor on this subject?

Not much; only 22 years experience of working in the addictions and harm reduction field.


Up to about 5 years ago the E's made in Thailand were superb. Just like they were when they became a big thing late 80's early 90's in the uk


Up to about 5 years ago the E's made in Thailand were superb. Just like they were when they became a big thing late 80's early 90's in the uk

People drove the price down in the UK and with it went the quality. But then from about 2010/11 and with the upsurge in the dark net, quality increased again but so did the price. But would you rather pay £15 for a tested pill with high MDMA content? Or £3 for something full of sh*t?

Recently it's that damn nasty PMA and PMMA that the scummy gangsters are trying to pass off as E. THAT is what is killing and hospitalising people, not the MDMA ones.

The UK government are the most stupid and uninformed in Europe when it comes to drugs as the new psychoactive substances bill proves.,

I read last night that now Ireland is considering pursuing a similar policy to Portugal. Personally I can see similar policy to that being Europe wide by 2020 and the UK remaining a little isolated island of ignorance and stupidity.



Id strongly suggest reading the thread and take Stramashs' information as the best, most well informed and unbiased than that of any other poster.

Perhaps you, like so many other non habitual drug takers are too ill informed and unconcerned of the drug you choose to ingest.

Think about it…that makes you pretty bloody silly mate.


Up to about 5 years ago the E's made in Thailand were superb. Just like they were when they became a big thing late 80's early 90's in the uk

People drove the price down in the UK and with it went the quality. But then from about 2010/11 and with the upsurge in the dark net, quality increased again but so did the price. But would you rather pay £15 for a tested pill with high MDMA content? Or £3 for something full of sh*t?

Recently it's that damn nasty PMA and PMMA that the scummy gangsters are trying to pass off as E. THAT is what is killing and hospitalising people, not the MDMA ones.

The UK government are the most stupid and uninformed in Europe when it comes to drugs as the new psychoactive substances bill proves.,

I read last night that now Ireland is considering pursuing a similar policy to Portugal. Personally I can see similar policy to that being Europe wide by 2020 and the UK remaining a little isolated island of ignorance and stupidity.

You know the answer mate 555(

Same with come. I know in Glasgow and other cities you can put £80-100 for a full G and its high quality

I have not take. An E in years


Up to about 5 years ago the E's made in Thailand were superb. Just like they were when they became a big thing late 80's early 90's in the uk

People drove the price down in the UK and with it went the quality. But then from about 2010/11 and with the upsurge in the dark net, quality increased again but so did the price. But would you rather pay £15 for a tested pill with high MDMA content? Or £3 for something full of sh*t?

Recently it's that damn nasty PMA and PMMA that the scummy gangsters are trying to pass off as E. THAT is what is killing and hospitalising people, not the MDMA ones.

The UK government are the most stupid and uninformed in Europe when it comes to drugs as the new psychoactive substances bill proves.,

I read last night that now Ireland is considering pursuing a similar policy to Portugal. Personally I can see similar policy to that being Europe wide by 2020 and the UK remaining a little isolated island of ignorance and stupidity.

You know the answer mate 555(

Same with come. I know in Glasgow and other cities you can put £80-100 for a full G and its high quality

I have not take. An E in years

You a weegie mate? Same same ;)


Up to about 5 years ago the E's made in Thailand were superb. Just like they were when they became a big thing late 80's early 90's in the uk

People drove the price down in the UK and with it went the quality. But then from about 2010/11 and with the upsurge in the dark net, quality increased again but so did the price. But would you rather pay £15 for a tested pill with high MDMA content? Or £3 for something full of sh*t?

Recently it's that damn nasty PMA and PMMA that the scummy gangsters are trying to pass off as E. THAT is what is killing and hospitalising people, not the MDMA ones.

The UK government are the most stupid and uninformed in Europe when it comes to drugs as the new psychoactive substances bill proves.,

I read last night that now Ireland is considering pursuing a similar policy to Portugal. Personally I can see similar policy to that being Europe wide by 2020 and the UK remaining a little isolated island of ignorance and stupidity.

You know the answer mate 555(

Same with come. I know in Glasgow and other cities you can put £80-100 for a full G and its high quality

I have not take. An E in years

You a weegie mate? Same same ;)

Aye. DM on way

Cancel that. Can't send you a DM. Nothing important anyway. Yeah. Born in the Southern, grew up at Dumbreck



Id strongly suggest reading the thread and take Stramashs' information as the best, most well informed and unbiased than that of any other poster.

Perhaps you, like so many other non habitual drug takers are too ill informed and unconcerned of the drug you choose to ingest.

Think about it…that makes you pretty bloody silly mate.

This a thousand times

Aye. DM on way

Cancel that. Can't send you a DM. Nothing important anyway. Yeah. Born in the Southern, grew up at Dumbreck

More of a semi-immigrant myself. Born in Glasgow, lived in Paisley till I was 15. Moved back to Glasgow as an adult. Last house was sunny Govan, right by Elder Park.


For the DM readers;

Chemistry Note: There are some complexities when describing chemistry to non-chemists because even relatively simple concepts require a substantial background knowledge to fully understand. Although (nearly) the entire structure of methamphetamine is contained within the structure of MDMA, it is mostly wrong to say that MDMA 'contains' methamphetamine. MDMA is a unique chemical with unique chemical properties made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms. Methamphetamine is also made up of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen atoms as well, as are many other chemicals. The main thing to understand about this issue is that MDMA is NOT simply a 'mixture' of multiple chemicals, like taking methamphetamine and heroin and mixing them together in a bowl and then pressing really hard to make tablets out of that mixture. MDMA is a unique configuration of atoms that make it into a unique chemical that has structural and chemical properties that are distinct to MDMA alone.

I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

Your idea about adults having the choice of Free Will is a very good one. On most things I would agree with you 100%. But when talking about Drugs I tend to differ a little bit.

Drug Addiction is a very expensive habit. Hell, sometime I have trouble keeping up with legalized drugs like tobacco and alcohol, so I can just imagine what an ounce of Cocaine per day costs.

Drugs, Under Age Prostitution, and Crime, all seem to show up together a lot. I agree in that it is not anybodies business if one chooses to inject himself with some drug, or smoke a wacky cigarette, or pop a few pills. But when these people hold you at gun or knife point just to take your wallet, or steal your car, or break into your house when you are not home, to support there expensive drug habit, then this becomes everyone business.

You are never going to win the War on Drugs by arresting some guy like this on the street corner, and throwing him jail along with the key. There will just be someone else standing at this street corner and doing the same thing next week. This has been proven over and over again.

The way to win this is to educate our children at home to "Don't Do Drugs", and perhaps also in the School System. That doing Drugs is not Cool, but in fact very dangerous and harmful to them. So many people out there expect the Police or Governments to stop this, when the real problem start at home. It is up to all of us to clean up our own back yard, and not leave it for someone else to do for us.

People tend to think backwards, in that if there are no Drug Pushers there would be no Drug Users. But as already pointed out there will always be another Drug Pusher to replace the last one, and if we do not educate our children of the danger of drugs, there will always be Drug Users as well. But if we can educate our children not to use drugs, then we would also eliminate many Drug Pushers as well. The Law of Economics states a law were Supply and Demand go hand in hand. That if the demand dropped off, the supply will also.

I don't know what to make of people who say "How would you like it if he sold drugs to your children?" The truth is he would have never been able to do that because long ago I had serious discussions with my daughter on the harms of drugs. I can't say for sure the never tried drugs in there life, as I was not with them every moment of there life, but I can say as they grew up they never gave me a reason to ever suspect they did. Now grown and having successful careers.

So how do you tell someone that believe the Police and Government should take away this problem when the Buck Stops Here, and at home? .

he was a drug dealer not a drug addict.

So you know him so personally that you can say that with such certainty?

Well I don't know him personally either, but what I do know is that most people who sell drugs on the street use it themselves. They don't drive around in expensive cars but rather sell enough to support their own habit. So very few ever really make any money from this.

So, he has a better far better change of being a Drug Addict than not being one. Or a User at the very least.


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


Since you pretend to know this case better than the rest of us do you mind posting a Link to prove some of the B.S. you have been saying.

You Can't?

That Figures!

If you can be bothered to look, the threats were made on CEO, though I think they were subsequently edited by the Mods.

Start here and trawl back? http://cambodiaexpatsonline.com/general-chatter/help-needed-bail-money-for-lance-whitmore-thai-prison-t1914-420.html

This is just another Blog where anyone can write anything they want without any proof. So why should I believe some Disgruntled Employee who may have gotten Fired by this man because he failed to show up for work?

If he is such a violent man then there must be something written about him like a Police Report for threatening someone, and as it was said. Show me that! Not some idle gossip you can find in any bar.


So you know him so personally that you can say that with such certainty?

Well I don't know him personally either, but what I do know is that most people who sell drugs on the street use it themselves. They don't drive around in expensive cars but rather sell enough to support their own habit. So very few ever really make any money from this.

So, he has a better far better change of being a Drug Addict than not being one. Or a User at the very least.

As many drug addicts sell to support their habit, they have to find new markets, that means getting more people hooked on the stuff...

If there were clear signs on a lawn that said Penalty for Walking on Grass was 50 years you can not complain if one get 50 years for walking on the grass, same here it is known that sentences are harsh for drug dealing, he is lucky he did not get the death penalty.

Basically if the s__t he was peddling was not addictive he would not have needed to sell the s__t [full stop]


“I just don’t know how he will cope with this sentence. It is the worst possible news.”.........

Now !!!!!! spare a thought for the Mothers...Fathers....Brothers and Sisters who receive News that a Loved one has Died because of Scum Drug Dealers like this......................... "THING"

I think you parked your time-machine in the wrong century. You might like to re-wind a few hundred years to when they burnt 'things' at the stake. Don't forget your pitchfork...


Something not quite right with this???? I very much doubt he was working, when he was doing his drug selling antiques. Why??? too much risk and he has hard earned money from working at least 5 days ago. Was he a courier for someone he knew very well????

DEFO something isnt right with this story

There's zero chance he was working in oil

And gas in Thailand either. Not at his age and with no experience

My understanding is that he worked for an Oil & Gas Well Service Company in Thailand and was studying to be an Engineer. There are a few here I know of. Not sure how he got this job but this is what his father said.

Then he went on to say that when he came back his Son lost his job as he was spending all his time with his dying Fiancee. He said he was by her hospital bed for 2 weeks, and the company wouldn't give him this time off. How true this is I do not know. But this is what he said. But I do wonder how he was able to keep this job when he was back in the UK.


i dont think he would be in oil and gas, to many drug tests,!

when you go for your medical its drug tests then ramdom everyday


I know theres a lot of hot air being talked but we are getting a clearer picture of what the guy comes

from and maybe why the sentence was so high, even so u shouldnt be

tried on that should be on the offence well thats what i think reality seems diferent



i dont think he would be in oil and gas, to many drug tests,!

when you go for your medical its drug tests then ramdom everyday

Very True! I am in Oil & Gas and this is what they do.

But his father said he lost his job after his Fiancee died. His mother said his life went downhill after that time. So maybe he got involved with drugs after that time, if he did at all, besides just selling. But I agree that this usually goes hand in hand.


I would like to know which judges made this decision, actual names.

Why? Do you think you will know them?

No but I heard something. I can't speak about this though as it's illegal.


Basically if the s__t he was peddling was not addictive he would not have needed to sell the s__t [full stop]

I have no idea if he was using other drugs though have seen (unsubstantiated) comments that he was using meth.

Meth is addictive.

He was selling E which is not.

E dealers tend to be in it for the cash, or, as used to be very common in the 90s, to fund a weekend of hedonism between working weeks.

Huge difference with that and heroin addiction and dealing.


I would like to know which judges made this decision, actual names.

Why? Do you think you will know them?

No but I heard something. I can't speak about this though as it's illegal.

Then why bring it up? Even if you knew their names, what difference would it make. Just another illogical post on the drug forum. oh sorry TVF.


This is a current story within today's online ABC publication.

Top Stories: No silver bullet to fix Australia's ice scourge: drug taskforce


I noticed huge problems in Sydney and Melbourne CBD's a few months ago when in Aus and when within close proximity to "ice heads" I intervened twice for the benefit of other people, and again within a Thai restuarant.

My wife (Thai) was present on both occasions and was quite shocked…as I with the sheer numbers of addicts getting about.

It's becoming an epidemic in Australia.

"E" is not; a very different product and user.

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